Ch9 - You don’t need to call me Gege anymore.

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Edited by Divetus and kat

Fu Mingyuan stared at the several messages and kept deleting, editing, and shortening his reply. 

“Ge!” Fu Mingli rushed in with his schoolbag on his back, not stopping until he plastered himself against the sofa.

Fu Mingyuan looked up at him and threw his cellphone onto the sofa.



“En, what would you like to eat tonight?” He stood up, grabbed Fu Mingli’s heavy schoolbag, and helped him take out his homework before heading to the kitchen.

Fu Mingli’s eyes flicked back and forth, and then stopped on his big brother’s cellphone. He said coquettishly, “Ge, I’ll eat anything you make! 

“Can you give me back my cellphone ah, Ge?”


Without his cellphone, he felt pretty much disconnected from society.

Fu Mingyuan’s back figure paused. “Ask again after your midterm exam.”

He recalled that anchor’s words again.


If Fu Mingli indulged in this kind of livestream every day, it would affect his studies greatly. No wonder he had done so poorly on his previous exams.

As soon as Fu Mingli heard this, he immediately pretended to be dead and lay on the sofa with his legs kicking around in mid-air.

“Ge~ Ge~”

This second-year middle school boy’s voice had already started to change, and it sounded very hoarse. 

Fu Mingyuan was already accustomed to listening to it, but now he felt that it was a little noisy. On the contrary, it was the little anchor’s clean and crisp “Gege” that surprisingly made him feel at ease.


Shen Qi saw that the other party’s “typing” disappeared, so he also didn’t send him a message. He felt somewhat uncomfortably hot and kicked at his quilt for a bit.

It was probably the medicine kicking in, but he soon fell asleep holding onto his cellphone. 

It wasn’t a peaceful sleep.

He returned to his childhood, to the time when Shen Bozang had brought another woman home. His mother sat in a wheelchair with tears streaming down her face.

She said, “Qiqi, you must never be like your father in the future. Men must stay faithful to their spouse until death.”

The scene shifted, and it was raining again. He came home from school and had been surrounded by a group of policemen and doctors. 


When he woke up from his dream, Shen Qi was sweating all over.


It was already completely dark outside, and the room’s lights were off. The quilt covering his body had slipped down, and after sweating, his skin felt a bit clammy after it came into contact with the air.

He touched his forehead, and it was cold. 

After bunching up his quilt, Shen Qi picked up his cellphone and glanced at the time. It was already past three o’clock in the morning, and he had slept for about ten hours.

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He had several WeChat message notifications.

He clicked on the notification and glanced over the messages.

Little Apprentice: Shifu, do you have a cold?! Drink plenty of hot water.jpg 

Lu Tun: TUT Idol, I’ll see you next time when I’m free. I’ll train first!


fmy: No.

Shen Qi laughed. 

He turned the light on and walked to the bathroom barefoot to take a hot bath.

After he came back, he didn’t feel sleepy. He simply just chilled in bed and logged into his sockpuppet Weibo account to scroll through Fu Mingyuan’s Weibo.

The other party’s last Weibo post was still the same post where he forwarded a video of when he won the award, but there were a ton of comments and likes.

Shen Qi scrolled through them with great interest and found that they were all urging him to provide some fanservice on Weibo. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Me Zlcusejc’r Qflyb qgbyjyis kjrc’a qfgrbcjiis wjcjufv ys tlw, yea la kjr wjcjufv nfgs raglmais.

Lf obiibkfv Me Zlcusejc’r Qflyb, jcv atfc milmxfv bc tlr reqfgabqlm.

Vegf fcbeut, atfgf kjr j milq bo atf lcafgnlfk ogbw atja vjs.

Jbwqjgfv ab atf wbnlf ilaafgfv klat qbra-qgbvemalbc rqfmlji foofmar, Me Zlcusejc ibbxfv wbgf gfji ecvfgcfjat atf ilnfragfjw mjwfgj. 

Shen Qi repeatedly watched that single clip of him walking onstage, and inexplicably felt that those eyes were very familiar.

His voice also sounded a bit familiar.



Shen Qi’s illness came and went quickly. 

In the next few days, Pink Loli Head never came online, and neither did number one on the supporter’s ranking list.

Shen Qi still acted as usual, livestreaming for a while every day, and spending the rest of the time watching e-sports competition videos.

The playoffs were about to start, and even if M1G performed terribly in the Asia Championship, they were still a high-profile team participating in the playoffs.

After watching some fan-made M1G videos, Shen Qi had to admit that they could make their idol debut. 

He started up his livestream and received a private message from an administrator.

——[Hello, Cyber Sweetie, your livestream violates clause 10 of the platform terms of service: no livestreams will try to test the limits of the rules, which includes in the livestream’s language, actions, etc. Your livestream has been temporarily suspended. If you have any objections, please contact the administrator within 48 hours to appeal.]

Shen Qi: “…..”

He had been unexpectedly struck down? 

What did he say yesterday?

He seemed to have changed his livestream title to something like, “Mwah mwah, give me a kiss”?

He could get suspended because of that?

Although he didn’t rely on livestreaming to make a living, getting suspended for no reason would still make people feel ticked off. 

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The last time he was this upset, he had beat up M1G’s manager and confidently quit.

He thought about it and sent the administrator a private message.

[TUT Administrator Gege, where did I violate the rules, can you tell meee?]

[Little Gege~ Are you there~ My dear fans are still waiting for meeee~] 

The administrator hadn’t read his private messages yet, and Shen Qi was a little bored. He rubbed his chin, thought about it, and then sent a message to fmy.

Your Qi Ge: TUT, my livestream has been suspended.


Unexpectedly, the other party actually replied within a second with a question mark.

Their chat history had still been stuck on the expired transfer of funds prompt from before. 

He sent a screenshot of the administrator’s private message together with his own messages to him.

The other party started to show “typing” under their name in the chat window.

Shen Qi yawned, accepted a friend request, clicked on a funny video, and then watched it for a while before the other person’s reply finally arrived.

fmy: …Administrator Gege? 

fmy: You don’t need to call me Gege anymore.

Shen Qi let out an “ah” and then laughed aloud.

His hands typed at lightning-speed: Gege, what’s wrong?

Your Qi Ge: If I don’t call you Gege, then what should I call you? 

Your Qi Ge: I don’t know your name

Your Qi Ge: Mingming? Doesn’t sound good

Your Qi Ge: Gege still sounds the best~

On the other side, Fu Mingyuan, who was discussing his contract with senior executives, suddenly fell silent. 

The several senior executives looked at each other in dismay. It couldn’t be that their offered conditions were lacking too much?

Fu Mingyuan couldn’t be unshakable in his desire to leave and work on his own, right?

“Um… Mingyuan ah, if you want to add some conditions, then we can discuss it…”

Fu Mingyuan let out an “en” and said, “Sorry, I’m not dissatisfied with the contract terms. I just want to create my own studio…” 

He wanted to go out and stand on his own, no longer relying on his mother’s halo.

The executives sighed.


Just then, there was a knock on the office door, and a very well-groomed man dressed in a white suit pushed the door open and walked inside.

When the executives saw who had come in, they were stunned. “President Shen, you’ve arrived.” 

Shen Bozong nodded with a smile and then looked at Fu Mingyuan.

“President Shen.” Fu Mingyuan stood up and nodded to him.

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Shen Bozong laughed without restraint. “In the blink of an eye, you’ve become the Film Emperor.”

“It’s very good for young people to have a dream.” 

The executives immediately withdrew from the room when they saw that the two of them had something to discuss.

When the others left, Shen Bozong patted Fu Mingyuan on the shoulder and sighed. “My son is only four years younger than you.”

Fu Mingyuan imperceptibly frowned.

Although Shen Bozong was on friendly terms with his father, his reputation within the entertainment circle had always been pretty bad. 

His wife had fallen ill because of childbirth, but he had brought home his mistress. His wife witnessed this and had been so hurt that she had committed suicide.

Although those rumors had been suppressed because of Shen Bozong’s authority and power, people still occasionally brought it up as idle conversation.

Even though many years had already passed.

And his son, who had never made a public appearance, was obviously protected very well by Shen Bozong. 

Shen Bozong sighed and continued, “He also had some kind of e-sports dream, but in the end, he was beaten back to reality.

“Sooner or later, he will take over my family business.”

Fu Mingyuan took two steps forward. He was a bit taller than Shen Bozong, so there was the illusion of him looking down on people.

“Uncle Shen, if one doesn’t make an effort, then no one will know what the results will be.” 

“Work hard.” Shen Bozong gave him a profound look. “I want my son to physically attend next month’s ‘Actors Meeting Actors.’ At that time, I hope that Nephew will take good care of him.

“Speaking of which, he’s living in the same neighborhood as you now.”



Fu Mingyuan looked down at his cellphone. 

“Then I’ll be leaving first, President Shen.”


“Done?” Du Jing was relieved to see Fu Mingyuan come out.

Fu Mingyuan nodded, but his expression wasn’t happy at all. 

“So then why do you look like I owe you money?

“What did Shen Bozong say to you?”

Fu Mingyuan moved his lips and unconsciously rubbed his fingers on the cellphone screen.

The two people walked forward one block, when Fu Mingyuan suddenly stopped. “Why would a person like to call other people Gege?” 

Du Jing: ???

Fu Mingyuan saw his puzzled expression and looked away.

He felt that he had truly been possessed. First, he smashed gifts on him, and now he even cared that the other party was calling others “Gege.”


Your Qi Ge: Gege?

Your Qi Ge: Transferred 10,000 yuan

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Shen Qi only felt at ease after he transferred the money back.

The platform administrator had now replied to him. 

——[Hello, Cyber Sweetie, users have reported that your livestream has content that violates the rules. Please promptly rectify this situation.]

——[Gege~ How do I get unsuspended~]


——[Non-contracted users must submit any information pertaining to the livestream for audit, and measures will be taken in accordance with the actual situation within 48 hours. Contracted users can directly contact the administrators in charge of unsuspending people]

Shen Qi clicked his tongue. 

He still had to wait 48 hours.

Who had reported him? He was an uncontracted anchor, so what was there worth reporting?

Shen Qi casually clicked on another person’s livestream, and then continued to pester the administrator.

——[Gege, how do I submit something for audit ya~] 

——[Click on the audit link]

——[Thank you, little administrator Gege]

The other side seemed to be silent for a while before replying—[You’re welcome]

——[You’re not a bot ya, little administrator Gege] 

This time, the administrator didn’t reply at all.

When Shen Qi clicked on the audit link, a deep male voice suddenly came out of his speakers, and he looked back to the livestream.

This just happened to be Dog Ge’s PUBG livestream, who had the highest popularity score on the platform.

He listened for a while, then exited. 

His voice wasn’t even as good as his number one contributor’s voice.

On the other end, Fu Mingyuan, who had logged into his account, glanced at the only person in his “Following” list. The other person was in someone else’s livestream.

This aspect of WildLeopard Live wasn’t particularly good. If you had contributed money to an anchor, you could check to see where they were on the platform.

He went in for a look, and exited out within a minute. 

This…was another one of his Geges?

Fu Mingyuan looked at the WeChat money transfer interface and frowned.


The author has something to say

Fu Mingyuan: Angry.jpg

Thank you for the bombs and nutrient solution, love you guys((*  ̄3)(ε ̄ *)

Juurensha: Hahahaha, already jealous of the Gege title, huh FMY? And SQ’s father really was scum, but is he trying to matchmake for his son now???? 

Divi: I don’t know how to feel, if Shen Bozong actually wants FMY to “look after” (or matchmake) SQ, and then they end up dating… Would he think that was his doing? O_O But now FMY was made acutely aware…

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