‘Sing! China’ was in a state of chaos.

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When Jay Chou heard that Xiao Ran was the renowned ‘God Kun’, he quickly rushed to the stage and grabbed onto Xiao Ran’s hand without letting go. He told Xiao Ran that he had given tens of thousands of dollars worth of rewards and said he would let Xiao Ran enter his team.

Seeing how passionate Jay Chou and how Jay Chou pleaded Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran nodded in agreement.

At the same time, Xiao Ran realized that the ‘Sing! China’ instance was truly satisfying. In just the time for a single song and hearing the praises from all the mentors, Xiao Ran’s worship points had been rising like crazy.

In just this short period of time, the worship points had already increased by over 800 thousand and it was still increasing at an insane pace.

Jay Chou repeatedly insisted, “Wait for me at the backstage. Do not leave. I will get my manager to bring you to my resting room.” Xiao Ran then left the stage after listening to Jay Chou.

After going off the stage, Xiao Ran had been led by a staff member to Jay Chou’s private resting room. After mingling with Jay Chou’s fat chick manager, Xiao Ran used his mobile phone to log in to Douyu and entered his streaming room.

Xiao Ran didn’t expect that before he started his streaming, the streaming room was already overwhelming with viewers. All his loyal fans were gathered in the streaming room.

“God Kun is incredible! Director Chou has been crippled by you!”

“When the man is steel, the things he does will be unreal. Did all of you see? The other participants in front are just preshows for God Kun to execute his ultimate spell to knock out Direction Chou!”

“God Kun has achieved new heights with this but it is best to be prudent.”

“God Kun’s solo ability is off the charts! The other participants are simply fools and will all be cannon fodders no matter how many of them come.”

“I am a girl! I have decided to let my boyfriend go for plastic surgery and turn him into the same as God Kun. That way, when I have s*x with my boyfriend, it will feel like God Kun is f**king me!”

“Just the face of God Kun is enough for him to sustain for life.”

“I am fair, rich, and beautiful. My father has plenty of properties, which of you have God Kun’s contact number? I want to keep him!”

“God Kun is so handsome. My so-called prince charmings in the past, Daniel Wu, Eddie Peng, Li Yifeng… all of them are simply dregs in comparison to God Kun. But God Kun is simply excessively handsome. He is either gay or has some mental problem, it is very unfortunate that I am a sex maniac. God Kun, do you wish to form a team and play with me?”

“I am anorexic but when I see God Kun, my illness is all better.”

“I am a person with erectile dysfunction, but when I see God Kun, my illness is all better.”

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“I was ditched and was preparing to cut my wrist to commit suicide. But after seeing God Kun, I don’t wish to die anymore. It turns out there is someone so wonderful in this world.”

“After seeing God Kun, to be honest, I am unable to get hard even when I see those Japanese AV actresses.”

“Sun Wukong yelled out, eat this old monkey’s rod! God Kun opened your mouth!”

“God Kun, do you know that I am your secret admirer? I even had dreams of myself f**king you. I am a man.”

“After seeing God Kun’s streaming, I would like to tribute a poem: A human is inside a human, the flesh is inside the flesh. In and out, in and out, such boundless joy.”

“God Kun, during this period of time, I visited your city and walked the paths you have walked. I went to the places you go to frequently and ate all your favorite food. I passed by a food stall that has your favorite snack. That old but still attractive lady boss talked about you. She said that your ‘there’ is very good.”

“The north wind is blowing, the west wind is cold, which beautiful wife stays at home alone? If you have any difficulties, I stay just beside and my surname is Wang.

Old Wang you better not slang. You have a transparent cupboard and a solid bed. Let’s where you hide your money instead!

Not in the cupboard and not in the bed, I just have to sit in the shade, no need for me to be paid.

There dozens of floors above your shade, careful or you will be dead.

The sky is vast and the so is the wilderness, if I am afraid then I am not named Wang.”

“Beep Beep Beep…”

Xiao Ran was laughing with satisfaction as the surge of worship points from the TV show had yet to end and the streaming room’s worship points were surging!

While he was streaming and mingling nonsensical topics with the viewers, he was enjoying the surge of worship points. It was simply too happy!

Life winner.

Xiao Ran was winning life!

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The live broadcast of ‘Sing! China’ had ended only at around 11 pm.

Once it ended, Jay Chou ran to the lounge and dragged Xiao Ran out of Zhejiang TV Station.
(TL note: I kept using resting room previously and it felt weird. So changed it to lounge)

In the car, Jay Chou had been asking questions like a curious child. In just half an hour, he had determined that Xiao Ran was going to join his J Team and it was with great conditions.

He allowed Xiao Ran to join the official team but as a substitute. Xiao Ran would have to use tonight’s ranked matches to prove his value.

After entering Director Chou’s mansion in Zhejiang, Xiao Ran immediately noticed a row of computers in the living hall.

It seemed like Director Chou truly liked to play LoL and had actually arranged a 5v5 seating arrangement in his own mansion…

“Hurry up and log in to your account for me to see.”

Xiao Ran didn’t say anything superfluous and immediately logged in to his ‘God Kun’ account.

When Jay Chou saw the dazzling Challenger frame, his saliva was dripping down.

“Right now, it is time for the team’s selection test. I hope you can treat it seriously.”

Jay Chou spoke very seriously and sat beside Xiao Ran and logged into his own account. He then beckoned his fat chick manager, “Don’t just stand there. Come over and sit. Call Xiaoqiang and Ergua too. We are playing 5v5.”

“Eh…” Xiao Ran was a little stunned, “Aren’t we doing the selection test for the team?”

Jay Chou nodded forcefully, “That’s right. Your test is to help me promote to Platinum tier. I have been hovering at Gold I for a long time and haven’t been able to promote.”

“This… It is very simple for you to reach Platinum tier, right? You just have to play with the members of the J Team?”

Jay Chou shook his head, “I want to rely on my own ability. Enough nonsense, come then, Xiao… Xiao Ran right? You will log in to Erhei’s account, let’s play 5v5!”

Xiao Ran, “…”

Soon enough, everyone entered the game.

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Jay Chou, fat chick manager, Xiao Ran, and two bodyguards.

“Xiao Ran, what position do you like to play?” Jay Chou sat in front of the computer excitedly and asked, “I remember you play mid-lane, right?”

“Actually, I am best at playing the jungler position.” Xiao Ran replied to Jay Chou.

“Aiyo, you like to play jungler? Isn’t that the same as me.” Jay Chou thought for a moment, “Then I shall play ADC, fat chick will play support for me.”
(TL note: ‘Aiyo’ is something that Jay Chou likes to say a lot)

Fat chick was Jay Chou’s plum-looking manager. During normal times, Jay Chou would always address her like this.

The fat chick adjusted her glasses and had this unhappy expression.

She always complained when playing together with Jay Chou. She had also played support for Jay Chou on multiple occasions and every time she would be criticized.

Jay Chou obviously didn’t play well and still wanted to blame others!

But Jay Chou always treated her very nicely, hence, the fat chick would always endure and agree.

Immediately after, all five positions had been set.

Jay Chou and fat chick were playing bot-lane, Xiao Ran played jungler, Xiaoqiang played mid-lane, and Ergua played top-lane.

Xiao Ran’s rank was too high, hence, he had to use Erhei’s account.

They immediately entered the pick and ban phase.

The opposition immediately banned Lee Sin, causing Xiao Ran to cry without tears.

Originally, he was thinking to use Lee Sin to demonstrate his skills and give Jay Chou a shock. But Lee Sin was actually banned!!!

What should he use for jungling?

This was a problem!

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Xiao Ran had to show some dazzling mechanics or dirty strategies to attract Jay Chou’s attention for him to be in the main team…

After thinking for a long time… 

Alright, I shall use an irregular jungler.

Immediately after, Xiao Ran made his decision and locked in a champion.

“Are you trying to play ADC?” Jay Chou turned around and asked Xiao Ran.

“Nope, I am playing jungler.”

“Aiyo, using this champion for jungler?”


“Aiyo, so dope?”

“Yes, just so freaking dope!”

Xiaoqiang, Ergua, and fat chick looked at one another and revealed a helpless smile.

What is he trying to do? Using this champion for jungling? Isn’t it too exotic?

This Xiao Ran is still too young!

Director Chou is a person who is adept that shifting the blame to others. Furthermore, when he loses, he will have various complaints and is very annoying!

But it is fine too. Since you are willing to put yourself in front of the gun barrel, we will have a better time.

Pitiful child!

Xiaoqiang, Ergua, and fat chick were all secretly delighted while silently praying for Xiao Ran…

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