Chapter 2 Part 2: It’s set! She wants to sleep with him!

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Tang Luo finished recalling all the occurrences in the book without any decrease in her smile. 

These had passed.

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The current her could calmly wait for the judges’ evaluation of her new design with everyone.  

The seven judges quickly exchanged their opinions. 

The eldest judge sitting in the middle took the initiative to take the microphone: “After summing up all of our opinions, at this time, this design by Miss Tang doesn’t seem to be identical with any other people’s design.”

He was a world famous master jewelry designer, also an outstanding figure in the domestic jewelry designer circle with an extensive knowledge. 

Since he said that this wasn’t a copy, this new design by Tang Luo was basically not a plagiarized work.   

“Miss Tang drew the design in front of everybody. From there, it could be seen that your basic skills are very strong, and you also have your own ideas.”

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That judge continued: “Although the details in this design work is not refined enough, if Miss Tang used this for the competition, it  would still be considered as an outstanding design. Since you have such skills, why did you previously use that kind of botched plagiarized work?”

“Thank you.” Tang Luo first smiled courteously at that judge. She stood up straight and smiled confidently and gracefully: “Actually, I also feel it’s very strange.” Tang Luo spoke, neither servile nor overbearing: “That kind of botched plagiarized work unexpectedly wasn’t eliminated from SKY Corporation preliminaries but rather was allowed to enter the semifinal, making me lose face in front of everybody…..”   

Tang Luo looked over at Yue Chi Feng: “President Yue, it seems that your subordinates are either blind or stupid.”   

Her words were very rude.

But the people present were all people related to the industry and immediately understood.  

Tang Luo was able to draw a design on the spot. Moreover she had a prestigious senior in jewelry design testify for her that this 15 minutes impromptu design drawing was based on her own creativity. Plus she was praised for having solid basic skills by said senior.   

Then she totally did not need to use a plagiarized work to compete ah!

Furthermore, that previous botched work was almost a complete duplicate pasted on the design drawing. In spite of everything, it actually wasn’t eliminated by the SKY Corporation preliminary round of judges for this grand competition?   

The gazes everyone cast on Yue Chi Feng also changed a bit. What Tang Luo said was right ah, these people from SKY were indeed either blind or stupid!

“You…..” Yue Chi Feng looked uncertainly at Tang Luo. 

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“Okay.” Tang Luo took out a card from her bag and slapped it on Yue Chi Feng’s chest, “everyone, look for President Yue Chi Feng later for the money.”

She smilingly looked at Yue Chi Feng: “Next time, your eyes need to be polished, okay, my darling……. Fi, an, cé!”  

Done speaking, Tang Luo turned around and left carefreely.   

【How is it?】Tang Luo went out and complacently smiled while asking the system. 【Didn’t I settle the matter very beautifully? Proving my innocence, and conveniently still reminded Yue Chi Feng to be careful of a spy. Killing two birds with one stone, when Yue Chi Feng recovers his senses, won’t he be super grateful to me?】

She wanted to give a like for her own quick-wittedness【Has Yue Chi Feng’s trust value in me increased? How much is it now?】  

【Male Lead’s trust -999】The system replied mechanically【Please,this side still proposes to apologize to the female lead as soon as possible……】

【Me relying on Yue Chi Feng’s brain, then doesn’t that mean I have a pig’s brain?!】Tang Luo was so angry but couldn’t let it out【Ok, ok, stop being long-winded! I didn’t do those things, so why should I apologize? It’s impossible for me to apologize, at least it’s impossible at this time!】  

She narrowed her eyes slightly. 

She just slapped Yue Chi Feng’s face without hesitation, so to return and apologize now would not be useful.

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In addition, this big, narcissistic male lead Yue Chi Feng perhaps would be skeptical, thinking that her sudden change in attitude was a conspiracy.    

Tang Luo was lost in thought when a Maybach abruptly stopped beside her.   

Shortly after. A tall man in black suit went down from a car that was following closely behind the Maybach and went forward in a small run, then respectfully opened the door of the Maybach.  

Tang Luo subconsciously turned around.

And she immediately saw——

A very tall young man slowly walked out of the hotel lobby’s door.


Tang Luo’s eyes widened!

She, who was born as an orphan, in addition to studying jewelry design, was naturally fond of pursuing beautiful things. 

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But Tang Luo had never felt that she was someone who attached great importance to good looks.   

Yet, when she looked at that young man who was calmly walking towards the Maybach, Tang Luo felt the so-called not attaching any importance to good looks was probably because she had never really seen true beauty. 

At this time, the sunshine was in the right position. The warm rays from the spring sun shone onto the young man’s face.

In that instant, Tang Luo wanted to dig into her own pocket and become a member of the good looks admirer society. 

Lifetime! Diamond VIP!

What actual big stars, successful beautiful males, top-notch models…….

Regardless of figure or looks, in front of this person, they lost by too far.  

She then  narrowed her eyes, with her fisted left hand, she heavily slammed it on the palm of her right hand.  

It’s set!  

She wants to sleep with him!

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