When the match was over ten minutes in, JAY’s second string roster finally stabilized the situation.

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They were professional players after all and should be superior to the opposition.

Halfway through the match, the coach entered and watched the match together with Xiao Ran.

Once JAY’s second string roster obtained the advantage, they started to snowball and increase their lead. At the 35 minute mark, they took down Baron and simply destroyed the opposition nexus.

After the five finished the match, they looked at the coach and Xiao Ran.

The coach first looked at Gao Shuai with a satisfied expression and praised him.

But as he was praising Gao Shuai, he couldn’t help but feel unsatisfied with Wu Xiaofan.

This member was undoubtedly the worst among all the JAY Team’s members.

One could simply say that his standard was totally unworthy to be a member of the JAY Team.

It was hard to say if he was able to become a core member of the substitutes even in the weakest LSPL teams.

After staying in the team for such a long time, the others already made progress but he didn’t seem to improve at all.

He would always be overcautious and be constrained.

If he didn’t take any initiative, what future did he have?

The coach might not have the authority to decide the members, but his suggestions had quite the weightage for the team’s decisions.

In regards to Wu Xiaofan, the coach couldn’t see any more value in him in the team.

The coach knew that Wu Xiaofan was having a bitter time trying to stay in the team. Perhaps he might have more improvements if he stayed in some weaker team that didn’t have as much pressure?

They might have won this match, but the bot-lane truly didn’t play well at all.

Wu Xiaofan was feeling terrified to see that the coach and Xiao Ran had watched his entire match.

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He knew that he definitely didn’t play well. In terms of KDA, how could an ADC have a KDA that was similar to a Support?

The final outcome was the same as before.

The coach would praise or criticize each individual while pointing out what each individual lacked. However, the coach didn’t say a word about Wu Xiaofan.

The others were already used to Wu Xiaofan not receiving any feedback from the coach. It seemed like everyone already decided that he didn’t belong to this team and didn’t treat him as a teammate.

Wu Xiaofan was already used to such a situation and merely took a deep breath while lowering his head with a dull expression.

Suddenly, Wu Xiaofan felt a weight on his shoulder and lifted his head.

Xiao Ran smiled at him and even patted his shoulder. “Don’t be disheartened, you are rather good.”

“Ah?? I…” Wu Xiaofan was stunned.

“You are rather good…”

When was the last time he felt as though he existed so prominently?

Furthermore, he was in the eyes of his idol Xiao Ran, a person that was similar or superior to the coach!

“Have you been playing as ADC all the time?” Xiao Ran asked.

“Yes… oh, not really. When I first started LoL, I played all positions, but I feel that I am more suited for the ADC role.”

“Then did anyone suggest you change positions?” Xiao Ran asked.


“Then how is your Support?” Xiao Ran questioned.

“Support?” Wu Xiaofan was startled.

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Since the beginning of his professional career, he had been training as an ADC while all other positions were played before he turned pro.

For a long time, he had been practicing his custom last hitting practice and apart from the training matches with the team, he didn’t have any chance to go on stage.


He was already thought that he was lacking in practice time, how could he even think about playing Support?

“ADC will not fully exhibit your potential.” Xiao Ran said.



Wu Xiaofan felt that this term was very unfamiliar to him.

“Do you wish to try the Support position?” Xiao Ran asked.

What is the most valuable in the 21st century? Talents!

Through this match, Xiao Ran could see that Wu Xiaofan’s macroview, laning, damage calculation, gank prevention were all exceptional.

The more Xiao Ran watched, he felt that Wu Xiaofan should play as a Support.

Everyone, including the coach, were looking at Xiao Ran in a dazed manner before looking at Wu Xiaofan again.



Xiao Ran laughed as Wu Xiaofan nodded speechlessly. After greeting the coach, he led Wu Xiaofan to the main roster’s practice room.

After arriving at the practice room, Xiao Ran noticed that no one was here.

After so many days, he knew that everyone went to the resting lounge to play cards after finishing their practice matches.

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Xiao Ran frowned tightly.

It was natural for JAY to have bad results. Be it the members and the coach, none of them were qualified!!!

But Xiao Ran didn’t wish to have any conflict with the others, saying nonsense like for them to work harder or to be more ambitious for improvement.

What Xiao Ran had to do right now was to lead them and win the future matches.

Until they successfully progressed to the LPL…


All these people, including the coach would all be fired! None of them were going to stay!

Xiao Ran wanted to unearth talents and construct the world’s no.1 team!

He wanted to lead them to become champions at the S6 Worlds Championship and immediately take the Olympic gold medal afterwards!!!

This Wu Xiaofan was a new member that he wanted to quickly nurture!

Xiao Ran pulled a chair over and asked Wu Xiaofan to sit before smiling and asking, “What do you think of the Support position? Or should I say, what is considered a qualified Support?”

Xiao Ran could see that Wu Xiaofan was constantly perspiring on his forehead and was constantly wiping the sweat in his hands on his pants. Xiao Ran smiled and said, “Relax, just speak casually. Just speak of what you think, otherwise, how can I let you go on stage with such a mentality?”

Wu Xiaofan finally stabilized his mind and organized his speech before saying, “I feel that a Support needs to have the ability to quickly analyze the entire match’s situation and the enemy champions’ traits.”

“A qualified Support cannot frequently look at his main screen and move around while clicking on the screen. The Support shouldn’t be hiding in the brush and looking at the top-lane or the mid-lane. Instead, the Support should be constantly paying attention to the movements on the minimap.”

“To make a rough example, when you are looking at the in-game screen for 10 times, 8 of those times should be looking at the minimap while the remaining 2 times should be to look at your own main screen.”

“This way, you will be able to grasp all the information during the match and to constantly notify your ADC or other teammates about the timing to attack or retreat.”

“The Support also has to be familiar with ward positions and know how to make use of wards to have an economic battle with the opposition’s Support. It is also to create opportunities for kills, to remember the number of wards planted by the allies and enemies and also the ward placement habits of the opposition.”

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“Especially when you do not have any wards, you will still be able to make the right decisions.”

“Then it is on the movement and positioning. For a Support, movement and positioning is very important.”

“For a Support, having to buy wards and having the lowest income in the entire match, it would mean that the Support would have the worst items. Furthermore, during a team fight and when being ganked, most of the spells will be used to protect the ADC or other teammates. As such, it is highly possible to get killed.”

“It means that the Support would need a godly skill of movement and positioning.”

“It isn’t merely to escape or survive, positioning and movements can also bait the opposition to use their skillshots.”

“If the Support is able to bait more of the opposition’s ADC and Support spells, it would mean to create more kill opportunities for your own ADC or to decrease the opposition’s lethal ability.”

“The Support must also know how to sacrifice. Most of the people are used to protecting themselves, therefore, it is very difficult to make the correct decision during crucial moments.”

“Most of the sacrifices will happen during the ganks, when you are powerless to defend the turrets, or when trying to escape. The Support has to decisively use all the spells, including summoner’s spells to create chances for the ADC and other teammates to escape.”

“Of course, it must not be a meaningless sacrifice. It is important to make use of one’s own death to exchange for the opposition’s multiple deaths or even an Ace.”

“A Support has to base on the different champion combinations, situations of battles to choose a timing and method to sacrifice.”

“Therefore, it is also necessary for the Support to understand the teammates’ situation, the team fight synergy, the damage output, and also other unexpected variables to make quick judgment and to finally decide to sacrifice or not.”

“Simply put, a Support’s death must have value, other than such situations, deaths aren’t supposed to happen.”

After Wu Xiaofan finished speaking, he looked at Xiao Ran quietly.

Xiao Ran was stunned.

This understanding and comprehension of Support… is too deep!

Talent, this is a god damn talent!

Xiao Ran patted on Wu Xiaofan’s shoulder repeatedly and asked, “Young man, do you wish to go on stage and play Support for me tomorrow?”

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