The woman did not lose her aloofness even at the moment when the wicked Willinger was shaking with fear.

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The appearance of the woman who said everything she wanted to say before her death left a deep impression on him.

He could have killed her with a single swing of his sword, but strangely, seeing her reminded him of his mother.

After the death of the emperor, his mother was earnestly begging for her own life.

So he saved her, who was different from his mother.

He thought she was too much for Willinger, but seeing her today made him laugh because he realized he was wrong.

It was pitiful and funny to see her approaching a man regardless of how long her husband has died.

He could tell what kind of woman she is based on that scene alone.


The scene where she was left alone and sadly watched the back of the person who left first was a masterpiece.

It was as if she were a woman left alone after sending her lover to her extremities.

Shiraz left the place with a cold face.

* * *

I couldn’t tell if the food was going into my mouth or my nose while eating.

It felt like a stopwatch was ticking in my ear.

Because the grandson stated that he would apply to the captain tomorrow, his death is also confirmed.

Alicia approached me as soon as she saw me, unaware of my complicated thoughts.

She put the plate on the table and pulled a chair closer to sit in front of me.

“Come on, tell me. Don’t forget anything that happened.”

Alicia just looked at my mouth with clear eyes, as if she was going to absorb everything.

She seemed to have been curious about what happened since I work in the main castle today.

“Just. I worked all day.”

“Ah. What is it. Please tell me in more detail. Have you seen the Grand Duke again?”

She hurriedly silenced her voice, afraid that anyone would hear it.

“I can’t afford it because I’m working in the dust pit. I can’t wait to come back.”

With a flat expression, Alicia picked up her spoon in response to my words.

“Right! I happened to pass by and overheard from the room I was cleaning.”

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Alicia’s eyes lit up as if she had suddenly remembered something.

I was curious too, so I looked at her with curious eyes.

“The Grand Duke’s most cherished person in the world will come.”


The most cherished person in the world.

Was there such a person for a human who wouldn’t get a drop of blood even if he pricked with a needle?

Shiraz Rudkaev was a man whose veins would shard ice instead of hot blood.

‘But why didn’t it appear in the original?’

No matter how much I think about it, I can’t remember who his cherished person is.

I shook my head and smiled.

The villain’s lover. It was something I needed to know.

* * *

As soon as the next morning arrived, I hurried to the inner castle ahead of everyone else.

People who don’t know will think I’ve been diligently moving from the morning to work, but I had a different place to go.

“There’s a problem! It’s Grandpa!”

The grandson I met yesterday was very surprised when he saw me again.

My breath had caught up to the tip of my chin, and when I spoke urgently about his grandfather, his face turned pale.

“What about Grandpa? Hurry up and tell me!”

“Grand, Grandpa! I just heard from someone who just came up from town, and he’s all hurt! His legs are bleeding and he can’t even move. It’s a big problem!”

Even after hearing the list of words that did not match, the situation still appeared to be quite serious.

“If you don’t go quickly, Grandpa! Grandpa!”

Before I could finish my words, I stared at the man running like a madman.

“I’m sorry, Grandpa. Turning a healthy person into a patient. I had no choice but to save your grandson.”

This was the only way I’d been thinking about it all night, but it seemed to work anyway.

I saw him riding a horse down to the village at full speed.

It will be difficult for him to return to the castle within today.

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After tomorrow morning the advanced squad for Kienni departs, there will be no more choice.

‘You both will resent me, but it’s better than dying unfairly.’

Thinking about it that way, the guilt about lying seemed to have lessened.

When I arrived at the castle to start work, the other maids were there first.

“Where the hell have you been and arrived here just now?”

The head maid scolded me.

“I’m sorry. I left early, but the castle was wide and I got lost.”

Her distasteful eyes softened slightly as she looked at me. She seemed to remember praising me for working the hardest yesterday.

“Be careful from now on.”

She turned away from me and assigned me what to do today.

I had been running around nervously since morning, and my body was exhausted before I even started work.

* * *

A few days later, I met milk grandpa and his grandson again in the castle.

I expected him to be angry when he returned after ensuring his grandfather’s safety because the advance team had already left.

But contrary to my expectations, he didn’t come to me.

Instead, he just looked at me resentfully.

Because what’s the point of arguing with a maid like me now, but he looked desperate.

I became depressed when I thought of milk grandpa’s disappointed expression.

‘He must have been angry with me. He treated me so well, how resentful he must be now.’

I can clearly see how upset he must have been when he found out that his grandson could not apply for the advanced team.

‘Maybe the original has changed a bit. I wonder if I do something wrong…’

With that thought in mind, I shook my head resolutely.

‘It’s upsetting now, but it will be heartbreaking to see the soldiers who went to the advanced squad being executed later.’

I tried to ignore the eyes of the grandson who looked at me unfairly and moved quickly.

* * *

A few more days have passed since then.

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After a few days of being troubled by milk grandpa and his grandson, I returned to my work with a more relaxed attitude.

When it came to work, it was all about swiping, wiping, and dusting, which caused my back to hurt every day.

The Grand Duke was in the midst of preparing to receive an important guest from the capital city.

This castle is one of many castles owned by the Grand Duke, so it was mostly quiet except for the time he was staying as it is now.

It was rare for such guests to come from the capital, so the servants and maids were having their busiest time in recent years.

Although they were struggling, they were slightly excited.

“Isn’t this the first time so many people come from the capital?”

“How beautiful would it be when noble ladies are coming? We’re going to look like complete countrymen.”

They giggled while making such jokes while working.

I was ironing the curtains while listening to the maids talking to each other.

‘This situation did not appear in the novel at all.’

I wondered how the other side of the story that was not narrated in the original would unfold.

While I was expecting that, I could hear the signs of people from the other side.

The maid quickly walked this way, followed by a few familiar faces.


I opened my eyes wide to see if what I was seeing was right.

Alicia approached with a clearly excited expression.

‘Garnett. I got to work with you too!’

I heard a hallucination as if Alicia’s eyes were telling me that.

She couldn’t hide her excitement and joy as if she had started a new school year and been assigned to the same class.

“The guests are coming soon, but we’re short of hands. You will stay here for a while and serve them. Everyone, always be very careful with your words and actions.”

The head maid asked a few questions to see if the preparations were going well and then left.

As soon as she left, Alicia took my hand.

At the command of the head maid, Alicia and I had to move the luggage to the maid’s dormitory in the inner castle.

Fortunately, we were assigned to the same room.


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Alicia looked at the room and couldn’t keep her mouth shut.

“It’s the first I have had a room like this.”

She sat on the bed, bouncing her hips, and touching the small tables and closets in the room curiously.

It was clean and comfortable compared to the poor dormitory shared by several people.

“Come on, let’s change clothes.”

I unfolded the new maid’s clothes lying side by side on the bed.

This one looked much better because the clothes I had been wearing were rags.

A light blue skirt with long small buttons behind the waist on a cream linen top. A white apron.

I put on all my new clothes and looked at myself in the mirror.

‘It smells clean.’

It’s been a while since I’ve worn clean clothes. I felt better and took a deep breath through my nose.

It wasn’t a flashy floral scent, but it seemed to have a fresh grassy scent.

Our skin appears more radiant due to the bright color top.

As we looked at each other’s changes, Alicia and I giggled.

That’s right. I was a maid, but I didn’t what made me so happy that I couldn’t stop smiling.

“Garnett. This isn’t a dream. I’d rather die than return to that stinky den.”

Alicia couldn’t believe it, so she kept staring at herself in the mirror.

She liked it like a lady who went to a party wearing a pretty dress rather than a maid outfit.

“I wish I could continue to work here even when the guests return.”

“You don’t have to like it that much. Now, if you make a mistake, you can think of it as losing your neck instead of being scolded.”

I was sorry for pouring cold water on Alicia, who was overflowing with hope, but it served as a wake-up call.


Alicia looked at me with a surprised expression. It was the expression you’d make if you got a doll but then had it taken away right away.

I thought I was being too harsh, so I softened my tone and comforted her.

“You never know what will happen here, so always be cautious. Because not all of the high-ranking persons you were curious about are good people. Let’s get out now.

Alicia nodded at that point as if she understood what I was saying.

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