Ch27 - “What did you two do?!”

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Fu Mingyuan’s breath stopped. 


It was too fast to say something like that right now.




After a moment’s silence, he said, “I didn’t investigate you.” 



“It was Shen…” It suddenly occurred to him that the relationship between Shen Qi and Shen Bozong wasn’t very good.


He swallowed down the words he was about to say again.



“I don’t know where you have moles on your body.”


Shen Qi smiled. 


Fu Mingyuan looked at him seriously.


“I also have a house here. If you like, you can stay in it for the next few days.” 


He looked in his pocket for the key, and then he remembered that it was with Du Jing.


He frowned reflexively. 


Shen Qi, however, laughed even more happily than before. He stood up, half bent over, and drew close to Fu Mingyuan, asking him in a low voice, “What’s the matter ah, Gege, you want me to stay in your house so soon?



“Does this count as keeping a mistress in a golden house? 


“They say that celebrities all really like to do this? I also narrowly count as a mistress, right?”


They were too close. 


Fu Mingyuan could smell the scent of shower gel from the young man’s body. Mixed with the smell of barbecue and beer, it didn’t smell good.


However, he didn’t have an aversion to it at the moment. 


Shen Qi finished talking, then drew back.


Fu Mingyuan opened his mouth, his voice a little lower than just now, “No, don’t overthink it. 


“I meant that you could live there alone.


“It’s empty anyway.” 


Shen Qi let out an “ah,” and the corners of his eyes turned red. They drew up slightly, a bit more gorgeous than usual.



“I also didn’t say…that we would live together ah, Gege. 


“That’s what you were thinking ah, I see.”


With a smile, he heard a knock on the door and got up to open it. 


Fu Mingyuan, still sitting in the same place, waited for Shen Qi to be far away before he let out a soft “en.”


Only he knew which of Shen Qi’s sentences he was acknowledging. 


The takeout arrived very fast, and the person who delivered it was one of the room service staff of the hotel.


Shen Qi had written the customer name as “Sweetie,” and when the staff member opened the door, it was a little bit difficult to describe his expression. 


Fortunately, the good restaurant owner had read the order notes, and really didn’t put scallion and coriander in it for him.


However, Shen Qi was a little full now, so he had mainly ordered it so he could keep Fu Mingyuan company while eating. 


He took two mouthfuls of noodles, which didn’t taste very good, but Fu Mingyuan still ate seriously.



He was sweating from the tip of his nose, and he ate leisurely and elegantly. 


Sure enough, men were very handsome when they were serious. Even if they were eating noodles, they would be pleasant to look at.


He looked better in person than in his pictures. 


His voice also sounded better than when he talked online, and it wasn’t quite the same.


No wonder no one had noticed it. 

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There was a big gap between his online presence and reality.


Shen Qi stared at the other party for a while, folding his hands around himself and simply leaning back in his chair, and closed his eyes. 


This was his first time dating someone, but he didn’t know what he should do.


This feeling was really too strange. 


He couldn’t help but want to touch him. His heart was beating a little faster, and it was different from when he had used voice messages to chat with him.



At that time, he couldn’t see the real person, so he could only rely on his imagination. 


But now, the person he had imagined now had a face, and it was completely in line with the face that he had imagined in his heart.


He chuckled suddenly. 


Fu Mingyuan’s actions paused.


He looked up at him. 


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

A warm light shone on the young man’s face.


Coafg olclrtlcu fjalcu, la kjr jigfjvs tjio qjra afc. 


Po tf vlvc’a ifjnf, tf gfjiis kbeivc’a yf jyif ab ifjnf abcluta.




Coafg tf ifoa, Vtfc Hl bqfcfv atf klcvbk ab ufa glv bo atf rwfii jcv abbx jcbatfg yjat lc qjrrlcu.



Dea atlr alwf, tf abbx j ibcu alwf. 


When he came out, he rubbed his hair with a towel while checking his messages.


Lu Tun: Weep, weep, Idol, is it really not possible to get my autographed photo? 


Your Qi Ge: [picture]


He sent the photos to Lu Tun. 


Lu Tun replied in seconds: AHHHHHHHHH IDOL I LOVE YOU! But why doesn’t it have the sentence I wanted, “Lu Tun work hard, from your Fu Mingyuan who will always support you”


Shen Qi sneered. 


Your Qi Ge: Don’t love me, there will be no result


Your Qi Ge: I said it, but he said that it was too long 


Your Qi Ge: And this sentence, do you have any shame? If it were me, I’d be embarrassed to ask someone to write that for me



What will always support you. 




After sending that, he exited mercilessly, glanced at the 99+ notifications in the groupchat, and went to reply to Fu Mingyuan first. 


fmy: I got back to my room, going to take a bath first


Shen Qi looked at the other’s nickname for a while, then moved his finger and changed it to “Gege” before exiting out again. He found the photos from Weibo that he had saved in an album, first changing his cellphone wallpaper to that. Then, he switched back to WeChat and also changed the chat background to the photo. 


Your Qi Ge: Okay da Gege, MwahMwah.jpg


“I’m talking to you, do you hear me. 


“Look at me, I’m in my thirties, and I don’t even have a girlfriend because of you.” Du Jing had his hands behind his back and was walking around and around in his pajamas.


“I have dark circles under my eyes and acne on my face, and do you know why? Anxiety leading to inflammation! 


“Ge, I’m not forbidding you from dating, but it’s too much for you to come out of someone’s room in the middle of the night. Fortunately no one photographed you, but what if they did?



“I couldn’t sleep well, and I sent you a message to remind you. But you, you completely ignored me.” 




It was MwahMwah again. 

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Fu Mingyuan closed his eyes, and the young man’s lips that had just been stained with beer played back in his mind.


“Why are your ears red again? 


“And your coat! Why is it that I saw some clothing I’ve never seen before at the door? What happened to the one you were wearing outside before, you didn’t leave it over at that person’s place ba.


“What did you two do?!” 


“Nothing.” Fu Mingyuan stood up and brought in the coat that was at the door. Although it was a little small on him, it was warm.


It also carried a fresh scent. 


The same scent had been on Shen Qi’s body just now.


He slightly raised his eyes to glance at Du Jing, who was still pacing in circles, and said, “It’s because of yourself that you can’t find a girlfriend.”

Du Jing: “What are you saying! Shut up, stop talking!” 

As an agent, was it easy for him to work hard, be diligent, bear hardships without complaint, and be an assistant as well as an agent?

And now he was being attacked!

He calmed down after a while. “You keep a low profile anyway, I just don’t want this to be exposed before you take the initiative to explosively reveal it yourself.”

“En, I know.” Fu Mingyuan closed his eyes. “Don’t overthink things.” 

Du Jing: “….”

Du Jing angrily slammed the door shut and went back to his room.

It was only after he left that Fu Mingyuan shook his head.

Then he clicked on his emoticons, but there was no MwahMwah. 

He thought about it and simply sent out a text.

fmy: MwahMwah


The next day, Shen Qi got up early. 


He hadn’t slept well last night, as he had been a little too excited.


Wu Yan bought him breakfast, waited at the door of the room, and sent him a text message. 


Shen Qi hadn’t gotten up yet, and Wu Yan just happened to bump into Du Jing who had a completely constipated expression and was furtively walking over with some breakfast.



Wu Yan nearly screamed. 


“You…you are Fu Mingyuan’s agent…”


Du Jing: “….” 


“Shut up.” He was wearing a hat and had lowered his head. Fortunately, there were not many people living on this floor, and the hotel was unlikely to disclose the surveillance footage here.


Wu Yan let out a small “oh.” 


However, he couldn’t hold back from asking “Are you bringing Young Master Shen breakfast?”


“What about it? Is it not okay? I deeply admire him, is that not okay ah!” 


Early in the morning, Fu Mingyuan had wanted to bring Shen Qi breakfast.


There were so many people coming and going from the hotel in the early morning, and he was such a big target, so who knew if he would be photographed. 


Du Jing could only take the job from him.



Wu Yan choked for a moment and thought about it. Yesterday, Fu Mingyuan had also given Shen Qi milk tea, saying that it was President Shen who had asked him to take care of him. 


President Shen seemed to have mentioned it.


However, he was easily absent-minded and hadn’t remembered it. 


Du Jing must have recognized Young Master Shen as God A!


He was a little bit excited and wanted to chat with the other party about how “wasn’t God A an exceptionally good gamer.” 


But Du Jing had the look of “I’m worried and I don’t want to talk.”


Wu Yan endured for a while, but he couldn’t hold it in. 


“Do you know Young Master Shen’s identity?”


Du Jing was carrying the breakfast, and his hand that was about to knock the door fell down. 


Fu Mingyuan had said that he had sent a message to the other party, and the other party would open the door after seeing it, so he shouldn’t disturb his sleep.



Heh heh. 

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Du Jing let out an “en” and said, “You’re also bringing him breakfast?”


Wu Yan grinned shyly. “Yes ah. Isn’t that my job?” 


Listen, an assistant’s job was to deliver breakfast.


He was an agent, so why was he here. 


When Shen Qi opened the door, the two of them had already started chatting.


As soon as Du Jing saw him, he immediately stuffed the breakfast into his hands. He didn’t even greet him before turning around and running away. 


He was afraid of this scene being captured.


He was a good agent, yet he still had to do such sneaky things. 


Shen Qi: …..



Shen Qi was a little disappointed. 


Wu Yan gave him a puzzled look. “Shen Ge, I also have some breakfast here…”


Shen Qi opened the bag and saw that it was all his favorite food. 


Gege understood his preferences quite clearly.


“If you haven’t eaten yet, then eat yours ba.” It wasn’t good to keep him waiting at the door for so long. 


Shen Qi yawned. He wasn’t fully awake yet.


“If you don’t want to stay here for the next few days, go back ba. I have some personal matters to deal with. 


“I left randomly yesterday afternoon, so I’m sorry.”


Wu Yan was a bit flattered and blushed. “No…no problem. If you have something to do, I’ll leave first. President Shen told me my job was to stay here and look after you, so I can’t go back first.” 


After Shen Bozong was mentioned, the originally quirked up corners of Shen Qi’s mouth suddenly flattened, and he snorted. “It’s not like he can see you.”



Wu Yan still refused to go back. 


Shen Qi just let him do what he wanted. Anyway, he might not see anyone for the next few days.


After breakfast, he glanced at the time when Lu Tun’s call came through. 


HUOJ had already arrived in H city. Lu Tun was a member of the youth training team, but after remembering that he had been in the first team before, they let him come along with them.


However, the room and the competition tickets were at his own expense. 


The two of them confirmed the location of their meeting, and they were waiting to confirm the time when Ye Lai chimed in.


The competition would begin in two days. 


All the teams would have to go to the matchup lottery ceremony tomorrow, and then get familiar with the machines in advance.


Shen Qi had nothing to do and started up a Kings of Glory match. 


Ye Lai didn’t call him until after nine o’clock.



He had been detained by Rong Jing. 


He wasn’t allowed to randomly go out during the competition time.


Especially when he was going out to see Shen Qi. 


Listening to his little apprentice’s voice, he guessed that he had been cursed out again.


Shen Qi felt a bit guilty. Although Ye Lai was the one who had taken the initiative to set up this meeting, he had come from the same youth training camp as Lu Tun, and later, he had only been poached by M1G because Shen Qi had taken a fancy to him. 


Meanwhile, Lu Tun had been transferred to the first-string team.


He had become the opponent of two teams, he was young, and they hadn’t met since Shen Qi had retired. 


Since Ye Lai couldn’t come, it became a two-person meeting between Shen Qi and Lu Tun.


Before leaving, Shen Qi sent a message to Fu Mingyuan, telling him that he was going to the restaurant opposite the hotel. 


He had the feeling of waiting for the other party to check in on him.

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Fu Mingyuan replied in seconds, telling him to find a more hidden place there. 


Shen Qi answered affirmatively. Even if the other didn’t say that, Shen Qi would have to hide a bit, in case he got photographed and another fuss was kicked up.


Lu Tun was a little taller than before, and Shen Qi, out of habit, rubbed his hair when he saw him. 


Lu Tun jumped up all of a sudden. “Ahhhhhh Idol, no, I won’t be able to grow taller.”


“Tch, you’re still a bit shorter than me.” Shen Qi adjusted his mask and held the back of Lu Tun’s head in one hand while leading him in. 


They hadn’t seen each other for a while, and as soon as they sat down, Lu Tun looked like he was going to cry.


Shen Qi took off his mask and hid behind the potted plants, supporting his chin as he looked at Lu Tun. 


“I’m really poor ah, Idol wuwuwu, I only have the funds to go home now.


“I’d really like to have a steak, medium rare right now. 


“I also want to have creamy mushroom pasta.



“I want to eat black forest cake.” 




Lu Tun sobbed and sniffled while glancing up at Shen Qi. 


Shen Qi covered his lips, a faint smile on his face as he looked at him.


A table of girls sitting far away from them had been staring at them since they had come in. 


Although they couldn’t make out the whole face of the one wearing a mask, he was wonderful just looking at his eyebrows and figure, while the one next to him was slightly thin, and he had even pushed against the back of his head as he led him away.


Really too cute! 


After a while, someone in Fu Mingyuan’s fan group sent out a photo.


In the photo, under the somewhat yellow light, the delicate and pretty young man was acting coquettish, while the young man sitting opposite him didn’t have very clear features, but he looked like he was doting on him. 


Fu Mingyuan’s Summon Animal: AHHHHHH BEAUTIFUL LOVE, I SHIP IT!!! Doting gong wuwuwuw, I love it



Fu Ge’s Bright Light: Does sister have more photos? 


Administrator 007 withdrew a message from a group member.


Fu Mingyuan’s Summon Animal: ??? 007, what’s going on 


Fu Ge’s Little Fan Sister: Wow, it was withdrawn before I could see anything.


As everyone knew, Administrator 007 should be an internal staff member. 


007: Babies, don’t post other people’s photos in the group oh~ It’s in the group chat rules da




Da your head ah.


Du Jing hated that he couldn’t directly throw his cellphone against the wall. 


Taking advantage of the time while Fu Mingyuan was filming, he conveniently clicked on the QQ group that he hadn’t looked at in a long time.



But in the end, what did he see! 


Wasn’t the boy in the light colored sweater Shen Qi, who was constantly in Fu Mingyuan’s thoughts?


Other people couldn’t recognize him, but he could. That was what Shen Qi had been wearing in the morning. 


If the photos flowed out like last time, he was afraid that Fu Mingyuan would see it, and then let alone work happily, he would go directly for the kill.

The author has something to say: 


Shen Qi: Why does everyone think I am 1? I just want to be Gege’s 0

Juurensha: Du Jing’s life is haaaaaard hahahahaha. Also these girls are rather strange, why post random photos of someone else in a fan groupchat dedicated to an actor anyway? 


kat: I guess now we know why SQ didn’t recognize FMY’s voice before


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