Elysia was drinking tea with Arbel, who had come to the mansion. She sent a reply to his invitation a while ago, asking him to come in person. Now, especially because of black magic, she was reluctant to go to the temple.

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“You are not feeling well.”

Arbel glanced at her, lowering his eyebrows as if he felt sorry, although his eyes were not concerned at all. Seeing that, Elysia nodded her head roughly.

“Actually, I asked to see the Duchess because I have one thing to apologize for.”


Ryan’s momentum, waiting behind her, was immediately felt fierce.

Elysia let out a small sigh.

She knew they cared about her, though everyone around her these days was like that and too much. The knights of the family tried to catch the insect with a vigilant glance even if only one flying insect flew in.

Cassian and Ryan were also sensitive to every little thing. As a result, Ryan was showing his energy even to the High Priest.

She smiled as she looked at Arbel with a brazen face as if something was wrong with her.

“Please, speak.”

“Priest Amun told the Second Prince that the Divine Power did not work for the Duchess.”


Elysia’s momentum became more ferocious than Ryan’s.

Noticing that, Arbel stiffened his body with a smirk and opened his mouth, “It seemed like it was before that happened. I’m sorry.”

Arbel also knew she had been kidnapped by Peloit. Even though Cassian didn’t want to tell him, it somehow ended up like that because Ramote insisted that he trusted Arbel.

“Why is the High Priest himself apologizing for that?”

It was about the extent that he came directly to the mansion and talked about it.

Of course, it was a sensitive issue, but it was enough to give Amun an appropriate punishment and show his sincerity. This time, when strengthening the security magic in the mansion, Arbel himself added his strength.

“Even though there’s a tomb guardian, I think that is why the Duchess was subjected to the summoning magic.”

“What do you mean because of that?”

“There is a summoning magic that summons non-humans.”

At that, Elysia smiled wryly.

Arbel took the envelope from his arms with a good-natured face and placed it on the table.

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“Ah, don’t get me wrong. I just meant that you might have summoned the tomb guardian first.”

It was a strange way of talking. It certainly seemed right to doubt her identity, this was at the level of being openly shown.

“The High Priest seems to be very interested in me.”

“Oh, I’m glad you know. You’re the owner of the tomb guardian, isn’t it?”

Even though Ramote said so, she was worried about whether she could really trust Arbel. Suddenly, she could see a red blush on his face.


It was as if it was written ‘I’m so excited right now’ all over his face.

Arbel looked at her puzzled gaze and opened his mouth.

“Usually, when it comes to demons or monsters, everyone thinks they are just evil beings.”

Elysia recalled the first time she had met Arbel. He looked like a con-artist.

“But, I don’t think so. They worship different Gods, only the attributes of their power are different. We must not judge them as good and evil by human standards. Externally, they say that they’re all beings to be excluded, though they are simply beings that do not belong to the human world. Rather, I also have fantasies about beings beyond humans.”

“Is that so?”

Was this what he was saying about her right now…?

She was horrified at the thought that if Arbel had been a scientist, he might have taken her to the lab right away. Although she thought he was roughly aware of it, what did he mean by fantasy?

“If I ever meet such a being, I want to be by their side.”

“I don’t think that’s what a priest who worships God would say.”

“That’s right. I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to sleep well these days.”

Saying so, Arbel bowed his head and pretended to wipe the tears down the hem of his sleeve.

Elysia resisted what she wanted to answer. How long do they have to go on with this meaningless conversation?

“Instead, I can help as much as I can. Someday, won’t my sincerity reach you?”

At this point, she couldn’t help but know what he was saying to her. He seemed to have misunderstood about who she was. After all, there were no vampires in this world. He must have misunderstood it for something else.

The next moment, Arbel’s eyes unexpectedly lit up and brought his upper body closer to her.

“The tomb guardian is like a symbol of the temple. I think the Duchess is blessed by God. We call such a being a saint.”

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“Where do you sell your medicine…?”

She hurriedly shut her mouth, but Arbel was already staring at her with a face that he was wounded.

“I just told you to know that the temple can be a refuge at any time.”

It meant that if her identity was revealed, the temple would help. Elysia didn’t know what he meant. Still, she could think of it as having insurance.

“I don’t know what you mean, but I’ll keep it in mind.”

She vowed to ask Ramote what Arbel knew about Der. Even if he knew that Der was a being that lived in the Demon Realm, if they said that it was a symbol of the temple, wasn’t it really a con-artist…? Anyhow, it seemed like he was going to help her in case something went wrong.

“I’ll go for now. The escort looks like it’s going to pierce my face.”

Elysia turned her head away with a swipe and glanced at Ryan. He smiled harmlessly as if he didn’t know anything.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

Arbel panicked for a moment, and then he got up from his seat with a swindler smile on his face.

“Then, I’ll see you again.”

He left the mansion, hinting at the day he would take Lumiere to the Temple.




Elysia was gazing down the terrace connected to the bedroom. She could see the figure of Lumiere being carried away by the Paladins. Since Arbel visited the mansion directly, he confirmed that Lumiere used black magic.

He must have done checking, so she was dragged out. She then saw Arbel coming out of the annex after the Paladins.

“Why do you look like that?”

“I thought you were in the annex. When did you come?”

“A while ago.”

Cassian glanced at Lumiere’s direction, grabbed her wrist, and turned her around.

“It just doesn’t feel good.”


Was it because she cared about what Lumiere said…?

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How could she be resentful of what she had been through? Lumiere had a fundamentally different way of thinking than hers, so she couldn’t really believe her words. However, it might be a mistake to think that Elysia in the original story wasn’t the villain.

And, Lumiere didn’t even know who poisoned her…

Realizing that, she couldn’t feel at ease.

“Don’t worry, just because she became a fool doesn’t mean that her sins will go away.”

Elysia nodded her head and leaned over to sit on the railing on the patio. At that, Cassian grabbed her waist and supported her as she narrowly sat down. Even though she knew she wouldn’t fall, seeing her startled like that, a smile leaked out.

“By the way, I heard that you would do the investigation yourself.”

“Oh, did you hear that? I was going to say it, anyway.”

He had been very busy lately, so she didn’t get a chance to talk to him. It seemed that Ryan reported it during the investigation.

Elysia stretched out her legs and pulled him around his waist.

“Now, please lift the ban.”

“Aren’t you going to leave even if I don’t give you permission?”

Cassian lowered his head and kissed her neck deeply. Elysia’s brow furrowed as he squeezed his teeth and sucked them hard.


“If something happens or a dangerous situation is unavoidable.”

Next, he moved his lips slowly, leaving a mark before continuing his words, “You will never see the outside again.”

It didn’t sound like a joke.

Elysia tightened her legs and raised the corners of her lips.

“If you want me to be locked up, you’ll be locked up as well.”

Otherwise, who would stop her…?

“That’s not bad either.”


This wasn’t the reaction she was expecting.

He then hugged her tightly and walked her to the bedroom. Cassian, who sat her on the table in the bedroom, said with a serious face.

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“Be careful. Don’t wander around too late.”

“What is it? Am I going to have a curfew?”

At Elysia’s playful remark, he pressed his forehead against her forehead and exhaled.

“I beg you. Please, be careful.”

“…I know. I’ll be very careful.”

“Should I just quit my job?”

“Then, what do we eat?”

“The only thing that I have is money.”

“Will the Imperial Family let you go?”

There was no way they could let talented people like Cassian get out of the country’s work. The subjugation of monsters would not be done without him.

“The Prince?”

Cassian only had a look on his face, wondering if Revos would be able to hold him back.

Elysia was once again worried about the future of the Empire. Neither Revos nor Peloit seemed to have a sense of being the Emperor. In addition, Peloit… Of course, he had already lost his qualifications.

“I’m going to take a little break after everything is settled.”

“It’s good. It was a pity that we couldn’t enjoy our honeymoon properly.”

As she was talking about honeymoon vacation, he tilted his head puzzledly, perhaps because the word vacation was missing.

“Have you been lacking lately?”

That couldn’t be true. Cassian raised an eyebrow and patted her waist.

“No. I’m just saying that because our honeymoon just flew away.”

Couldn’t that really be the case…? Insinuating that, he grinned and locked her in his arms.



“You are not enough now.”

…What nonsense is he talking about? She barely slept yesterday.

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