Chapter 003: confession

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I stared at her, don't know how to carry on the dialogue.


"So, do you believe that I am a girl? Don't you need confirm?"


"Confirm? How to confirm?"


I asked gruffly.


"If you believe it, it's good. If you still don't believe it, then let you... tou, touch it... my chest..."


She seems to be talking about the little puppy that was born.


Because their own pet whelping, so they have to show off to others, so that let we say some words of praise like "very cute", "adorable".


How much common sense does she has? Don't you know you can't talk about this kind of danger topic with the opposite sex?


"Huh? Do you think it's a great thing to grow your chest?"




She actually was not ashamed to admit.


See disgust expression on my face, she hastened to bow to apologize:


"I'm sorry, I will reflect on it! It is obviously that I often bully you like a devil, but now still shameless outgrowth such a thing... of course you will hate me!"


No, I think my feelings for you, it's not hate, but should belong to the level of "hatred"?


Especially you becoma a girl, let I even can't find a motive to revenge, in that case what the hell of my hard work and effort for?


Frustration and endless emptiness surrounded me.


"Nah, as long as you can give my Optimus prime older brother back... No, I mean that big red truck robot, give it to me, both of us cancel once for all!"


Her face wore a blank look, is such a favourable condition still can't please her?


"Can you give me a little more time?" She asked, looking pathetic.

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"In fact, I have a lot of things that I want to say to you today... Please rest assured, I have keep these toys safe, if you are willing to listen to my words, then I will give you all!"


When I heard my Optimus Prime older brother is safe, I breathed a sigh of relief.


Since listening to her talk costs me nothing, then with such a naive idea, I nodded.


She blooms a sweet smiling, seems like the condemned was placed on probation death penalty, her eyes even hung up the tears of joy.


"Thank you, really, I'm sorry, I lost it... After I received your letter, I was so happy that I didn't sleep all night..."


Her eyes indeed have a thin black eye.


"Happy? In your case, not to be afraid of it? Don't you worry about me got you on the ground, beat your face black and blue, even your mother can't recognize you?"


"No, I know that Ye Lin is not going to do it. However... Even if you really do it I also will not blame you, then I will close my eyes do not resist, as the penance for the past sins..."


What? With eyes closed lying on the ground let I just get hit? This is me countless times preview in the brain, the final soul-stirring battle? Why do I feel so sad? Why is there an impulse to cry, bastard!


"I know that even I say sorry is useless... But at that time because of the genetic relationship, my stature is high, the strength is also big, is not like a girl. Because I was not welcome in the middle of the girl, then I pretend to be a boy and play with you... At that time, I rely on physical advantages bully a lot of people, especially you, so... I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!"


Look at her apology posture, it is very sincere.


"Stop it, you needn't apologize to me, anyway, you put the toy back to me, then we shall be all square, why you must need I forgive you?"


"No, you have to forgive me!" Her tone firm up again.


"Because... Because I have an important request for you, if you do not agree, I will not cure the disease!"


"Cure the disease? What's the matter with you?"


I was surprised at how much I cared about her body.


"En... You know, because I do a boy with a long time, and no female characteristics, so I once suspected of my gender, and even initiation of the idea that spend my life as a boy. At that time play with you I'm really very happy, because the boys sometimes play some dirty games like monkey steal peach, I was fear of being exposed and I had stuff socks in my underpants... Then, then I thought I will never grow out of the chest, it actually grew out..."


"Don't say anything about the underwear and the chest! I'm ashamed of you! Tell me exactly what's wrong with you?"


"Ok... ok, after I grow breasts I doubt my gender again, to the serious degree of couldn't see anyone. If in the identity of the boys, I think I has know everything about the boys, but once return my girl identity, I suddenly found I don't know how to get on with men of the same age... The doctor said that if I keep going, there was a risk of suffer from the illness of gender identity disorder..."

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"Who is this quack! You've been suffering from the gender identity disorder! From 6 years old and you stole my tomatoes on sticks, you have been suffering from this illness!"


Well, gender identity disorder? I thought it was some other terrible disease! By then again why I am so worried about this guy's health?


"But... The doctor said that if I can't get rid of this illness, then I may be unable to accept my true gender, and finally might find a woman to get married..."


"What the fuck of this doctor! China does not allow same-sex marriage! Don't make such irresponsible predictions!"


"En, in order to not violate the laws of the state in the future, I have decided to actively treat my illness from now on."


"Treat? How to treat?"


"I... My main symptom is fear of the same age boys, but, there is a boy, I do not fear..."


Is this talking about me? Because all the year stomp on me, so not afraid of me?


"But because I haven't seen him for years, I thought he had forgotten me... But I received a letter from him yesterday..."


"I really... Really very happy..."


Without warning, she suddenly rushed to me, her face like took a lot of courage.


I was almost scared to death, subconsciously thought she was going to hit me in the eye, hurried to protect my face. but didn't expect she grabbed my waist.


In the inertia of the role, my back hit on the rough old banyan tree.


"You... What are you going to do?"


I looked down and saw that her face was like burning, it could not be much more red.


"Ye Lin, please be my boyfriend!!"


"This is a request of my whole life!!"


She looking at me like the Bambi, waiting for my reply.


I give myself up to grief and wish for death, almost to commit suicide by biting off my tongue.

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I struggled to get rid of her embrace, but without success, to her body now, she really is resorted to all the power.


"Are you kidding me! I don't even know your name!"


"My name is Ren Xiaoqin! You know now! Quick reply to me! Do not answer I will not let you go!"


She buried her head inside my clothes fold, desperate firmly grasp me.


"Don't make me laugh! Do you want to say that you have been bullied me, in fact it's because you like me?"


"Yes! Just like this! I'm a bad girl who will bully my favorite boys! Give me a quick answer!"


What the fuck of this! It's obviously that it should be an amazing duel, why it suddenly became a romantic soap opera?


"Quickly, quickly let go! It's not good to be seen by others!"


"I'm not afraid to be seen! In order to say that sentence, I have run out of all my courage!"


Xiaoqin tightly grabbed my coat front, her body trembled very violently.


She seems to be very, very afraid. I've never seen a people fear so much.


Like a frightened rabbit, eyes red from crying, flutter into your arms, and pray for your protection.


I almost unable to bear to agree to her request at once.


It should is a man's instinct, right? No resistance to the girl's tears, and so on.


"Be your boyfriend, it does not can not..."


At first I would like to answer like this.


But in the middle of this sentence, I remember backlog in the heart of resentment for years, those suffered the bullying things -- to be kicked off the river into a drowned rat, to be removed from the stool and sat down on the ground, managed to buy to my Optimus Prime older brother and then was grimly robbed away...


So that sentence has become:


"Be your boyfriend, it's absolutely impossible!"

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"Wh, why?" Xiaoqin wearing a look of despair.


"For no reason! It is just because I do not like you!" In order to let her give up, I ratcheted up my disgusted tone.


Xiaoqin's body stop trembling, her lifeless moves away from me, stiff and awkward movements, eyes without light.


Just like today is the day she was to be executed.


I feel sorry on the moment and want to withdraw my previous words, but finally I become case-hardened, give a cold look on her.


"For this day, I have been very hard to learn..." Xiaoqin muttered like lose her mind, "Completely ban violent, otaku at home three years, in order to learn how to do a girl, study thousands of the Shoujo Manga..."


Hey, you are on the wrong direction! It's like a 3S woman want get married then study Korean Drama every day, totally on the wrong direction! Perhaps spent the time on shopping will be more effective!


"Why...... Why you still hate me? In order not to be hated, I'll do anything..."


"Hit me, kick me, even spit slobber at me, all doesn't matter...... do everything I have done to you again, isn't it enough?"


No, you don't need to do these, please just let me go! The scene is too embarrassed!


Xiaoqin's shoulders began to shake, the magnitude becoms larger and larger, finally she turned head and burst into tears.


"Whether it is because -- I'm not a really girl?"


She just cried and ran away from me.


Looked at she with tears disappeared in the morning mist, I can not tell what's the feeling in my heart.


So my old enemy's name is not Ren Woxing.


There is a girl named Xiaoqin, she get hurt because I refused to her request, she cried and ran back home, perhaps in a dream there will be sad tears rolled across her cheek.


Why do I have such a strong sense of guilt?


She is the little overlord! An evil tyrant, the source of all evil, that bad guy even will torment me in the nightmare!


Will we meet again sometime?

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