With enough glory, this strategy will make you legendary!”

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“When people are hating, God Kun is dominating!!”

“What are the people above up to? A pun competition? I will do one too: Enemies falling casualties, God Kun is full of strategies,”

“After being scrutinized, Rumble had already died twice!”

“WTH, puns? I will tribute a rap: Our God Kun is extraordinary, filthy and cocky but I like it, filthy and cocky but I like it yo, our God Kun is extraordinary!”

“WTF, the one above has listened to too many raps!”
(TL note: The content above has been totally changed by me. It is originally Chinese poems, but I think that puns will be a little funnier. I hope you guys enjoy it!)

Xiao Ran originally wanted to interact happily with his fans in the streaming room, but he suddenly frowned.

WTH, this group of people has not given up on turning the tables and actually wants to use the bot-lane as a point of attack.

“Smlz, five, the two of you should retreat. Everyone is missing from their lanes, I reckon that they are going to gank you two.”

Xiao Ran could see the opposition’s movements clearly but he couldn’t say it so directly, hence, he used ‘reckon’.

“What does it mean? We are fighting or not?” Flandre was asking with a burning passion. His finger was already on the F key and was preparing to Teleport at any time.

“What is there to fight? Mata and Deft’s equipment isn’t bad at all and we don’t have enough manpower either. If we fight here, we will definitely perish in this place.” five was rather anxious as he felt that if they were ganked with all five of the opposition members, they were probably going to lose this fight.

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When they noticed Deft controlling Sivir to hastily clear the minion wave and to allow their own minions to push towards the turret, they knew that Xiao Ran’s prediction had turned into reality.

“Even if Flandre and I rush down, it will also be 4v5. Let’s forget about it…” Clearlove instantly came up with a verdict that they were going to lose, after calculating with his mind that contained many years of experience.

“Fight, don’t be afraid, we can win this fight!” Xiao Ran suddenly yelled out firmly.

“It is too risky. By the time you rush over, the team fight is already over. WTF, Smlz, what kind of move are you pulling?!”

The team voice chat was in a huge commotion and Clearlove was a little speechless. When Smlz heard Xiao Ran saying to fight, he immediately turned around and launched his W spell, Deadly Flourish.

Deadly Flourish: Jhin fires a long-range shot that stops on the first champion hit, dealing physical damage to it, and 65% of that damage to minions and monsters hit along the way.

If Deadly Flourish strikes a champion that has been hit by any damage from Jhin or his allies, or are standing in a Lotus Trap within the last 4 seconds it will root them and grant Jhin bonus movement speed.

After Smlz executed his W spell, Deft’s Siver instantly executed her E spell, Spell Shield to avoid getting stunned by Smlz.

Spell Shield: Creates a magical barrier for 1.5 seconds that blocks the next incoming enemy spell. If a spell is blocked by the shield, Sivir regains mana.

When Smlz turned around to launch his W, it had allowed Braum to come closer. five turned back to block Braum’s Q and was instantly slowed. Braum and Sivir were like hungry wolves that were sprinting over in an unstoppable frenzy.

The Korean team was trying to gank the bot-lane with five players. When they saw that Jhin and Thresh actually wanted to fight back, they were immediately invigorated and were yelling out violently.

“Hurry, hurry. This time, we can wipe out their bot-lane and also take down the first turret.”

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After five was slowed, he immediately planted the Warding Totem on the ground, “Holyshit, do you think you are the only one who knows how to summon for allies?”

This Warding Totem was just like a ritual that acted as a medium for one’s sacred guardian to descend from the sky.

“Swish Swish Swish Swish…”

There was a blue chaotic wind that danced around five’s Warding Totem. A mystical distortion had appeared in the air.

At almost the same moment when Flandre landed, the opposing Rumble, Hecarim, and Orianna had appeared as well.

The Korean team’s mastermind, Mata had plotted this brilliant bot-lane 5v2 gank. Hence, they were moving at a speed that was extremely smooth.

But with Xiao Ran’s warning, Clearlove’s assistance didn’t come late either, “Hug the turret and drag until God Kun arrives.”

As Clearlove was talking, he emerged from the jungle area and executed the E spell on Orianna and ran towards the turret.


At Small Wisdom and Foul Pig PDD’s streaming room, everyone was paying attention to the bot-lane’s team fight.

“Beautiful backup!”

“No wonder they are our LPL’s elite players. They actually used such a short amount of time to gather at the turret.”

“God damn it, the battle is on the verge of explosion. Why isn’t my great God Kun arriving yet?!”

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“I’ve got to admit that the Koreans have done a great job this time. They ganked the bot-lane right at the timing when God Kun is clearing the murk wolf camp.”

“It is fortunate that Clearlove is in the vicinity. Otherwise, it will be a 5v2 and even if Flandre teleports down, it would be hopeless.”

“It is still very dangerous now! WTH, Rumble executed his ult. Perfect ult!”

“Smlz’s trap might be able to stall for a little while, but it actually useless!”

“Dayum, take a look at Flandre’s W, he smoked two champions at the same time. Amazing!”

“It is done for. Orianna’s ult had pulled three of them.”

“Smlz’s Dancing Grenade is released quite nicely. It bounced on four of the enemies.”

“But it is still useless. WTH, Clearlove is so fragile, his health is almost gone… He executed Rappel…”

“In this kind of large area combat, Jhin is basically useless!”

“It is all finished. Smlz is dead and he didn’t even use his ult.”

“F**k, Deft killed five. He is going to be fed!”

“WTH, five hooked onto Sivir but it did nothing and he still died.”

“Sivir is almost dying. Damn it, this is the time when one can only hope to bring down as many of the enemy champions as possible.”

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“WTF, it is such a pity. Flandre’s ult didn’t blast onto Sivir.”

“Deft’s hand speed is genuinely sick. After executing his ult, he Flashed to the side and barely dodged Grave’s ult. It is simply unbelievable!!!”

After Deft pressed down on the R spell, there was a surge of giant airflow when the Battle Mistress Sivir yelled. The airflow revolved around her and her teammates rapidly and allowed everyone to move as swiftly as a swallow, giving a burst of movement speed.

After the Flash, Sivir didn’t only dodge Graves’ ult, she had also run out of turret range.

The corner of Deft’s mouth curled up as he revealed a disdainful smile.

In his opinion, the only ADC in LPL that could be compared to him was imp who was also from Korea. He didn’t even put Uzi in his eyes, let alone some OMG’s Smlz.

The normally quiet Deft was actually very arrogant on the inside, but he had hidden it deep inside his heart.

But just as Deft wanted to enter to get more kills since his teammate was tanking the turret shots. There was a sudden flash and his in-game screen had turned into a black and white screen.

At the same time, the female system voice announced emotionlessly again.

“You have been slain.”

Deft stared blankly at the black and white screen and that female champion that was stepping on his corpse…


Deft’s eyes contracted immediately after. He switched his view towards his four other teammates who were preparing to wipe out the enemy team. He then shouted with anxiety, “Hurry up and retreat!! Katarina is here!!!”

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