The conversation was settled.

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After doing so, I took a bath, finished dinner, and talked with Obaasan. Naturally, time flies, and I am currently fighting the oncoming drowsiness.

In case you’ve forgotten, it had been a very intense day of gathering, killing Orcs, and tussling with the guild, so I must have been exhausted.

「Yuan-sama is looking sleepy, and I think the elderly should go now」

「No, that’s not……」

「It’s okay, I was able to see and talk to Black Heavenly Fox-sama again. And thank you for healing my leg, too.」

「Thank you so much for your help with my grandmother’s leg. It’s not much of a thank you, but I will serve it with tomorrow’s meal. If I can’t get you to accept the money for the thank you, I’ll at least do that for you」

I healed Obaasan’s leg and Oneesan offered to pay me back, but I refused.

If this had been a request, I might have accepted it, but it wasn’t a request. I just did it in the flow of conversation.

Taking care of us, they left the room. By the way, we did enjoy the fruit they prepared for us!

The fruit was crunchy and sweet, and I ate it even though I was full after dinner.

I guess that means dessert is another meal!

「I’m kind of tired」

「Good job」

Now there are only two of us in the room.

So, I think I can finally relax.

I take off my robe and change into comfortable, though tattered, clothes that were given to me at the orphanage.

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Shea-san sees me changing my clothes, but she’s also seen me naked before, and I don’t mind now.

Then, Shea-san came up with a suggestion.

「I need to go shopping tomorrow」


「Yeah, I’ve got a lot of stuff I need to buy」

I’m concerned that she’s referring to my whole body, but I don’t see any reason to say no if Shea-san needs it.

「Yes, we’ve got lots of money, and we should buy what we need」

「Un. And I’ll give you this」

Shea holds out a bag to me.

「Eh? What is this?」

「Today’s reward and my fortune」

I froze when I realized that it was a bag full of coins. It took me a moment to come to my senses.

「No, I can’t! It’s Shea-san’s money!」

「No, what’s mine is Yuan’s. If I need it, I’ll ask for it」


I don’t want to have this much money. I’m worried about it, even if I keep it in my storage magic.

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「It’s safer with you. Yuan, you don’t waste money and you save it properly」

「Please keep some with you, okay? You might need it when I’m not around」

「I’m fine. I have the bare minimum」

In the end, I’m going to manage it. By the way, my property…… it’s not much, but together with it, it will be a party and a fund for future use.

At the same time, she said I could use the money to build my own house, but I refused, but Shea-san also said she would take care of me then, so I couldn’t refuse.

Maybe it’s called living together?

It’s nice to have a lively atmosphere, though. But it’s still a long way off, so we’ll think about it then.

「And you’re happy with that?」

「Money? No problem, as long as it’s for Yuan」

「No, not that way, because I requested it and got us the same room. Of course I’m happy about the money though」

「No problem」

Shea-san says so, but I’m worried about something. Because she might have really wanted to take her time alone.

「If you are dissatisfied, please tell me every time, okay? I don’t want Shea-san to give up on me because of your dissatisfaction」

「I won’t do that. I’d rather feel safe in the same room」

「Ehehe, me too」

Traveling alone was lonely, and since I had to share a room at the orphanage, I feel more comfortable when I am around other people.

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But we have separate beds, okay?

「The moon, it’s beautiful」

After some idle talk, I decided it was time to go to sleep, so I moved to the bed by the window and saw the moon looking up at me from the window.

「Un, Bow Moon」

「Bow Moon?」

「We call it that. The shape of the moon changes. It’s shape now is like a bow」

「It’s the Bow Moon!」

The world is a year with 12 months. What constitutes a month seems to be determined by the shape of the moon.

The moon gradually becomes rounder and rounder, and gradually disappears. The cycle is roughly 30 days, so it seems to be a rough guide.

In its current form, it seems to be the beginning of the month. That’s why it’s getting warmer.

As I looked at the moon, I suddenly had an idea.

「Shea-san, Shea-san」


「I have an idea for a party name!」

We were also discussing party names earlier. It seems like it would be easier to have a party name when taking the same request with a party.

「Bow Moon Time…… what do you think? I tried to put together the moon and first party, referring to the beginning of the month! More than anything, I want to remember the fact that I met you, Shea-san…… what do you think?」

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「I’m glad. I’ll never forget the day I met Yuan. I think it’s good too」

「It’s settled! Let’s go sign up for the guild tomorrow after we’re done shopping!」

「Un, you can go to the guild first if you want. I’d rather go now」

「It’s tomorrow, after all. I’m already sleepy」

In fact, I can’t stop yawning since earlier.

「Okay. Good night, Yuan」

「Yes, good night. Shea-san」

「If you get lonely, you can come over here」

「I’m not that much of a child」

I crawl under the futon.

Ah…… the futon feels good.

Perhaps it was the exhaustion, but my consciousness was quickly slipping away. I was a little bothered by what had happened to the Heavenly Foxes-sama, but it was more than enough to make me comfortable, and I soon lost consciousness.


It’s short, so I’ll post another story at 9:00.

TL. I’ll post the chapter tomorrow, as scheduled… (º □ º l|l)

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