Lloyd was writing a report to Cassian in a cold sweat with a troubled face.

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Eventually, his working space was moved to the office, but he couldn’t help but be awkward. Because his master was looking at the papers while he was hugging his sleeping wife with a brazen face.

He could feel his eyes telling him to look away immediately, as if Cassian didn’t like the way he stared at the madam.

Lloyd was weeping and gently handed the report to the master.

Elysia, who sat on Cassian’s legs and fell asleep locked in his arms, opened her eyes. She blinked her eyes slowly, but when Lloyd’s eyes and hers met, her eyes widened and she began to stare at Cassian.

Lloyd hurried out of the office before the sparks went off.

“No, you have to put me to bed when I fall asleep. Huh…? What is this?”

Elysia, who was punching Cassian, grabbed the papers he was holding. Meanwhile, he started squeezing her waist as if it was okay for her to look at the documents.

Elysia narrowed her eyes as she glanced at the papers.

The document was a report that the Empress’s parents, Marquisate Rite and Marquisate Blanc, had filed for bankruptcy to the imperial family.

Oh, my gosh. Is it really possible to bring a noble family to bankruptcy?

“You really…”

“I wish you could compliment me with a kiss.”

She put the papers down and twisted her body slightly to see Cassian. Elysia then raised her hand, and she covered his cheeks and widened her eyes fiercely.

“The Second Prince must not be touched.”

“Is the Second Prince the one who hit the carriage?”

“No, uh… why is that so?”

Ramote told Elysia that Cassian knew who was the culprit that had hit the carriage. In addition, there was a story about the list that there will be traces of the black magic that she gave to him.

“Then, now the Old Man is investigating it… Crazy—”

“It’s time to say it all, Elysia.”

Cassian gently grabbed her chin and met his gaze.

Elysia’s mouth twitched at the gaze. She couldn’t decide where to start and how far she had to go. Because of that, she avoided his gaze and rolled her eyes again, worrying.

Cassian kissed her lightly.

“As is, all.”

Elysia’s body stiffened as if he was reading her thoughts and speaking. As much as she knew what Ramote knew, she wondered what he should know, and she tilted her thoughts towards what she shouldn’t say.

Then, Cassian spoke his words as if he had even grasped that thought.

“If you don’t speak, I’ll probably go up to the capital soon to attend the funeral of the Second Prince.”

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He urged her not to worry and to tell him everything right away.

Cassian’s voice was firm, and there seemed to be no lies.

In the end, Elysia exhaled a small breath as she went down from above. Cassian wrapped his arms around her waist again and sent his eyes, telling her to just let it be.

“You wouldn’t believe me even if you heard it…”

“I believe everything you say. Maybe even if you lie, I will believe it.”

Cassian tilted his head and smiled languidly.

“I don’t know who hit the carriage, but I’m sure the Second Prince uses black magic.”

Elysia carefully looked back at her memories and tried to estimate what would happen to her in the future.

It was more difficult for her to deduce the events that would happen because there were not one or two parts that were already flowing differently from the original.

“And, the Second Prince probably took the Imperial Palace…”

“He will try to take over the Imperial Palace. Is this what you mean?”

“That’s right. And, there must be black magic in that method.”

Second Prince, Beloit, would use black magic to take control of the Imperial Palace. Instead of gathering soldiers to attack the Imperial Palace, he summons demons with black magic.

Perhaps, sooner or later, the appearance of monsters would increase exponentially.

Elysia looked at Cassian with a complicated heart.

Come to think of it, he was in charge of all monster subjugation, wasn’t he? She thought she couldn’t leave it like this.

Hearing all that, he looked at her and raised his eyebrows. The thought of how the hell did she know that was on his face. Of course, it was a fact he knew, too, and a couple of other nobles would have expected the Second Prince’s move.

However, Elysia’s tone of voice seemed to know exactly what was going to happen in the future.

“I’m more curious about how you know those things.”

“I’ll tell you when it’s all over. Really, everything. So, please wait a little bit.”

After the upcoming Second Prince’s case was over, she was going to confess everything to him. Where she came from, from calling a being like her a vampire to living eternal life…

Cassian did not seem to like it, though.

“Are you waiting for the moment when the Second Prince rebels?”

“Yes. He’s frustrated, so he’ll probably move soon.”

It was unbearable without moving right away.

All the corruption of the nobles led by the Second Prince was spreading. And, apparently, two major families filed for bankruptcy, and they couldn’t even fight back.

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Some of the quick-witted people had already turned to Revos’ side.

“I’ll have to do some research on the trail with Old Man.”

As long as there was no female protagonist to catch the black magic, she had to move. She wouldn’t have intervened as much as she could, had it not been for the attack on the carriage, but now, Elysia had no choice.

There was no reason to deal with Peloit after he had done it.

She was thinking of grabbing the tail a little faster than Lumiere caught the evidence in the original story. Even though Elysia didn’t know the exact purpose, it seemed certain that someone using black magic was targeting her.

If it’s really difficult, she wanted to finish it quickly, even if it was a bait for her.


“Then, would you like to go, too?”


“It’s okay if you stay by my side. I think we’ll go on a trip together.”

Elysia fluttered her eyelashes and rested her head on his shoulder. She didn’t want Cassian to be worried either. It was because she had clearly experienced how hard he had been in the past month.

“It sounds like you’ve been playing around a lot.”

“So, you don’t like it?”

“It can’t be. I’m worried if things get better here.”

“I like you more.”

Cassian’s hand, which was stroking her hair, stopped trembling. Looking at it, she smiled softly as she kissed the bottom of his chin.

“Why don’t you ask me to kiss you today?”

‘You are so sexy when you say that.’

Cassian ruffled her hair and let out a short breath. It was an instant that the two eyes met, and the air that filled the office became hot.

Elysia grabbed the collar of his shirt and bit his lip.

As his hand was about to roll up the hem of Elysia’s dress, a knock was heard.

“Your Excellency, this is Lloyd. The report I gave you earlier. Ummm—”

Lloyd had forgotten that she was in the office, and he opened the door, and he froze on the spot. It was hidden behind the desk, so he couldn’t see where Cassian’s hand was, but it was certain that he was at least kissing her.

As he waited for the words to come out of the master’s mouth, he heard a more mellow voice.

“Cassian, I’m revoking what I said about Lloyd for a vacation.”


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Lloyd was desperate to see that the vacation he didn’t know existed had disappeared before his eyes.

Elysia smiled very kindly and turned her head to Lloyd. At that, he swallowed a gulp.

“Well, Lloyd just came into the bedroom.”

“Madam, then that… I’ll explain everything.”

Cassian gazed at Elysia’s wide-eyed grin and then grabbed her chin and made her look at me.

“Madam, you only smile like that in bed.”

She then asked what he was talking about in front of Lloyd, and she fluttered. Even in this situation, Cassian’s hand was steadily stroking her leg.

“Lloyd. You’re not going out yet?”

“I’m leaving…”

Elysia slapped Cassian on the shoulder and opened her mouth.

“No, you have to listen to it. What if you just let him go? What if it’s urgent?”

“This is more urgent.”

Saying so, his fingers rubbed her bare skin exposed above the stockings. He opened his mouth in a disgruntled tone.

“Don’t wear stockings. I like bare skin.”

“I don’t think you have this taste.”

She said it because she thought her skin was softer than stockings, though she glanced down and spoke again.

A small amount of bare skin was visible between the stockings and the garter belt.

There was a difference between touching and seeing.

“Sometimes, it doesn’t seem that bad.”

“I’m working now. I don’t work at all because I’m with you.”

Elysia grabbed his hand gently and pulled it off her leg, before smoothing her dress as she jumped off his leg.

Cassian grabbed Elysia’s wrist.

“You made it like this.”

Elysia glanced at the door, trying to ignore the touch of his fingertips. She was just going to kiss him and leave, although if it was like this, it felt like she was going to get stuck.

It’s been a week since she woke up, and she hasn’t even looked around the mansion yet.

“Yes. Don’t even think about going into the bedroom until you’ve done all the paperwork here.”

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“You will regret it.”

“Uhh. Is that so?”

Elysia smiled as she released her caught hand.

She quickly left her office with an expression that she knew nothing.




Elysia did what she had been putting off for a while.

She was greeted by the maid chief and the employees, and after she toured the mansion, she gave orders to boldly change the places she wanted to fix.

It was a well-maintained mansion with a much more profound feeling compared to the capital, but it was too gloomy. The curtains were all black or ink-colored, and there were only materials that did not let any light in.

If vampires were really not allowed to see sunlight, it would be the perfect mansion.

She was tired after spending half a day repairing the mansion.

In a weary voice, Elysia said to the maid chief and rest, and she headed for the bedroom.

The maid chief, Leone, couldn’t calm down and she headed to her master’s office. She gave Elysia praise till her mouth dried in spite of having had a minimal conversation with Cassian.

Curtains, carpets, canopies, gilded tables and chairs in the dining room, a bizarre fountain in the garden, and black flowers that she didn’t want to know the name planted in the backyard. She wanted to change a lot more things, but she couldn’t.

Meanwhile, Elysia ordered her to change everything she had been thinking about.

She even told her to take off all the curtains she didn’t want to see, though she was so cool, it gave the maid chief goosebumps.

Cassian, listening to the maid chief, smiled and opened his mouth.

“I married well.”

“That’s right. Your Excellency. That’s exactly what I wanted to say.”

“So, where is the Mistress?”

“She went to the bedroom to rest.”

Cassian glanced at the remaining documents. If he was at this rate, he was sure to be finished in twenty minutes.

“Did the Mistress take a bath?”

“Even if it’s not, I’m just going to tell her…Oh, I’ll just prepare it. Ho, ho, ho.”

“There’s no need to prepare dinner. Restrict access to the second floor until I call.”

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