Chapter 7 Part 2: The Movie Emperor had a Super Secret Hobby

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Collarbone chain


“This girl has a lot of experience.” She closely followed Chu Chen’s footsteps while continuing to discuss: “I can teach you.”

She really had experience and did not lie.

When she was studying in university, she moonlighted at a coffee shop for three years. Her dinner was basically the desserts sold in the coffee shop. 

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But perhaps because it was busy everyday. 

When she first started work, she still weighed 50 kg with her height of 1.7 meters.  

She ate for three years, until she graduated from university.

Okay, she lost 2.5 kg. 

Chu Chen: “……”

The sun had gradually sunk under the horizon. 

Twilight started to shroud the entire Chu family’s manor.

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Tang Luo also followed Chu Chen, walking in the same direction along the lakeside until they reached the outside of a two storey villa.

Chu Chen continued to ignore her and directly entered the villa.

Tang Luo gritted her teeth and followed after him in large strides.

Though it was a bit brazen. 

But think about her own small goal!

What is reputation?!

Can it be eaten, can it increase Yue Chi Feng’s trust value, can it let her live more than two months?!

Chu Chen: “……”

Tang Luo didn’t know.

After they both entered, from the shadow outside the villa, four tall men in suits slowly came out. 

Among them, two of them were the ones she met outside SKY Corporation today. 

They also talked to each other.

The four of them looked at each other. You looked at me, I looked at you, all a little sluggish. 

“That….. is the lady we met this morning.” One of the bodyguards spoke in a low voice. 

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“Just now, young master didn’t let us stop her.” Another person spoke.


“She has entered.” That person spoke again: “What to do now? Except for the old master, madam and the rest of the people aren’t allowed to enter this place, right?”


Tang Luo was completely unaware.

She had already stood at a place where not any of the members of the Chu family could enter casually. 

She only felt that this villa was decorated very stiffly and coldly, the main colors were only black, white and gray.

Totally in line with those handsome, high-powered businessmen in novels, the living place style of those presidents. 

“Is this where you live?” She didn’t walk inside and just stood by the entrance, curiously looking left and right.

Chu Chen poured himself a glass of water. 

He carried the glass and passed by Tang Luo as if she didn’t exist. 

“I can make sugar-free desserts.” Tang Luo continued standing by the doorway and said to Chu Chen: “I can make all the deserts commonly seen in a coffee shop. Not only that, I can also make an oil-free, sugar-free, low-fat version, guaranteed not to become fat after eating.”

Her sight followed Chu Chen as he moved around the villa: “Do you want to try?”

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Chu Chen seemed to finally have a little reaction.

He turned his head and coldly looked at Tang Luo: “Do you think the Chu family lacks a desert master?”


In her heart, Tang Luo made a victory sign.

No matter what, at least Chu Chen finally paid attention to her.

Although his tone sounded ice-cold, without the feeling of spring wind gentleness he showed in the afternoon at the airport.

But that’s fine as long as he still looks good!

“Of course I know that the Chu family is not lacking.” Tang Luo smiled.

Those desserts she ate just now at the main residence had absolutely come from the hands of a top-notch dessert master.

However, not many men were willing to let others know that they liked eating desserts.

Of the things listed on the internet that Chu Chen was fond of, none had ever mentioned that he liked desserts.

They were whatever Huaiyang1 dishes, Cantonese2 dishes, Italian dishes……. Very corresponding with other’s tastes. 

“I can do it for you secretly, absolutely won’t let anyone know.” Tang Luo added a sentence very quickly. 

“The side cabinet.” Chu Chen stared at her for a moment before saying: “there’s slippers.”

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“Thank you!” Tang Luo swiftly pulled the cabinet door open. 

Inside, there was only a pair of male slippers, a bit big. 

But she totally didn’t care and wore them immediately. Afterwards she entered the villa’s foyer cheerfully. 

She didn’t realize that her current image looked somewhat funny.

On her body was a graceful and attractive short evening dress, her hand was holding a limited edition bag.

Her hair was pulled onto the back of her head, exposing her fair neck.

A thin collarbone chain was circling her swan-like neck.  

Then on her feet, there’s a pair of size 40 something men slippers. 

Chu Chen stared at Tang Luo for a while. 

He abruptly turned around, his voice sounding a bit hoarse: “The kitchen is on the right.”



1: Huaiyang dishes are usually on the sweet side and almost never spicy. Examples of Huaiyang cuisines are: Yangzhou fried rice, braised pork meatball in brown sauce (also called lion’s head), noodles with prawn and pork dumpling, pot stickers, sliced pork belly in brown sauce  1.
2: Cantonese dishes can usually be found in areas speaking Cantonese like Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau. This cuisine is more popular outside mainland China and the chefs specializing in this cuisine are usually sought after in China or outside. Many sauces are typical of this cuisine which in turn create many dishes. Examples: black bean sauce, char siew marinade, hoisin sauce, red vinegar, plum sauce, sweet and sour sauce. Also preserved food such as century egg, picked radish, etc. 2.

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