On the next day, Xiao Ran woke up early and immediately flew to Zhejiang and arrived at the TV station before the rehearsal.

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After a rehearsal with a tight schedule, everyone had some simple lunchboxes and waited for the performance at 8 pm.

After seeing the squeezy backstage’s resting room, Xiao Ran couldn’t help but complain at whether this world’s directors and producers had any pits in their brains?

All of the TV stations in his original world would simply record the show in advance and broadcast it after editing.

This world actually dared to do a live show!

Alright then! So be it!

But even if it is a live show, isn’t the resting room a little too squeezy?

It turned out that feature videos of the participates were all recorded when everyone was called into another prepared resting room, one by one.

This was too much!

Just as Xiao Ran wanted to squat down to rest after standing for such a long time, causing his legs to feel numb, he heard a staff yelling out, “Participate no.1, hurry up, time to go on stage!”

In the backstage’s resting room, Xiao Ran silently watched a youth wiping his forehead’s sweat nervously and quickly following the staff outside.

There was a television that was showing the live show in the resting room. When Xiao Ran listened to the participant’s performance, he shook his head and sighed, “Sigh… This world’s performing arts’ level is truly a little inferior!”

In the entire backstage, he was the only person that was most at ease.

Actually, since this world’s performing arts’ level was so inferior, he could actually become an outstanding singer like Xia Luo in the show 《Goodbye Mr. Loser》 and wouldn’t have to fret about living expenses. It was a pity that he had been bound by the ‘All-Round Olympic Star System’.

Just as Xiao Ran was fantasizing, his earpiece echoed with an instruction from the staff, pulling Xiao Ran back from his thoughts.

“Participant no.3, prepare to enter the stage.”

Xiao Ran took a deep breath and walked to a corner after backstage’s tunnel. He then took the microphone from the staff.

Because the previous two participants didn’t obtain the interest from the mentors, hence, the rest of the participants were looking at Xiao Ran with various expressions as he walked towards the stage. Some of them were secretly delighted, some of them felt sorry, some of them looked at him as though they were rabbits looking at a dead fox. 

Xiao Ran saw all these people’s expressions and spoke with disdain in his heart: Looking at all your faces, a group of garbage! This place is merely an instance for me to obtain worship points. I am the man that shall stand at the top of the Olympics!

That’s right. Xiao Ran was just here to gain some worship points. He truly didn’t care if he was able to obtain the champion or not.

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But if he was able to obtain a lot of worship points today, he would definitely work hard and participate in the finals.

The host of the show walked over and patted on Xiao Ran’s shoulder while grasping his right fist and encouraged, “Good luck!”

Xiao Ran gestured with an ‘OK’ sign and walked through the tunnel and headed onto the stage.

The host was very surprised as he didn’t see a trace of anxiety from this young man.

“Interesting.” The host smiled and mumbled to himself as he was starting to look forward to Xiao Ran’s performance.

When Xiao Ran walked through the tunnel, the no.3 camera was positioned around eight meters away and was filming the scene of the participant’s entrance.

The large door with the red paint behind the no.3 camera was facing the stage and it was like an entrance that would change destiny.

When looking at the red door, Xiao Ran thought about the song he had picked and was filled with fighting spirit.

“Next, let welcome participant no.3… Xiao Ran!”

Xiao Ran took a deep breath and courageously opened the red door.


The bright and dazzling stage lights lit up like the lights from heaven. The lights immediately filled up Xiao Ran’s eyes.

Immediately after, there was loud applause and cheers from the passionate audience.

The high-quality music variety show, the impact of the beautiful lighting effects, the design of the mentors’ chairs rushing down… All these had made the audience’s excitement level very high.

They couldn’t wait to see the next participant’s performance. They wanted to see if the four mentors were still going to be so ruthless and wouldn’t rush down for the participant.

Xiao Ran then slowly walked onto the stage while everyone was watching him attentively.

“Wow, this man is very handsome!”

“Hurry up and see his chest muscles! Such manly chest muscles!!!”

“Where is it? Why didn’t I see it?”

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“Didn’t you see the top two buttons of his shirt is unbuttoned? When he stepped onto the stage, there was a gust of wind and I saw them!!!”

“AHHH!! I had been staring at his face, what a loss!!!”

“What do you girls know. To see if a person is good-looking, you must observe the legs. Look at Oppa’s long and strong legs. My heart!!!”

“Observing the legs are meant for women. When observing men, you must look at their eyes. Look at his deep and mysterious eyes, I am sinking in!!!”

“That’s right, what is the name of my prince charming?”

“Who is your prince charming!? He is Xiao Ran and he is my Adonis!!!”

“Xiao Ran, I love you!!!”

“Xiao Ran, good luck! I will always support you!!!”

The moment Xiao Ran appeared, all the men were envious. Be it the men at the live performance or the men in front of their televisions, all of them were filled with hateful envy and jealousy!!!

While all the women were in Ecstacy!

Screams and cheers had drowned the entire scene.

“Xiao Ran!”

“Xiao Ran!”

“Xiao Ran!”

The cheers were echoed wave after wave!

Such loud cheers!

The four mentors that were obstructed by the screens had looked at one another with surprise.

How handsome must the man be to cause such a loud commotion?

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Putting aside the fact if his singing was good or bad, just his attractiveness was enough for him to survive for a few more episodes.

The show required a good rating and this participant’s attractive appearance had taken up the responsibility for this week’s ratings!

Xiao Ran had to admit that this system was rather fine. When he transmigrated over, he was stunned when he looked in the mirror. He felt that his face was already overly handsome but he simply had to rely on his talents…

“I am participant no.3, Xiao Ran. I am bringing everyone an original song of mine,《In the Name of Father》. I hope everyone will like it.”

On the stage, Xiao Ran appeared to be very calm and was smiling while he bowed to everyone.

“Ahhh!!! I saw them, I saw them! When he bowed, I saw his chest muscles!!!”

“Hehe… So what if you saw his chest muscles, I even saw his abs. They are so shapely.” A woman was waving her binoculars and looking very pleased.

“$1000, sell me your binoculars.”

“I offer $2000!”

“I offer $3000!!!”

“Don’t be shameless and peek at my Adonis!!”

“My prince charming, he is my prince charming!! Xiao Ran, I love you!!!”

“Xiao Ran, I love you!”

“Xiao Ran, I love you!”

“Xiao Ran, I love you!”

The crowd went crazy again.

This had proven again that when women were smitten, they would be 10,000 times more maniacal than men!

Xiao Ran made a ‘shush’ hand sign and nodded to the band behind him.

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The audience had instantly turned quiet and there was utter silence.

The four mentors smiled bitterly at one another. It seemed like they had to rush down for this participant no matter what. Otherwise, would this show be able to carry on?

They just hoped that his music wasn’t too inferior.

Jay Chou was sitting at the left-most seat and was wearing a black casual jacket.

After seeing how hyped up the audience was, Jay Chou frowned and leaned forward. He used his hand to support his chin and remained unmoved.

Jay Chou appreciated participants with talent. As long as they had talent, he would rush down no matter what. But if the singing was inferior, no matter how attractive the participant was, he wouldn’t rush down.

Sitting beside Jay Chou was Na Ying who was stupefied by the situation. How handsome must the man be for the audience to react so intensively?

Wang Feng leaned towards Na Ying and covered the microphone before teasing Na Ying, “Sister Na, this participant must be a stud. Why don’t I let you have the chance to rush down first?”

Na Ying didn’t conceal her curiosity and said, “If the song is okay, I will immediately rush down!”

Once Na Ying finished speaking, there was a small segment of violin, drum, and electric guitar that sounded off in harmony.

Instantly, everyone’s eyes lit up.

This feeling and melody seemed to be rather good!

It was a brand new listening experience as it was the first time everyone heard such a style of the tune.

At this moment, Xiao Ran’s voice echoed. It was a sorrowful voice with a hoarse trace that made everyone immersed…

The slightly cold morning dew has moistened the black suit.

There is mist on the stone path, the father is scolding softly.


In just two sentences, a mentor had rushed down for Xiao Ran!

The speed had shocked all the audience, the dozens of staff, even the three other mentors!

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