Elysia was walking in the garden with Ryan and Ramote. She clicked her tongue as soon as she saw the two men who gave her a parasol, fearing that walking would be difficult in the early summer weather.

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Even though she was not that far along yet, Ryan and Ramote treated her as carefully as Cassian. At the same time, the employees also thought it was over-protective, but they did not seem to express it.

Even Ramote changed the way he spoke, so Elysia was busy making fun of him every time.

“Can you walk this long?”

“Old man. Am I sick?”


Elysia smiled as if she was stunned and shook her head. She saw Der, who was rolling in the garden, looking at her and running. As Elysia reached out her arm to catch the leaping Der…


“It’s dangerous.”

…Ryan grabbed Der, just before it got in her arms.

Der did hug her a little hard, but not that much. However, seeing Ryan’s serious expression, she nodded her head as she couldn’t bear to say that.

“When is your due date?”

“It’s next summer, old man. It’s still a long way off.”

Elysia replied she looked at the two men and added.

“Please take it easy.”

…It looked like he couldn’t hear her.

Ramote raised his glasses and frowned.

“Where did the Duke go? He acted as if he was never going to get away from your side.”

Elysia tilted her head and looked at Ryan.

“I don’t know either. Do you know where he went?”

“Oh, he said that he was going to the Imperial Palace. His Majesty had called.”

“It hasn’t been a long time since he took a vacation? And, he called Cassian already?”

Elysia murmured accusations against Revos.

“Don’t get agitated.”

“Miss Elysia. Calm down.”

Ryan fussed as he said that he was going to call Cassian right away. Meanwhile, Elysia raised her hand and pressed it tightly against her eyes.

“No. It’s okay, Ryan.”

Would people think that the husband would not be by her side even though labor had begun?

Still, she could not just be harsh to them because she could feel the love they cared for her. What was a little strange was that Ryan must have been through Lina’s pregnancy, but he was being overprotective.

Lina, who already has two children, but Ryan was behaving as if it was her first time.

“That’s right, Ryan. I heard you refused the title again?”

After Revos ascended to the throne, several assassination attempts were made before he established the groundwork. The imperial knights guarded him all day though there was a situation where an assassin came into the bedroom.

There was a time when Cassian asked Ryan to escort Revos.

It took several months to capture all those who attempted the assassination. It was because the little runts who were said to have inherited the blood of the Imperial Family rushed to him without fear. At least five of those times Revos’ life was saved thanks to Ryan.

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Revos, who had praised Ryan’s skills, offered to give him a title, but Ryan refused it every time.

“I’m good enough for now.”

Considering that he was a commoner, he did not make a contribution to the war, but Revos suggested the rank of Marquis.

Elysia was frustrated to death after hearing that he rejected it. Of course, she had nothing to say if Ryan didn’t want it, but she had regrets as she hoped that Ryan would be a little better.

“If you change your mind, talk to me. Maybe, the Emperor’s offer is still up.”

Ryan nodded his head with a face saying that it would never happen.



* * *



Late afternoon. Elysia closed her eyes, listening to Cassian’s voice.

“Why did His Majesty call you?”

“He called about the handover as an excuse but asked me about cutting vacation time.”


Why was he talking about something else now? Then, should he not give Cassian two years from the beginning?

“I couldn’t even take a nap without you today.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I didn’t mean for you to say you’re sorry.”

“I don’t have to go anymore. I’ve nailed it firmly.”

Elysia’s sleeping time became irregular. She couldn’t sleep well unless Cassian was there and she heard his voice. Even though she really thought it was unusual, what could she do about it? Thanks to this, it became natural for her to chat with Cassian for a couple of hours before going to sleep.

Even if it was not night, she found him when she wanted to take a nap. As for the meal, Cassian couldn’t leave her.

Elysia changed her posture and sat down so that his face could be seen.

“What should I name the child?”

Cassian, who was holding her in his arms and exchanging words quietly, cleared his throat and looked worried.

“Did you think of a name?”

She even contemplated whether to talk about it with him directly though she couldn’t come up with a name that came to mind.

“No. Should I ask father for a name? Or the old man?”

“Both are fine.”

Elysia was in trouble. She actually wanted Cassian to give a name, but it seemed that her father would be upset.

Cassian, who had listened to her quietly, replied with a grin.

“Father-in-law would say it’s good, too. It’s a name given by an Archmage.”

“Oh, is that so?”

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A smile appeared on Elysia’s face as if it was a satisfactory answer. Then, Cassian asked as he gently brushed her hair.

“Can’t you sleep?”

“Ugh. Not yet.”

Elysia dug deeper into his arms.

Cassian groaned. The amount of time they were attached to each other seemed to be getting harder and harder to bear.

“You can kiss me. Why don’t you do that?”

It was okay to put his hands on her.

“Then, I don’t think I can stand it.”

Vampires said that they had a hot night regardless of whether they were pregnant or not, but it didn’t work for Cassian.

The reason was that he was in an ambiguous state. She, too, was a little nervous about doing it to the end, so she didn’t think about it. Elysia wanted to make sure there were enough ways, so she put her hand between his shirt.


Everywhere her fingers touched, she could feel the tenseness going in.

“Elysia. Don’t be like this.”

“What am I?”

Cassian held her wrist but couldn’t hold it strongly. Elysia laughed playfully and teased her hand more tenaciously.

Not in the shirt, but the pants.


“Why? You’ve been patient.”

Considering what he usually did, he had been endured it for a very long time.

“Isn’t it?”

Elysia said, biting his earlobe, seducing him.


Weren’t there a lot of ways?

She whispered a couple of things in his ear, and Cassian let out a breath that he had been holding back. Seeing that he was still holding on, Elysia rubbed her fingers up and down. If he kept acting like this, there would be only one thing in the end.

“I’m having a hard time too.”

Cassian looked at her right away, wondering what was hard for her?

“I want to kiss, I want to do other things. Wouldn’t it be bad if I continued to endure like this?”

The word broke his stubbornness with one blow. He ruffled his hair and raised the corners of his mouth. Elysia noticed what that smile meant, and she licked his lips lightly.

“There’s no way I can resist your temptation.”

She untied his shirt and carved a mark.

The hand pulling up her skirt was quick as usual. Cassian, who laid her down and hugged her from behind, gathered her thighs together.

“It’s okay.”

There must be things he wanted to do to her too, so it was okay. Cassian, who gathered her thighs and dug in, was breathing heavily.

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“Ah… Cassian.”

A sensation similar to when they were overlapping their body came, and her body heated up. He moved very carefully. Although Elysia felt the movement making her anxious, she knew this man would never do more than this.

This was also a very generous compromise.




As the scorching heat gradually cooled, Elysia felt weary, and she rested her head on his shoulder. She seduced him, but as she grew more excited, she sucked him several times. Of course, there were other things too. It was already past midnight now.

“So, you can’t provoke me.”


“I liked it.”

Her eyes continued to wonder if it really was.

“It’s always good for me, but it’s okay to just stay like this.”



It surely wasn’t enough for him to just be like this.

She wouldn’t be the only one.

“Then, it’ll probably be the same for the child.”

What did that mean? Cassian frowned in trouble. At the same time, he felt a hand gently caressing his back.


A burst of laughter erupted from the itch as she kissed the nape of his neck.

“Yes, just be patient. You kiss me often.”

“All right.”

“Let’s take a bath together.”

“It’s a bit…”

Seeing Cassian’s hesitant look, Elysia pushed her face closer to him. As much as she approached, he backed away.

“What… Are you avoiding me now?”

“Not that.”

When will she ever see Cassian so helpless?

Elysia pulled her body, thinking of something.

“I think it’s a vampire.”

“Are you talking about the child?”

“Yes. Otherwise, there’s no way I’d want to drink your blood so much.”

Those words didn’t sound credible at all. Still, Cassian nodded in agreement.

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Elysia wondered if the child might be a son or a daughter. Unable to overcome her curiosity after being patient for a few days, she wanted to call Hail and have him look at her. She wasn’t even sure if he knew the gender, and as he looked at her body, she wondered if it wasn’t good for the child if he poured energy into her.

Of course, Cassian was against it.

“Yes. I still can’t believe it.”


“I’m doing this with you.”

There was so much going on in the meantime, and there was no time to catch a breath. It had been five years since she learned that she no longer had to worry about eternal life… Even after having their own child.

“I wonder if I can be this happy…”

She often felt anxious.

“I’m glad you’re happy.”

She said as if to confirm him one more time.

“Very much.”

“It will continue to be so.”


Elysia thought, if Cassian’s body hadn’t been tempting me.

“When you first saw me, would it have been different if I hadn’t been drawn to your body?”

Could they have come this far?

There would be no second meeting, and there would be no need to spend the night at the banquet that was the third meeting. Then, she wouldn’t be caught sucking his blood, and she thought she wouldn’t have even married him after all.

“No. The result would have been the same. In the end, you will be in my arms as you are now.”

His voice said that it would never change.


“Because I would have liked you if you hadn’t sucked my blood and seduced me.”

Elysia was a little furious.

“You seduced me. Your whole body.”

“If my body was different from what I have now, would you have accepted me?”

Cassian raised the corners of her lips languidly, tilted his head, and bit her lip. He gently rubbed her lower lip and licked it as his hand grabbed her chin.

The tickling kisses were brief.

“I think you are right.”

At that, he gently rubbed her chin with his thumb. Seeing him smiling while curling his eyes, Elysia naturally remembered the time when she thought he was using his beauty to trick her for me.

“If you hadn’t accepted me, I would have seduced you.”

“Then I would have played along.”

“That’s what it is.”

Cassian whispered softly.

They couldn’t avoid each other in any way.

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