It began to drizzle when it was time for school. Everyone was happy because the flag-raising ceremony was cancelled as a result.

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I noticed the class leader brought a navy blue raincoat to school instead of an umbrella. I guess this means she started to bike to school again.

Unexpectedly, she took over a week to recover after I spanked her butt. The class leader’s skin is softer than I imagined.

As she walked into the school building and removed the hood of her raincoat, she had the atmosphere of a general. Her resounding footsteps split apart the crowd and numerous boys sent her longing gazes.

I felt an inexplicable sense of superiority.

Haha, even if she’s actually a general, she’s a general that’s been spanked by me! It’s something that will always be recorded in history! Even if you killed me to cover it up, your brother still knows the truth, or will you kill him too!

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Xiao Qin, who brought her running shoes to school on purpose, stared anxiously out the window at the rain.

“It’s annoying, will the weather clear up before PE class in the afternoon…”

She was wearing the spring/autumn school sportswear, but there were quite a few people wearing it in this weather.

I focused on finishing Friday’s language homework, I hope I could finish it on time.

“We haven’t spoken at all over the weekends, don’t you miss me?”

Xiao Qin asked bitterly.

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“Nope.” I glanced at her knees, but I couldn’t see her injury through her sports pants.

Xiao Qin pouted.

“By the way, since my mom was quarantined, her classmate and art instructor came to accompany me and it’s really annoying.”

“What’s wrong with having more people around, Auntie Ren is afraid you would be lonely. Did your art skills get any better?”

“My art skills are already amazing, they don’t need to be improved (≧3≦)/.”

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“The art instructor advised me to start from the basics, for example drawing an egg… but who has the time. Eileen Chang once said: You have to start early to become famous!”

Ah, I could have gave you some assistance yesterday if you wanted to draw an egg, but my hands are tied today.

“In order to let a large number of readers appreciate my masterpiece as soon as possible, and be moved by my romance manga to the point where their souls are touched and they wish they were dead…”

Do you really want them to wish they were dead? Are you drawing manga or giving them arsenic?

“I registered as an author on u17 and applied to post my manga, ‘Love at Zhoukoudian’….”

Why is it ‘Love on Zhoukoudian’? Is the main protagonist the Peking Man of Zhoukoudian? If it’s a romance between cavemen, then that means it’s even more ancient than Jay Chou’s ‘Love Before BC‘! Do you guys think whoever unearths the oldest relic is the winner?

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“The worst part is I wasn’t able to qualify because the editor said he couldn’t tell what I was drawing.”

No, he was already being polite. You can only draw shapes like potatoes and eggplants, instead of calling it ‘Love at Zhoukoudian’, it should be ‘Love at a Vegetable Garden’!

“Hmph, I can’t believe I was treated unfairly even though I’m a genius, they must be jealous of me. Just like how Van Gogh received the envy of the painters around him, they must be planning to unite and oppress me. Didn’t Lu Xun once say that in order for a genius to exist, there must be soil to create a genius, but why’s the soil under my feet so unwilling?”

Hey, wake up, you’re a genius of the killing fist, not a genius at drawing. Also, Lu Xun was referring to the soil to be used for growth, not for stepping under your feet…

“Nowadays, it doesn’t matter if you’re good at drawing. As long as your story has romance, you can leave it to the readers to use their imagination (gt;口

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