The commotion happening outside could be heard all the way here. It sounded like the voices of the priests who must have been waiting with Lionel.

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But despite their screams, I just stared at the scene in front of me, breaking out in a cold sweat.


With just one collision, the white wall collapsed, revealing the shape of the steel frame.


I was speechless at the tremendous power.


“You’re quite impressive for a human.”


Melanie’s eyes had already changed to their original strange form. 


Melanie smiled belligerently and pointed to Lionel. 


“At this point, I’m really curious. How did you know I was actually a dragon?” 


“I have no reason to answer you.”


Silent blue flames swirled around Lionel. At that, Melanie made a face with admiration. 


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The heat from the flames was blocked by the mana shield surrounding me, so it did not reach me. 


However, my uneasy heart was beating like crazy. 


Lionel’s power was greater than I thought. But he was still at a disadvantage. 


A battle between dragons and humans was, after all, physically impossible.


I had to stop them no matter what. 


‘What should I do?’


I tried to think quickly, but I couldn’t think of a way to break this situation. 


I grabbed my trembling heart with anxiety without realizing it, and at that moment, I felt a strange warmth from the inside of my heart. 




The tight heat was gradually rising as if warming up the entire heart. But what was even more strange was that it didn’t seem like pain.


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My body was accepting the heat as it should be.


I realized that at this moment, something was happening to me. 


‘I can use my aura.’


My body, which had been shaking due to exhaustion stopped, and power filled my entire body from the tip of the foot to the head. 


Even just sitting still, my rough breath calmed down, and the lost senses were quickly returning. 


It was a sensation I had never felt since signing the contract, or more precisely, since vomiting blood.


‘All of a sudden? How?’


Despite my doubts, there was a fierce battle in front of me. 


The lights were flickering from the mana, and the walls on all sides were cracking and collapsing. 


There was no time to think anymore. 


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I stopped thinking and immediately took a step back from the mana shield. 


Now I could break the mana shield in front of me.


I was born with a body that couldn’t use mana, but instead, I was good at handling aura. That was also why I walked the path of the sword. 


As I focused my aura on my fingertips, my muscles, which had been warmed up for the first time in a long time, shook.


Before I knew it, I smiled.


The feeling of the intangible chains that had weighed me down disappearing was truly thrilling.


“I’ve been before.”


The thrill came in the form of anger at all the things that have pissed me off so far. 


I shouted as if I was a lion roaring and stretched my fist toward the mana shield.


“I told you to stop!” 

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With cracks extending into several branches, the mana shield shattered and crumbled to the floor. 


At the sound, Lionel as well as Melanie looked this way. I made eye contact with them and smiled fiercely. 


I was bursting with laughter at their surprised faces. 


For those who don’t listen, give them a taste of their own medicine.


I was going to rush into the middle of the fight without thinking. 


It felt like no one could beat me now.


However, the moment I took the first step and stepped on the fragments of the mana shield,




My condition quickly changed.

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