Ch47 - “When we get married”

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Edited by kat

Fu Mingyuan’s fans had already created an uproar because he had followed an e-sports player. 


His super topic had already begun to speculate wildly.




[AHHHHHH FU GE LOGGED INTO WEIBO!!!! But Fu Ge followed an e-sports player with a god-like appearance!!] 



[Who can tell me what happened?]


[Is Fu Ge going to take part in a film about e-sports competitions?]



[Don’t ba…]


[This is a retired player, my god] 


[AHHHHHHHH GOD A IS SUPER STRONG! Let me explain to you guys! Fu Ge is actually the fan of the same person as me, I’m crying]


[So does Fu Ge also game and watch competitions?] 




The fans spontaneously made their own Weibo posts and wrote comments below it. Finally, they were convinced by the reasoning that “Fu Ge may have watched a competition recently and become a fan of e-sports.” 


However, there were still controversies: how could Fu Ge watch competitions! How could he play video games!



Ji Yin, who was scrolling through the super topic: I don’t know whether he watches competitions or games, I just know his partner.  


I’m the only one shipping them, so lonely.


After waiting for a long time, Du Jing let out a breath after he saw that that Weibo post didn’t get onto the Hot Search list. 


As long as the fans could be managed well, things were good.


It was both time-saving and labor-saving that none of the fans came up with a CP. 




Shen Qi didn’t know anything about what had happened on Weibo. 


During the subsequent period of time, he had to go to the new base every day to supervise the workers and see what parts needed to be changed and what parts didn’t.


Such a big matter as super topic check-ins were even handed over to Lu Tun so that he wouldn’t miss a single day. 


Every night, there was only a little bit of time to video call Fu Mingyuan. Not long after, he could only directly fall asleep.



Sometimes Lu Tun would go to the base with Shen Qi, but more often, he would stay at home and start training ahead of time. 


Another one who was caught to train with him was Dog Ge.


Dog Ge’s fans complained incessantly, but the ones who were more bitter about this were Sweetie fans. 


Sweetie wasn’t livestreaming anymore, so most of them had run over to watch Dog Ge’s livestream instead.


After all, Dog Ge was someone who had met Sweetie in-person! 


Their relationship wasn’t the normal kind! They could learn from Dog Ge’s mouth what Sweetie was up to lately, so it was really hard on them.


But now, Dog Ge had also announced that he wouldn’t be able to livestream for the time being. 


Even though the platform management had already privately messaged him to persuade him to stay, Dog Ge could only express his regret that he had to ask for leave during this period of time, and that when he would be back would be uncertain.


If the platform wanted to count that as him defaulting on his contract, he couldn’t do anything about it. 


The money that he had earned by livestreaming these past two years was already enough to pay off the liquidated damages. In fact, his contract with the platform was already about to expire.



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When Qin Yan called Fu Mingyuan to complain about that matter, Fu Mingyuan had just finished talking with Shen Qi on a video call. 


It was rare that they got to video call in the morning.


Shen Qi’s whole body hadn’t woken up yet. He was probably in a daze, but after feeling around that there was no one next to him, he felt for his cellphone with his eyes closed. 


These past few days had been really tiring, but he also didn’t want to leave the affairs of the base for others to do.


It was only after he got through to Fu Mingyuan and made a sound that Shen Qi half-opened his eyes, rubbed his cheek against the pillow, and unconsciously pulled at his collar. He didn’t say anything before falling asleep again. 


It was just after six in the morning.


Fu Mingyuan didn’t have any parts to film today, and he was drinking jellied bean curd during this time. 


The jellied bean curd had been sent over by the villagers living in front of him, and their daughter had made it herself. Not being able to stand up to the villagers’ enthusiasm, Du Jing had to accept their kindness.


Although they said it was for both of them, Du Jing knew that it was mostly for Fu Mingyuan. 


Fu Mingyuan looked at the young man in the video who had closed his eyes and wasn’t awake at all. His throat bobbed up and down, and he turned his head, his eyes indicating for Du Jing to go away.



We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The abandoned single dog Du Jing: ….. 


Qtfc Ge Alcu kfca bea klat tlr pfiilfv yfjc megv, tf tjqqfcfv ab gec lcab Al Tlc.


Mbg yfaafg bg obg kbgrf, Al Tlc kjr jirb j qbqeijg ilaaif oibkfg. Dfobgf, ktfcfnfg atfs kfgfc’a oliwlcu, rtf’v gec bnfg ab jrx Me Xf obg jvnlmf. Rbk, rtf kjr fnfc wbgf ecqgfvlmajyif, mbhslcu eq ab Ge Alcu fnfgs vjs jcv fnfc jrxlcu jybea Vtfc Hl rfnfgji alwfr. 


Every time, her expression was very subtle.


Du Jing thought that she wanted to poach someone, and that someone was Shen Qi, but he had no evidence. 


Fortunately, Ji Yin was going to film now, so Du Jing let out a breath.




At the moment, the signal in the house seemed to be pretty good. The video call was not prompting that the signal was too poor, and it wasn’t freezing.


The young man’s cheek that was red from pressing against the bed was exposed in the video and the collar of his pajamas had been pulled below his shoulders, his white neck in full view. He had grabbed the pillow with one hand and the cellphone with the other, just aiming it at himself. 


It was probably after making too many video calls these past few days that this had become his natural reaction.



Fu Mingyuan looked at the young man quietly for a long time without making a sound. 


He pursed his lips slightly for a while. Then, the corners of his mouth drew up, and his fingertips caressed the young man’s slightly wrinkled eyebrows in his sleep.


More than half an hour later, Shen Qi opened his eyes again. 


It was time to get up according to his biological clock from the past few days.


His gaze carried a bit of confusion, which wasn’t like his usually bright eyes. 


Fu Mingyuan had seen this look before, but looking at him like this gave him the impulse to go home and hug the young man.


Fu Mingyuan opened and closed his eyes. 


“Gege?” Shen Qi’s voice was still hoarse after waking up, and he only realized then that he actually made a video call.


Fu Mingyuan let out an “en.” 


Shen Qi closed his eyes again and woke up.



Originally, he had a bit of a reaction in the morning. Now when he saw Gege’s eyes focused on himself, he felt that his reaction grew a little. 


Shen Qi moved his legs to kick the quilt away, covered his eyelids with one hand, and said with a smile, “How did I video call you, Gege?


“Tch, did I dream at night?” 


Fu Mingyuan dropped his eyes and glanced at the time. He wanted to remind him that it was time to get up now, but when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them down again. His gaze fell on the slender hand of the young man.


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Suddenly, he felt blazingly hot. 


The door was clearly still open, and the wind blowing in was even cool.


Shen Qi stuck himself out of the quilt, and the camera shook a few times. Fu Mingyuan could only see part of the young man’s clavicle, which was a bit red, probably from being exposed to the air. 


Shen Qi sniffled, stepped into his slippers, and asked in a somewhat nasal voice, “Gege, is there anyone next to you?”


He glanced at the duration of the phone call, saw it had already been this long, and the smile in his eyes deepened. 


He also hadn’t woken him up.



Fu Mingyuan was sitting upright. Shen Qi thought that he must have been sitting in this position and watching him for this long. 


With this idea, his heart grew unbearably soft.


The exhaustion of these days seemed to dissipate suddenly. 


“No,” Fu Mingyuan replied after a while.


Shen Qi chuckled and pressed his fingers against his clavicle. He suddenly moved the camera in front of him and said slowly, word by word, “Gege, my little friend misses you a bit.” 


Then he fluttered his eyes. “I’m going to go comfort him. Hanging up now, Gege~”


Fu Mingyuan: ….. 


Fu Mingyuan silently stared at the black screen of his cellphone for a while, and the hand that held the cellphone gradually tightened.


It wasn’t until Qin Yan called that he came back to his senses. 


“Fu Ge, Old Fu, that one in your family is too vicious. Him not livestreaming anymore is fine, but he also had to carry away my family’s number one Ge.



“It’s really too mean.” 


Qin Yan started to crazily complain as soon as he opened his mouth.


Fu Mingyuan was silent for a while. “Very good.” 


Qin Yan choked on a breath. He had talked so much, but had only gotten a two word answer. Still, that wasn’t his main reason for calling today.


“Hey, if their team wants to sign with a livestream platform in the future, you have to remember me. 


“Whatever conditions they want, just say it. I’ll guarantee their freedom and that it won’t affect the team’s daily training…”


“It’s up to him to choose.” Fu Mingyuan paused. “When did you start to take care of these matters? 


“If something is going on, just go ahead and say it.”


Although Qin Yan was in charge of the livestream platform, he had always been the type of manager to dump the work on others and then walk away. Besides helping Fu Mingyuan check the registration information last time and dealing with that “Anchor Fairy” matter, normally he stayed away from it. 


Qin Yan let out a “heh heh” at Fu Mingyuan’s words.



He couldn’t help sighing inside. 


Sure enough, Fu Ge really understood him.


“I told my parents about my girlfriend’s matter the other day.” Qin Yan’s tone fell. 


“They don’t agree.”


Fu Mingyuan let out an “en,” and his fingertips tapped his knee twice. 


He had already predicted this scenario long ago when Qin Yan and his girlfriend first got together.


Qin Yan’s parents might have allowed him to date the other party, but it was absolutely impossible for them to allow him to marry the other party. 


Qin Yan opened his mouth again and asked, “Fu Ge, what should I do?


“Family background, marrying between the same social status, are all these things so important?” 

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“Qin Yan,” Fu Mingyuan said, “When you asked me this question, you already had an answer in your heart, didn’t you?”



He lowered his eyes, and no fluctuations could be seen in them. 


Qin Yan didn’t answer and was silent for a long time.


While he didn’t speak, Fu Mingyuan waited. 


Marriage was a matter of his entire life, and the main deciding power should be in his own hands.


“After the fight with my parents, I went to pick her up and saw her cuddling with a male star. 


“She said that she was just doing it for show.


“She said that I’m not allowed to be jealous, and I’m not allowed to be angry. I was the one who agreed to let her join the entertainment industry, I was the one who spent money to help her find resources, and I was the one who lifted her up high. 


“I’ve been with her for so many years, but this is the first time that I’ve realized that people can really change.”


“Qin Yan.” Fu Mingyuan pinched his brow and interrupted Qin Yan. 


Qin Yan let out a bitter laugh. He had said all this to Fu Mingyuan because he always seemed to be very steady and cool. Everyone saw Fu Mingyuan as “straight-laced,” “a straight man,” “very nice to fans,” and so on.



Probably only Qin Yan, who had been friends with him since childhood, knew that because Fu Mingyuan’s parents were away from home year round since he was a child, Fu Mingyuan had learned to be independent as he lived alone and raised his younger brother. Even if there was an auntie at home, he wasn’t relaxed at all. 


It seemed that Fu Mingyuan had never complained. He didn’t seem to care at all whether his parents would keep the two brothers company as they grew up.


From when he was small to when he had grown up, Fu Mingyuan had always excelled. 


Maybe his love for acting was inherited from his mother.


It was probably the only thing that he was passionate about. 


Qin Yan sometimes envied Fu Mingyuan’s parents’ hands-off method, but sometimes he thought that if his parents hadn’t cared about him since childhood, he would have grown up a bit twisted.


Qin Yan had once asked Fu Mingyuan if he missed his parents when he was a kid. 


He would always reply after a moment of silence, “A phone call is enough.”


Qin Yan held back his tears and said with a laugh, “Fu Mingyuan, do you really like that one in your family? 


“It’s a hard path for two men, and the shelf life of love is too short.



“Will Uncle and Aunt agree?” 


He had just asked, but his question had been answered long ago.


After a few seconds, Fu Mingyuan answered. 


“There is no shelf life.


“If one day he feels tired, I will still not let go. 


“No matter how hard the path is to walk, I am there to support him.”


His voice was very low, as if he was saying it to himself. 


Qin Yan said with a laugh, “I know you can do what you say. Let Bro meet his sister-in-law one day. You can’t just let me know his name and not even let me meet him, right?”


He really wanted to see what it would be like for Fu Mingyuan to quarrel with his boyfriend. 


Fu Mingyuan let out an “en” and said, “When we get married.”



Qin Yan: ……??? 


“Ge, are you serious?”



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He had just lost his love. Saying such a sentence to him, did he want to anger his bro to death.


People couldn’t actually die of anger, and his mood got a lot better. 


Qin Yan knew that he couldn’t force himself to fight against his parents for his girlfriend, and he didn’t love her as much as he had imagined. Maybe he had changed a long time ago, and had just lacked something to ignite his fuse.


Qin Yan chattered on a bit about how he hoped he could meet his sister-in-law and asked when they would get married. It was only when Fu Mingyuan was starting to get a bit impatient and wanted to hang up that he remembered another matter. 


“Isn’t my nephew in the same school as Mingli? A few days ago, he told me that he saw Mingli with some not-so-good students. You might want to call home and ask around a bit.”


What he said was obscure, but Fu Mingyuan understood. 


After pinching his brow, Fu Mingyuan’s expression grew cold and he thanked him.



After hanging up, Fu Mingyuan called the auntie back home. 


These days, the auntie still reported to Fu Mingyuan every day about Fu Mingli’s daily life, and had found nothing unusual.


It was a little strange to suddenly receive a call from Fu Mingyuan. 


“There’s nothing unusual ah. He comes home to eat on time, goes to school on time, and he doesn’t have any injuries on him.”


The auntie answered in bewilderment. 


Fu Mingyuan answered affirmatively and asked the auntie to contact either him or Du Jing if anything came up.


He had only one scene to film this afternoon, and there would be a big scene in the rain at night. The director was quite humane and let him have a good rest during the day. 




Because she had received a phone call from Fu Mingyuan, the auntie didn’t have time to go back to her own home. She stayed at the Fu house the whole morning, waiting for the little master to come back at noon. 


Fu Mingli also came back on time at noon to obediently eat lunch, and he still looked at his brother’s closed door as usual. He was entangled for a while, but he didn’t speak. After finishing eating, he said goodbye to the auntie and went back to school.



The auntie saw that he didn’t seem to have anything to worry about and relaxed, reported to Fu Mingyuan, and then went home to do some housework. 


After returning to the Fu house to finish making dinner, the auntie waited for a while.


At the usual time when Fu Mingli came home, no one came back. 


The auntie was a little flustered, and her eyebrows twitched abruptly. After thinking about it, she thought that Fu Mingli might have eaten at school and went directly to the evening study hall.


It was time for final exams now, and the school had a self-study evening session. Students could choose to stay at school and study freely. 


But in general, Fu Mingli would let her know.


The auntie still sent a message to Du Jing, and then went to Fu Mingli’s school to find him. 


The school wasn’t far from the neighborhood.


The auntie called Fu Mingli on her way over, but she got a message that the phone had already been turned off. 


At the moment, the school was in the middle of a mealtime, and there were a lot of students wandering around.



The auntie waited at the door for a long time until all the students participating in the evening study session went back to the classroom, and only then did she see Fu Mingli limping out. 


There was blood on his face.


The auntie’s heart almost stopped. If something really happened, how was she going to explain it to Master oh! 

The author has something to say:


Fu Ge, does Cub know about this marriage matter? 


Wuwuwu, I’m sorry I’m late. The after-effects of eating hot pot came, and I had diarrhea all day. I’ve only finished writing after working from morning until now. Last night, originally I’m a good coder, but my cat became possessed and forced me to bed. It kicked up a fuss on my keyboard, and screamed and bit me, so I had no choice but to climb into bed and write a few words on my cellphone :-I


Thank you for the mines and nutrient solution, love you guys. 

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