JAY’s week 8’s second match against WEF(WE Future) was going to start at 5pm.

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But according to normal situations, the timing would definitely be pushed back and they would probably start the match at around 6pm.

One had to admit that JAY’s popularity was truly shocking. Before the match even started, there were already hundreds of thousands of people waiting in the streaming channels.
(TL note: I realized I should be using streaming channel instead of streaming room)

Such popularity could only be achieved by LPL teams.

Within the LSPL, JAY was the only team that received so much fans’ attention.

The venue this time was bursting with people.

3/4 of the audience were all JAY Team’s fans and they were all here to support JAY Team.

All because JAY Team had God Kun.

Mille, Wawa, and Rita had specially arranged their schedule to analyze and shoutcast for JAY’s match.
(TL note: I changed wawa to Wawa)

After seeing the astounding number of viewers on the official streaming channel, they were amazed again by God Kun’s influence. This was already at the level of elite professional players.

As the match was about to begin, the number of viewers in the streaming channel was still increasing.

“Welcome to our LSPL Week 8 Day 2, live venue! I am today’s analyst, Wawa.”

“I am Mille.”

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“Hello everyone, I am your Little Sister, Rita, Drizzle Tree.”

“Little Sister? What is going on?” Wawa laughed and asked.

Wawa was an official analyst and was adept at opening topics. With him around, even during the intermission or a momentary pause, it would never be boring.

Especially when he was shoutcasting together with Mille. The two of them were like a lead and supporter in a comedy. Listening to their shoutcasting was the same as going to a comedy show.

Rita’s face appeared with a slight redness as she spoke in a complaining but very sweet tone, “It is all because of God Kun. When I interviewed him yesterday after the match, he called me Little Sister. In the end, all the other teammates were in a huge commotion and everyone forgot my name and could only remember the nickname of ‘Little Sister’.

“Little Sister?” Wawa laughed, “This nickname is rather nice. In the future, your official name shall be changed to Little Sister.”

Mille was afraid that Wawa might become overboard as he continued this topic, hence, Mille quickly pulled the conversation back to the main topic. “After the calculation of the points, apart from I May(IM) and Young Miracles(YM), JAY Team has already played with all the top eight teams. It also means that I May and Young Miracles are the ones that are obstructing JAY from making it to the top four and enter the playoffs.”

“That’s right!” Rita nodded and said, “I had also done my research after returning home yesterday. After seeing JAY’s performance yesterday, it is very possible for JAY to make it to the top four and to charge into the playoffs.”

Wawa had also nodded and he didn’t put down JAY this time as JAY and God Kun’s fan group was too massive and he was afraid he might be beaten up by them.

“The matches against IM and YM are the most important. But everyone shouldn’t be too pessimistic, even if JAY loses both matches to IM and YM, as long as they win the rest of the matches, they still have the chance to make it into the top four.”

“Actually, I am looking forward to the JAY’s matches against IM and YM. JAY is no longer the same JAY, especially their bot-lane which now has God Kun in the fray. Right now, JAY’s bot-lane is obviously the team’s core and I feel that Bad Bad is also making obvious improvements with the coordinations with Bad Bad. I can see that his individual skills are very formidable and with the support from God Kun, it is possible for him to become a new generational elite ADC.”

Mille’s analysis had received everyone’s approval.

It was true that Bad Bad’s KDA yesterday was indeed too dazzling.

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Next up, Wawa, Mille, and Rita started to comment on JAY’s other members without restraint.

The three of them analyzed in a leisure manner as though they were just having a casual chat.

This style of commentary was greatly preferred by everyone, especially when Wawa and Mille would occasionally banter or tease Rita, giving joy to all the audiences.

“Alright, the players are entering the stage… Mm? What is going on? JAY’s bot-lane… Where is Bad Bad? Why does it feel like there is a substitution?” Wawa noticed something astonishing.

“They really made a substitution. Our director isn’t giving the new member the screen time and we don’t know who he is yet.”

Rita could see that member’s side view. It was a youth with a rather skinny figure and it was obvious that he wasn’t Bad Bad.

“A substitution at the last moment is truly rare. Furthermore, they have substituted the ADC who had the most dazzling performance yesterday. This is very strange.” Mille had also commented.

All of the audiences were also letting their imaginations roam freely with the sudden substitution.

It was truly too abrupt to change the ADC at such a late notice. A substitution in a team of five men was truly a huge impact.

Furthermore, during the match against WYDream yesterday, Bad Bad’s display of his skills had already allowed him to gather some popularity. There were plenty of people looking forward to his exciting performance.

However, the ADC who performed the best was actually substituted for some unknown reason?

In the venue, Analyst Wawa was still making full use of his commentary style and making sharp criticisms.

He spoke of the speculation and everyone had also believed it. Wawa said that JAY was preserving their strength as they were going against the lowest ranked WEF today. Even if Bad Bad didn’t play today, they could still win this match.

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As Wawa, Mille, and Rita were guessing, the players were already in position and the in-game screen had entered the pick and ban phase.

Wawa: “WEF actually didn’t ban any ADC champions. It seems like they are also stunned by JAY Team’s decision for the sudden substitution.”

Rita: “Actually, WEF’s bot-lane is rather good and they wouldn’t ban any of the buffed ADC champions in the previous matches. Their ADC player has a very deep champion pool. His Tristana, Vayne, and Ezreal can make everyone’s eyes light up.” 

Mille: “Haha, what is this? They actually banned Sion.” Mille couldn’t help but laugh: “Sion really has to thank God Kun for helping him walk onto the pinnacle of his life and actually got banned.”

Wawa: “WEF banned Sion, Malzahar, and Poppy. It seems like they are targeting the top and mid-lanes.”

Rita: “JAY banned Lee Sin, Graves, and Elise. They have banned the champions that were rather efficient for WEF in the previous matches.”

During the pick phase, JAY didn’t hesitate and immediately picked the Loose Cannon, Jinx.


It wasn’t just the WEF members, even the analysts were stunned.

Jinx had just gone through a major nerf.

The worst nerf for Jinx was during the swap to the rocket launcher that had a 15% decrease in overall attack speed.

Without talking about the other nerfs, just this nerf was enough for Jinx to immediately vanish from the competitive scene.

The new ADC from JAY actually picked Jinx.

This was simply inconceivable!

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There must be a reason if he dared to use Jinx in this match. Now it would be to see what God Kun was using as a Support champion.

Would there be any exotic strategy again?

Wawa’s eyes widened: “As for the Support… wow, are they going to bring out this ancient champion? Support Blitzcrank. It is already very rare to see this pick in public games. JAY Team, what exactly are you thinking? What kind of joke is this?”

The Great Steam Golem, Blitzcrank!

Why would they pick this champion? It was totally impossible to understand!

Mille sighed with emotions: “As expected, no one is able to guess God Kun’s thoughts.”

Rita: “It is actually quite predictable. If the Blitcrank’s Q is accurate, the enemy can be CC to death with Jinx’s Flame Chompers. It will cause a breakdown.”

Wawa asked: “Alright, does this mean that it will be entirely up to the substitute ADC’s performance?”

Rita: “In any case, I am very confident about God Kun. Now, it is up to the performance of this substitute ADC. I wonder if his Jinx can give us any surprise.”

But when the champions’ positions were getting arranged, everyone was utterly shocked.

Wawa, Mille, Rita were looking at each other and were flabbergasted.

It wasn’t because they couldn’t understand but this world was changing too quickly!

God Kun was actually using Jinx.

JAY, what kind of joke is this??!!!

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