Ch45 - QAQ Team????

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Edited by kat

The new base was a little far from the villa neighborhood where Shen Qi lived. 


Shen Qi thought about it and thought that he might need to buy a scooter.




They hailed a taxi. 



Lu Tun wasn’t clear on where the base he had bought was. On the way there, he thought of what the Turkey Team’s manager had said and lay against the front passenger seat.


“Idol, our team…will it really be called Yearlings Zooming to Surrender in the future?” This name was really inauspicious.



Just take a look at the previous Yearlings Zooming to Surrender team. For such a long time, they were never able to get rid of their fate of being at the bottom of the rankings.


Shen Qi hummed coldly, not moving his eyes from the cellphone screen. He just stuck out a hand and patted Lu Tun’s head. 


“Does that have anything to do with winning or losing?” He pulled off his mask and looked out of the window at the scenery flashing by.


His tone grew inexplicably a little more serious. 


Lu Tun rubbed his hair and drew back.


Before he could say anything more, he heard Idol smile and speak again slowly with a somewhat lazy tone. 


“It really doesn’t sound very good. I’ve already applied for a name change.” Shen Qi tapped the cellphone screen twice and handed it to Lu Tun.



Lu Tun saw the three bright letters on the screen. 


Lu Tun: …..


Idol, are you serious? 


What is the QAQ team!!!


After listening for a while, the driver couldn’t help saying, “Young man, do you guys play in competitions? 


“The place where you’re going has an e-sports base.”


Shen Qi answered affirmatively with a smile. 


The driver seemed to have opened up his chatterbox and began to express that if he was young, he would also go compete to win glory for their country.


Shen Qi looked at the driver’s strong physique, lowered his eyelids, and let out a light laugh. 


When they got out of the car, the driver didn’t want their money.



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Even when forcing it onto him, he didn’t want it. 


Lu Tun followed Shen Qi and secretly scolded him.


Would the driver be so happy if it wasn’t for Idol’s sudden flattery? Would they have been given a free ride? Idol was really too shameless. 


This villa neighborhood was very large, and it took the two of them a while to walk to the new base.


It just happened to be separated from another base by a street, and a sign saying “Under Construction” was hanging at the door. 


The other base….


Lu Tun looked at the huge and shining M1G e-sports club and almost fell into the flower bed nearby. 


Lu Tun: ???


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The new base was opposite M1G? 


Glv Pvbi kjca ab lcoegljaf Ebcu Alcu jcv Jtfc Olcu ab vfjat?



“Qtja, vb sbe kjca ab ub bnfg ab atf bqqbrlaf rlvf?” Vtfc Hl abbx boo tlr wjrx, atf mbgcfgr bo tlr wbeat rilutais megnfv eqkjgv, jcv tlr ujhf ofii bc Z1X’r teuf oiebgfrmfca rluc. 


Pa kjr jigfjvs j ilaaif vjgx cbk, jcv atf ilutar lc Z1X’r nliij kfgf jii yijhlcu.


The sign at the door flashed brightly. 


Shen Qi’s eyes contained some arrogance. He stuck his hands in his pockets and stood quietly by the side of the road, looking across the road at M1G’s main door.


All of a sudden, the lights at the sides of the road came on. 


The light made Shen Qi’s shadow grow long.


The wind in the evening made both their noses red. 


Lu Tun looked at Idol and then at the M1G base.


Both his eyes and nose stung. 


Then he began to scold in his heart, this was definitely Ye Lai’s fault! That crybaby!



After a while, Shen Qi looked back and walked to the new base. “Tch, I thought my eyesight had degenerated. Did you see that? The M1G sign is broken.” 


The G was broken in the middle.


Lu Tun:?!! 


You stood there for such a long time just to notice this?


“How poor are they that they’re not even willing to repair the broken sign. That’s the bases’ brand ya. 

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“Or they haven’t found out yet.” Shen Qi smoothed his hair and pulled all his bangs back, exposing his clean forehead, and pinched at the pimple that had just appeared on his forehead.


It hurt a bit. 


He clicked his tongue.


This may be proof that when you were very inflamed, there was no way to vent completely. 


Lu Tun: …..



“I didn’t see…” He had actually thought Idol was sad over the passing of seasons. 


He was so naive.


Shen Qi suddenly turned his head. 


“Tch, you don’t see it?” He rubbed his forehead. “Then maybe they didn’t see it either. Let’s go to remind them later.”


He seemed to be speaking with good intentions. 


“How can a perfectly good club’s sign be broken?”


Lu Tun: ….. 


You’re not afraid of Rong Jing wanting to hit you as soon as he sees you?


They had already entered the new base as they talked. 


The walls inside the villa had already been demolished. Besides the kitchen and dining room, all the walls in other places on the first floor had to be demolished to make one large room, and then glass walls would be installed.



They would separate out a training room, a meeting room, a lounge, and a lobby. 


The second floor was the living quarters. There were enough rooms, but beds hadn’t been bought yet.


The third floor was the gym. 


Shen Qi wasn’t satisfied with his waist strength, so he had to find time to keep fit in the future.


The person in charge of the construction team discussed things with Shen Qi, and work would be finished in about half a month. 


That counted as pretty fast, as Shen Qi’s original plan was to move in before the New Year.


After negotiating with the person in charge, there was no need for them to work any more today on the villa. Shen Qi went to the kitchen to take a walk around, but there was nothing to eat there. 


Finally, he pulled Lu Tun to go knock on the door of the M1G base empty handed.


The one who came to open the door was M1G’s Qiu Ji. He was stunned when he saw them, his mouth hanging half-open and unable to say a word. 


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Rong Jing’s angry voice sounded out. “If it’s fans, then hurry up and send them away!”



Qiu Ji’s hand trembled twice before he ran dundundun inside. “It’s not fans, but the people who have come to our door are even scarier than fans!” 


Rong Jing was practicing stabilizing the gun, and hearing that, looked at him impatiently. “Can’t you just send them away? Hurry back and practice!”


His expression wasn’t very good, his eyes were bloodshot, his hair was very messy, and there were obvious signs of fatigue on his face, but his hands were moving constantly. 


Ye Lai sat to the side and looked at Rong Jing’s current situation. He was about to speak, but then said nothing.


Qiu Ji stood at the door to the training room, stuck his head out beyond the wall, and looked at the two people past the door. 


“Captain…the former captain is here…”


“What former captain?” Rong Jing’s gun drifted again. 


After a whole day of continuous practice with stabilizing his guns, his wrists and shoulders already couldn’t bear this kind of high-intensity continuous training a long time ago.


Rong Jing’s hand had just left the mouse when it started trembling uncontrollably, with no way for him to straighten it out normally. 


A piercing pain came from his shoulder.



Rong Jing’s color changed a little. 


Ye Lai’s expression grew a little happy when he heard that “the former captain is here,” but when he saw that Rong Jing was like this right now, he didn’t act on his own.


“Captain, are you okay? I’ll call the doctor to come here ba…” After all, at this moment, Rong Jing was still his captain and his teammate. 


Rong Jing sneered and pushed Ye Lai.


Ye Lai staggered back two steps, pursed his lips, and followed behind him in silence. 


“What did he come for? What? After poaching you, he’s come to pick you up? There’s still a week before your contract is terminated.”


Rong Jing turned his head and pinched Ye Lai’s shoulder with some strength. 


After just a few seconds, he took back his own hand in pain, with a dark haze in his eyes.


As soon as the post-season match was over, the League gave their judgment on the “fixed matches” matter with Angry and all of the M1G members. 


After fair and open data analysis and event analysis, there was no direct evidence to show that Angry had any signs of having played fixed matches, and it was expected that Angry would bring more wonderful performances on the e-sports stage in the new year after his retirement.



At the same time, they also hoped that all teams would focus on training and competitions, and not attempt to take improper measures. Otherwise, they would be punished with suspensions. 


This announcement was issued by the official PUBG league and calmed the anger of God A fans, turning the fire of those who slandered Angry now at M1G.


Most of the netizens who had been trampling people underfoot said a few things dejectedly, but didn’t dare to apologize. 


There were still a few people who were still trampling on others and questioning the official judgment.

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After the season, M1G, who had failed to even enter the quarter-finals, had instantly become the target of public criticism. 


Some people dug up the video of the Asian Games and said that RJJ had back then actually wanted to frame Angry for playing fixed matches ba.


Although Rong Jing had a lot of appearance fans, they still  couldn’t bear the pressure of so many people. 


Standing at the door, Shen Qi lowered his head. From their point of view, they could only see the back of his head and faint smile.


Ye Lai’s eyes brightened. 


Rong Jing clenched his fist and suppressed the anger and discontent in his heart.



Shen Qi was sending a text message, and since the spot where he was standing was a bit cold, he sniffled a bit and only looked up when he heard footsteps. 


There was even a bit of a calm smile on his face.


Rong Jing took the lead in saying, “What are you doing here? Did you come to see something funny?” 


His left hand was pinching the wrist of his right hand, his face was abnormally pale, and the tone of his words was too rushed.


Shen Qi half-squinted, and his eyes fell on his trembling arm. He understood what was going on, and while leaning on the doorframe, carelessly reminded them, “Your family’s sign is broken. 


“By the way, do you see that villa opposite here? In the future, we will be neighbors, and between neighbors, it’s not necessary to say thank you for a reminder.”


Qiu Ji, who had followed them out: …. 


This doesn’t seem like you reminding us but provoking us instead.


With that, Shen Qi patted Rong Jing’s left shoulder in a friendly way. His strength wasn’t light or heavy, but he made Rong Jing feel that this person had come in person to slap his face. 


This was exactly what Shen Qi wanted to see!



Without him, M1G had suffered defeat after defeat. The investors had withdrawn their investments, and Chen Ling was now badly battered and had absolutely no time to take care of the base. 


Shen Qi didn’t seem to notice his hostility. He took back his hand and wiped it on Lu Tun’s clothes twice.


“I hope you can take care of your body until the summer trials next year.” Shen Qi raised his eyes slightly and snorted. 


“Otherwise, I’m afraid I won’t be able to face off against you during the competition, and that’d be too much of a pity.”


After all, he could only be happy if he saw his enemy’s defeat with his own eyes. 


Rong Jing grabbed the door, and the fingers on his left hand had gone white.

The author has something to say: 


Lu Tun: Don’t lie to me, can the team name be so casual?


I’m still young, I’m still a kid 

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