Surprisingly, I adapted quickly to the woman I possessed.

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Fortunately, I learned the words and writings of this place by imitating them, and I still have all of Garnett Willinger’s memories.

I must try everything I could to avoid people’s suspicions until I was safely out of this castle.

It was difficult to hear the words ‘The Lord’s wife is weird’ for no reason just because I acted a little unusual.

Her personality, tone, and manner, I began to act as if I were her.

There was something I realized while doing that.

Garnett was truly a miserable and poor woman.

I understand why she died in despair without even thinking of escaping when Grand Duke Shiraz attacked.

‘No, what’s wrong with the lord’s wife!’

Throughout my life as her, these lamentations came out of my mouth countless times.

I was upset about that unfortunate incident, so let’s talk about it step by step.

“Madam. Are you going to visit the stable keeper today?”

When the door was opened, a maid asked me with an annoyed expression.

‘Knock at least!’ I said in my mind and looked back at the maid.

The maid’s eyes were mixed with irritation as to why I kept making people tired by doing annoying things.

If she was a normal Lord’s wife, no maid will show such an attitude.

If they do, they will be whipped and kicked out immediately.

I quickly got used to the maids’ indifference.

It wasn’t a place to stay for long anyway.

Distancing myself from the maids may be rather advantageous to escape later.

I brushed my hair neatly and stood up from the dressing table.

“Yes. I need to go right now. I heard his leg was cut off.”

I walked out to the hallway, leaving the grumbling maid behind.

Garnett Willinger, the Lord’s wife was living a time-limited life until the arrival of Grand Duke Shiraz.

Seeing my dreams became clearer over the last few days, and I think that day was really near.

* * *

I had to cross the castle in the morning to get to the stable in the most remote part of the castle.

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The servants sweeping the floor, the gardener servicing the garden, and the kitchen servants carrying ingredients greeted me formally every time I passed by.

“Good morning, Madam.”

“Good morning. Anna.”

“Good morning.”

“Thank you. Tony.”

They politely nodded their heads, but I knew. I knew what pathetic, pitying eyes will they use to look at me after I passed by. Someone might be clicking their tongue.


Because the true mistress of this castle was someone else. I was a fake Lord’s wife.

My gaze was drawn to the balcony of a particular building with a bitter smile.

The real mistress of this castle resided in that extravagant place, which was adorned with flowers and lavish decorations.

The woman, with her voluminous red hair, gracefully ponied up, and her adorable son were feeding the lark in the cage.

“Ho ho ho ho.”

The laughter that began early in the morning was uncontrollable as if I wasn’t really the mistress of this castle.

When her gaze met mine, who was standing below, she lifted her chin slightly and gave me a disdainful look.

She reluctantly nodded her head once.

After greeting her with a soft smile, I turned away from her. My face hardened as soon as I turned around as if I had chewed shit.

‘How the hell did Garnett endure this tragic situation?’

It wasn’t that I didn’t understand this poor woman I possessed.

Aiden Kirkrum, her father, was born in the Duchy of Mahat as the second son of a noble family.

Naturally, the title was passed down to the eldest son, and Aiden leaves home to study medicine. Then he entered Lord Willinger’s territory.

He worked hard to raise his daughter nicely in place of his wife, who died early, but one day this ruthless Lord kidnapped her right away.

He became ill and died after his daughter was taken away. It was unfortunate that his hair was all gray when he died.

“That man will be killed by lightning.”

I gritted my teeth thinking about the Lord.

Garnett loses even her family to return to as a result of her father’s death, leaving her in a miserable situation with no one to rely on.

She was the Lord’s only wife who had been brought in to hide the Lord’s disgrace, so she was lonely in the castle.

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The woman who smiled triumphantly as she looked at me was the Lord’s sister-in-law, long-time mistress, and the real mistress.

What a shitty family.

I couldn’t help but wonder if the Lord would kick out Garnett and take that woman as his wife.

Lord Willinger was timid and cowardly. When it was revealed that he and his sister-in-law were in such a relationship, he couldn’t raise his face, so he used Garnett as a shield.

‘He must have killed his brother too. That child must be his own, not his nephew.’

A reasonable doubt arose.

Of course, there were good things about this crazy situation.

The Lord couldn’t touch me.

I noticed the red-haired woman staring at me, so I turned to face her.

‘It’s a million blessings. Really.’

I felt sick when I remembered the Lord’s slick face.

After much deliberation, I arrived at the stable.

The maid who followed started to complain again.

“There is no need for madam to take care of such lowly things. Well.”

I was amused and snorted inwardly. Even though she’s a maid herself, she called the others lowly.

“I do it because I want to. If you are the Lord’s person, you are also mine.”

“Ahh, that’s why the people of the castle look down on madam even more. You just need to embroider in the room and do flower arrangements, no need to go to such a dirty place.”

When her husband, a gardener, fell from a tree a few days ago, she wept pitifully. I couldn’t believe how different she was.

I hurried into the stable keeper’s hut because I didn’t want to hear any more of her nagging.


As soon as I opened the door, a suffocating stench came over me.


The maid who had followed in was fed up and ran out again.

Outside, there was the sound of squealing and groaning.

I wanted to follow her, but I held my breath and acted like Garnett Willinger.

If it had been Garnett in this situation, she would have prioritized the patient over the smell.

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She learned medicine by helping her father since she was young, and her personality was orphaned as well.

I forgot Garnett was an extra the more I got to know her, and I wondered if I had possessed the body of a woman who was too great.

It was sad how such a woman met such a wicked and rotted Lord in the castle.

“Bring warm water and a clean cloth. Bring the medicine box from my room.”

“Yes, yes!”

The maid thought it was a good idea to go and ran away from the stable as soon as I finished speaking.

I couldn’t even reprimand her attitude at this moment.

Only me and the stable keeper remained in the stable.

I began opening the hut’s windows one by one in order to ventilate the murky air.

‘Good thing I came.’

As I opened the window, I looked around the stables thoroughly.

There weren’t many chances to look around without being aware of other people’s gaze.

Garnett knows how to practice medicine and has been caring for the people of the castle for some time, so it appeared to be advantageous in this way.

Because I could look around the castle while caring for the patient without drawing suspicion.

In order to escape later, I need to be able to draw a map of the castle in my head.

There would be no problems in the event of an emergency.


The stable keeper let out a painful moan.

I went to the bed he was lying on and inspected the wounds.

I could smell the stinky smell up close, but my eyes were naturally frowned due to the ruined ankle.

There was blood and pus on his left ankle, but it wasn’t severe enough to necessitate amputation.

“How did this happen?”

I took a clean towel and began wiping away the pus that had oozed out.

“I set a boar trap and then it blew my ankle.”

“You’re caught in your own trap.”

“It’s kind of like that. Stupidly.”

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Even in this situation, he laughed.

“Fortunately, your ankle didn’t cut off. But you will have to lie down for a while.”

“I’m glad I still have a son. He will do his part for me.”

“That’s a relief.”

“Not because he’s my son…”

Even though his legs were rotting, the stable keeper began to brag about his son.

If it was his son, I knew him better than anyone.

To some extent, he has a black wart on his butt, his preferred bed posture, and the type of beast-like groan he makes.

I didn’t want to know, and I didn’t want to hear it, but I had to hear it and the maids giggling about it every day.

I couldn’t tell if they were talking without realizing I could hear the whispering outside the bedroom, or if they were talking indiscriminately because they didn’t even acknowledge that I was the Lord’s wife, but the maids kept talking about vulgar things.

So semi-forced I had to hear about his son.

‘Do you know what a promiscuous maid killer your son is?’

Instead of asking that, I asked what I really wanted to know.

“Did you set a boar trap because the horse was interrupted?”

“That’s the reason. But rather than that, they’re going to come with a nasty disease and pass it on to the horses.”

“It’s a bad disease. Did a lot of horses die from the disease?”

“Yes. I had a hard time cleaning up the horse body for a while.”

“That’s what happened. But why have I never seen dead horses come out of the castle?”

He didn’t think it strange at all that I was asking half-heartedly while calmly treating the wound.

“Oh. That’s because there’s another road leading out of the castle. Behind this stable is a path into the woods.”

Hearing his words, I quietly raised my gaze and looked out the window.

“I knew there was a forest, but I didn’t know it was connected outside the castle.”

“Ha ha ha. There are surprisingly many people who don’t know that.”

The quiet forest shook as the wind blew. The sound of the leaves crashing echoed in a lonely way.

It was a secluded forest where no one was around.

Oh my gosh. It was a good way to run away.

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