“You’d be in trouble if you were with me.”

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I muttered as I scooped the soup.

“Huh? Why?”

Seeing her squinting her eyes like a gentle pony, she still can’t seem to understand the atmosphere.

Then, someone approached her as if to inform her of the situation.

I don’t know her name, but I’ve seen her flaunting herself in the maid’s dormitory a few times.

When it came to maids, she treated the maids as if they were her maids, and treated the young maids like her limbs.

‘Is she a maid with the highest years of experience?’ I thought about it bitterly, but now I think I know where my story started.

‘Come to think of it, she was flirting with that soldier.’

I stumbled upon that maid yesterday on the way to work.

They pretended not to know when I saw the soldier who first brought me here and she giggled and acted affectionately, but they also seemed to have seen me.

‘The soldier moved awkwardly. That maid flirted with him more stupidly.’

A burst of vain laughter came out.

“Alicia. Who told you to hand out your bread?”

She looked down at us with dignity as if she were the person in charge.

“Huh… What?”

The woman sitting in front of me widened her eyes at her stern question.

“It’s because I got it despite not eating it?”

“If you’re not hungry, you won’t need this bread.”

She took the bread from the plate, tossed it to the floor, and lightly stomped on it with her feet.

I looked at her with a bewildered face at the childish behavior that even a child wouldn’t do.

I felt a slight surge of blood arising from somewhere in my body.

“N-no. why!”

The woman named Alicia looked down at the smashed bread on the ground with stunned eyes.

“Come on, grab the tray and go over there!”

The unsightly maid finally grabbed Alicia’s hand and forced her to stand up.

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“Ah! Ah, it hurts!”

The tears must have come out when she pressed the blister on the burnt spot.

It was fortunate that the swollen blisters didn’t burst.

The blood that had been boiling inside of me was bubbling upside down.


I pushed the tray aside and dropped it, and food splashed in all directions with a loud noise.

The unsightly maid took a step back in surprise and looked at me with bewildered eyes.

“You… What are you doing!”

I slowly wiped the soup off my hands on my apron and said with a calm face.

“Will simply crushing a loaf of bread be enough? You have to flip this much so that rumors spread about how well you bullied me. And so this will even go into the head maid’s ear.”

Her pupils trembled slightly as if my reaction was unexpected.

“What are you doing? I can’t believe you flipped it. If the head maid finds out, you’ll be beaten to death and kicked out.”

Knowing that all eyes were on us in front of the restaurant, she did not back down, perhaps because of her pride.

I walked closer to her with a relaxed smile. It was a spectacle to see her take a step back as I approached her.

“This. You can’t just go into the head maid’s ear. Even your stupid soldier lover who leaked information about who I was should know.”

Her eyes widened at the words of a stupid soldier’s lover.

“Wouldn’t it be better if the commander of the army, the chief of the Knights, and the Highness of the Grand Duke heard about it?”

When she said the words to be heard by the Grand Duke, her hand that had been holding Alicia’s strong grip slipped.

“Hey, what kind of nonsense is that…!”

“What you’re doing now is forceful!”

She flinched when I called out to her. I had the impression she was being pushed into a corner, looking around for help.

There was even a word to be heard by the Grand Duke, but no one came forward to help her.

“He-head maid…”

As expected, the gaze of desperately looking for the head maid was even pitiful.

“Go and call the head maid.”

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Before she finished speaking, I looked back at the maids first and said.

“You don’t have to do that. She is here.”

Suddenly, the maids parted like the Red Sea, and the head maid in charge walked in.

I don’t know when she was here, but I think she has been watching this scene from behind.

“Head maid! Th-that girl bullied me, she also mentioned Your Highness. She even threw a plate at me. Huhuhu.”

She made a tearful appeal to the maid, but the other maids, who had already witnessed the entire incident, exchanged shocked looks with one another.

“How dare you put Your Highness the Grand Duke in your mouth!”

Although she yelled at her, the head maid maintained some semblance of dignity.

“You two! Follow me! For the rest, sit down and finish your meal!”

After she was done, all the maids went back to their seats.

“What should we do… ”

Only Alicia looked at me with eyes mixed with anxiety and concern.

As I expected anyway, I didn’t hesitate and followed the head maid.

Rather, the maid who made the scene reluctantly followed with a puzzled face.

She wanted to harass me, but she didn’t know it was going to be this big.

* * *

I followed the head maid and wondered if it was a good thing.

I knew that the maid would usually get favored by sticking next to the head maid.

She was despised by the other maids since she was always reporting their every move to the head maid and they couldn’t even make a sound in front of her.

There was a reason why the other maids acted like her maid.

I made the scene bigger by bringing up the Grand Duke because I had a general knowledge of the head maid tendency.

Any housekeeper I’ve seen in the interim would be adamantly opposed to this issue developing in any manner and causing difficulties under their supervision.

“Come in.”

The head maid looked at us with cold eyes.

It was my first time in her office, thanks to the fuss in the dining room.

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The head maid resided in a light and tidy chamber while the other maids were housed in a wet and gloomy area that was nothing more than a circle.

It seemed to be used as an office, with a bed and furniture on one side and a small desk and shelf on the other.

“Cough, cough.”

The witch’s coughing was bothering me. I thought she had a cold because she coughed while covering her mouth with a handkerchief.

The maids who live in humid places have had such a cough, but I was a little puzzled when the head maid kept coughing.

“Over there.”

She sat down at her table and put the two of us side by side.

It was only then that I could see the head maid’s face up close.


As soon as I saw her face, I knew there was something wrong with her.

“Tell me what happened in the dining room from start to finish.”

The head maid spoke harshly, then rubbed the tip of her nose with the towel again and patted it.

I watched her move without even blinking.

“I, I was just trying to let her know that she is no longer a noble because she complains about food that she can’t eat because her rice is like porridge…”

Blah blah blah, there were complaining words that she was going to die of unfairness, but after a few while, I was unable to hear any crying at all from her.

I slowly looked around the head maid’s room. Very slowly without missing a small detail.

‘Well, I’m not sure how badly she wants to appear good in front of her, but she cleans and decorates the head maid’s chamber every day. She passed all of the job she needed to complete to the other maids.’

I remembered the words the maids once whispered unsatisfyingly.


I was lost in my own thoughts until I heard a firm voice calling me, at which point I turned to face the head maid.

She looked at me me with irritated eyes as if anticipating my response.

I could also hear a slight sneer from the maid standing next to me.

“I find it hard to imagine you came all the way here. Don’t you dare speak of Your Highness. You must have lost your fear.”

She coughed once more since she had a fever and spoke too much at once.

This time, the situation seemed to be so serious that it seemed like she was going to run out of breath.

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“The dried lily of the valley is pretty.”

The two of them stared at each other with absurd faces when I suddenly said something absurd with a calm face.


The head maid’s eyebrows twisted mercilessly. Her eyes were cold because she thought I was teasing her.

I looked straight at her now and said clearly.

“I don’t know who it is, but I hope it wasn’t with malicious intent to harm the head maid. If true, it is almost like an attempted murder.”

She asked, breathing heavily.

“What do you mean? Speak clearly!”

“Aren’t there days when you continually have a dry cough, a headache, and occasionally your eyes suddenly turn white like you’re dizzy? You must have experienced periods of vomiting after going without food.

After hearing all of my words, the head maid dropped the handkerchief she was holding onto her lap.

The maid next to me looked anxious about what I was talking about.

“Think carefully. Maybe it was after you decorated that lantern lily of the valley.”

The master witch and the maid looked at the bellflowers on the bed at the same time.

“A lot of the poison from that flower would have gotten into your nose and mouth while you were sleeping. If someone with an allergy is poisoned, it can be fatal.”

The maid standing next to me turned blue and opened her mouth with trembling hands.

“I, I…”

I intercepted her before she could even finish.

“Would you have hung such a pretty flower because you hated the head maid so much that you wanted to kill her? You’re trying to come up with such a vicious plan. But it must have been a mistake, you just didn’t know.”

I nodded my head with a serious face and finished with my last words.

“Fortunately, I have an antidote, and I’ll bring it to you as soon as I get back to my room.”

The head maid’s tired eyes turned from me to the maid next to me.

The maid knelt down as if she were falling forward, and cried and shook her head relentlessly.

“Oh, no! I, I really didn’t know, head maid!”

I turned my gaze to the white cloud outside the window.

The sky was very blue and clear in the afternoon.

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