Chapter 567 – Remodeling Maniac

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I pushed open the door of the activity room and looked inside. I saw a man in a white doctor long coat sitting across from Xiao Yu.

He left his white coat open, revealing his unkempt shirt with a crooked collar. It seemed to have been tied onto the wrong button. If the class leader saw it, she would have had another OCD attack. I hurriedly entered the activity room, then shut the class leader, Shu Zhe, and the principal outside.

The class leader was still discussing financials with the principal, she may even be able to help since she does the family planning. I wouldn’t be able to contribute anything even if I was there.

“As expected of a Go genius, I lost again.”

The white coat doctor put away his pieces and lowered his head to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu had a vacant smile like always.

The white coat doctor suddenly said seriously: “Xiao Yu, if you unfortunately died in front of me, can you let me dissect your corpse? I want to study the structure of your brain…”

What a cruel request. Xiao Yu, who had cerebral palsy, blinked quickly as if he didn’t fully understand his words, but also instinctively began to sweat out of fear.

This doctor was not normal. His face was full of weariness and he had unshaven stubble, which was completely unlike a highly skilled doctor, but his eyes gave the confidence of an expert and the desire to pursue a higher goal.

This guy… is he Dr. Yu SuiLiang, the one sent by Ai Mi’s mom to perform brain surgery on Li Cun Zhuang? I’ve heard of his name for a long time, but never met him yet.

Li CunZhuang has been recovering well since summer vacation, but for some reason at night, his two eyes will emit a faint fluorescence light and his night vision has also been enhanced.

Dr. Yu still did something to him in the end. He spent two hours longer than others in surgery, so what exactly did he install into his head? I know his dream is to create a modified human, but don’t experiment on my buddies!

Then, Dr. Yu notcied me walking. He pulled out a cigarette from his coat pocket, but saw the “no smoking” sign hanging on the ceiling of the activity room, so he put the cigarette back slightly vexed.

“Kid, come play a game with me.” Dr. Yu greeted me impolitely, “I’ve lost three games to Xiao Yu, so I’d like to improve my mood with you.”

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“Hmph.” I wasn’t too convinced, “You lost all your games to Xiao Yu, so are you sure you can beat me?”

When Xiao Yu saw that we both wanted to play, he got up and cleared his seat for me. He smiled at us, then walked quickly outside of the activity room.

Based on the way he walked with his legs closed together, it seems he wanted to go to the washroom.

After sitting in Xiao Yu’s seat, I took over Xiao Yu’s black pieces. In order to gain the upper hand, I imitated Xiao Yu’s habit by ‘clacking’ the black piece straight onto the center point of the board.

“A bluff.” Dr. Yu commented, then he ignored me and played his pieces in the bottom left corner.

In order to prove that we were the second best player after Xiao Yu, we each played our pieces quickly. In an instant, we reached mid game, where we we could lose at anytime if we made a bad move, so we both had to slow down.

“Ye Lin.” Dr. Yu suddenly spoke and called my name. Since he was now Ai Mi’s personal doctor, it wasn’t surprising at all that he knew my name.

However, his next words made me incomparably shocked.

“Admit defeat, if you don’t, I’ll cut off Tie Xian’s oxygen supply, then he’ll be the first person to die under your fist…”

I stood up with a woosh and almost flipped over the heavy board.

“You… you’re one of Ai ShuQiao’s men?”

Dr. Yu crossed his arms behind his head and moved his stiff neck around while smiling.

“I was always one of Ai ShuQiao’s men. It’s just compared to my senior, the boss of the ‘Three Musketeers’, I wasn’t as close to Ai ShuQiao.”

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I’ve heard from Ai Mi that Yu SuiLiang was the least remarkable doctor out of all of Ai ShuQiao’s personal doctors… so he’s also a graduate of Stanford University? If Yu SuiLiang himself was so strange, then his senior must be an even more eccentric person.

Since it’s the “Three Musketeers”, there should be another strange guy. What, is Ai ShuQiao is planning to form an army of weirdos to deal with me.

“Are you still not going to admit defeat.” Dr. Yu reminded me.

I calmed down a little and sat back down again in front of the board.

“Dr. Yu, I’m grateful you cured my friend, but you didn’t put any explosives in him, right?”

Honestly, if Dr. Yu really turned Li CunZhuang into a human bomb and had the remote control himself, then I really couldn’t think of a way to deal with it.

“No way.” Dr. Yu scratched the stubble on his chin, “I merely adjusted Li Cun Zhuang’s night vision with one of my new discoveries. Blowing up my own patients goes against the doctor’s code.”

“Well, then.” I followed Dr. Yu’s words, “If Tie Xian is in your hands, then he is also considered your patient. If you cut off his oxygen supply, then it’s equivalent to you killing him.”

Dr. Yu reached in his coat pocket to play with his cigarette with a strange smile on his face. He finally spoke after a long time:

“That’s correct. As a doctor who promotes human evolution, I can only make my patients healthier and stronger. I came to this special education school with the intention of persuading some physically disabled students to install my improved prosthetic limbs…”

“As you know, creating modified humans is a long and costly process…” Dr. Yu said seriously, “Ao Ai ShuQiao’s research funds are important to me, which means I also have to help her with certain things…”

“Including killing people.” I questioned again.

Dr. Yu’s face turned gentle as he placed a piece on the board.

“As a doctor, it is a shame for anyone to die by my hands.”

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“That’s why, when Ai ShuQiao had the dying Tie Xian sent over to me, I treated him to the best of my abilities. I also modified him to a certain degree…”

Don’t modify him! I don’t want Tie Xian to revive as a Terminator T-800 and come back looking for me.

“Why does Ai ShuQiao care?” I asked suspiciously, “Wouldn’t it be more beneficial for her to let Tie Xian die and let me be punished.”

“Although Tie Xian’s injuries looked serious, dislocated jaw, punctured lung… but if he was sent to the hospital in time, he could have been saved even without my skills…”

“Not to mention the unclear relationship you have with the Hong Kong Triads at the time. If they helped you solve your troubles, then Ai ShuQiao would have lost the initiative…”

“As for Ai ShuQiao, she has already used her daughter in the open, so she wants to use you, her son, in the dark, so she doesn’t want you to be exposed to the police too early…”

So she wants to turn me into a mafioso, but that’s exactly what Officer Ma wants.

In response, I also placed a piece on the board.

“Dr. Yu, I’m curious, why did you lie when you clearly wouldn’t take a patient’s life to blackmail me.”

“That’s because…” Dr. Yu made a funny face at me, “If you weren’t strong-willed enough and were intimidated by me and surrendered to Ai ShuQiao, I will get more research funding.”

I noticed that Dr. Yu was not particularly respectful to Ai ShuQiao and referred to her with her full name every time. Why would Ai ShuQiao tell him the insider information.

I raised my own question and Dr. Yu lowered his voice for the first time. He tapped me on the shoulder and answered with extreme seriousness.

“Actually, I am your father…”

I was all jittery and I shook off Dr. Yu’s hand. Seeing my shocked white face, Dr. Yu laughed out loud and tears of laughter came out of the corners of his eyes.

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“Hahahahahahaha, it’s a line from Star Wars. I scared you, didn’t I?”

“In fact, when I first started doing surgeries, I used to tell patients right before they went under anesthesia: Your sex reassignment surgery will be a complete success.”

“But patients have no sense of humor, which is why I was fired from my first job after only six months…”

Screw your sense of humor. Someone with no morals like you will never have a son.

After slightly curbing his smile, Dr. Yu told me, “According to my analysis, there are probably four reason why Ai ShuQiao used me as a part of the plan.”

“First, it was because of my senior’s strong recommendation. He is very influential as Ai ShuQiao’s chief medical expert.”

“Second, I am very capable and interesting. Ai ShuQiao likes to use interesting people and she is interested in my scientific research results.”

“Third, I need a lot of money for my plan to transform all of humanity. Betraying Ai ShuQiao brings me no benefits unless someone else offered me a lot more money.”

“By the way, Ye Lin, in case you become rich in the future, you can always buy me out as long as you offer more money.”

“I don’t have the money to support you to transform all of humanity.” I asked in a bad mood, “Isn’t there a fourth point.”

“The fourth point.” Dr. Yu looked at the ceiling and said, “I’m afraid Ai ShuQiao wants you to see that serving her does not mean you will become a robot. As you can see, I’m happily trying to reach my goals. There is a truth that is easily overlooked by everyone: even if you work under evil, it is still possible to do good…”

I couldn’t agree with Dr. Yu’s theory, but his character did change the preconceived notion in my head that “all of Ai ShuQiao’s men are villains”.

“Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz”

Something in Dr. Yu’s white coat vibrated, and judging from the thickness, it didn’t look like a cell phone.

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