[A message has arrived from <Choco Milk>.]

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[A message has arrived from <I Really Like>.]


[A message has arrived from <Fallen Blossoms>.]


[A message has arrived from <Jade>.]


[A message has arrived from <Natural Dream>.]


[A message has arrived from <Polar Night>.]




After escaping the chaotic Hunters Association building like wind and wearing the bracelet again, a ridiculous number of messages arrived.


Such a hot reaction to an S-class. What would’ve happened if I had revealed I was FT? The whole world would explode.


But thinking carefully, S isn’t a big deal either. Someone with an initial rank of S may also aim for S+ as long as they do well. Not to mention my world ranking is out of the top rankings.


I shuddered at the ominous imagination of becoming an FT-level hot star even by accident.


In fact, as Hunter is a job that determines the prestige and survival of the country, Hunter’s popularity is greater than that of idols.


Why? You see, the first place in the student’s future hope survey is Hunter and the second place is YouTuber. Therefore, someone in the top 20 would naturally have a fan club.


Then, what about the unidentified, anonymous Finger Technique?


Ugh, let’s not mention Finger Technique. The fan club president is Daybreak Guild itself.


In the first place, Finger Technique fan club is the noisiest in the world.


Ban Seojun, ranked 3 in the world rankings and 2 in Korea, is engaged in such enthusiastic activities that it’s questioned whether he has put all his life into Finger Technique, and the most amazing of his work is the documentary production.


A documentary without a single interview with Finger Technique herself. What kind of nonsense is this?


That person even built a theater in Gangnam and showed free screenings of Finger Technique documentaries there all day long.


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What’s funny is that the God of War Theater, named after Finger Technique, has become a must-see course for tourists.


Seriously, this fXcking bastard!!


A wealthy otaku is scarier than any other otaku.


I almost fell ill when I watched the news that they would make a movie to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Finger Technique fan club. They said they would make it with the best budget, the best director, and the best actors. I’m still not sure if that person is sane.


I don’t even know why he sent me a message asking me to watch that movie.


Yes, one should’ve paid attention to the ‘joining Finger Technique Fan Club’ among the essential provisions for joining Daybreak Guild.


The information everyone treated as trivia was lightly spoken, and ‘Geranium’ of Daybreak Guild, who was on air, acknowledged it cooly, revealing the truth.


Yes, one of the mandatory provisions for joining the Daybreak Guild is ‘joining the Finger Technique Fan Club’. If you don’t do well, the guild leader will grind you down.


It was something I couldn’t hear without tears. 


I had turned off the TV in tears at the madness of Ban Seojun and the nonsense of Daybreak Guild. Then I thought.


I should never go to Daybreak.


Now that I think about it, it’s a very reasonable conclusion.


How can I be a fan of Finger Technique when I’m Finger Technique?


Putting aside Geranium, Ban Seojun was so crazy about Finger Technique that he said he would watch videos and memes whenever he had a chance. He said he had 3 terabytes worth of files.


It was 3 terabytes when the news was on air. He might’ve filmed 5 terabytes by now.


I would’ve said, “No way,” if it were any other people, but the possibility is high for that bastard.


I’ve always been curious about Ban Seojun, and there’s just one thing I’m still curious about.


Why does Ban Seojun like Finger Technique? Because they just seem like the ideal type?


Or because I saved him before?

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An ideal type is just a matter of taste, so unless it’s exceptionally unusual, you could have found it around you.


Regarding me saving him, it wasn’t such a great meeting, really.


What do I look like to Ban Seojun?


I’ve always wondered, but it was a question of unknown answer.


[Natural Dream] ▶ It looks like you registered as a Hunter, Miss Yeonhui. Congratulations on becoming an S-class Hunter^^


Let’s stop thinking about scary things and take care of the message first.


I saw the message of the scariest person among the numerous messages first.


If I don’t answer this lady’s message, a message bomb that starts with ‘Why are you not answering~’ will come.


I still don’t know why that lady only does this to me. Is it because I’m a dungeon stealer?


Thank you. ◀ [Coincidence]


But Finger King is Finger King and Coincidence is Coincidence.


I replied with all the courtesy I had.


Putting a period at the end of a sentence. Phew, that’s so polite.


[Natural Dream] ▶ I want to invite Yeonhui as soon as possible, but there’s a guild commercial shooting, so I’m going to invite you to the guild after the commercial shoot. I’ll look forward to the day we meet again. In the meantime, you can’t join another guild *^^*


A message without lol and ㅡ.ㅡ from Natural Dream. Is this a dream?


I replied with a look of disbelief at the unbelievable reality. It was a simple reply saying that I would be waiting.


[A message has arrived from <Ryan>.]


[A message has arrived from <Outside>.]


[A message has arrived from <Red Moon Pledge>.]

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Even while replying, messages flooded in like a storm.


I stupidly opened my mouth while watching the message that had become 999+ before I knew it.


Few of them come to Finger Technique, but there are a lot to Coincidence.


The enthusiasm of the guilds to recruit the S-class that Paradise had marked was like the midsummer sun.


Hunters marked by Paradise will thrive in any way.


I Really Like, who became S-class from F-class and became the closest ally of the Polar Night, and Melting Heart, who went to the association headquarters as the best equipment manufacturer domestically and internationally after being enlightened as having the characteristics of detection and judgment, had also belonged to Paradise.


Speaking of association headquarters, I suddenly think of Mr. Smith. Since I used a dual terminal, I will be called to the headquarters soon.


At first glance, the terminal-based system seemed like I had just entered a game, and it seemed like I had just been awakened by God, but it wasn’t actually like that.


This terminal is a collaboration of Hunters with various special characteristics, and the special characteristics Hunters at the Hunters Association headquarters are engaged in modifying and supplementing the terminal all day long.


They collect and analyze dungeon information cleared by Hunters in each country, determine the abilities of Hunters with terminals and ranks of dungeon by-products, and finally prepare for an invasion from an external dimension that may occur at any time.


It’s kind of like the war zone headquarters, I guess?


So while an Awakened can hide their identity, they cannot hide their power.


They would’ve roughly guessed my identity by now.


First of all, the president knows me. He is one of the few people who knows who I am within the association. I was always called in to eat and drink whenever there was an accident.


It would have been nice if it was automatically determined and updated like games, but this is the reality.


The armies invading our dimension are also called monsters for convenience, but they are not actually monsters. They are inhabitants of the outer dimension and also have sapient powers. In fact, they are close to aliens.


Since this fact was revealed by scientists, the field of extraterrestrial mysteries and beliefs has become very hot.


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This can be seen just by looking at the open activities of the cult Paradise.


I closed the message of Mrs. Yoon the Natural Dream, and then opened the message from the cultist king, Polar Night.


[Polar Night] ▶ I’ve been waiting for this day to come, God of War. I’ll pick you up.


My heart seemed to rattle for a moment. I mean, what is this cult leader that I’ve never met talking about?


Is this how you feel when you drive at 200 km/h on a national highway and get into an accident? Oh my.


Even though I didn’t even get behind the wheel, I was drawn to a chaotic future caused by a collision.


What’s with this pseudo-religious punk? How did he know that I am Finger Technique?


Did Melting Heart reveal it?


No. Melting Heart belongs to the headquarters, so even thinking about revealing the secret would make them an idiot because of the curse placed by the curse Hunters.


Is it true that he can see the future, or is he a true intelligent criminal of this age?


I closed the message of Polar Nigh, scratching my forearms with goosebumps.


Since I got a message like this from Polar Night, I need to check what kind of message came from I Really Like.


Or my identity will be exposed, my life will be ruined, this world will go crazy, this universe will explode, and this dimension will be destroyed!!


[I Really Like] ▶ Look below.


However, the message was nothing special compared to my haste.


I glared at the message of “I Really Like” with a bitter expression, then looked down as the message said.


For a moment, I felt dizzy and felt as if the ground was sinking. Crazy, this is a human invitation using abilities.




When I thought that, the place had already changed.

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