Elysia sent off Cassian, who was leaving for the Imperial Palace, and returned to her office.

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Lloyd’s report was left on her desk and notes from the house of Lumiere’s close maid.

She simply had to know if they wanted Lumiere’s downfall or if she herself was the final target. She was inclined to think that it was most likely a returner, except for trying to find out about Der, which was never mentioned in the original story.

It may have been that they wanted Revos to drive the female lead, Lumiere, away.

They were also in love with Revos.

“Then why is Cassian?”

Whatever it was, she was going to attend this imperial banquet, so she would meet them. It looked like she had to give it a try. Still, Elysia was worried about Peloit’s problem, though she didn’t know anymore because of a strange woman who suddenly popped out in her head.

She moved to the sofa and dropped. Then, Ryan’s voice was heard as he knocked.

“Lady Elysia”

“Come in.”

She motioned for him to sit across from her. The investigation into the masked man in the maid’s house was over, so he must have come here for that.

“What did you find out?”

“On that day, after Lady Elysia went away, someone came to the maid’s house.”


“The masked man died at the hands of the knight, so it took a while for me to pursue him.”

“A knight?”

“He was the deputy commander of the Imperial 1st Knights.”

She remembered hearing it. He was a knight who was called out as a commander and went to a foreign country for about a year to subdue monsters on a scale that Cassian was not even able to go to. It seemed that he had returned to the Empire.

If it was the First Knights, was it not a place where Cassian was also the leader of the Imperial Knights…?

Elysia got her body up and headed to the desk. She was able to find it easily as she rummaged through the items Lloyd had been carrying.

Going through the papers, she sat down in front of Ryan again.

“It seems they are investigating the same thing as us.”

“Same thing? Are you talking about Lumiere’s work?”

“No. They didn’t seem to know that far. They were looking for Lady Aiden.”

Elysia quickly turned over the papers she was holding in her hand.

“Jane Silva.”

In the portrait, there was a woman with bright scarlet short hair and brown eyes.

Though she had a blunt look with cool features, she had a charming face. She would have to see it in person to know, but the portraits in Lloyd’s material were pretty much the same, she said.

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Below the portrait, there was a description of her as a talented person who started as the youngest knight in the Capital’s security force and rose to the position of vice-chief of the Imperial First Knights corps with her skills.

She seemed to really start from the bottom without the influence of the family.

“Is Lady Silva one of those women who talk directly to Cassian…”

“That… I haven’t looked into it.”

“I’m just talking to myself.”

Ryan held out one envelope as if he had almost forgotten.

“I ran into the butler on the way, and he asked to give it to Lady Elysia.

Looking at the imperial seal stamped on it, it must have been an invitation to the banquet that Cassian was talking about.

“About two weeks left.”

Even though it was said envoys from other countries would come, two weeks was a pretty tight time. It would not have been long since they started preparing, so it must be because the Emperor’s health was not so well.

‘…Because of the banquet, my father and brother must be busy.’

At this point, it seemed that they would be getting a room and board at the Imperial Palace.

“I’ll probably go there myself.”

“Where are you talking about?”

“To the Imperial Palace.”

After a long time, Elysia thought of seeing her father and older brother’s faces, as well as going to visit Cassian.

It would be even better if she was lucky and found the Lady running towards him. She just wanted to make sure that Bug wouldn’t make such a mouthful of her. Besides, if she went to Cassian, she might be able to meet the deputy commander.

At that thought, she called the maid and left her office, telling her to prepare a dress for going out.

‘By the way, when I go out, I’m supposed to tell Cassian in advance…’

Since she was going to stop by Cassian anyway, so maybe, she could just go and surprise him…? If she couldn’t see him because he was busy, she could just look for her father instead.




Elysia was leaving the main building to go to the imperial palace and walking to get on the carriage.

Ryan followed immediately and spoke.

“It’s the first time you’ve seen Duke Lowell since the wedding.”

“Right. Are they going to be very upset?”

When she was abducted by Peloit, her father had contacted her a couple of times asking to see her because she said she still was on the estate. Remembering that, she struggled to figure out how to relieve her father and brother’s feelings.

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A little further away, she saw Rina, Ryan’s sister appear with Bug. However, both of them were blushing, and the atmosphere seemed unusual.

Elysia hid in the corner of the building and pulled Ryan.

“Lady Elysia…?”

“Shh— Look over there.”

“Yes. My sister and Sir Bug.”

Meanwhile, Ryan looked like he didn’t know why they were hiding now. Nonetheless, Elysia pushed his body a little more and hid his figure.

Bug, who had been hiding one of his arms behind his back, could be seen stretching out his arm vigorously.

Then, along with a loud voice…

“I, I, I like you…!!!!!”

Bug’s face was red as if it was about to explode. He acted as if he knew nothing of shame, but it was unexpected.

Ryan, who had been quietly peeking at them, took one step forward with a cool face.

Elysia grabbed his shoulder, which was about to jump out, and stood up.

“Ryan, we need to see Rina’s reaction. What if she reciprocates his feelings?”

Even before Bug’s confession, Rina was blushing together, so it seemed likely. Just looking at it, didn’t the pink air flow through between them…?

“My sister said she would live with me alone. I need to help her to not to be in trouble…”

At his words, Elysia touched her forehead and shook her head. She thought Ryan misunderstood the words that the two of them would live together for the rest of their lives.

…How could he be so naive?

Then, as if shyly, Rina reached out her hand and took the bouquet. At that, Bug’s jumpy expression was also included.

On the other hand, Ryan’s face hardened in shock.

Elysia patted his shoulder.

“Let’s go to the carriage for now.”

Ryan had a gloomy face in the carriage heading to the imperial palace.

Glancing at his face, she gently asked a question.

“You don’t like Rina dating?”

“No. It must have been that my sister was in trouble. Since then, she’s always been saying, that she just needs me.”

He said his sister seemed to have had some sort of trauma.

Elysia frowned as she recalled the first time she had met Ryan’s sister, Rina. Even though nothing really happened, she might have been shocked enough.

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“Then, what about Bug?”


“Looking at it, it seems that Rina seems to have a crush on Bug, too.”

Ryan frowned as if he had never thought about it after hearing Elysia’s words. She seemed to think for a moment without saying anything, and then he answered.

“Sir Bug is a good person, though…”

Ryan’s reaction was somehow not good.

Elysia remembered the usual Bug. He was the type that didn’t sit still for a while and would make assumptions on his own. For some reason, Ryan’s feelings seemed to be understandable.


Nevertheless, his physique was large, and his face was also very warm. He even had a Viscount title, and he didn’t seem to like girls or drink alcohol.

“Ryan, wait for Rina to tell you.”

“…Yes. All right.”




When Elysia arrived at the Imperial Palace and got off the carriage, she saw Reid, her father’s assistant, who was waiting to meet her.

Reid lowered his eyebrows and nodded his head in excitement.

“Long time no see.”

“Reid, it’s been a while. How have you been doing?”

As Elysia moved her steps, she asked if everything was okay at home these days. Reid, restless at the rain of questions that followed, opened his mouth.

“Yes. I… Though it will be difficult to meet Young Lady today as he was meeting the delegation that has arrived suddenly.”


“I’m sorry. It just happened, so I couldn’t contact you in advance.”

Since she set off right away after sending the contact, it was unavoidable. Perhaps, she could see her father next time and go see her brother instead.

“I can’t help it. What about brother?”

“That is… Even the Young Master, too.”

It seemed like she should go straight to Cassian. If Cassian was busy, she might just have to go back to the house.

“I’m sorry. His Excellency asked to reschedule the day.”

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“It’s okay, tell father not to worry about it.”

She sent Reid and made her way in the direction of the Knight’s building. As he glanced around and followed her, Ryan opened his mouth.

“The Imperial Palace is a little cluttered.”

“I think it’s because of the banquet.”

Even as she listened to Reid a while ago, seeing a lot of people wearing unfamiliar clothes, it seemed that there were quite a few envoys who had already arrived.

Come to think of it, it was in a rush. It was not known how far information about the abdication had spread, though Peloit disappeared as if he had gone missing, the Imperial Family was not officially looking for him.

There, as soon as the emperor, who had been lying on the sickbed for a long time, opened his eyes, they invited the delegations to a banquet. They had to move quickly to somehow talk more with the next emperor, Revos.

‘…I see a lot of women.’

Some of them seemed like princesses from other countries. Wearing jewelry that only princesses could wear, it was easily recognizable. Since the Crown Princess’s seat we vacant, they must be expecting a wedding.

“Miss Elysia, wouldn’t it be better to hurry up a little?”

“Yes, why?”

She turned her head in the direction Ryan was looking and saw three or four men glancing at her. Elysia clicked her tongue, withdrawing her gaze.

“Well. You more than me…”

As she turned her head again, she saw the women glancing at Ryan. Their face was blushing and their eyes met.

When she turned her head to look at Ryan, he had revealed his dimples and smiled softly. In addition, hearing screams like this didn’t seem to be an illusion.

“Huh… Ryan, I think you should be careful.”

Elysia raised the corners of her lips and passed them.

In this kind of atmosphere, the imperial knights must be busy, so it seemed like they might not be able to see Cassian. Then, as she was walking thinking that he might be late today, she saw the Knights building with Cassian in sight.

And, the image of a Lady who kept looking around at the entrance of the building.

It seemed like she was wearing a small tiara-shaped hairpin, so she was a princess. It looked like she had lost her way. Though there was no courtesy to say hello just because she met an envoy, so she thought she’d just leave it alone…

…Until she called her very cheekily.

“Hey there.”

Elysia glanced around. Since there was no one there, she must be calling her.

She stopped and saw the princess approaching her. Since the Giovan Empire was the largest power in the continent, the Princess of the Kingdom had the same position as herself.

Elysia did not say anything and looked at her.

While she was thinking about what to do, the handmaid, who had been behind the Princess, took a step forward and raised her chin, then said.

“This is the Princess of Mordo Kingdom. Please, be polite. We are looking for Duke Esteban’s office.”

As soon as the handmaid finished speaking, a woman’s voice could be heard from behind.

“You are Duchess Esteban,. First of all, I would like to apologize for the rude call earlier.”

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