Elysia frowned as she felt the regular shaking.

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Someone was hugging her stably.

She struggled to lift her eyelids to reveal the familiar face. Cassian, who was neatly dressed, seemed to have a shiny face as if he had eaten something good the night before.

When their eyes met, he smiled and kissed her forehead.

“You’re up.”


Elysia turned her head away, expressing her doubts in a puzzled voice.

Now that she saw it, the regular shaking was because she was riding a carriage. She can only remember how hard she was clinging to Cassian in bed. When did the day dawn, and when did she get into the carriage?

She didn’t drink, yet why was her memory cut off?

With that thought, she continued her question and lowered her gaze. Her body was now wrapped around in a familiar, soft white cloth.


The corners of Elysia’s lips twitched. As she moved her hand, she was wearing a slip.

“…You should have dressed properly!”

“I couldn’t help it because you couldn’t leave me.”

“No way. Lies.”


She doesn’t believe it.

Cassian bit his lips as though it were a pity. Then, he gently lifted Elysia up and put her on his leg. Before she could say anything, he untied the sheet around her body.

As the stiffness subsided, Elysia’s face softened.

Looking at her, he grinned and stretched his hand behind the chair in the carriage, and pulled something out.


What Cassian pulled out was a comfortable-looking blue dress.

Elysia tilted her head to the vague dress.

Moments later, he raised her body and took care of her clothes. Elysia looked at her natural appearance, and she smiled.

“What an honor.”

“Then, praise me.”


Cassian looked up at Elysia as he was tying the ribbon around her chest. She was standing in the carriage, and he was still sitting.

His hand, tying the ribbon, brushed somewhere.

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“Shhh. The coachman listens.”

“I, I’ll do it.”

Elysia took Cassian’s hand away and adjusted her outfit. Looking at her, he sat her down and grabbed her leg.

“What are you doing…!”

“Why do you keep panicking? What do you really want to do?”

Saying so, he gave a longing smile and placed his hands on her feet. Cassian seemed concerned about her bare feet on the floor of the carriage. His hands were tickling the soles of her feet, and a groan burst through Elysia’s lips.

“…Hah, it’s tickling.”


Then, he gazed at Elysia with an expressionless face.

His hand, which had been holding her ankle to brush her foot away, began to move with a gentle touch. As if she were bound by his gaze, Elysia was captured by his subtle gaze.

Cassian bowed his head and kissed her feet.

The kiss that started with a squeaky sound gradually made a different sound.

His hot gaze was still fixed on her. The corners of Elysia’s eyes were getting redder and hotter, and the heat that she exhaled through her lips was covered with heat.

“Really. How can I reject you…?”

As she grabbed his collar and pulled it over her, Cassian was dragged along.

“I would be in trouble.”


“From the first day I became a Mistress, I showed this to my employees.”

Elysia glanced at the sheet that had fallen on the floor, and then gently moved the foot he was holding.

As strength entered Cassian’s body, the veins on the back of his hand stood out.

“You mean that you’re not satisfied with rushing like that yesterday, huh?”

As Elysia’s smile grew thicker, more power entered Cassian’s body. It could be said that she brought it upon herself that the dress she was wearing had become ruffled again.

The sturdy carriage was moving smoothly without any sway.

Cassian stopped thinking about making a road warp that connects to the estate at once. It was because he thought that traveling by carriage wasn’t a bad idea either.

It was getting dark, and the carriage stopped when it reached Chereville.

To be precise, it was located on the outskirts of Chereville.

Chereville was the second largest region after the capital. It was where almost all of the upper headquarters were located, and there were many things to see and many people at night.

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Elysia had only heard about it, but it was the first time she had come in person, so she smiled excitedly, even in a tired mood.

“Are you tired?”

“Very much.”

Cassian added that she should go in and rest.

“I think it would be less tiring to walk around.”

“Chereville is famous for its hot springs.”

Hearing that, her eyes twinkled.

Cassian stretched the corners of his lips loosely and slid his jacket over her body. Elysia, who lowered her head with a puzzled face, wrinkled her expression. There were only red marks all over the skin exposed outside the dress.

“It’s everywhere.”

At her words, he pretended not to hear anything, and placed his arms around Elysia’s waist and thighs.

She saw her bare feet in the dress, slightly exposed at the end of her skirt.

“Huh. My feet aren’t covered?”

“Do you want me to cover it with a shirt?”

Elysia rolled her eyes and reached out her hand to lock the button back. He had quite a few marks on his body, so she couldn’t see him taking off his shirt. On the contrary, it would be even worse because there were even teeth marks on his body.

“I got an accommodation with a hot spring, so I’m sure you’ll like it.”

“Oh, okay? Let’s hurry and go.”

Elysia pressed Cassian’s neck, tightening the arms around him.

It seemed like she was completely swayed by him at some point, but it wasn’t that bad.

No, she’s not being swayed, she’s just trying to rationalize it.




Elysia, with light and gentle steps, moved to her room on the third floor.

She liked the calm atmosphere of it, and she also liked the scenery outside the window. It had a grove in the back, and there was a space on that side where she could enjoy a hot tub.

The building was divided into two, one was used by her and Cassian alone, and the other was used by knights and employees.

Of course, like Gray and Lloyd, those who frequented her and Cassian often used one building.

“But, where did Cassian go?”

She wants to take a quick dip in the hot spring, so her body is excited.

Meanwhile, Der was rubbing its face on her ankle. It looked like it was pissed off because it didn’t get on the wagon with her, but it all seemed to be resolved.

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Elysia grabbed Der and moved her steps to go to the first floor. Then, she thought about what she would do in Chereville.

‘Well… Is it an auction after all?’

Auctions were also held in the capital, but most were only strange charity auctions held by nobles to pretend to be good.

It didn’t seem to be used for good actually.

On the other hand, in Chereville, it was said that a wide variety of auctions were held. She wondered if Lumiere had ever been to an auction of the original work, though it seemed like so.

As a familiar scent tickled the tip of her nose, her steps followed the direction.

‘I feel weird. I can’t believe I’m smelling him and looking for him… ’

Nonetheless, she shakes off her shame and diligently looks for him.

Eventually, she could see Cassian and Ryan from afar.

Elysia pricked her ears hard and moved her steps slowly. She tried to stop by going to the place where she could hear them, but they were already looking at her because they were masters.

Cassian, who placed his arm on Ryan’s shoulder, tilted his head with only one corner of his mouth raised, and Ryan was smiling brightly.


Come to think of it, she thought it had been a while since Ryan didn’t report what he was doing.

Elysia narrowed her eyes, thinking that Cassian looked more desirable as he was next to Ryan. She hopes he’s not doing anything strange to her kid. At his words, it feels like Ryan is shedding tears and dangling everything.

She shook her head, refuting what she was thinking.

“I’m glad the two of you seem to have become very close.”

Cassian wrapped around her waist in a natural motion and pulled her closer.

Elysia glanced at Ryan and said that he didn’t have to listen to everything Cassian asked for. “Ryan, you can say you don’t want to do anything you don’t want to do. You’re not a member of the Esteban Knights, you’re my knight.”

“Don’t worry, Lady Elysia.”

Seeing Ryan smiling broadly made her even more worried.

Cassian seemed to raise his eyebrows.

Even though he was smiling, it was like a smile that strangely cooled her back. No, she didn’t mean that he was bad. It seemed like she had already said it that way.



The title “wife” was still difficult to adapt to.

While avoiding the gaze, her eyes wandered aimlessly, and she could see Bug approaching, shouting ‘Your Excellency.’

“What’s going on?”

“I received a communication from the Imperial Palace saying that there was an urgent matter.”

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“Bug, I don’t think you forgot I was on vacation?”

Elysia clicked her tongue as she saw Bug making a pitiful expression on his face.

She said to Cassian, remembering that she had worn him as a shield before. “Go quickly. I’ll be waiting for you.”

Still, he was rather reluctant but eventually moved on. After confirming that he had disappeared, she saw Ryan standing in the distance.

“Ryan, can we talk?”


Elysia and Ryan took their steps towards what appeared to be the garden.

“Ryan, it seems like you have a lot to hide from me these days.”

“That… absolutely not!”

He was startled and waved his palms, denying rapidly. Seeing that, she patted his shoulder and asked.

“Poison. Did you find out who it was?”


Elysia nodded her head with a bitter face.

She seemed to know who it was by looking at Ryan’s expression. It was because there was an expression that he often made when talking about Lumiere.

She blinked her eyes slowly, thinking about it.

In fact, Elysia knew that Cassian is openly putting pressure on the Marquisate of Blanche these days. The influence of the Marquisate of Blanche was already declining, and as news of the trial spread, it was also known that Lumiere did not go out in the social world for a long time…

She wanted to repay something, though Lumiere was already in a predicament.

The only thing she did was to create evidence of the monster’s subjugation.

There was only one small thing.

But, it was difficult to say that the work was returned. It was just something she did on behalf of everyone who was in danger in the subjugation of monsters.

“Isn’t there anything I can do?”

“Lady Elysia, you can just stay as you are now.”

Yes, there are so many people who were angry on her behalf, including Cassian and Ryan, and even Ramote.

Of course, she still can’t forget the feeling when she found out what poison it was.

In a situation where there was nothing she could already do, it was her loss if she had to bear an unpleasant feeling.

“Are there any auctions I can participate in today?”

Ryan tilted his head in response to the sudden question.

“I’ll find out.”

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