Ch14 - Because it’s not suitable for minors :)

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Fu Mingyuan was silent for a while and then typed out six ellipses. 


Afterwards, he asked——




[Cyber Sweetie’s Gege: What’s a free seat on your bus?] 



Shen Qi paused and explained it with a smile, “It’s a spot on my team, one right beside me that I saved for you.”


Fu Mingyuan raised his eyes and looked out into the pitch-dark night. This laptop really couldn’t run the game.



[Cyber Sweetie’s Gege: I’ll watch you play]


“Alright.” Shen Qi recalled that it should be nighttime for the other party right now. Just now, he wanted to blurt out and ask about why he hadn’t gone to bed yet. 


After thinking about it, he bit his lower lip, but ended up grinning and sent him a WeChat message.


Your Qi Ge: Gege, why haven’t you slept yet? 


Your Qi Ge: Is your work that busy~ Gege~


After sending that, he looked down at the barrage. 


[Are you thinking about what you said before???]



[Nowadays, it doesn’t matter what kind of anchor it is, selling rot is just popular?] 


[I’m dying here, I’m not going to be a fan anymore. He was originally a skills-based anchor, what the hell is he doing?]


[Just leave then, why do you have to say it?] 


[A huge scene of double standards. Didn’t you say before that there were no seats on the bus?]


As more fans became active, the barrage’s atmosphere grew increasingly foul. 


Shen Qi selectively ignored the negative talk, launched the Steam app, and found that he had a notification saying that he received a gift from someone.


He clicked to check it out. 


It turned out to be a skirt from his friend mmmmy.


It was precisely the plaid skirt that Dog Ge had worn the other day, the one that was rumored to be difficult to obtain from crates. 


In any case, Shen Qi had only ever gotten slippers from opening crates, he opened absolutely nothing good from them.



The gift had been sent a bit past 10 o’clock this morning. 


Shen Qi was sluggish for a few seconds, and then, as if nothing had happened, clicked to launch the game. While the livestream showed the black loading screen for the game, he slowly opened the customization wardrobe.


He let out a light cough. 


The originally quarreling barrage noticed the brand new plaid skirt that was in the first slot of his wardrobe.


[Wow, Sweetie managed to get it from a crate?] 


[How many did you open?!]


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[People and dogs may show off, but lucky emperors will be beaten] 




Shen Qi hovered the cursor over the skirt and dragged it, moving very slowly, before letting out a relaxed yawn. He moved his hands off the keyboard and stretched them, lazily saying, “I wasn’t the one who got it from a crate.” 


He clicked on the skirt to wear it.



His macho male character completely didn’t match with this delicate and cute plaid skirt at all, but he didn’t realize it. 


It looked like the game was lagging and the cursor was just rotating the lower part of the character around.




[WTF, which little succubus gifted that to you?!]


[It couldn’t be from Dog Ge, right?!! AHHHHHH TEARING APART MY CP!] 


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[My god, did Dog Ge send it to you?! I’m going to go spam Dog Ge some presents! Is this a token of love?!]


Vtfc Hl qgbqqfv tlr mtlc eq klat bcf tjcv, jcv ajqqfv tlr olcufgr jujlcra la. Lf ribkis gfqilfv, “Pa kjrc’a Gbu Xf. 


“Qts kbeiv P jmmfqa atlcur ogbw Gbu Xf?


“P’ii bcis gfmflnf atlcur ogbw ws ojwlis’r Xfuf.” 


[Hello everyone, I’m a dog, bark, bark, bark, I’m full]



[Fuck, I can hear the flaunting] 


[What does gifting an in-game skirt count as? If you have what it takes, then send a real skirt?]


[Rich number one contributor, don’t be cheated, hehe. The anchor may scare you to death when he turns on his face cam.] 


[Are you talking about the loli voice next door hahahaha]


[AAAAAHHHHHH GEGE SENT IT AH! CP fan is very satisfied!] 


[Official fluff is the most lethal]




Vtfc Hl ifa bea j ojlca “fc,” jcv olcjiis wbnfv atf megrbg bnfg ab rajga j wjamt.


As the barrage was having a lively discussion, he stopped his mouse movements again, then cut back to the character customization interface and changed to a female character. 


This way, the skirt was much more pleasing to the eye.



After swapping characters, he let out a “hmm” to himself and then said, “So… Such a valuable love token, what should I do in return?” 


He seemed to be very distressed, and the tip of his tongue rubbed against his upper teeth, letting out a few zizi sounds.


[You, that’s enough! Ahhhhhhhhh we’ve all seen it already, you don’t have to stay on the customization interface anymore] 


[Hahahahahaha, I suggest that you gift yourself]


[Sweetie! Hear me out! Direct your webcam at your face!] 


Shen Qi pensively let out an “oh,” quickly went back to the lobby, and clicked to start a solo match.


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Only then did he slowly say, “That’s fine too ba. 


“Gege, do you want to see me?”


As soon as he finished saying this sentence, a system prompt with yellow words popped up in the lower right-hand corner of the screen: Please do not violate the livestream regulations that prohibit any language or actions that get close to stepping over the line! 


The entire barrage started laughing.



Shen Qi himself was stunned, and couldn’t help but laugh afterwards. “No, what did I just say? What’s wrong with asking if he wants to see me?” 


“It’s not like I said that he’d be naked while seeing me, or that I’d be naked.”


The system administrator prompts you: Please do not violate the livestream regulations that prohibit any language or actions that get close to stepping over the line! 


He recalled that last time, someone had reported his livestream, so Shen Qi still shut up.


An administrator was probably keeping a close eye on him now. 


[Hahahahaha, I’m going to die of laughter]


[I get it, Sweetie has been yellow-carded, I can’t watch this hahahahaha] 


[No way, even the system understands! As soon as the two of them meet, lightning strikes and a volcano erupts ah!]


[Previous poster stop!] 


Shen Qi picked up a shotgun and caught sight of a figure flitting by the house beside his. He dodged and hid in a small bathroom, preparing to ambush this person.



He listened to the sound of footsteps for a while. Sure enough, the person who had just searched the room next door came over and opened the bathroom door exactly when Shen Qi wanted them to. Obviously, Shen Qi collected a kill. 


[?? Typical players don’t search bathrooms, do they?]


[This person is toxic] 


[Because the house he searched was the one Sweetie had just searched…]


[At the peak of poverty, even bathrooms seem fragrant] 




Shen Qi went silent for a moment, looted a box that was more destitute than his own, and clicked his tongue before saying, “It’s all because the administrator yellow-carded me without any reason, which made me jump to such a resourceless place.” 


He had been focused on reading the barrage and hadn’t noticed that he had been automatically ejected from the plane.




[Insulting administrators, first-class offense!]



There really weren’t any good places to search in this area, so he ran to the road to find a car. As he ran, his character swayed from side to side and he changed his perspective. He mumbled, “This skirt is really attractive.” 


“Are you still there, Gege? Look at this outfit, does it look good?”


[Cyber Sweetie’s Gege: …] 


[I don’t know if it looks good, but if I were Gege, I would regret gifting it to you now]


[Just quickly shut up ah and properly play the game ah!] 


[Crossdressing is either only once or countless times???]


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Looking at the other party’s barrage message, Shen Qi pressed down the corners of his mouth that were desperately trying to rise. He spoke in a low voice with a deliberately slightly aggrieved tone, “Gege, why didn’t you say anything just now?” 


Fu Mingyuan had just moved his hands away from the keyboard, and the hand that was about to pick up the script stopped in midair.


His right ear had turned a little red. 


However, he himself didn’t notice.



Looking back at the computer, he typed on the keyboard word by word. 


[Cyber Sweetie’s Gege: Sorry, I’m working]


Shen Qi let out a sound of acknowledgement and directly sped down the mountainside. He did some drifts with his car, and “Survival in a Hopeless Place” became “Racing in a Hopeless Place.” 


“Then, Gege’s busy. Go to bed early.” With that, he jumped off the car, quickly ran into Los Leones, and began to collect an express delivery of items.


[Cyber Sweetie’s Gege: Okay] 


[It’s not even 3 p.m right now]


[I just realized something] 


[Geographical location???]


[Do any sisters also want to look at their private messages?] 


[Here? Please show us your WeChat chat history]



Shen Qi collected his express deliveries, looting until his bag was bulging, then clicked his tongue. “Absolutely not. You guys are children, how can you look at these things?” 


[???? I’m reporting someone that’s suspected of violating the regulations!]


[What do you mean children, we’re all adults] 


[What are you talking about! Share it with us!]




Shen Qi shook his head and concentrated on playing the game.


Fu Mingyuan, who was about to go read the script: “…” 


He took a look at their WeChat messages. His phone had been on silent until now, so he hadn’t noticed that Shen Qi had sent him a message.


He replied to the message first, and then checked their chat history. He very slowly and carefully reread them. 


He finished reading it after a bit. He frowned and thought, why wouldn’t children be able to look at it?



What did the contents of their WeChat chat have to do with children? 


With these thoughts, he sent another sentence over to Shen Qi: Why did you say that children couldn’t look at it?


He got a reply after the match had ended. 


Your Qi Ge: Because it’s not suitable for minors 


Shen Qi politely refused Dog Ge’s duo invitation, while replying to Gege’s message. 


Dog Ge was very puzzled and sent a voice message in Shen Qi’s livestream to ask what was going on.


Shen Qi patiently explained, “Gege is here today, and I’m afraid he’ll get jealous.” 

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The barrage filled with question marks.


[So you’d duo with Dog Ge as long as Gege wasn’t here??] 





“No, I won’t.” Shen Qi clicked to solo queue. “In the future, I won’t at all.” 


His attitude was very firm.


[Dog Ge: Macho man weeping] 


[Dog Ge is weeping, I even called you Gege, but I don’t qualify to duo with you]


Shen Qi let out a chuckle and checked his WeChat messages. 


fmy: …


fmy: Don’t talk nonsense 


fmy: I wasn’t jealous


Your Qi Ge: Okay, you weren’t  


The other party sent over another sentence of explanation——



fmy: I meant to say, nothing there is unsuitable for children to read 


Your Qi Ge: Don’t worry ya, Gege. It’s coming soon


His head was down as he was typing, clacking away, and he was randomly ejected again. 


This time, he fell straight into the sea.




[Sweetie where are you?!!!! Are you just hanging out and chatting?!!!]


[He really just became a lootbox upon landing] 


[Anchor, are you just here to afk? Just to afk????]



Shen Qi looked for a very shameful photo from his album and sent it to Gege.



Your Qi Ge: Gege, is this good-looking?


Your Qi Ge: Is it unsuitable enough for children? ShyAngoraRabbit.jpg


Your Qi Ge: Do you like this gift?


The author has something to say:

Fu Mingyuan: Hurry up, let me see

Juurensha: Face reveal soon???? (Also the photo….isn’t what you think it is hahahaha) 


Divi: Imagine SQ is just sending feet or hand pics lmao.


kat: RIP Dog Ge 

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