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Usually, when I touched it like this, something black would come out and stick to me. However, there was no change even though the hands were in touch. I tried to hold it more tightly and increase the contact surface, but it was the same. 


‘Is it because his mental defense is high?’


His mental defense could have been high since he would have practiced it since he was young. I poked him in the hand and soon gave up and asked. 


“What are you thinking about now?”


“Thinking that your hand is very small and soft.”


Seth shrugged as I glared with a sour face. 


“You should be honest right now.”

“Do not talk, just think. Don’t you find me disgusting?” 


There was no change again this time. After waiting a little longer, I finally gave up and pulled out my hand. Seth had quizzical eyes. 


“Is it over?” 




As I was about to confess that I had failed, suddenly I looked at my right hand. There was something like golden sand on the tip of my index finger that touched his hand. I instinctively press it against the cloth.


Then the silver-gray cloth gently rippled, and a golden shape came to the top of it. It was the first time that a painting, not a letter, appeared. I mumbled curiously as I stopped breathing and watched. 


“A mop?” 


To be exact, it looked like a mop without the stick. Unlike me, who had no idea about it, Seth seemed to know what it was. 


“No, look closely.” 


“A broom without a handle?” 


“… A puppy.” 


He told me the answer because he couldn’t see me keep throwing false guesses. Then I looked at the painting with curious eyes. 




“I saw some madam raise it even with just the size of her palm, it was fearless and brave.”


Maybe he is talking about a small Maltese dog like Maltese. But this is just a mop. 


“Are you perhaps not good at drawing?” 


“Evy there’s nothing wrong with my drawing skills.”


… Don’t say it while gritting your teeth. It’s scary. I looked at the golden painting again, avoiding his eyes. 


‘Why did this come out?’

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This was the first time. It’s not painful when I touch others and it’s not black, it’s not the black letters that come out, it’s gold instead. 


No, forget it, I asked if he doesn’t find me disgusting, but why does a puppy come out?


I rolled my brain to link the random answer to the question. 


‘Do I look like a dog?’


No. Dogs and puppies are different. 


‘Am I cute like a puppy?’ 


I feel like I don’t have a conscience. 


‘Since I’m like a puppy so he doesn’t mind it?’


Well, that sounds a bit like it. In fact, slaves waiting to be sold or dogs waiting for their owners in cages are no different. 


‘To this person, maybe I must be like an abandoned dog that he picked up while passing by.’


Then the man who picked me up asked. 


“Did you like my answer?”


“…Pardon? Oh, well. Yeah?” 


Seth’s eyes bent slightly as I nodded puzzledly. 


“That’s a relief.” 


It was a smile that didn’t contain any interest. I laughed after him in vain.


‘Yeah, there’s no way I’ll ever have a romance with a handsome man in my life, right?’


I’m glad I didn’t mistake Seth for being interested in me. If my heart had been fluttering, I would have already dug a hole while kicking the blanket at night. 


“Can I have this?” 


I asked, clutching the cloth with the puppy on it. Whenever I was feeling fluttering for him, I felt like I had to look at this and reflect on reality. 


“It doesn’t matter, but what are you going to use it for?” 


“To gather my mind.”




Seth, who was looking at me with an unknown expression, nodded. 


I clasped the cloth around my wrist and clenched my fist so I wouldn’t lose it. For some reason, my confidence rose.


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“And the role of the wife you mentioned. I will try it.” 


Seth, who smiled at me who was bluffing, held out his gloved hand. 


“I’m looking forward to it.”


“I am looking forward to it, too.” 


I held his hand politely. 


Seth, who had been looking at me with a strange face for a while, said. 


“I didn’t mean to shake your hand.” 




He pulled my hand and tried to kiss the back of my hand. 




I pulled out my hand reflexively. 


Surprised by my desperate scream, Seth looked blank. Realizing that I reacted overly, I murmured timidly. 


“I, I feel tickled.” 


Then Seth lowered his head again with his trembled shoulders. 


I started glaring at the window to hide my face. 


Seth, who stopped laughing after a long time, said. 


“You’ll have to get used to it from now on.”


“… Yes.”


“I’m going to make you a beloved Duchess.”




What wife? 


* * *


The carriage arrived in front of a mansion. 


It looked ten times nicer than the Gran’s mansion, but it was only for a short stay. A temporary mansion is like this, so how nice is the real mansion?


‘Of course, it’s going to be huge because it’s a duchy.’


Seth Elmayer. 


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The owner of the deep historical duchy and has the blood of the royal family. 


With that, my role is Duchess of Elmayer. Aaargh!


I almost said let’s fight when Seth revealed his identity. If he had told me from the beginning that I would be playing the role of a duchess, I wouldn’t have come forward to do it right away. I couldn’t get rid of the feeling of being scammed, so I stared at Seth with my flounder eyes. 


Feeling my resentful gaze, Seth came up with an offer that I could never refuse. 


“Do you want to see your brother?”


“Is my brother here?”


“He’ll be sleeping because it’s late.”


“… I want to see him.”


I lifted the white flag helplessly. Is there a problem with the Duchess’s role? It was the situation that even if he asked me to clean the duchess’s foot, I would already be on my stomach. 


Seth, who nodded, made a slight hand gesture. The servant who was waiting approached and politely greeted him. 


“Guide her to the room with the guest.”


“Yes. Miss, please come this way.” 


I glanced reflexively at Seth. Of course, I realized that I turned my head in surprise, but it was when Seth had already noticed it. 


“Don’t worry. No one will hurt you in my mansion.” 


“No, that’s….” 


I blushed with shame. Trying to rely on him even though we’ve only met briefly, I was so pathetic. 


“I will be back.”


I murmured and walked as if I were running away. Seth’s eyes seemed to sting for no reason. 



Bran was sleeping very well. 


The way he kicks off the blanket and lays with his stomach exposed, he looks as comfortable as he is in his own home. I guess he eats well, so his cheeks have gotten really plump. 


‘That’s a relief, but….’


He was too fine in the situation where his family died and his status fell into a slave. I didn’t want him to struggle in sadness, but I was a little worried. 


‘No, it’s not good to worry about that now.’


For now, it was enough that the limbs were intact. If he has a mental problem, he can fix it while he is still living. After covering his exposed stomach with a blanket, I went back to Seth without regret. 


Seth, who was waiting in the drawing room, looked back at me. An unexpected light flashed over his neat face. 


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“You came earlier than I thought. And you don’t seem to be crying.” 


He said, taking a close look at my face. I stared at him in bewilderment.


“We are blood-related siblings.”






Who cries when they see their brother’s face? There’s no such thing between blood-related siblings.


‘Did he get along with his dead siblings?’ 


I cleared my throat when I saw Seth confused, and bowed politely.


“Well, it’s late, but thank you very much for saving me and my brother. I will definitely repay you for this favor.” 


Then Seth, who corrected his expression, shook his head. 


“You don’t have to be grateful because it was a necessity.”


“But it’s true that you saved me.” 


Seth’s mouth shuts at my words. After a moment of silence, he said with an expressionless face. 


“You can stay with your brother. I’ll give you two a place to live.”




“I’m asking you to think again. My wife’s role is more dangerous than you’d expect.” 


I opened my eyes wide. This man is surprisingly… 


“You’re honest.” 




Seth looked at me as if he had been hit. 


What’s with that reaction? I’m not a fool, and there’s no way I don’t know that it’s dangerous. 


In this place that prioritized social status, the role of the duchess was in a very high place. I’m going to put myself in a place like that. It’s incredibly dangerous or doesn’t I have already got a hunch that it wouldn’t end well?


‘But it’s the same for me.’


It was obvious that a woman with no experience or academic background could find a job. Either it’s extremely dangerous or extremely difficult. A high return is better than a high risk. 


“I knew it was dangerous from the beginning. I have no intention of backing down.” 


In the worst case, even if I died, it wouldn’t be a loss if Bran was safe. I can be reborn again. And just a little bit, I wanted to repay Seth.

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