Ch60 - Training Match

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Edited by kat

9 a.m., QAQ base. 


Lu Tun was the first to go downstairs. This morning, the base was very quiet, and even Ye Lai, who usually got up early to make breakfast, hadn’t come down.




With a yawn, Lu Tun went to the kitchen cupboard and found a bag of oatmeal to soak. The kitchen was soon filled with the smell of oatmeal. 



Lu Tun frowned and was somewhat puzzled. Didn’t they usually all have to get up by eight to train? He looked down at the time on his cellphone.


It really was a bit past nine.



A few seconds later, Lu Tun returned to his senses.


There would be a training match in the afternoon! 


During the meeting last night, he had been too sleepy and had fallen into a small daze. Now he suddenly remembered that Idol had said that they were allowed to sleep until noon today?


Lu Tun let out a “shit,” finished off his oatmeal in a few bites, and ran back upstairs. 


A little past eleven.


Shen Qi leaned against the head of the bed and sent a message to Fu Mingyuan. 


In fact, he had woken up very early. He hadn’t opened up the curtains in his room, and the sun couldn’t get in.



Shen Qi half narrowed his eyes, with a casual smile on his face. His slender fingers pressed on the keyboard of his cellphone madly, with a palapala sound. 


Your Qi Ge: QAQ Gege, I’m so nervous


Fu Mingyuan was finishing up his work today. He basically had no scenes to film, so he had been chatting with Shen Qi the entire time. 


fmy: Don’t be nervous


fmy: You’re the strongest 


Shen Qi started up his tablet and moved his shoulders. During this period of high-intensity training, his shoulders and wrists often were sore.


It was very normal for professional players to have occupational diseases, especially after playing for a long time. 


Shen Qi looked at the video on the tablet, stretched, and then replied.


Your Qi Ge: QAQ where am I the strongest~ 


fmy: You’re strong everywhere, good luck in the afternoon



The other party seemed to hesitate for a while, and a minute later, another new message arrived. 


fmy: Good luck QAQ


Shen Qi couldn’t help laughing. 


Looking at the time, Shen Qi got up from the bed.


First, he took a look in the mirror, then changed into a red sweater. After washing up, he began to fiddle around in front of the mirror to make sure that he looked in high spirits before he prepared to go downstairs. 


Before going downstairs, he took a selfie of himself and today’s outfit to show to Fu Mingyuan.


His skin itself was already pale, but after wearing red, it appeared even paler. The light in the bathroom was very bright, which made his brows look clearer. 


His whole person looked to be in great spirits, but also had a very youthful feel.


Downstairs, all the big boys were already up. 


Ye Lai was already preparing lunch, and Lu Tun was helping him set out dishes. Xu Leng sat on the sofa and was still looking down and watching a video. The coach wasn’t here.



Shen Qi’s steps down the stairs paused. Seeing this scene, the corner of his mouth drew up, and he rubbed his bangs. 


Lu Tun was the first to see him like this. He originally had a mouthful of vegetables, but he didn’t chew them any more.




“Idol, why are you dressing so ostentatiously?”


Let alone his top being red, why were his pants also red? 


Shen Qi snorted and hit the back of his head. “A sense of ceremony, understand?


“It’s the first training match, so fight well.” 


Lu Tun covered the back of his head and nodded. He was a little confused. It wasn’t like it was New Years, so why wear red ah.


Fuck, they hadn’t decided on their team uniform yet. Idol wasn’t about to choose a red uniform ba. 


When Ye Lai went to get the chopsticks, he saw Lu Tun’s tangled expression, so he pulled on his sleeve and whispered to him.



“Shifu is just being nervous like this. Don’t expose him.” Ye Lai smiled until his eyes squinted. 


Lu Tun let out an “oh,” as if he understood something.


Shen Qi didn’t pay attention to them, went to Xu Leng’s side, and grabbed the tablet in his hand. With a click of his tongue, he turned it off. 


“Enough, watching any more won’t give any other results. Let’s go eat lunch first.”


Xu Leng was startled, and noticing that it was Shen Qi, he was stunned for a while before reacting. 


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He got up and walked two steps, then Shen Qi’s somewhat careless voice came from behind.


“Dog Di, don’t carry any psychological burdens.” 


Xu Leng had just stopped and wanted to agree with him, when Shen Qi continued to smile and say, “After all, you three are all my kids. Place all the pressure on my shoulders and just play normally.”


Xu Leng: ….. 


What do you mean we’re all your kids?



Although he knew that Shen Qi’s words were to alleviate most of his nervousness, Xu Leng still took a few deep breaths instinctively. After all, he was the most inexperienced player in the team and the most likely one to be targeted by others. 


Halfway through the meal, Shen Qi asked about the coach.


Xu Leng’s face turned red immediately. 


“Yeah, where’s Coach?” Lu Tun thought it was a bit strange.


He didn’t see him when he came down in the morning, and still didn’t see him when he came down at noon. 


Xu Leng bit his chopsticks and said with a bit of embarrassment, “Um… Coach, his boyfriend came to see him…”


In the end, Xu Leng was still a kid who had never dated anyone. During the past few days, Coach had given him more guidance, and Coach’s boyfriend had probably gotten jealous and came directly to their door. 


Xu Leng and Coach had come down after Lu Tun, having made plans to continue explaining previous problems to Xu Leng.


Not long after they went downstairs, Coach’s cellphone rang, and soon the main door of the base was knocked on. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ktf fzqgfrrlbc bc Jbjmt’r ojmf kjr j ilaaif eccjaegji, yea tf ralii kfca ab bqfc atf vbbg. Ktfc, We Ofcu rjk Jbjmt ufa qgfrrfv jujlcra atf vbbg ys tlr ybsoglfcv jcv xlrrfv.



We Ofcu’r ojmf tjv aegcfv gfv ja atja alwf. Ciatbeut Jjqajlc boafc rtbkfv boo tlr ibnf lc ogbca bo atfw, tf tjvc’a qfgobgwfv atlr xlcv bo ilnf nfgrlbc yfobgf. Lf tjv jirb tfjgv Jbjmt wfcalbc tlr ybsoglfcv yfobgf. 


Shen Qi let out an “oh” then snorted.


But he didn’t say anything more. 


At one o’clock in the afternoon, Shen Qi was sitting in front of the computer, wiping his keyboard and mouse. Lu Ziye had come running back while panting, with a slightly unnatural look on his face.


Shen Qi raised his eyebrows. “Back from your date? Just in time, tch.” 


He looked down at the time, and saw he had just received a message from Bo Li.


Bo Li: Are you ready, bro? 


Your Qi Ge: ?


Your Qi Ge: Who’s your bro? There are no bros during competitions, cozy up to me less 


Bo Li: ……???



Your Qi Ge: If you want to call me daddy, I will reluctantly accept it. LoveFromAnOldFather.jpg 


After a while, a new message appeared in the professional player group chat.


HUOJ-Boli: Posting a big reward for Angry. If you hit him, come to me for a 50 yuan red envelope, and there’s no limit to the number of envelopes. 


HUOJ-SSwen: Captain, we’re making it this big? Will we all focus on fighting God A in the training match soon?


EVE-Buxiu: ? 


BIG-ChenY: Understood


QAQ-Angry: I have a question, one shot at me is only worth 50? 


QAQ-Angry: I have another question, does it count if my teammates hit me? I’m calculating it out, so prepare some money in advance and tell me where you’re jumping in a bit. We’ll go there and perform a bit in front of you ba. Let me prepare some medicine first, and you can hit me as many times as you want. I will definitely not fight back, just give me enough money for it.


HUOJ-Boli: ? 


HUOJ-Boli: Do you have any face?



QAQ-TUN: Idol went to the bathroom, but he said face is useless, and he doesn’t need it 




If you have the ability, it’s true that you don’t need a handsome face. 


2 p.m., QAQ base.


Shen Qi placed a bottle of coke on the table, half squinted at the computer screen, and kicked his toes against the desktop, breaking the calm in the training room. 


A few seconds later, he opened up the coke bottle.


“Captain… It’s time to start.” Lu Tun rubbed his hands nervously. He looked at the boiled water on his desk and then looked wistfully at the coke on Idol’s desk. 


Shen Qi let out an “en” and said, “I know, get ready.”


At 2:02, all the teams were ready, and the screen shifted to Manners Plaza. 


The training map could be specified, and the first match’s map was Erangel.



Xu Leng let out a breath. Compared with Miramar, they had practiced more with Erangel, so he was relatively more proficient at it. 


After getting onto the plane, they looked at the flight path, and saw it was going from the upper right corner to the bottom left corner.


Shen Qi dropped a pin on the restaurant in Yasnaya Polyana. 


“Making a bet that a bike will become a motorcycle, and guess who will go to Military Base to meet us.” He changed his perspective as he spoke. He saw one team jumping to the Ruins and laughed.


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“We may not be able to play in the early stages of a formal competition, but let’s search quickly. Maybe we can also take the team at the Ruins.” 


Xu Leng answered affirmatively and jumped to the police station. At the same time, he looked around, and saw there was no one there.


When Lu Tun came down and picked up a gun, he couldn’t hold back and asked why someone would wait at Military Base for them. 


Shen Qi put an AKM on his back and clicked his tongue. There weren’t any 98K’s.


“Isn’t that because the other day, someone was probing and asked which point we’d been practicing recently? I just said Military Base. After all, in the regular season, Military Base is the most exciting.” 


“No one will believe that ba.” Xu Leng was somewhat doubtful.



He only had one sniper rifle right now. 


Ye Lai sighed and said, “Someone will believe it, because during a past competition, there was someone who asked Shifu, and Shifu told him. Yet as a result, that person didn’t believe him, but who would have thought that Shifu really did jump there.”


Who would have thought that after making his comeback, God A could now even use psychological tactics. 


Shen Qi laughed and didn’t speak.


Ye Lai was telling the truth. Xu Leng was deep in thought, and Lu Tun already knew about it, because that simpleton was his former captain. 


HUOJ really did jump to the Military Base. There was only one team in the military base, and it was a bit empty and lonely.


Bo Li hated that he couldn’t turn on the world channel and curse out Shen Qi right then and there. 


In the first circle, Yasnaya Polyana was still in the safe zone.


Shen Qi carried an AKM and an M4 without a grip on his back, picked up two bags and two bottles of medicine, and called for Lu Tun to go with him to the Ruins. 


Lu Tun took off his SKS to give to him.



The main team in the Ruins hadn’t felt the danger yet. At the beginning of the game, everyone liked stability. 


As the second circle refreshed, Shen Qi reached the periphery of the Ruins.


The Ruins were surrounded by walls, and the terrain was a bit chaotic. 


He squatted by the wall for a while, while Lu Tun went to draw fire for him.


A member of the team at the Ruins was directly exposed to Shen Qi’s gaze. Shen Qi squinted, looked at the level three armor the other party was wearing, and chuckled. “Tun’er, don’t hit his body, I want his clothes.” 


Lu Tun answered affirmatively and understood what he meant. His 2x scope AKM aimed for a while.


Then, he suddenly heard footsteps behind him. 


Shen Qi immediately fired. Although that person had level three armor, sadly he only had a level one helmet. After being strafed a few times, he fell directly to the ground.


[QAQ-Angry knocked down bzy-1hao with a headshot with an M416] 


[QAQ-Angry killed bzy-1hao with a headshot with an M416]



At the same time, Lu Tun was facing off against this person’s teammate, directly trading shots. Lu Tun was quick enough to get in two shots, and he hadn’t fallen to the ground. 


[QAQ-TUN knocked down bzy-2hao with an AKM]


[QAQ-Angry killed bzy-2hao with an AKM] 


Shen Qi threw a smoke bomb over to him, and then also threw two smoke bombs over on his own side.


And then he looted the level three armor. 


“He has a Mini on him,” Shen Qi said.


“Okay, Idol!” 


After collecting two kills and searching for supplies, Shen Qi waited patiently for the pair’s teammates.


Then he saw two figures running out. 


They didn’t approach directly, not wanting to avenge their teammates at all.



Shen Qi clicked his tongue, and spoke unhappily while holding the SKS, “Am I that terrifying? If you come here for a bit, will something happen?” 


Lu Tun: ……




If they didn’t come, something would still happen.


There was no car in the Ruins to escape with. Once Shen Qi saw a person, he would just keep staring at you, and what was more, he had a 4x scope and a SKS, which was equivalent to directly staring at them to death. 


However, an SKS wasn’t as easy to use as a 98K, and the level two helmet wasn’t broken directly.


The moving targets that ran away were hit once, then hid in a bunker. 


Shen Qi didn’t pursue them either.


“The people from the Mansion are coming.” Ye Lai let them know from over on Xu Leng’s side. 


Xu Leng went up to the second floor to set up a gun.



“How many?” Shen Qi asked. 


“Three,” Xu Leng answered immediately.


“Delay a bit, we will come right over.” 


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The circle refreshed.


Yasnaya Polyana was now outside the safe zone. 


The people who came over from the Mansion were BIG’s members. They had guessed that the Yasnaya Polyana people were likely to be QAQ’s, because the BZY team often jumped to the Ruins, and Angry and Tun were at the Ruins. Based on Angry’s habits, the nearby point that they had jumped to was very likely Yasnaya Polyana, and now there were only two people left in Yasnaya Polyana.


They had to take advantage of the time when Angry and Tun hadn’t come back to support them to kill both of them off. 


Xu Leng’s figure flashed from the window of the second floor.


He Bin sneered and directly walked around the dead angle. 


He was the fourth person Xu Leng hadn’t seen.



There were only two people over on Ye Lai’s side, but he wasn’t very flustered. He gripped some grenades in his hand and crouched near the mouth of the stairs. 


The high ground was the superior position.


When Shen Qi and Lu Tun came back, the kill prompts had just appeared on the screen. 


[BIG-WSS killed QAQ-Cold with an AKM]


[QAQ-LAND killed BIG-Ginger with a M16A4] 


[BIG-ChenY knocked known QAQ-LAND with a headshot with a M416]


Both of Xu Leng’s hands left his mouse and keyboard. 


Ye Lai took a deep breath. “There are four of them, Shifu.”


Just now, he saw Weapon flash by from a superior position. 


Xu Leng looked up at him with somewhat red eyes.



Just now WSS had trapped him with a grenade. He had panicked, and his first reaction was to jump out of the window. 


He was killed directly in mid air without even giving him buffering time.


Shen Qi was silent for a while and answered affirmatively with no change in his tone. “Enter the circle directly.” 


Lu Tun took a turn and walked out of Yasnaya Polyana.


At the end of the first match, QAQ ranked fourth. 


They had less people and were surrounded in the last circle.


The second match was still Erangel. 


They jumped to Yasnaya Polyana.


In the third circle, while transferring over to the Mansion, QAQ-Cold was killed. 


QAQ ranked third.



Third match, Miramar. 


Jumping point, Pecado.


At the beginning, QAQ-Cold was killed. 


QAQ ranked fourth.


There were only three matches in the training match. 


At the end of the third match, the atmosphere of the QAQ base was a little low.


For the other teams, Xu Leng had become their breakthrough point. 


Especially after they discovered that he seemed flustered in the first match, they started to obviously target him in the second match. This was a big taboo for a team’s performance during a competition.


If he was originally a mess, then what he was like when other teams were targeting him didn’t need to be mentioned. 


Shen Qi actually didn’t really care.



He took a sip of coke, which had gone flat. He smacked his lips, and thought that it was a little sweet. 


“Alright, after a while, Coach will do the post-battle analysis for us to know clearly where our weaknesses are.


“Tch, was this not quite the right time for me to wear this red outfit. It’s New Year’s day the day after tomorrow, and I’ll buy a red sweater at that time.” 


He threw the coke into the trashcan.


Xu Leng watched his movements, pursed his lips, and didn’t speak. 


Lu Tun patted Xu Leng on the shoulder, sort of wanting to say something, but stopping himself.


Ye Lai grabbed his hand and shook his head at him. 


Shen Qi looked down at his cellphone, and saw it was already past six o’clock.


“Let’s order takeout tonight?” Shen Qi raised his eyebrow. “In order to participate in the training competition, I haven’t eaten anything spicy in a long time, so how about spicy boiled fish?” 


Lu Ziye, who was in the process of data analysis, glanced at him. He thought of something, his gaze fell behind him, and he slowly asked, “Spicy food? Can you stand it?”



Shen Qi didn’t need to think about his words and directly understood his meaning. “I’ll have something light when Gege comes back.” 


He laughed.


At the very least, he could nurse himself well after eating this meal. He heard that there were some items for nursing that part of him, so he’d go treasure-hunting later and see. 

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Lu Ziye nodded slightly.


The other three didn’t understand what riddles they were speaking in. 


The responsibility of ordering takeout was given to Lu Tun, and Shen Qi went upstairs to take a bath.


Lu Tun was conflicted for a long time, but in the end he still clicked on the spicy boiled fish for Shen Qi. 


Shen Qi’s bath was fast, so the takeout hadn’t come yet, and Lu Ziye’s data analysis wasn’t done yet either. Shen Qi directly logged into the game using the computer in his room.


Then, he started to watch Xu Leng’s perspective. 


After a while, his cellphone vibrated. Fu Mingyuan had sent a message to ask if the training match was over.



Shen Qi wiped his still-dripping hair and directly put a towel on his head. His face no longer had the smile he had downstairs. The bathroom light was on in the room, and the light from the computer screen reflected his outline. 


Your Qi Ge: QAQ finished fighting badly Gege, we were beaten very miserably


fmy: Rubbing Head.jpg 


Your Qi Ge: Baby right now especially needs Gege’s arms to come comfort him. BabyBeatenOnGroundNotGettingUp.jpg


Your Qi Ge: Gege, when will you come back ya QAQ Baby needs hugs from Gege 


As a captain, he couldn’t show any negative emotions in front of the players.


He also didn’t want to bring negative emotions to Fu Mingyuan. 


Some words would probably become much more peaceful if they were said in a joking way.


After a minute, Fu Ming replied. 


fmy: Hugging



fmy: Coming over tomorrow night and will spend New Year’s day with you 


Your Qi Ge: LopEaredRabbitCrying.jpg I made a mistake today


Your Qi Ge: I want to see Gege now QAQ 


Fu Mingyuan was silent for a while, then looked at Du Jing, who was packing up his things. “Tomorrow’s banquet for the film finishing…”


Before he finished speaking, Du Jing rushed to reply, “Don’t don’t don’t don’t ask me. I don’t know anything. You can go directly to the director.” 


Fu Mingyuan dropped his eyes and let out an “en.”


Du Jing looked up at the sky with no words. 


fmy: Hugging.jpg. Will try to come back as early as possible


Your Qi Ge: Okayyyy Gege~ Love youuuu~ 


Shen Qi held his forehead and let the water drip from his hair onto his face and neck.



It was only after talking with Fu Mingyuan for a while and adjusting his mood for a bit that Shen Qi went downstairs with a smile. 


The takeout had come just in time, and the smell of spicy boiled fish filled the dining room.


Shen Qi rubbed his hungry belly. 


Xu Leng ate the least, as he had no appetite.


But it wasn’t easy to express directly, so he forced himself to smile. 


After dinner, the coach did the post game analysis for everyone.


Lu Ziye made a reasonable analysis of everyone’s situation. 


In the first match, Shen Qi’s wrong decision led to the situation of trading two people for one.


Xu Leng’s state of mind wasn’t stable, leading to his failure to progress in the three matches. 





The post game analysis lasted three hours. 


There was an unspeakable depression in the base’s atmosphere.


Before going to bed, Shen Qi leaned against the head of the bed and took a tablet to watch the videos. 


After a while, a knock came from his door. At the same time, Shen Qi received a message from Xu Leng.


Dog Di: Captain, I want to talk to you about something 

The author has something to say:


What should come will come 


And the question about their first time, I long ago calculated it all out in the outline, and it’ll be a good day.


Thank you for the mines and nutrient solution 

Juurensha: Nooooooo Dog Di, keep hanging in there!



kat: Fighting Dog Di!!! And Lu Ziye’s concern for Shen Qi’s chrysanthemum lol 

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