Author: Lubai

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The jumbled rankings of the two guilds were sorted out immediately when I revealed that I was Finger Technique.

“Miss Loveless, freeze that area.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” 

Loveless, with a smile on her face, stomped her foot lightly, then, the hotly heated ground turned bluish.

My feet slid lightly on the hard frozen ground.

“From now on, we will enter the temple. We will divide the group into two teams: assault and rear.”

Seven pairs of eyes looked at me at once. I stretched out my right hand, roughly counted with my fingers, and called the assault team. “First, the assault team is me and Loveless.”

If I hadn’t revealed my identity, the main team would’ve consisted of Loveless and IRL, but now that I’ve revealed my identity, there’s no need to do that.

The larger the number of people, the more people to take care of. It’ll only become annoying.

“The rest, please take care of the rear. There shouldn’t be much to do. Just subdue the mobs that head to the rear.”

Since it is a dungeon implemented based on the information stored in my terminal, the boss pattern will be the same as last time. 

In addition, the progress structure of this goat temple was rather simple.

The boss appears after we clear all the mobs and enter the boss’ room. We only need to beat the burning goat without thinking further.

The only thing that bothers me is that this brought my terminal information as it is. That may be why I remembered some not-so-happy memories.

‘Are you the new target of the retiree?’ said the elderly man as he stretched his bent back. The tips of the horns that rose straight above his head gave off a menacing light.

The gray-haired old man turned into a cold young man as soon as he straightened his hunched back. His dark hair, tied below his shoulders, contrasted with his pale skin.

The black irises, indistinguishable from the pupil, were like an open hole in hell.

All the places where the black snow had swept past melted softly.


Drops of blood spattered from the scraped flesh of his bluish fingernails. It’d obviously all melted, but it hadn’t.

I was hallucinating.

‘I can see the sprouts. It wouldn’t hurt to play around with you a little.’

The bloodless lips parted insidiously, uttering half-incomprehensible words. In terms of form, he was like a king, but that expression was monster-like.

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Just imagining it makes the tip of my tongue bitter. The nape of his neck was burning, and as it’d been so long since it’d been treated, you couldn’t even find the scar.

The sensation of his left hand being severed eroded my brain.

It was very unpleasant, but there was something more unpleasant than that.

As his name suggested, the King of Sloth was terribly lazy. He didn’t even suppress the bug that killed his men.

The shameless monster laughed even after his long hair was cut off.

The corners of his lips, smirking, passed before my eyes like an afterimage.

“Your Highness.”

I’m sure we’ll meet again if we clear this place too late. Maybe we’ll even meet again if we clear it quickly.

Originally, kings were such beings. Beings who see everything through the eyes of the world.

“Your Highness?”

Therefore, it’ll be better to reduce the number of people facing the King of Sloth as much as possible. In fact, it doesn’t matter if I break through this temple alone.

The heat may be irritating, but even if my flesh melts, it is only data. It doesn’t affect reality.

Even if it affects me, it’s not a problem. I just have to go to Healer.

“Your Highness, are you listening to me?”

A long-jointed hand was thrust in front of my face, but I grabbed it and shook it off.

IRL pouted while making an expression like a lost giant rabbit. “Why am I at the rear? I also want to follow Your Highness.”

“It’s useless. Don’t bother me and stay behind.”

I’m debating whether or not to take Loveless too, but why would I take the most annoying person? Besides, there’s a high probability of disaster if the two are taken together.

“I’m good at my job. Please leave it to me.”

“Then do a good job behind the scenes because I don’t need it.” The giant rabbit collapsed as if he had lost his country and the universe. 

I glanced at Cha Sehyeong and Geranium, who were whispering behind me, and fumbled with my piercing.

It was funny that the one famous for her lips service was too scared to talk. As expected, you can do anything with strength.

“How could Your Highness do this to me.” A whimper could be heard between the melancholy eyes. People would think he was betrayed.

I clicked my tongue and gestured towards the party members on the Paradise side. Sweet Melody quietly dragged IRL away.

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That stupid dude is whining about me not bringing him along when this is all his fault.

The old god doesn’t bless our party because of two trolling trolls. 

So, for now, Sweet Melody, a buffer, is excluded from the assault team.

The Daybreak party members have weak durability and cannot survive inside the temple without Sweet Melody’s buff, so they are excluded.

Then, that ghost. 

That ghost friend with shield ability might still be useful in his human form, but that slightest use is lost now since he became a ghost. Excluded.

Only two people in this party can catch the Hell Goat without overdoing it. Loveless and IRL.

So if I take one, it’s right to leave one behind.

“Your Highneeeess…”

I don’t think that one’s convinced, though…

[Until the Hell Goat invasion begins, 34:11:41]

The time, already reduced as I dragged a disobedient party member, flickered quietly.

As I looked at the timer and estimated the difficulty of the way up without the items and buffs I couldn’t bring from the altar, IRL stopped whining. When the whining stopped, the surroundings became quiet instantly, as if it had been splashed with water.

This is when you enter the main base of the dungeon, where you die if you fail to break it. It’ll be better not to be nervous.

“Are you okay, Miss Loveless?”


“Are you okay that only the two of us will go?” I casually inquired about her condition. Her blue-purple eyes, more intelligent than anyone else, looked at me confidently.

“I believe in you.”

[(Leader) <God of War Finger Technique> (S++) and

(Player2) <Frost Flower Loveless>(S) has entered the ‘Boss Stage – Brass Temple’.]

“You will never fail under any circumstances.”

The pouring cold air prevented the coming heat. The sizzling floor froze from the terrible chill.

Oh, I see. I blinked slowly.

Those eyes were not intelligent. Also, it was a gaze that I had seen a lot somewhere.

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“I’m just doing what I’ve got to do.”

As she blinked, her blue-purple irises were covered and reappeared.

I’ve seen those eyes before.

‘I will make a paradise just for you.’

From the one behind the melo eyes filled with excellence, the one that doesn’t see people as people.

I looked back at where everyone was before putting my foot on the ice she had laid.

Among the eyes mixed with worry, concern, and relief, something alien was mixed alone.

The crimson eyes from earlier were cold and solemn. The face of a blind believer flashed momentarily over the innocent and stupid face.

‘I hope you don’t make that choice this time.’

It was very similar to someone else…


Thud, crackle-!!

The hardened ice on the floor cracked under its feet. Soon, a fast-paced spear pierced the monster in the head. The bones in its head were shattered, and its brain was scattered instantly.

Loveless’ fighting style was so blunt that it seemed ignorant, but her skills were beyond reproach.

Looking at the ice traps popping in the air and the ice laying on the floor, you could tell how powerful she was.

Using your skills while moving your body simultaneously isn’t as easy as people think.


The whole temple vibrated every time I crushed a monster with my greatsword.

A bluish flame rose from the blue veins and traveled up my wrist and to my fingertips. The flames at my fingertips soon spread to the surroundings, eating the goat’s fur.

The ambient temperature rose with the start of the charcoal-grilled goat roasting show.

It was a little hot but not unbearable. In addition, this temple was made of two-dimensional brass, so it did not melt at the normal melting point.

Of course, if it reached the melting point of brass, humans would have already died.

The bright blue sparks spread like stars in the night sky. The blue-spreading flames advanced, chewing and swallowing everything that blocked their path.

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Awakened have various characteristics. This characteristic, which can be said to be everything of the Awakened, was both friendly and hostile to the Awakened.

The characteristic of the army commander I use has brought me strength beyond human limits, but it also has a detrimental effect on humans.


Loveless’ ice barely covered the spot where the flames had grazed as the overwhelming difference took and pressed the compatibility.

Just as Geranium couldn’t melt Loveless’ ice with her flame, Loveless’ ice can’t put my flame to rest either.

The ice that filled the floor quickly melted again, and heat and ashes flew.

Every time I went forward, I could see Loveless chasing after me with all her might. But monsters were pouring out like crazy. There was no time to wait.

Dip, crush, and cut. It is important to keep the center of gravity of the greatsword. Due to the nature of the weapon, the cutting power decreases, but the destructive power increases. Because of this, the monsters’ corpses had become so horrific that they seemed to appear only in dreams.

It was unfair that I wasn’t being considerate even once, but Loveless didn’t say a word. Her intelligent blue-purple eyes kept her cool even during her struggles.

As expected, every member of Paradise was quite extraordinary. In addition, this person was also a lunatic who claimed to be my subject.

“I’ll go into the boss’ room.”

The remaining people dealt with monsters that rushed to the back. Loveless and I advanced at high speed and unlocked the door to the boss room.

The count of dead Hell Goats continued to rise.

The distraught Loveless asked me as I kicked the boss’ room door, “Your Highness, the ice has melted. Will the party be all right?”

“I Really Like would’ve taken the appropriate measure. I didn’t leave him behind for nothing.”

To be blunt, I did leave him behind for nothing. There was a little bit of selfishness in the group composition. I wanted to avoid experiencing firsthand what happens when you put these two people together.

Frost landed lightly beyond the broken boss’ room door.

I could see the commander of the Hell Goat Army with his back to the huge altar, standing in front of the altar and shouting an alien language.

“■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■…!!”

The terminal also provides a translation service, but it seems that the language of the other neighborhood has not yet been analyzed.

Well, I’ve destroyed this neighborhood. It would take a long time for other Hunters to see those grilled goats again.

Like the Lizardmen and the Lizardmen Shamans, the Hell Goat’s commander was also a shaman.

I recalled the past momentarily as I watched the boss lifting the cane.

‘Here I am once again.’

Somehow I felt strange.

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