Chapter 218 – A Bet Makes Your Blood Run Cold

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“Grade Champions?”

Niu ShiLi was more shocked at our class’s objective than me inviting him to the team.

“Ye Lin.” Niu ShiLi still directly called my name as if he still would not admit I was suited to be the PE committee member, “Do you still remember how we did not win a single game in our first year?”

“I remember!” I replied sloppily.

“The girls even began to cheer for the shooters in the other class during our worst match. Did you forget?”

“I didn’t forget! Isn’t it just the lovable ikemen Shen ShaoYi?”

“Shen ShaoYi is in class 2, and according to school regulations, Liu Ming, who’s also on the school team can also enter the competition —— if we want to be the champions of our grade, we have to be able to beat a class who has two members from the school team!”

Who’s Liu Ming? Ah, is it the rear guard, Liu HuaiShui!? Why do you not refer to other people by their nicknames like the class leader? Don’t you know you’re making me think way more!

“Niu ShiLi, why do you have to always praise others while lowering yourself?” I joked, “Don’t you always love competing with me, and you even had to compete on who can do the most chin-ups?”

A person from the group said in a quiet voice: “You still lost!”

I did not get angry, instead I continued on with this topic:

“Indeed I lost, but did I lose to someone from another class? Niu ShiLi, if you really like to compete, why don’t we comptete with other classes on the basketball court?”

I secretly cheered at my own eloquence. Recently, my martial arts skills have not improved much, but my persuasive speaking skills have gotten much better. If I was the male protagonist of a manga, wouldn’t this imply I’m about to transmigrate or gain a superpower?

I did not expect Niu ShiLi to completely be unaware of his position as the male deuteragonist. After he heard my grand statement, not only did he not submit willingly, he even crossed his arm and said angrily:

“When we were competing before, we could determine the victor by who did the most chin-ups. But if we are on the same team, how would we determine the victor?”

The boys basically acted as if it wasn’t chaotic enough, and every single one of them became incredibly excited when they heard Niu ShiLi and I wanted to make a bet:

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“Whoever gets the most point wins!”

“No! That’s not fair to Bro Niu! Think about how Ye Lin always plays basketball!”

“Then what should we do?”

“Um… It’s Ye Lin’s win if our class gets first, and if not, then bro Niu wins!”

“Pah! Only you can think of this crappy idea!”

“Quiet —— everyone quiet down!”

During the heated discussion, Eunuch Cao made a peculiar shout and caused everyone to look at him.

Eunuch Cao gleefully caressed his stomach after becoming the crowd’s focal point, then he said leisurely:

“Since my master is making a bet with Niu ShiLi, I want to give a suggestion even though I’m not talented. Please don’t laugh.”

“Since my master has outstanding ball skills and is an amazing talent (at this point, everyone’s face darkened), so it’s only fair if he gives bro Niu a bit of a leeway.”

“What does everyone think about this? My master will compete in points against the entire team, so if Niu ShiLi plus the other boys get more points than master, then it would be his win.”

Everyone nodded one after another to Eunuch Cao’s words and believed it was fair for Niu ShiLi. Of course, I felt a bit more pressured: One person vs four, do you think I’m Michael Jordan?

Another person asked: “Since we’re betting, we have to put something at stake, right? What does the loser have to do?”

I originally wanted to say: “The loser would treat the entire team to Golden Hans BBQ!” I did not expect Eunuch Cao to speak before me:

“Do you even need to ask? The loser will drink Fu Yan Jie!” (TN: Fu Yan Jie is some kind of medical cleanser for your skin, definitely not for drinking)

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Fu…Yan Jie my ass! Is that even drinkable! I only made the team in order to eat good food at the class leader’s house, but now I have to taste Fu Yan Jie before I could even eat any food? Who knows if that stuff is sour, sweet, bitter, or salty!

All the boys who heard the name ‘Fu Yan Jie’ shuddered.

“Damn, those are some big stakes! How much does the loser have to drink?”

“Obviously one bottle! Any less wouldn’t be fun, and any more would kill you!”

There was a skinny shithole who raised his hand and reported:

“I support it! I have an unopened bottle of Fu Yan Jie at home that’s near its expiration date!”

“Okay, then it’s decided! Let’s just wait until Ye Lin drinks Fu Yan Jie!”

“Fu Yan Jie! Fu Yan Jie! Fu Yan Jie!”

The boys’ voices were transmitted pretty far and it causeed Xiong YaoYue and the class leader to frown while looking at us.

Niu ShiLi’s brows were even more knitted.

“Ye Lin, do you have confidence to score more points than four people?”

“No.” I said to Niu ShiLi half-truthfully, “But I feel you don’t have the guts to join a competition with these stakes on the line.”

Niu ShiLi laughed and said loudly: “So what! I’ll participate! I’ll start practicing today and you’ll definitely have to drink Fu Yan Jie.”

This was the first time gym class has been this heated ever since I became the PE committee member: I guess they all want to see me drink Fu Yan Jie?

Xu LiJun, You Chen, and Sun Yu stated they would help Niu ShiLi practice and do their utmost to make me drink Fu Yan Jie… No, it’s to let class 2-3 make a historic breakthrough.

The three of them and Niu ShiLi immediately ran towards the hoops once it was free time like they had an unexpendable amount of energy.

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A novel once taught me: If a person loses the will to live, only love or hate will make him pull himself together.

Did I use enough hate? But I really do not understand what I did to be so hated!

Regardless, I was finally able to find 5 members for the team. Then, I’ll look for two substitutes another day and the basketball tournament issue will be set.

I also cannot slack off, I need to practice my ball skills from time to time.

When I got home at night, the first thing I did was package the costumes Shu Zhe left on the bed and passed it off to delivery.

To an online store, poor reviews are what we are most afraid of, and I really don’t want to offend ‘Popeye’, the perverted customer.

As for whether or not it satisfies his demand of ‘original flavor’, that will depend on himself since I don’t have the courage to smell it.

Other than the ‘Blood Droplet’ who was still putting in a preorder for ‘Miss model’s undergarments’, there were still a few other regular customers who bought some regular S&M equipment because they were attracted by the pictures.

Looks like Director Cao’s advice is pretty reliable! It’s not a disadvantage if I hire Shu Zhe as a rope model. Can I earn even more if I throw away my integrity and sell the ‘original underwear’ to people like the Blood Droplet…

Ah, it seems like businessmen can throw away all morals and integrity when faced with 400% profits! After all, the Blood Droplet is a frequent customer, I don’t think I should scam him…

I stared at the moving text on my screen while eating my stir-fried YuXiang pork. There was another user by the ID of Cilantro Bun who messaged me. It should be someone new since I did not recognize the ID.

Cilantro Bun: “The model is very pretty, which school is she from?”

Me: “Sorry dear customer, I cannot reveal personal information. (spit tongue emoji)”

Cilantro Bun: “(Unsatisfied Emoji) I have money! Give me the model’s phone number! Or you can tell her to go to Jidi Hotel room number 1107 on Saturday…”

Huh? The Jidi Hotel near Film City? Why are you treating our professional model as a call girl!

Cilantro Bun: “(Unsatisfied) Tell her to stop pretending to be pure, which model doesn’t have a price? Tell her that she will get many benefits if she satisfies me…”

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I became angrier as he went on —— you are treating the shop owner of the Happy Valley Love Store as a pimp!

Who else would I scam if I do not scam a client who does not even show basic respect?

Thus I laughed and replied:

“The model is very shy, so it’s not realistic for her to go to a hotel with you the first time. But dear customer, you can preorder the model’s personal undergarments!”

Cilantro Bun: “Undergarments? What kind? Panties?”

Me: “That’s right! I can tell the model to wear whichever pair you would like, then you could have a pair of panties with the smell of a youthful female!”

Cilantro Bun: “Are you saying… original underwear? I could choose? Seems interesting…”

I continued to flatter: “That’s right! Miss model has to wear whatever underwear you tell her to, what a sense of accomplishment!”

Cilantro Bun: “But the model can’t only wear it for a day, she has to wear it for at least three days!”

I sweated, now it seems like more and more people have heavy tastes.

Me: “No problem, no problem. It’s fine even if you want her to wear it for a week, but in terms of price….”

Cilantro Bun: “Let me think about it. Something came up, I’ll contact you another time.”

Then he disconnected.

Hmph, so he only knew how to brag but had no guts.

But I also worked up a sweat. If he actually preordered a pair of panties, would I have to make Shu Zhe wear a pair for a week and mail it over? Just thinking about it gave me goosebumps!

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