Chapter 23

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Zekudo and Rohee

When I opened my eyes, I saw...

"Uhmmm, you know... this is..."

Rohee-san moved her mouth a lot, like a fish that's out of the water grasping for air.


Why is she here?

I'm sure I properly locked the front door when I slept last night.

"Uhmmm, Rohee-san?"

"Ye... yes! You're right, it's me, Rohee!"

Rohee-san then stood upright and stiffened.

"What are you doing inside my room?"

"Ah... ah... ah... you know, there's a very good reason why I'm here!"

What a typical response for someone who got caught in the act.

"I'm not....! I didn't come in to rob you! Tha... that's true!?"

Well, there's no way a rich person like Rohee-san would steal, as that's not really a necessity for her.

"I understand that, but..."

I said that while I got up from my bed.


Why am I not wearing a shirt?

Oh! That's right I took it off because it was a little hot yesterday.

"Rohee-san, how did you get into my house?"


"The front door should have been locked."

"I... I used the key! Ah.... uhmmmm.... you know... the key is...."


Rohee-san seems to be at a loss for words.

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"Wait, did I perhaps forget to lock the front door?"

When I got off the bed and asked Rohee-san that question, she froze on the spot where she was standing.

"Uhmmm... yeah... tha... that's right! It's opened...."

Rohee-san then stopped speaking.

She then lowered her head and looked down, thinking about something. After a while, she looked at me and looked as if she had made up her mind.

"I'm... I'm so sorry, captain! I broke your front door..."


"I'm so sorry! Because no matter how much I knocked and called your name, you weren't coming out, so I got worried and I..."

I see, so that's what happened.

Now that I think about it, I slept pretty well today that I couldn't hear Rohee-san's knocking or voice at all.

I think I have been more tired than I thought I was.

I walked to the front door and saw it half-open.

The doorknob is really broken. That's why the door moves a lot even without anyone touching it.

I need to repair this as soon as possible.

"Oh, it's really broken."

"I'm... I'm so sorry, captain! I'll pay for the doorknob that I have broken!"

"No, don't worry about it. You don't need to pay as this is really easy to fix."

Of course, that's a lie. I'll just call a carpenter later to fix this.

"But, Captain! If I don't pay you, then I won't be satisfied with that!"

"But it's really fine. Also, Rohee-san is bringing me bread every day, so that's payment enough for me. Also, it's my fault because I didn't wake up when you called out to me."


"Don't worry about that, Rohee-san. It's also thanks to you that I didn't oversleep and miss school."

I truly believe that as I had slept so deeply that if someone hadn't woken me up, I would have slept till late afternoon this day.

That's why I'm really thankful to Rohee-san for waking me up and not missing school, though it's still early in the morning, and it's too early for school. I just wish I had slept some more.

"I slept really deep today, so if Rohee-san didn't wake me up, I probably woke up in the afternoon."

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I said that while laughing.

When I looked at Rohee-san, I noticed that her face looked like she was really worried about something.

"Captain... Sleeping so deeply means that you are very tired. I know that I'm the reason you woke up, but why don't you rest a little more? After all, there's still time until school. "

"No, I don't think I can because if I go to bed now, I'll definitely oversleep again."

"It's okay, don't worry about that because I'll definitely wake you up."

Seriously? To wake up to Rohee-san's voice is really great. It would be great if Rohee-san would wake me up this way every morning instead of being woken up by the sound of knocking.

I'm actually still sleepy, so I will take her offer.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course."

"But what about the bread that you had brought?"

"Don't worry about that. You can eat that while walking towards the school."

I see.


With that, I went back into my bed and tried to sleep until it was time to go to school.

But I couldn't sleep because Rohee-san was looking at me while sitting on the side of my bed.

And she's smiling a lot.

"Uhmmm, Rohee-san?"


"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm just on the lookout... Yes, I'm just a lookout. "

Then if you want to look out for me, why not? Instead of keeping an eye on me, why don't you just look at the front door, because right now it's still unlocked. 

Also, I won't be able to sleep if you keep staring at me like that.

I wonder why she wants to look at someone's sleeping face so much. Is it really fun to watch a man's sleeping face?

"Well... you know... if you keep staring at me that much, it would be really hard for me to sleep."

"Ara, this is really troublesome, because the captain's sleeping face is so cute..."

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Wait, did he say cute?

Who? Me?

This is really shocking.

I see, so that's why she's staring at me so much.

Hmmm, this is really troubling because I won't be able to sleep knowing that someone is staring at me, but I can't just say "Please stop staring at me and go away.".

I wonder how I can get a good night's sleep while satisfying Rohee-san's eyes at the same time...That's it!

"Uhmmm, Rohee-san?"

"What is it?"

"Please let me sleep in your lap."*


"Please let me sleep in your lap."

I said it twice to emphasize that I really want it.

Rohee-san's face turned red as soon as she heard me say it the second time.

"Wha... What are you talking about? Really? A lap pillow? Isn't that what lovers usually do?"

It's not good after all.

I thought that it was a perfect idea to satisfy what we both wanted.

"Then please stop looking at me like that."


"Also, since you won't do it, then I will just tell Katia-san that you broke my doorknob."

"What? Why did you have to tell that woman?"

"I'll also tell Katia-san that you broke into my house while I was still sleeping! I wonder what Katia-san will think?"

"Wait, Captain! Wait a minute! Please just wait a minute!"


Well, I know I was pretty forceful with what I said, but if I hadn't done that, I'm sure Rohee-san wouldn't have given me a lap pillow.

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Rohee-san then sat down on my bed while putting her knees together.

"Here it is... Please lie down. "

Embarassed Rohee-san's face is like a tomato.

Her face is cute when she's like that.

"Well then, please excuse me."

I then slowly put my head on Rohee-san's lap.


Rohee-san's lap pillow was softer, warmer, and more comfortable than the pillow that I always used.

It's amazing... It feels really good to lie on Rohee-san's lap... I feel like I'm in heaven.

"Rohee-san's thighs are really comfortable..."

"The... then that is good..."

Rohee-san's beautiful voice and gentle scent... feel really good.


"Thank you... Rohee-san..."

Zekudo said that while laying on Rohee's lap.

I didn't expect him to thank me.

"Are... are you feeling good?"

But Zekudo didn't reply.

When Rohee looked at Zekudo, she noticed that he had already fallen asleep.

He was awake just a little while ago and now he's already asleep. Moreover, his face is really happy while sleeping.

Zekudo's sleeping face, after all, is really cute.


1. Zekudo said to Rohee "Hizamakura, Hizamakura" or lap pillow, lap pillow, but I can't put it into words that will match the pacing that's why I phrase it that way.

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