Chapter 52

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Cassian smiled prettily as if he had understood enough.

Looking at him smiling, for some reason, her back seemed cold. He then grabbed Elysia’s wrists and lowered his head.

“It was a different start, but I think you were at least honest then.”

In the distance, where they could feel each other’s breath, the anger in the voices that they spit out as they scratched their necks was evident.

‘He’s mad…’

“So, what do you want me to do, huh? This is not what you think it is. What is it?”

Elysia raised the corners of her lips in response to his piercing words. “That’s right. You’re smart, too. So even now…”

“With a face so red in one kiss.”

Cassian cut off Elysia’s words and opened his mouth. He grabbed Elysia’s chin and lowered her gaze towards him, then placed Elysia’s hand on her left chest and placed his hand on top of it.

Her own hand, covered by his large hand, felt a pounding, pounding heartbeat.

“I can feel it jumping like this. Do you want me to change my mind? Really?”

‘Don’t lie.’ His eyes seemed to say so.

Was it obvious? Even if he found out about it, she couldn’t help it. Elysia faded her beautiful smile and opened her mouth. She doesn’t want to be found out anymore.

“You don’t have to have the heart to react.”

‘Don’t misunderstand my body, just because I want your body…’

Eventually, she met his tenacious gaze and bit her lip.

“Ha— Really?”

At that, Cassian kissed her again.

He supported the back of her head to keep her from escaping, clasping her roots tightly, and chewing her lips. Slowly, bit her lips and sucked them up until it was about to swell and his lips fell apart. Cassian took Elysia’s hand to the nape of his neck.

“Then, take that, too. You just want my body. It doesn’t matter anymore.”

“What nonsense!”

“I love you.”

Elysia thought she had forgotten how to breathe in a moment.

Her silver eyelashes were quivering, and her lips, unable to find an answer, were bitten over and over again.

Her heart was beating as if it couldn’t beat faster.

She tried to pull her hand out, fearing that she might catch her holding his hand, but it wouldn’t move.

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“Whatever you are, nothing like that affects me. So, if you really want me to give up on you…”

Elysia’s face contorted as if crying.

He clasped her hand that was over the nape of his neck and brought it to his lips. Cassian’s lips were as hot as they touched the back of her immaculate hand.

“Tell me honestly. What’s the real reason you can’t accept me?”

She seemed convinced she wasn’t able to speak.

Elysia clenched her fist tightly.

‘I can’t tell you. It’s terrible just to tell you about me, but what more can I say?’

“Ah— I’ll correct it. Even if that happens, I don’t think I can give you up.”


The red eyes contained the meaning to no longer play with words. A dark smile spread across Cassian’s face. His characteristic relaxed and languid atmosphere has returned.

He bowed her head and bit Elysia’s earlobe.

“My beloved fiancée is not feeling well, so she should take a break.”

Whispering in her ear, his lips slid down, leaving a dense kiss on the nape of her neck.

Because of that, Elysia’s face turned red as if about to explode. In the end, he kissed her forehead and left the room.

She stayed up all night with open eyes.

Her heartbeat, which had been pounding hard since last night, was so steady that she wondered if something was going to happen.

Her face was full of heat, and her body temperature, which should have been cool, was hot. There was no strength in her body, and it was as heavy as cotton soaked in water.

Doesn’t this look like a fever from her love…?

Elysia thought it was pretty true, and she laughed bitterly.

Her head was full of his confessions from last night. It felt like she was forcibly pulled into reality by the voice of the maid from outside the bedroom.

“Madam. The Archmage wants to see you.”

She had also forgotten that she had to meet Ramote and hear about those who hit her carriage.

Elysia answered with a cracked voice. “Take him to the parlor next to the bedroom. I’ll need help from the chief maid, too.”

She didn’t even have the strength to go too far.

Elysia thought she shouldn’t show her wounds, so she used cleanliness magic.

The maid who knocked seemed to have gone to relay her orders, and after a while, Gray entered the bedroom.

At this point, she grew tired of looking at Elysia’s complexion. Grey was the only maid in her attendance to know that she was injured.

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“Lady—huek, are you okay?”

“It’s okay. Help me put on the dress.”

Gray nodded her head.

“But, you have to do a massage later. You can cover the wound. Ugh.”

She looked at Gray with a frown on her face as she was sobbing. It was the wedding tomorrow, so she probably didn’t want to make any changes anymore.

Changed into a baggy indoor dress, she sighed and headed to the parlor.

Her breathing was hot.

Upon entering the parlor, Ramote, who had already arrived, was drinking tea. As soon as he saw that Elysia was hurt, he frowned.

Seeing the maid backing away, he immediately asked a question.

“Your body hasn’t recovered?”

“The wound has healed a lot. It’ll be all right tomorrow.”

Elysia sighed and sat down on the chair.

Ramote looked at her reddish face and raised his hand to her forehead.

“Still, why are you like this? You’re a complete fireball.”

“I don’t know either. Tell me what you researched quickly. Is it really black magic?”

With a look of disapproval on his face, Ramote stared at her and then nodded his head.

Elysia ruffled her hair roughly. From the moment she broke up with Revos, nothing had happened, and she was annoyed as she was getting more and more entangled.

“It’s crazy. Why is everyone doing this to me?”

“I believed everything you said, though I didn’t believe everything you said about someone using black magic. It’s not normal.”

“The timing is too early. There should be traces to be found, couldn’t it be revealed?”

Even though they clearly knew she was a wizard, they used that method on her. The culprit, perhaps the Second Prince, was highly likely to have even learned of Der’s existence.

Had it not been for Der, she would have been beaten up.

“Your cat shattered the magic circle, so I couldn’t get them all.”

Ramote took out on the table a drawing of only the intact part of the magic circle that had been shattered in the wind by Der.

Elysia picked up the paper and gazed at it, although there was nothing she could read.

“Does Old Man even know what kind of magic they were trying to use?”

“Yeah. I guess I’ll have to go back to the tower first and look for some data.”

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“Oh, wait a minute.”

Elysia got her body up and brought a blank paper and pen. She jotted down a few local names on a piece of paper, and she handed it to him.

“This is a list of places that may leave traces. Besides, don’t tell anyone about this.”

“There are a few trustworthy people in the tower, so it’ll be fine.”

“No, no.”

Elysia didn’t know how it could go wrong here. She didn’t want Ramote to get caught up for nothing. It seemed he was already caught up, but he was only giving help.

“I’m telling you to avoid that area.”

The Second Prince came in exactly after her, so there was nothing good for Ramote to visit the area because he was her master.

Ramote wasn’t ignorant of Elysia’s thoughts either.

“You’re not going to tell your husband?”

“He’s not my husband yet.”

Hearing that, he raised his eyebrows in response to Elysia’s sword-like reply in that sullen voice. Sensing that something had happened, he opened his mouth.

“It seems that he doesn’t know everything about you. At least you should tell him something important.”

“I told him… yesterday.”

She swallowed the word ‘only the provocative parts.’ With that thought, Elysia sighed as she buried her face on the table.

Ramote swept away the silver hair that had fallen, as it fell on her face.

“Old Man, how long do you think I will live?”

Seeing Ramote, who did not understand the meaning of her question, Elysia grinned. She raised her body and looked at Ramote with a serious face.

“I mean… I… live forever.”

There were many emotions in the calm voice she spoke.

Ramote couldn’t help but keep his mouth shut.

She knew that he, too, was vaguely expecting it.

“I’m not confident.”

When a vampire’s love deepens, they will only look at their partner for the rest of their life, as if imprinting their partner’s existence on their soul.

A vampire who loved a human would live alone for a long time when their partner dies.

Didn’t people say that the wounds from love or the wounds from being abandoned by your lover will get better with time?

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Those words had nothing to do with vampires. She didn’t live very long before the transmigration, but she knew how a vampire who loved a human could go crazy.

A being that embraced humans in every way and fell apart so easily with just one love.

“I heard that there is a way to make them compatible?”

“How can I give him such a cursed life? And, I can’t make it all the way I want to.”

“Pft, so you. Don’t you also have feelings for the Duke?”

“I-I, too…”

‘I like him, too.’

As much as she wondered when did it get so good. It was a word she was afraid to spit out of her mouth. She thought it would be out of control if she said she liked him with her own voice. Just thinking about it, it felt like it was going to overflow.

If it doesn’t go deeper from here, it’ll be fine…

In the end, Elysia bit her lower lip and smiled softly.

“…Too obvious?”

“A lot. You seem smart, but why are you so blind? You must already know that.”

She said to Ramote who took off his glasses and was pressing his eyes. “Old Man. Old Man has to live a long time. If you want to live forever, tell me. I’ll try it.”

“You’re just trying to make me work.”

He knew it wasn’t serious when Elysia said she would try, but he couldn’t utter a word of refusal.

She took Ramote’s hand and rested her forehead against it.

“How can I live without Old Man?”

Ramote was more like family to Elysia than her father and brother Ted. If she hadn’t met him, she wouldn’t have been able to open up her heart to her family now, and she might have gone crazy without the determination to settle down and live in this world.

He was a person with whom she could confide in her tales of loneliness and anxiety.

“You’re good at saying disgusting things.”

“Can I call you Father? Oh, should it be Grandpa?”

In the meantime, he stared at Elysia’s back, sensing a presence.

There, Cassian was looking at Elysia sullenly.

However, her head was so complicated that he didn’t even feel Cassian’s presence.

“I’ll be leaving, then.”

Elysia sent a redemptive gaze to Ramote, who was leaving the place in a hurry, but she was ignored.

Apparently, he didn’t like this suffocating atmosphere and ran away.

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