Chapter 1 Part 2: I Want to Speak for Myself

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Is there any use in apologizing?! 

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Tang Luo didn’t say anything from beginning to end, and Yue Chi Feng’s tone became increasingly harsher: “Tang Luo, in the design world, plagiarizing is an absolutely inexcusable mistake. What’s more, you even used for the contest!”

He didn’t give Tang Luo any chance to explain and soon continued to speak: “And all to prevent Lu Si Ke from taking part in the competition, you honestly make me sick!”  

Look, this was in front of the many employees of SKY Corporation. Also in front of those contestants coming to participate in the jewelry design contest and the people they invited to be in the judging panel. 

There were also so many media reporters present.

The words that Yue Chi Feng said out loud had no intention of giving Tang Luo any face at all.

But not even a bit of chance to justify herself wasn’t given to Tang Luo.

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Even criminals still had the right to invite a lawyer to defend themselves! 

Apologize to such a person who harbors so much prejudice towards herself? Truly, Tang Luo rolled her eyes and looked directly at Yue Chi Feng.  

The system’s voice continued to sound in her mind 【Dear, my proposal is for you to quickly apologize to Lu Si Ke. Remember to be sincere. Like this you can strive for sufficient time to look for evidence. 】

【Shut up!】Tang Luo chided the system coldly.  

She looked at Yue Chi Feng who had not stopped accusing her, and swept her sight at the reporters’ excited faces behind him. 

Tang Luo suddenly laughed.  

This Tang second miss was originally the usual “Miss Perfect”.

It was clearly written in the book, her father was a mixed race while her mother was from a wealthy family. The genes from both families had weakened over the generations. 

When the genes passed to Tang Luo, she almost completely inherited all the strong points of her father and mother’s genes.  

A face as big as a palm, clear and big eyes. Her eyelashes were so thick and curly, even without putting on any makeup she could still be the spokesperson for a mascara endorsement. Her nose was exquisite and straight, her lips small but plump. Her skin was even more translucent, seemingly damaged with the blowing of the wind.

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Today she came to participate in the contest held by the SKY corporation, knowing she would be able to meet her most beloved fiancé Yue Chi Lang. So Tang Luo had especially applied delicate makeup and wore a skirt that suited her very much. 

The whole person looked even more elegant and charming, so beautiful that people couldn’t move their eyes away.  

It’s just, Tang Luo usually showed her rich lady’s temperament so much. In particular in front of Yue Chi Feng, she always liked to put on a stiff face and got angry with the other person. 

At this time, she suddenly relaxed and smiled, the corner of her eyes and brows seemed to be unfolded by the spring breeze, bringing a delightful warmth.  

Even Yue Chi Feng was stunned at once.

He really had never seen his own fiancé smiling like this.  

“You……. You are still smiling!” Yue Chi Feng’s frown became deeper, “Truly…….”  

“Excuse me.” Tang Luo lazily brushed aside the hair on her cheek and interrupted Yue Chi Feng.

She calmly and confidently looked at Yue Chi Feng: “President Yue has spoken for so long, can you give me a chance to say a few words?”  

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Ye Chi Feng: “……”

He vigilantly looked at Tang Luo and asked: “What do you want to do?”  

Tang Luo smiled and stood up straight, without fear she looked directly at Yue Chi Feng’s eyes and spoke each word clearly: “I want to speak for myself!”  

Ye Chi Feng: “……”

Everyone present: “……”  

Tang Luo’s tone was steady, her eyes were shining.

Including Yue Chi Feng, they seemed to be oppressed by her aura, and he was speechless for a long time.  

“I have to trouble you to get out of the way.” Tang Luo finished speaking and went around Yue Chi Feng. 

She timely smiled and looked at the once again quiet hall. Then she continued to say: “I’m sorry, I would like to delay everyone’s time for 15 minutes.”  

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“Why should we let you waste our time?!” Someone immediately spoke up.

“Exactly! Plagiarising demon, get lost!”

“We do not welcome you here!”

“Get lost! Shameless plagiarising demon!”  

“Hmm…..” Tang Luo muttered, “everyone present here who is willing to wait 15 minutes for me will receive 1,500 yuan as compensation.”

Hi there^^ editor finally made act of presence. Poor Lime, I was on vacations and did not open discord at all, so she had no news of me for a whole month, no wonder she was worried  >.< but now I’m back so bit by bit i’ll go back to doing my work here properly, which i haven’t done since… probably the whole last year orz  

I knew about this new project of ours since literally just a few hours before 1st chapter was posted so I don’t know anything about the story either, and I think for this one I will just read it alongside you all. Usually I like to read the whole thing beforehand, knowing what will happen in the future helps in editing since you can be more accurate in certain things and you also pick up more details that may be important for forshadowing but change due to translation… but this time I won’t so let’s let this story take us by surprise^^ Though that being said, transmigration into book, CEO ML, system… not like we are unfamiliar with any of these, right? xd and such casuality, she was studying jewelry design and the conflict just happens to be about jewelry design lol (well it might be justified by saying that since she was studying it so that’s how she became interested in the novel that talked about it, but why am i even providing excuses for the author lol >.<)

In any case, everyone be welcome! We hope you all enjoy the story^^ please comment and let us know your thoughts, any correction or suggestion will also be appreciated^^ we love seeing readers telling us their opinions, experiences, an interacting with other readers, so please don’t be shy^^

–>Also, for all readers new to our blog, time for introductions. I’m Nigaria, the reality-proven unreliable editor who is also a chatterbox and will often talk way too much at the end of the chapter -Limeblossom, the translator, comments at the beginning of chapter, but it’s rare and usually only on special occasions-. I kinda use this section as a diary so if anything stupid/funny/fake-dramatic happens I’ll probably annoy you here, feel free to skip it xd. I’m also the (MTL) translator of RP, for the rest of the novels it’s Lime translating and me doing the easy work. We invite you to take a look around while waiting for new chapters, we have already a few novels ranging from ancient to modern, from revenge to comedy to fluff, and we even mingled with some BL gasp (which reminds me I actually also (m)tled DFF, very recommended if you want to die of fluffiness and adorability and laughs, even if you don’t read BL you will have no choice but to love it, that’s what happened to me!). So yup have fun and see you soon, good luck with new school year^^

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