“The reason I gave you a week is to organize your thoughts. But I didn’t know you would say meaningless ones.”

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The voice of Lionel who had been listening with his eyes closed, was sweet as always. Even his voice that contained anger sounded like that to me.

Even though he’s acting like a bastard, I still thought he was lovely.

Just like the dragon said, I really am serious at this point.

But, from now on, I can’t fall into these kinds of thoughts anymore.

” That priest is lacking, that’s why he can’t find a way. I will overturn the country… No… The world, to find the person that will fix you. So, don’t have strange thoughts and stay here quietly.”

“Please abandon me, your Majesty.”

I tried my best to look strong… 

Thinking that I will have to lie to do that, my heart beat rapidly. But this time, I will have to pretend to be kind.

“My role is complete. Your Majesty, who had been a prince has become a king. The country’s state is now stable and the people will follow your highness. As no one would become your enemy, I don’t have a reason to be at your side.”

Lionel was at a loss for words.

And I was just trying not to open my eyes in fear of Lionel’s reaction. 

I didn’t know such a day would come where I would have to reject him, the one I was devoted to. 

The one who was always by Lionel’s side was me.

Lionel was bothered by my presence but he couldn’t abandon me as my abilities were competent. 

But, I am now a burden for him.

Maybe that’s the reason why he’s suddenly obsessed over me.

Because I, who was always chasing after him, suddenly tried to let go of his hand, he must have felt at a loss.

It must have been like that since he wasn’t a shabby man since he was young.

If I give a good enough reason, he will send away just like I wanted.

“Isn’t this what you’ve always wanted? Now, I will leave on my own accord”

Of course, I won’t leave his side completely.

But in order to solve this situation, I will have to leave his side for some time.

My special skill is being shameless.

After fulfilling the contract, I will come back as if this never happened.

I wouldn’t give up the rich and glorious rewards for being the contributor of the nation and the position of being the emperor’s left arm unless I was crazy.

Since I am pretending to be in distress and pitiful, I feel like dying from embarrassment.

‘This much would be okay.’

I opened my eyes and was met with quiet surroundings.

Since I was forcing myself to have sad thoughts in order to look pitiful, I felt a tear forming slightly. But as soon as I opened my eyes, I realized things had gone wrong when the blue eyes I am faced, burned with flames within.

The tears that were about to fall retracted.

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“Ex… Excuse me?”

“Everyone get out.”

When Lionel ordered them with his low voice,head not turning, everyone left immediately as if they waiting for the order.

Yuna, who I assumed would always be by my side, ran away first, I realized then that there really is no one that would be by my side forever.

Even the priest, who always thought of me me as a savior because I saved him from Lionel’s anger, followed after Yuna instantly.

Even the knights who only used to obey the emperor’s orders didn’t need to be told twice.

‘Those traitors!’

I wanted someone to take me with them but only Lionel was left, staring right at me.

If this goes on, I might die in his hands before that contract or whatever.

“Your role is completed?”

When our eyes met, I felt like Lionel’s eyes were back to the ones I saw a week ago.

I realized things had gone wrong

“The one who made me an emperor was you.”

“That is true.”

“Yet, you are saying you want to leave? By abandoning me?

His words felt strange.

I told him to abandon me but he’s acting like he’s the one being abandoned.

When he was planning all this in the past, I was confident that it doesn’t have any relation to me.

That’s why I never expected this situation to happen.

“You abandoned me.”

I felt my anger rising with every words I spoke.

My body hardened and stilled when the blue eyes narrowed on me.

My heart started to beat faster.

At that moment, Lionel lifted his hand and stretched it out near my face.

When I moved a little, his hand stopped moving. Lionel’s expression became distorted. 

“Maybe she’s afraid of me.”

Lionel’s words sounded like he was talking to himself. At the same time, tears began to  well up in his eyes.

His tears that I had seen for the second time in my life definitely shocked me.

Lionel’s face, mixed with anger and sadness, looked quite complex.

“Why are you afraid of me?”

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He even looked like he was hurt by it. I couldn’t understand the reason why he would be hurt by me.

“You need to tell me if it hurts. You should have asked me to cure or even save you.”

Lionel’s voice was shaking.

But I wanted to refute it.

I wasn’t hurt at all, I am just leaving to save myself.

I didn’t do anything wrong. 

Lionel’s voice started to sound angry.

“You are supposed to be by my side, not leaving me!”

His tears fell and landed on his clothes.

“You should say I love you like you always did with a bold face.”

I always chased after him.

And I loved him. To the point that everyone in the palace knew. No, even the citizens knew that Lindel Vaud de Bachne loved the emperor.

But Lionel didn’t love me.

Yet why is he saying these?

“Tell me to save you. Promise me you will be by my side forever.”

His hand that couldn’t touch me and fell, was shaking. He was clenching his fist firmly until his knuckles become white but I could only say one thing.

“That cannot happen.”


“Because your highness does not love me.”

My voice was firm. Because I was extremely certain.

But Lionel’s face was full of shock.

And I was making a face that said I couldn’t understand his expression.

“I am…”

“I am not saying I resent it.”

It was difficult to talk in a hardened tone so I talked in my normal one.

Since I do not resent him, my voice stayed curious as I questioned his motives. 

“But the one who will be troubled if I am near you is your Majesty. Because your Majesty hates me….”

Lionel’s head fell.

I was unable to read his expression. 

The only thing I could see in his face were his lips that were trembling.

I pondered what I should do but then Lionel displayed a reaction I didn’t expect.

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At that moment, Lionel burst out laughing.

“Your…Your Majesty?”

Lionel, was laughing to the point where his shoulders were shaking. He covered his face with his two hands.

While I looked at Lionel like he was crazy, his laughing finally stopped.

Did he really go crazy?

At his dramatic reaction, I stepped back, away from him.

A distorted face appeared as the hands covering his face were put away.

His eyes were red.

“You’re saying I hate you?”

“I… I…” 

He replied, scoffing. But it didn’t sound like he was scoffing at me.

When I stopped moving, Lionel started to approach me.

Even though I tried to move away, he didn’t stop.

He approached me as if I was he only one he was observing.

Before I made any crazy moves, Lionel pulled me into his arms.

As I was sitting on his bed, he was half-kneeling.* 

TL/N: Guess he put her there and half-kneeled, kinda like when ppl propose

As I was hugged by Lionel unexpectedly, I was in a state of panic.

A weak voice, as if breaking, came out from him.

“I was wrong.”


I thought I was hearing things.

His body was shaking pitifully.

He buried his head in my tear stained shoulders.

I stayed still like I was frozen.

‘Is this guy trying to apologize to me right now?!’

The days I had been with Lionel flowed through my head quickly.

To think the man who used to ignore me and push me away would be in this state!

There were times where I would imagine him kneeling down and apologizing to me whenever I hated how he treated me. 

But when my imagination became reality, rather than being overjoyed, I began to panic.

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However, the shock didn’t end there.

“Resent me. I don’t care even if you curse or resent me. Just don’t leave.”

“Your Majesty.”

“You can’t leave. I can’t just let go of you.”

As I was listening to his voice with my eyes closed, the heart began to sway. 

I didn’t know he thought about me this much. The Lionel who is afraid of me leaving….

Feeling sorry and pity for him, but also thankful, I pulled him into a hug from behind. 

But at that moment, Lionel’s voice came out.

“I love you.”

My thoughts stopped, just like that.

“I am in love with you.”

“What did you say?”

My voice trembled while saying those words.

Lionel let go of my arms slowly without alarming me who was creaking like a broken doll.

After cupping both of my cheeks carefully with his trembling hands, he looked at me with sad eyes.

As we were only about a fist away from each other, I could see my small reflection in his blue eyes.

My stupid expression didn’t suit well with this strange situation.

“Though I guess saying these things now are useless.”

Then, I heard the childish words that I hear often.

With my mind empty,I heard those words and quickly regained my thoughts.

“J…Just now, what did you…”

“I know I cannot have you back with just these words.”

Lionel laughed bleakly.

But that wasn’t important. It was discerning if I understood the words he had said correctly.

“No… No! Who… Who likes who? Your Majesty likes me?”


“That’s crazy!”

I pushed Lionel and sprang up from my seat.

Of course, he stumbled for a moment but didn’t fall though I didn’t notice it.

“That’s crazy!”

I shouted with a fierce expression.

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