Chapter 267 – Read Less H Manga

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The strange thing was I didn’t find any silicone objects under the girl’s shirt, but rather something similar to a bra.

I ignored the facts and gave it a hard tug. Along with a tearing sound, I pulled out two halves of a bra.

Huh, why is it a bra? It doesn’t even have any pads.

I lost my mind and wanted to reach in one more time, but the indignant girl finally shouted:

“That’s enough…! You bastard, I’ll call the police if you keep going.”

My pervy claws were swatted away. It actually hurt.

Wait, instead of the pain of my hand, the other person’s voice seems odd. It was oddly high pitched, this isn’t Shu Zhe’s voice, this is… clearly the class leader’s voice. Damn, this is bad.

I was finally able to put the last piece of the puzzle in place. There is only one truth… fuck, I mistook the class leader as Shu Zhe and hit her for ages.

Not only did I hit her butt, I also reached into her clothes and tore off her bra. I also inadvertently felt her breasts.

But, why did the class leader wear stockings and a miniskirt (I took another gaze). Why did she not say anything when I mistook her and waited till the end?

The class leader’s breathing was in disarray and she had a sullen expression. She said with a tone that was too late for regrets:

“I thought I would let you mistake me as Shu Zhe so I don’t have to embarrass myself, but I didn’t expect…”

That my thought process would be so slow.

“But… why did you wear these clothes.”

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The class leader looked at me bitterly.

“Because I had an online friend who wants to buy these clothes, but she wanted me to wear it and show her how it looks. I can’t let Xiao Zhe wear the clothes again, so I could only wear it and take a picture. Of course, I covered my face…”

I only just realized there was a camera placed on the shelves opposite us. It was placed at the same position and angle Shu Zhe used to take a selfie. I assume she didn’t have a good place in her own room, so she used her brother’s room.

The class leader reemphasized as if she was worried I wouldn’t believe her:

“I only did it because I wanted to sell the clothes. It’s definitely not because I was curious since I’ve never worn these types of clothes before…”

She glanced at herself in the mirror and wanted to crawl in a hole from embarrassment.

She turned her face away and calmed down, then she asked me:

“Can you not tell anyone else, including Xiao Zhe.”

Does she want to cover it up because it’s too embarrassing? But the only reason this happened was because of her brother’s plan.

“No problem.” I pretended to be magnanimous and agreed, “But I want a picture of your current self…”

The class leader clenched her teeth and raised her hand before I finished, but the slap never came.

I closed my eyes to prepare for the hit. Since I already hit her butt forty times, it’s fine if I get slapped in return.

I could only imagine how much energy the class leader used while enduring hits and thinking about when to stop acting as her brother.

The class leader was exhausted both physically and mentally, maybe because she didn’t know what to say, so she went to move the cabinet. Unfortunately, she didn’t have enough strength to succeed and got a headache and a lack of oxygen to her brain. She took a few steps back and tripped onto the bed.

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Once she hit the soft mattress, she immediately entered a dormant state. In other words, she fainted.

Thus, there was only a single man and woman left in the room. The class leader was also wearing seductive clothing and laid on the bed without any sort of defense. Her long breaths meant she was unconscious and in deep sleep.

I originally should have called Shu Zhe to take care of his sister and then slip away, but I don’t know why I didn’t.

I sat on the bed beside the unconscious class leader with nervousness and excitement.

It was different than before. The one laid in front of me was undoubtedly a girl and I could appreciate it without any guilt.

Or should I say, I should be feeling guilty because she’s a genuine girl.

From looking under her miniskirt, the class leader’s tender butt was already flushed red like a peach.

When the class leader had black stockings wrapped tightly around her feet, it kind of gave off an S&M feeling. I could now peacefully admire this scene.

Starting from the bottom of her feet and slowly up her sensual curves, and finally disappearing under the edges of her skirt.

My heartbeat was currently over 120 bpm. As for someone who exercises frequently, it’s at a rate that would drive someone crazy.

When she laid on the side, her black hair sprawled out like a waterfall. Her breasts undulated up and down and she had an exhausted expression on her face.

I actually dared to put my disgusting hands on the class leader’s absolute territory.

There was currently a spartan in my heart standing on top of a cliff and shouting:

“You shouldn’t have done that. This is the beginning of the fall and you will be corroded by lust!”

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But the sensation I felt on my fingers was cool, smooth, soft, like something that shouldn’t exist in the mortal world.

There are definitely people willing to sell their souls for this feeling.

The spartan in my heart fell down the cliff with a piercing cry.

Also, the class leader didn’t wake up and allowed me to wantonly place my hands on her leg.

I rubbed my hands back and forth between the divide of her leg and stockings.

I felt my whole body trembling.

Can I do more, should I do more?

I unintentionally saw the torn bra on the ground. That means under the class leader’s shirt, her two flower buds are currently free to move around.

My heart was restless with anxiety and my vision was covered in red. It felt similar to Berserker Mode, yet it felt different in nature.

I lowered my head and realized I had grabbed onto the class leader’s ankles at an unknown time.

It was a peculiar experience rubbing the stockings with my palm.

What am I doing? Do I intend to split her legs apart and think with the bulge in the lower half of my body?

This is wrong. This is a crime.

Even if I warned myself, my hands did not stop. I couldn’t even differentiate if it was reality or only my imagination. The current scene matches up with plots I’ve read in H manga. A certain scene flashed through my mind and it was like I already spread open the class leader’s legs and can see the contents beneath her skirt.

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Right when the situation was about to get out of hand, a vibration came from my legs and almost scared me half to death because I thought my testicles exploded.

After some thought, I realized it was my phone vibrating. I usually leave my phone on vibration mode to prevent my phone from ringing during a secret mission.

I took out my phone and it was Xiao Qin who sent the message.

“I miss Ye Lin classmate to the point I can’t sleep. But we can see each other tomorrow on set. I wanted to call you, but my mom is keeping a close watch so I could only send a text.”

My cravings decreased after this and the spartan who fell off the cliff also climbed back up. The class leader expressed an uncomfortable expression and was about to awake as someone was holding onto her ankles.

I quickly put her legs back to their original position (I actually never raised her legs, it was only a scene I imagined). I took out a towel from the closet and covered the class leader to prevent me from being seduced.

It was even more of a coincidence I received another message from Shu Zhe:

“Did your relationship with my sister improve?”

Improve my ass, it’s all because of you I almost did something that would end me up in jail picking up soap! The class leader definitely would not let me off easy and would make sure I get shackled in prison as a rapist.

I replied to Shu Zhe and told him to come back and take care of his sister. He only came back unwillingly after some push back.

The first thing he saw was his sister unconscious on the bed. Not only was he not worried, he also jabbed me with a bad smile with his elbow. He only became honest after I scolded him a bit.

After an hour of observation, I hurried home and handled some online orders through the night.

According to Shu Zhe, when the class leader woke up in the middle of the night, she didn’t say a single word. She only took out the gun under her bed and checked to see if it was functioning before hugging it to fall asleep.

That information gave me the chills.

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