Ch38 - “The sour smell of love.”

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Edited by kat

Fu Mingyuan stood at the door of Shen Qi’s room and felt around in his pocket for a cigarette. 


He didn’t smoke; he had confiscated this cigarette when he had just gone to Du Jing’s room.




Fu Mingyuan never liked the smell of smoke, as it choked people and harmed the body. 



There was no one else on the floor where Shen Qi was staying. Even Lu Tun and Xu Leng, who were staying next door, hadn’t come back yet.


The light in the corridor was dim. Fu Mingyuan leaned against the wall, his back straight, his long legs slightly bent, and his right foot against the wall.



He ignited the lighter, the flame flickering and then going out after a few seconds.


It was probably because he had just hugged Shen Qi and then had been pulled back and forth by him for a while, but his overcoat was already wrinkled. 


He held the cigarette in his right hand, the embers of the cigarette falling down as flecks of ash, and his slender fingers moved.


He tilted his head slightly, looking up at the light above his head. The light pierced his eyes, and Fu Mingyuan half narrowed his eyes. 


It seemed as though the young man’s heat was still on his lips.


There was also the smell of the young man on his body. 


The palm of his hand holding the cigarette touched his forehead. The young man’s drunken appearance was imprinted in his brain. His acting skills weren’t bad at all.



The warmth of the young man’s fingertips seems to linger on his waist and abdomen. His every move, every gesture, could make him lose control of his emotions. 


Fu Mingyuan lowered his head and took a drag.


The hazy white smoke spread out, making his vision slightly blurred. 


Fu Mingyuan coughed twice. Fearing disturbing the person inside, he covered his mouth and suppressed the sound.


The first time he had seen the young man was a year ago after he had finished filming The Psychologist. The plot of The Psychologist was too depressing. Fu Mingyuan played a psychologist who helped children suffering from mental illness in the orphanage, but was overwhelmed by the reality of the orphanage and developed his own psychological problems. 


Those who cured others couldn’t cure themselves.


Because he had gotten too deep into his role, Fu Mingyuan had been stuck in a self-loathing mood for a while. 


Later, on the way home, he saw the young man on the big screen.


He had been wearing a M1G uniform, and he had stuck his head out from behind the computer, smiling brilliantly at the camera. 


The smile of the young man seemed to glow.



That moment dispelled the haze that had kept winding through Fu Mingyuan. 


People who had always been calm and self-restrained could also have unforgettable experiences.


Later, he learned that that young man was called Angry. 


He was M1G’s captain.


He was a very good e-sports player. 


Fu Mingyuan had gone to find a lot of Angry’s videos.


But most of the time, the other man had liked wearing a mask, and he didn’t like to attend any interviews, including the post-competition ones. 


Fu Mingyuan could only watch those few competition videos over and over again, and learned all the habits of the young man.


Before he had met him livestreaming, his impression of the young man was probably only that—he glowed ba. 


Now, the young man was still unbelievably dazzling.



He was also unbelievably lovely. 


The kind of lovely person he could love for a lifetime.


Thinking of this, Fu Mingyuan took a last drag from the cigarette, and after the smoke dissipated, he let out a low laugh. 


A few seconds later, his smile faded.


There was a bit of an ominous haze in his eyes. 


The cigarette in his hand had already burned to a stub.


Fu Mingyuan pulled up his collar, extinguished the cigarette, and threw it into the garbage can beside him. 


The light caused his shadow to stretch out very long.


The Fu public relations department, foreign division, and lawyer team, who were called upon in the middle of the night to work overtime, stared in confusion at the icy cold eldest young master who was completely different than usual. 





“No, let me curse this trash to death!” 


In the dim little room, Lu Tun, Xu Leng, Bo Li, and Sun Fan were sitting on a bed and holding their cellphones, desperately clacking as they typed.


After all, they were professional players, and their hand speeds were different from that of an average person. In a few seconds, they could finish typing a comment. 


“Wait, little Lu Tun, I already cursed out that person, you switch to someone else.” Bo Li kicked Lu Tun’s foot.


“Then I’ll curse him out again ma. Next one, next one, is this a fucking water army that Rong Jing bought, they’re even praising Rong Jing as so strong!” 


Sun Fan, who was buried in the middle of typing, slightly looked over at Lu Tun. “En, they probably are.


“Rong Jing’s skills are really garbage.” 


He pushed his glasses up and said in a very sure tone, “I don’t know where this recording came from, but I believe in God A.


“With his skills, there is no need to play fixed matches.” 


Xu Leng stopped and nodded. “En, Captain is very strong. He would never play fixed matches.”



As for the other “hereditary mental illness” or whatever, that was even more ridiculous. 


They had originally all been ready to head back directly, but while they were on the way back, Lu Tun had scrolled through Weibo and just happened to scroll past the original Weibo post with the recording.


The title was really eye-catching. 


“Helping you guys dig out the real reason why the God A you guys believe in retired.”


The real reason? 


Lu Tun had already gotten angry then.


What real reason was there! 


It was because Chen Ling had fucking wanted to join the Korean team in playing fixed matches!

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And Idol had discovered it! 


Idol had firmly opposed this matter, but Chen Ling had said that in order to keep their Asia Championship ranking, this was also a matter of the team’s honor.



The team’s honor? 


Lu Tun wanted to directly jump up and beat up Chen Ling.


It was just for the sake of the investors’ funds that they would rather not believe in their own team and just wanted to go down a crooked path. 


M1G hadn’t been the original M1G for a long time. When Angry had first joined the team, M1G had still been very happy. Later, as M1G won more and more awards, and Angry grew more and more famous, he was always putting pressure on Rong Jing, and Rong Jing’s heart had changed.


Chen Ling’s heart also grew bigger and bigger. 


At the beginning, the team was created to realize his dream from when he was young. Later, his dream turned into greed.


Rong Jing couldn’t tolerate Shen Qi, who only wanted to play in competitions, win awards, and win glory for his country. 


Chen Ling regarded Shen Qi as a cash cow, but even if he was a cash cow, he wasn’t obedient.


Finally, there was an accident during their disagreement over playing fixed matches. 


Chen Ling pointed out that Shen Qi didn’t want to livestream because he had a mother with mental illness, and he also had inherited it.



In fact, Chen Ling didn’t know where he had heard that from. 


It was likely that one day, someone had secretly told him, and then he remembered it.


Shen Qi’s most taboo subject was someone mentioning his birth mother. 


He immediately punched Cheng Ling on the spot, angrily laughing and telling him, “Fixed matches? Alright ah, I’ll play fixed matches. You try it and see what the consequences will be?”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

In fact, that audio recording had not only changed the order of events, but also had deleted some content. 


Ktf gfjrbc kts Vtfc Hl tjvc’a rjlv jcsatlcu jybea la kjr qgbyjyis ab rjnf ojmf obg tlr biv ybrr.


But if the other person wanted to dispense with all civilities…. 


Cr obg kts Oe Kec kjr rb mifjg bc atf rlaejalbc, la kjr yfmjerf tf tjv yffc ajixlcu ab Tf Ojl bc j nblmf mjii atja vjs, jcv Tf Ojl tjvc’a tecu eq ktfc tf gjc bea.


He also recorded what had happened. 


That recording was still being kept in his safe. If Idol didn’t let him release it, then he would obediently not release it.



The four people cursed people out for a while. When they refreshed again, the original Weibo post had been deleted 


Eight eyes all met.


It couldn’t be that the original poster’s conscience suddenly plagued them. 


Lu Tun scratched his head and yawned. “Captain, aren’t you guys playing tomorrow at the competition? Is it really okay if you don’t sleep now?”


Bo Li glanced at the time, then rushed out and went back to his room. 


Sun Fan looked at the two children still sitting in a daze on his bed and pulled out a reluctant smile. “Do you want to listen to me explain today’s game?”


Lu Tun pulled Xu Leng to run away. 


EVE was also going to play tomorrow.




Shen Qi slept until the sun rose the next morning.



Because he had drunk alcohol, his sleep was too deep. 


There was also an arm that didn’t belong to him across him.


With his eyes closed, he fumbled around for a while. His hand stopped at Fu Mingyuan’s tight waist, and then he scooted closer twice. His head was under Fu Mingyuan’s chin, and the tip of his nose slid across his Adam’s apple, bringing with it a bit of a ticklish feel. 


Fu Mingyuan’s hand on his back moved, and then subconsciously patted him a few times.


He didn’t open his eyes, and the other hand under Shen Qi’s head rubbed Shen Qi’s messy bedhead. 


“Awake now?” Fu Mingyuan’s voice was a little hoarse, with a little bit of a nasal sound from not being completely awake. His voice sounded lower and sexier, and he embraced him even more tightly.


Their warm bodies fit together. 


The two adult men were both at a vigorous age, and also with it being morning and their current positions, something would inevitably stand up and salute to show respect.


Shen Qi had just wanted to bed him last night. 


Ah, no, he had wanted to be bedded.



Originally, he had wanted to take advantage of him pretending to be drunk, but something came up for Gege and he had to leave. 


He had thought that Fu Mingyuan wouldn’t come back in the morning.


Shen Qi lifted his head up from within the other party’s arms and gently pecked his chin with a little bit of scruff on it. 


His lips were still on the other party’s chin, and he said vaguely, “Gege~ You’re pressing against me~”


Their breaths intertwined. 


Fu Mingyuan’s arm around him stiffened, and even his body straightened out.


Shen Qi’s shoulder quivered, and he continued with a smile, “Me too ah~ Gege~ 


“Should our two little friends meet ya, Gege~


“Did I get drunk last night, Gege~ 


“Why do I remember that our little friends almost met last night, but in the end, their owners could only postpone the meeting because of a temporary matter.



“Did I remember it wrong, Gege?” 


He said as he squeezed forward, not stopping until there was no space left between them.


Fu Mingyuan’s hand at the back of his head suddenly tightened, and his breathing grew disordered for a moment. He pressed down on his emotions before opening his eyes, and his eyes contained a hint of redness. 


His whole body was very hot.


A heavy kiss fell on the top of Shen Qi’s head, and Fu Mingyuan’s voice was even hoarser than just now. 


“You didn’t remember it wrong.”


Saying that, the hands in the quilt separated Shen Qi’s grasp on his pajamas finger by finger, clasped his hands tightly, and led them lower. 


The corners of Shen Qi’s eyes turned red when he met the upright little friend standing there.


“Gege, the two of them want to meet~” Shen Qi leaned against his shoulder, greeting the big little friend, and kindly rubbing the big little friend’s head. 

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After washing up, the two of them again shared a long kiss in the living room. 


Shen Qi held the pillow from the sofa and tilted his head as he watched Fu Mingyuan dress.


Fu Mingyuan’s figure was excellent. Whatever he wore, he turned into a walking clothes-hanger. 


He changed into a black sweater today, and his aura suddenly was in place again.


Shen Qi was completely satisfied. Now, as he was squinting, he appeared as languid as a cat who had eaten a fish. 


Seeing Fu Mingyuan’s suitcase at the door, he laughed.


Fu Mingyuan put on all his clothes, then went and leaned over, kissing Shen Qi on the forehead and rubbing his head. 


“Today we’re wrapping stuff up, so I might be back late tonight.


“Don’t go drinking.” 


Speaking of drinking, his eyes narrowed, and the corners of his mouth drew up.



Shen Qi knelt down on the sofa, raising his head and grasping the other man’s collar as he gave him a kiss on his freshly shaven chin. 


“Understood, Gege~”


He smiled to the point that his eyes curved. 


He couldn’t hide his happiness.


His smile was even more dazzling under the light. 


Fu Mingyuan let out an “en” and helped him to neaten up the collar of his pajamas before leaving.


Outside, Du Jing, who had been waiting for a long time, rolled his eyes. 


“The sour smell of love.” He clicked his tongue twice.


Seeing Fu Mingyuan glance at him, his expression immediately became serious. 





After he left, Shen Qi rubbed against the pillow, covered his eyes with his hands, and his cheeks slowly turned red. 


He let out a low chuckle.


He wanted to try it again after tasting it once. 


Looking at the time, he saw there was still a lot of time before the afternoon match. He sent a message to Lu Tun, asking if he and Xu Leng would like to have lunch together.


Then he logged into Weibo and signed in at Fu Mingyuan’s supertopic. 


The hottest topic on the main page today was that a passer-by had photographed Fu Mingyuan carrying a man out of a high-end hotel last night!


In a very intimate manner as well! 


Shen Qi raised his eyebrows and licked the corner of his mouth, which still had a bit of the taste of Gege’s mouthwash.


With just one look, he could recognize himself. 


It was just that this Weibo post hadn’t gone onto the Hot Search list.



Shen Qi clicked on the comments and took a look. 




[Wuwuwuwu, it’s too great to be Fu Ge’s friend ba! I want to possess this little Gege!] 


[QAQ today is also a lemon essence day]


[Fu Ge’s legs! Is he a leg spirit!] 




Shen Qi nodded with satisfaction and kowtowed to the sisters. 


Then, the replies to this comment went like this——


[It’s the same! It’s so great to be Fu Ge’s friend ah! You can wear the same clothes! I want to wear them, too!] 


[The price of these clothes, cough, there are no words to express it]



Shen Qi looked up and glanced at the coat hanging at the door. 


Gege was so cute.


Even having two identical coats. 


He rubbed his eyes and laughed happily.


He kept scrolling down. 


[Where is this hotel ah!]


[Fu Ge is in H City, but he’s going back to A City! Tomorrow is going to start filming aoaoao!] 




[New movie! Charge!] 


Shen Qi’s fingers twitched.



He took back the smile on his face and coughed. 


How could these days go by so fast.


He raised his cellphone over his head, leaning back against the sofa, and began to type slowly. 


[Sisters, don’t you want to ship a CP?]


Very soon, there was a new response to his comment—— 


[Sister, I remember you 2333, the one who exploded the topic!]


[Hahahahahaha it’s not very possible to ship anyone’s CP, this is Fu Ge ah!] 


[Sister, do you not understand Fu Ge ah! Super straight-laced! A noted solitary existence! Let alone talking about dating a little Gege!]


[Wuwuwuwu, if it were a different person, I would be directly calling out aoao, this beautiful love! But this is Fu Ge, so I can only get a taste of friendship out of it] 


[I’m even worried, can Fu Ge find a girlfriend in the future? He’s so young, but he’s already carrying around red date and wolfberry tea, and whenever he’s asked about dating, he’s just like—acting is the most important thing. Alas, worrying]


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[Gege’s Little sweetheart: I think it’s very possible ya. Shy.jpg. Fu Ge was protecting him so well while holding him ya] 


——[This is care in friendships ya! Sisters! If Fu Ge goes gay, I will stand on my head and eat ramen with my nose!]


[Right, hahahahaha, envying next door’s xxx. Their person is doing a CP, and their fans are happily shipping them. We can’t even get the slightest trace of that wuwuwuwu] 


[Every time I see Fu Ge getting closer to others, my head is full of—you have to keep in good health, you only need good health when you’re young, balabalabalabala]


Shen Qi: ….. 


Tch, why couldn’t he see that Gege loved preserving his health so much?


He scratched his head, then changed his clothes and went next door to knock on Lu Tun’s door. 


Lu Tun had just gotten up.


He and Xu Leng had stayed up late last night, and they had been refreshing Weibo since they came back to the hotel. 


While they were in the middle of cursing people out, the original poster came out and apologized, saying that the audio clip had been commissioned and spliced together, and that it wasn’t the original version. The original version of the audio could only be posted with the consent of the party concerned.



That had been the middle of the night, and the trolls still didn’t stop. Angry himself hadn’t come out to express his position, but instead, the M1G official Weibo posted two photos of Rong Jing still working hard in the middle of the night. 


The poster who released the news suddenly apologized publicly and admitted that the audio clip was fake.


The fans still didn’t believe it. If you have the ability, then bring out the original audio clip. Who knew if you were bribed or not? 


They had fought over this issue for a long time, and it still wasn’t over.


Lu Tun and Xu Leng had also quarreled with these people for half a night. 


Lu Tun had the original audio clip, but he really didn’t dare to play it without Idol’s permission. After all, this was Idol’s business.


Without the consent of the party concerned, he couldn’t easily intervene. 


“Idol, shall we go out now?” Lu Tun threw his cellphone into the bag, obviously hiding something.


Shen Qi narrowed his eyes and chuckled. “What are you looking at that you have to hide and stuff it somewhere?” 


Lu Tun scratched the back of his head, his eyes flickering. “It was just yesterday’s competition video, I was studying it with Dog Ge ma.”



Sitting on the sofa, Xu Leng, who was yawning, nodded immediately. 


Shen Qi glanced at him, leaned against the door, and crooked his finger at Xu Leng. “Dog Di, come and tell Gege, what are you guys watching that’s not suitable for children?


“Let me, as an adult, see it.” 


Xu Leng wasn’t a good liar, and he had a gentle temperament. After getting asked like this by Shen Qi, he reflexively looked at Lu Tun for help.


Lu Tun thought for a bit. “Idol, um, Male God is still very busy today, ha. 


“Would you like to go see Gege?”


After saying that, he was a bit embarrassed. 


Like this, he was just watching Idol be scummy ah!


However, in order to keep Idol happy, he would still let Idol be scummy ba. 


Shen Qi let out an “en?” Then a smile appeared on his lips. “Ah….Gege.



“You see, I’ve been busy on both ends, and I nearly forgot about Gege.” 


He reached out and patted Lu Tun on the shoulder. “Thank you ah, for reminding me to share the rain and dew equally.”


Lu Tun: “…..” 


It was so hard for him ah.


Xu Leng: ??? 


What rain and dew?


Gege? Was it the Gege he was thinking of? 


Xu Leng raised his hand and asked, “Captain, the Gege you’re talking about, that’s the number one contributor?”


Shen Qi rubbed Lu Tun’s head with one hand and nodded. 


“Yes ah.”



Xu Leng: “….” 


Xu Leng’s face immediately turned red.


“You guys really met up in-person?” 


Shen Qi nodded again.


Xu Leng’s excitement could be seen with the naked eye. 


Ship…shipping a CP!


He immediately had to tell Little Coriander ya! 


After being interrupted by Xu Leng, Shen Qi forgot to ask Lu Tun what exactly they had been looking at.


When it was time, the three people went out for lunch, and after a little over an hour, they went to the competition venue again. 


Shen Qi wasn’t sitting in the same seat as yesterday.



The person now sitting next to his seat from yesterday was Rong Jing. 


Shen Qi took his ticket and sat next to BIG’s captain, He Bin.


He Bin was a very serious person, and also very fierce. 


No BIG player wasn’t afraid of him.


However, some people just liked to touch the tiger’s tail. 


For example, Shen Qi.


At the moment, He Bin had on a serious expression, his two thick eyebrows twisted together and his head lowered as he typed who knew what on Weibo. 


As soon as Shen Qi sat down, he drew closer to him.


Then, he saw that He Bin was sending a private message on Weibo. 


He saw the person he was sending it to.



Tch, it was Shen Qi’s own Weibo. 


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He reached out and patted He Bin on the shoulder.


He Bin’s brows were wrinkled, and he looked demonic as he turned his head to stare at him. 


Shen Qi pulled down his mask and gave him a smile.


He Bin: ….. 


He Bin looked at the Rong Jing sitting in front of them and sneered.


Then, he deleted his Weibo private message. 


Like bullshit he was sending that.


He took the initiative to say, “You even know to come back, very good. 


“And you can even smile so happily, very good.



“There is such an uproar on Weibo, and you are really heartless. 


“Hehheh, right, God A.”


“Hey, He Bro, don’t be so fierce ah. 


“I just came to see you, how are you getting fiercer and fiercer.


“Look, the competition has started.” 


He patted He Bin on the shoulder again to remind him to look at the big screen.


He Bin sneered again, more fiercely than just now. 


Shen Qi clicked his tongue, shrugged, and then crouched down stealthily, poking his family’s little apprentice Ye Lai in the waist.


Ye Lai was sitting beside Rong Jing. When he looked back, his eyes were as swollen as that of a rabbit’s. 


Seeing that it was Shifu, his tears almost fell down again.



Shen Qi gently patted him on the back, then sat back in his seat and sent a WeChat message to Ye Lai. 


Your Qi Ge: Little apprentice, you got blamed again?


Ye Lai was always sneaky when he played with his cellphone, and he answered his message while Rong Jing was staring at the big screen. 


Ye Lai: It can’t count as being blamed, I just got cursed out. Rong Jing’s temper has been getting worse and worse recently


Your Qi Ge: Be good, after the game is done tomorrow, Shifu will take you to escape 


With M1G’s current score, unless they ate chicken twice to get a high score tomorrow, they wouldn’t even be able to play in the quarter-finals.


But with them playing like this, how could they eat two chickens in a row? 


Ye Lai: After the match, we need to do competition recap


Ye Lai was very serious about competitions, and he would definitely participate in the recap. 


These past few days, he didn’t have a chance to play with his cellphone, so he also didn’t know what had happened online.



Shen Qi knew that although his little apprentice was a little soft tempered, he would still attach importance to what he should pay attention to. 


He also didn’t pester him.


He just comforted his little apprentice with a few words, and then he thought of what He Bin had just said. 


What Weibo post.


He narrowed his eyes. 


It wasn’t possible for it to be something good, so he guessed that it was again something to do with fans stepping on people who had fallen off of a pedestal.


After all, M1G’s performance yesterday had really not been like that of a team that had won the championship before, and its decline was too obvious. 


And at that time, Lu Tun and Xu Leng had been acting shifty.


Shen Qi scratched his finger twice against his cellphone screen. When he scratched Fu Mingyuan’s cheek, he paused. 


In the morning, he had only looked at Fu Mingyuan’s Weibo supertopic. Now, he went in and looked at his own Weibo supertopic. It was only now that he discovered that his supertopic that normally had no one around had now already blown up.



He glanced over the contents as he scrolled, but he didn’t really feel angry. 


The original poster had already sent out a letter of apology.


Shen Qi snorted and laughed. 


He knew exactly who had posted this audio clip.


He also had already mostly guessed the reason why Fu Mingyuan suddenly had something to do and had left last night. 


Shen Qi let out a quiet “ah,” and had a bit of a realization. With the back of his hand against his forehead, his elbow on his knee, and no smile on his face, he began to type slowly.


Tch, it didn’t matter if he got slandered, but those who interrupted him bedding Gege all deserved to die. 



A few minutes later, Angry, who hadn’t logged in for a long time, posted his first Weibo post in several months. 


Angry: Sorry, I’m late, my apologies. I forgot my password recently. After all, I went home to inherit my family property, and I was a bit happy having more money to spend.



I heard the audio clip. To tell you the truth, the splicing isn’t good, and compared to my own editing skills, it’s a little worse. They should go back and study some more. As for the matter of fixed matches, I kind of regret that I didn’t beat Chen Ling to death. 


As for me, I’m really strong. Don’t doubt it, I’m just really strong.


Since you guys are going to compare me with RJJ, alright, let’s wait until the playoffs are done ba, and I invite RJJ to have the honor of playing a friendly game with me. 


I hope that when M1G leaves the playoffs this time, you don’t say that it’s because I mocked you that you had such an ugly loss.


After all ba, RJJ is really noob. 


Chen Ling is also really trash.


For those above, saluting them. 


As for the full version of the audio clip, depending on my mood, maybe I’ll post it or maybe not.

The author has something to say: 


Shen Qi: I’m really strong, don’t doubt it



Thank you for the mines and nutrient solution. 

Juurensha: Well, it looks like SQ finally got his wish! And I’m glad that what little we have got around the crabs hahahaha. Also yes, face-slapping time!


kat: SQ really said he draws the line at people interrupting his nightlife with Gege hahaha 

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