Ranked 2nd in Korea, Daybreak Sniper.

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A Hunter of misfortune who became a sniper because he wanted the nickname of Mana-Bullets Gunner when he couldn’t even shoot a gun.


He shoots well now, but in the old days, he was really bad.


After all, a gun is something that can be used well just because you’ve been in the military once. However, at the time of awakening, that person hadn’t even gone to the army.


Doesn’t it feel like a sniper shoots better than a mana-bullets gunner? But that name stuck with the gunner of mana bullets. This world is so ironic.




Ban Seojun, who bent down awkwardly with his hand stretched, froze without even thinking about withdrawing his hand.


Why is he broken again? Is it buggy?


The talkative man who’s never been in first place in his life stared at me without even breathing.


I thought it was a bug, but it wasn’t. Because when our eyes met, I could clearly see his mind working.


Nothing happened, but he scared me.


I lightly ignored Ban Seojun and lowered my head. I could see my reflection on the shiny, smooth floor.


Wow, I thought only the floor was shining, but my hair was also shining… Wait. Who took off my hat?


My hair, terribly oily enough to make one speechless, was reflected on the floor.


I felt like I knew why Ban Seojun didn’t even breathe. It’s probably because I was too dirty.


I’m sorry. It’s not that I didn’t wash my hair to be aggressive. I just thought everything would be okay because I was wearing a hat. And I wasn’t the one who took off the hat, so let’s not say anything, all right?


I patted Ban Seojun, who was stiff, on the shoulder, got up, and looked for my hat.


Then, from behind, Geranium, who was clinging to the wall like a mosquito, sneaked up to me and handed me the hat.




“Who took off my hat? I definitely wore it when I was wearing the helmet.”


“The hat? We’re afraid you’ll be uncomfortable sleeping…” Geranium slurred her words with a bewildered face.


I grimaced, still staring at the reflection of my hair on the floor.


“Who said that?”


“Oh. Seobin did.”


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Betrayal is short, and life is precious.


When I saw her calling her colleague’s name like this, I could see that Geranium was a Hunter who knew how to live very well, just like Mr. Cha of a certain guild.


I was going to curse at Ban Seojun if it was his doing, but I couldn’t get angry since it was that chick. If it was Ban Seojun, that collector freak, he must’ve tried to rob my hat, but if someone else did, I don’t know what they meant.


I scratched my head and put my hat back on.




The cell phone in my pocket announced the next day. I was stunned with my phone in my hand.


You said it was a simulator, but was it real-time?


It seems that human technology is still very imperfect, seeing that it keeps me from getting out of my mom’s back smash.


Thirteen missed calls, one KakaoTalk.


To think that there is only one KakaoTalk, not several. An eerie aura crept up my spine.


Mom, I’m not staying out. Actually, my soul is in the house. It’s not Woo Yeonhui here; it’s Finger Technique.


Oh, yes. But that’s not the problem, isn’t it? Because it is not the mother-in-law who beats you but the sister-in-law who tries to stop her that is more hateful.


But cussing the sister-in-law wouldn’t make my situation beautiful, so I spoke to myself very solemnly, “FXck this.”




I could see the shoulders of frozen tuna Ban Seojun and betrayal guru Geranium momentarily shook.


▶ I told you to tell me if you’re going to stay out.


Oh, Mom. I didn’t stay out to sleep out, but I ended up staying out because of an unintentional accident. I didn’t mean to stay out overnight.


When I return, I must kneel first. Whether you did something wrong or not, it’s our life to get on our knees and beg first. Before that, I need to make some excuses. If I crawl home without making any excuses, she’ll think I’ve been drunk and messing around somewhere.


I had a time of contemplation by tapping on the cell phone screen. Is there any better way? Any excuses? Wait, why make excuses? Since I said I was out to see Daybreak Guild, can’t I just bring any of them?


I nervously stopped tapping the screen and turned my head.


Then Ban Seojun, who was incredibly quick-witted, opened his mouth with a serious face, “Shall I take care of it?”


“No, just bring me a meal.”


What do you mean by deal with it? You’ll die if you deal with it.


If you said that only to get bonus points, you’ve failed.


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Even if you don’t remind me like that, the situation is already a mess.


My hair was greasy, and my stomach parched. I had skipped at least two meals, so I couldn’t help feeling hungry.


Okay. Koreans have a heart for food, so I’ll have to think about it after getting a meal first.


Judging from the fact that that person has been crouching since before, it seems that he has business with me, too. It would be nice to ask him to handle the problem once I finish listening.


I turned my head around, making a rough conclusion in my mind.


Then Geranium, twice as quick as the guild leader, rushed out, saying she would guide me to the dining room.




The gazes were intense enough to pierce my face. I didn’t even get this much attention during interviews.


If someone can calmly eat under these gazes, such a person deserves the title of the iron face.


“How do you like your meal?” Along with the gaze, the voice that uncharacteristically tried to be friendly caught my ear.


The milk duo, who were playing mobile phone games on the opposite side, looked at Ban Seojun with a lost expression. They stared as if he’d gone insane.


“Yes? Well.” I fixed the spoon with a bitter expression.


This punk served rice like a servant in the house of a grand magistrate, but this time he acted like an obstinate servant in front of the king.


Finger Technique. He must have heard it all from the nerds.


I twirled the spoon round and round with a very profound expression.


Putting aside the fact that everything bothered me so much that I couldn’t appreciate the meal, what was he thinking with that business smile?


While constantly playing with the spoon, my imagination didn’t stop running.


That’s right. This is Daybreak.


That Daybreak!


‘District 24 cleanup complete.’


‘Ah, monsters are hiding in the ground in District 20, so don’t touch-’


Bang, bang, bang-!!






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It was in the middle of the war when we were collecting materials in a dungeon.


It’s a bit old, but the memory is still vivid because it’s still talked about.


Awakened manpower was always in short supply during the war. When another Awakened came out, people would throw them into the field unconditionally.


Ban Seojun, who had just received a terminal and was put into the situation, was the same. He didn’t know how to use the terminal, but his level was satisfactory, so he took over the work.


Whether it was a comedy or a tragedy, he was very motivated.


Yeah. That has always been a problem, his motivation. I narrowed my brows and pressed the tip of the spoon gently.




A cold wind blew at the scene where everything had been blown away.


District 20 exploded in a series of explosions as District 24 had.




Hot-cooked monsters popped out of the ashes.


Oh my God, walking sweet potatoes! I backstepped with my mouth open.


The dungeon, which had become desolate due to an earlier explosion, was filled with monsters protruding from the ground.


‘Seeing no communication, the raid leader must have died.’


Nice shot, boss! What an awesome achievement!


I swallowed the curse words that were about to come out of my mouth and told the newbie who created this situation the reality.


What did Ban Seojun answer then, you ask? Actually, it doesn’t really matter.


The important thing is that in the end, only Ban Seojun and I survived the dungeon, and the fact that he killed everyone made him lose his mind.


Ban Seojun didn’t kill them. But everyone died because of the monsters that went crazy after being beaten first, so ultimately, it’s his fault.


What’s unfortunate about this is that his personality isn’t bad.


Ban Seojun isn’t someone who entered the gate because others pushed him like other Awakened, but someone who did so on his own initiative to save people.


Even if he goes around saying harsh things to others, what he says is for their own good.


If he could fix that poor personality, he would have been seven times more popular than he is now.


I chewed on the delicacies included in the side dish and stared at Ban Seojun.

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A smiling face and honorifics that will make even Natural Dream auntie cry. There was something. Only a fool wouldn’t know when he made it so obvious.


What on earth is it that makes a human being who eats four kinds of rice soup bend like that?


I couldn’t stand the stares and questions any longer, so I opened my mouth, “Excuse me.”


“Yes. Do you have anything to say?”


“What are you up to? You’d better tell me I take out your guild members.”


The metal spoon with a bent tip pointed to the frozen Hunters of the 3rd raiding party.


When Ban Seojun turned his head, everyone smiled awkwardly, which reminded me of the animal kingdom.


The Daybreak guild members lost their composure just by looking at the guild leader. And Ban Seojun, who had been sticking to his uncharacteristic smile, finally corrected his posture and sat down.


Seeing him resting his chin on his hand, the old-fashionedness power planted by Natural Dream auntie almost popped out, but fortunately, he fixed his posture again before then.


People say that sincerity is important in communication.


Did my sincerity work? Ban Seojun’s intense sky-blue eyes immediately calmed down.


Then Geranium, who had been desperately tapping on the phone screen, also calmed down, and other Daybreak guild members did the same.


It was quiet all around.




A purple icon appeared on the screen of my old terminal stuck in my pocket.


It was a direct message from the association that I had ignored before coming to Daybreak Guild.


“I would like to formally greet you, Miss Hunter. I’m Ban Seojun of Daybreak,” Ban Seojun, who spoke with courtesy, lowered his head lightly.


I carefully set the spoon on the plate and waited for the following words.


A message spread across the screen as if the icon was pressed against my clothes.


“In a few days, an advanced gate will appear in Korea.”


[Advanced Gate Appearance Warning. -Hunters Association Headquarters-]


“I would like to ask for your help, Finger Technique-nim.” Ban Seojun smiled the business smile I only saw on TV. It was an infinitely harmless face, but I found an indelible ill will in that man’s words.


Oh, of course.


I’m Finger Technique, after all.

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