“Did you try to harm the Saint candidate?”

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The bishop let out a nervous laugh.

“That’s impossible! Why would I have something like that!”

Actually, he did it. Not himself, but a spy filled the baby bottle with it to kill the Skeleton King.

But didn’t he say that all the divine poison was already used up! There shouldn’t be any left!

The bishop unwittingly looked at the spy he had planted in the imperial paladins, but the spy also seemed very flustered.

However, the imperial paladins wouldn’t let this situation go.

“Bishop. Why are you looking at the imperial paladin?”

“Oh, no…”

“Do you mean to say that His Majesty had this?”



He couldn’t speak rashly now!

Just the fact that the imperial family had a poison that kills priests would lead to war between the papacy and the imperial family. A civil war would break out!

In order for the bishop to survive, he obviously had to pass all responsibility to the imperial family, but he couldn’t say that in front of the Emperor himself!

Didn’t your bastards try to kill the Saint with divine poison!

If he makes a mistake here, even the cardinal and his family behind him would be caught.

He was in trouble in many ways.

But before that, where did that poison come from?

‘No way.’

The bishop glared at the Skeleton King.

‘This couldn’t be the kid’s doing!’

And when the Skeleton King, who had locked eyes with the bishop, grinned.

‘Yes, I made it.’

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The Skeleton King let out a chuckle. The bishop had three totems.

One brought back the demon and caused chaos in the temple, but there was a real reason for that.

‘I needed time to make the poison.’

Divine poison is made from a top-quality magic core that is harmful to priests.

While everyone’s attention was on the rampant demon, the Skeleton King swallowed the magic core of the remaining totem.

That’s how he secretly turned it into divine poison.

To trap the bishop!

And from the demon’s point of view, divine poison that kills priests?

‘Sorry, but I’ve had enough to rot, kid.’

The rest was easy.

If the bishop had suspicions, he would naturally come to investigate.

If the bishop got close, just drop it as if he had dropped it.

Of course, since the bishop is a saintly man, he has nothing to say if he doesn’t come to grab him after being beaten that much.

He deliberately leaked traces of magic to draw the bishop’s attention.

‘Humans who fall into traps become simpler than you think.’

The fact that he gave a hint of magic power only to the bishop by swinging the rattle. Leaving a trace of magic power on the totem with the same energy.

Everything was planned.

He wasn’t sloppy enough to be caught by a guy like that from the start.

So the Skeleton King stared back at the bishop just the same.

He didn’t hide his inner thoughts.

He didn’t pretend to be an infant.

He just slightly lifted the corner of his mouth, as if to show off.

But that was enough for the bishop. The bishop’s face twisted nastily at that scornful smile.

“What has this damn demon’s spawn done!”

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The bishop grabbed the Skeleton King by the scruff.

Knights, taken aback, restrained the bishop.

“What are you doing to the child right now!”

“Child? Did you say it’s a child? Is that thing even a child?”

“Must it?”

“Your Majesty! This little demon created this poison! Don’t you see the magic in its face! It even summoned its subordinates earlier!”

The knights holding the bishop laughed incredulously. The Emperor was equally flabbergasted.

“So the bishop is saying, this baby just resurrected a dead demon?”


“Something even the Demon King can’t resurrect?”


“Even made divine poison on the spot?”


“…Divine  poison that even a high-level wizard takes at least a month to create?”

“Yes! That’s right! Your Majesty!”

The gaze of those watching the bishop warped. Even the priests began to look at the bishop strangely.

Does he even understand what he’s saying right now?

The Emperor’s expression turned unpleasant.

“Take him away.”

“Y-Your Majesty!”

“I never thought you’d blame a baby even with your shallow excuses. Is that something a bishop should say?”

“No, it’s not an excuse, it’s true! That child is!”

But the bishop couldn’t continue speaking.

Because the imperial paladins dragged the bishop away.

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“Careless management of the totem. Charges of causing harm to the Saint candidate and the imperial family. And even charges of smuggling divine poison. The investigation will be long. The results are obvious though.”

“The bishop wanted a heresy trial, it will open now. Send a letter to the papacy and prepare a successor in advance.”

The wronged bishop bit his lip.

His words were rash out of surprise. But anything he’d say now would only seem like excuses.

But he had to say this much out of injustice.

“Don’t be fooled! That thing is a demon! If you let me use exorcism only once… No, even you guys! If you use it just once, that demon will reveal its true nature!”

Demons who have been transformed into ordinary humans come out with their true form when they use the exorcism spell.

So that’s why he’s acting like that…

‘Yeah, but I won’t show.’

Because he’s not transformed, but reincarnated.

The Skeleton King’s angel-like eyes shone like a wolf that found a little piggy.

No matter how you look at it, this is a human body. Would it suddenly turn into a demon just because exorcism is used?

The Skeleton King chuckled as if everything was going as planned.

He got rid of the annoying guy who was after his life.

‘So, you’re going to drag me to the Pope, huh? There’s a limit to nonsense. Why is your tongue so long?’

If you didn’t just try to kill me, it wouldn’t have come to this.

It was safe to say that guy was done. It would be difficult for him to get out now.

After all, he was the one who provoked the imperial family with the prince’s nomination.

In a situation where the Emperor wouldn’t look favorably on him, he’s caught a big fish?

If the Emperor has suspicions, the existence of a spy will be revealed soon. Above all, the place where this incident happened is none other than the imperial temple.

If unlucky, he could be executed on the grounds of trying to blame this incident on the imperial family.

Even more unlucky, the papacy could get caught up entirely.

Did the bishop know that too?

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‘At least, I will kill Eshua’s child!’

As much as the long-standing rival of the Pope’s family, Eshua!

Then the Pope himself would spare the life of a member of his family, even if he had to kill the bishop.

As soon as the bishop made the sign of the cross, a brutal killing intent sprang up.

It was an offensive type of holy magic.

Finally, a golden wolf sprung from his feet.


The golden wolf rushed to bite the Skeleton King’s throat.

At that spectacle, the Skeleton King narrowed his eyes.

No, that bastard dares to summon an attacking beast without any consideration?

‘Damn it, I’m not even full of magic power.’

Would he die if he’s hit? Is it fatal? Or is it bearable?

Just then, it happened.


A noble blue light scattered in front of the Skeleton King’s eyes.


The wolf’s neck, as if sliced by a sword, flew high into the sky.

At the same time, knights wrapped in blue appeared as if to protect the Skeleton King.

At the very front was a woman with a blue aura.

“Who dares to lay a hand on the direct Eshua’s descendant!”

The atmosphere seemed different. Even the priests seemed surprised.

“T-The blue faith!”

“It’s Eshua!”

The Skeleton King blinked his eyes.

It seemed that they came from home to pick him up.

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