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My vision spun. A cold sensation, as if I was left alone in a dark room, brushed against my back.


I flexed my hands, still numb. The black ring I saw earlier was still on my left thumb. It was a new concept material that didn’t even budge despite my efforts to exert force.


【”Welcome back.”】


A lethargic voice tapped my ears. I looked up to see two people inside a bottomless pit, their breaths visible in the air.


My eyes were filled with a bloody hue from the unbearable presence. I closed my eyes tightly and gritted my teeth. Just listening to the voice gave me unbearable pressure, as if I would throw up.


How strong should I become to converse on equal terms with such a presence? It was unimaginable. I realized that I was just a frog in a well. Humans were definitely too weak, and the fusion of dimensions was still unfinished.


A terrible sense of powerlessness engulfed me.


【“Congratulations on your return, the first returnee. However, your level is ridiculously low compared to when I last saw you.”】


Something cold traced my neck.


I felt chills run down my spine. Laughter echoed in my ears. Someone whispered in my ear.


‘Let’s make a contract. Just like last time.’


[The ‘Green-Eyed Demon’ wants to become your patron.]


Green letters slowly appeared in the black field under my eyelids.


The strange window had been popping up in my mind since earlier. The system window shouldn’t have appeared since terminals don’t work inside an illusion, but I kept seeing something strange for some reason.


I had simply dismissed it, but it turned out that it had followed me.


【Surprisingly, you’re not saying anything. Aren’t you happy about this reunion?”】


Cold sweat ran down my clenched fist.


I opened my eyes momentarily, experienced the red and green astral Christmas party, then closed them again. My eyes were twitching from the horrible sight. My brain was overused, and my nose was bleeding.


The green presence whispered again.


‘If you make a contract, you’ll be able to see properly. Let’s walk through outer space together again.’


‘Reclaim your strength, seal the ancient gods, bring the kings to their knees, and claim your lands. This time, you’ll be the only king.’


It was a painfully persistent voice.


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Ignoring the contract line stuck in the corner of my black vision, I opened my mouth. Surprisingly, my voice was as calm as the voice itself was persistent.


“I want to go home.”


【”That point remains unchanged from the past.”】


“If you’re done talking, close the dungeon and send me home. There are innocent humans outside.”


By now, those kids are probably fighting those hideous monsters, and I haven’t even found PK. I will do my best to find him, but if he’s dead, I can do nothing. I’ll have to bury him properly.


I searched my memory to confirm the location of PK’s office.


The King of Pride was strangely quiet. The voice ringing in my ear was still there.


‘He hates humans. All the inhabitants of the Outerworld hate humans. Do you know why? It’s because of you.’


Hey, who are you to keep blaming me? I’m a real, genuine human. I’ve never even set foot in an outer dimension. Do you know that?


「”Whatever you say, it’s all up to me. Even though there’s no need to make a deal.”」


Why bother me when you know there’s no deal to be made? I swung my hand roughly and chased after the green thing. At the same time, I heard the King of Pride’s voice.


【“It looks like dimensional interference has increased, judging by that appearance.”】


As soon as I heard the voice, I opened my eyes and looked ahead.


Something green was floating around in the entirely red field of vision.


The thick crimson filling the surroundings was the same color as the King of Pride’s iris. It seemed to be showing the size of its power.


【”It doesn’t seem like we can converse in this state. Let’s make an appointment for next time.”】


“Uh…next time?”


【”Yes. When the old lords interfere through the weakened seal, the shape of dimensions changes, and when everyone wakes up from sleep. I will see you then.”】


Nine red circles spun rapidly on the chest of the blurry figure.




The King of Pride threw one of the circles at me. I caught the object that flew towards me and checked it.


A thrilling sensation ran through my fingertips. It was a soul stone.


My vision became blurry. The place where the king disappeared shattered with a crashing sound. Green letters appeared before my eyes.


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[The ‘Green-Eyed Demon’ wants to make a temporary contract with you.]


What is that? I furrowed my brows and glared at the green letters.


Something suddenly sprang out from a corner of my blurry vision. I reflexively swung my fist.






I briefly expressed my thoughts as I looked at the thing bouncing off my fist. Its dark green eyes stared at me, giving me an uncomfortable feeling. A familiar looking human—no, it wasn’t appropriate to call it a human.


“Do you have a problem with me?”


The demon scowled. It was a familiar-looking demon with piercing, uncomfortably vivid green eyes.


It was Favor.




I had always felt bad whenever I saw that face. It wasn’t for no reason.


I was satisfied with the fact that my intuition was pretty good. However, it was only after punching Favor’s face that I realized the situation was fucked up.


I managed to get the soul stone, but I also had to wake up PK, who was unconscious in the corner.


“The dungeon is going to collapse.”


Yes, the dungeon is about to collapse. Dammit, why? As a diligent K-hunter, I looked for a way to delay it first. But what else can be delayed in this situation? Dammit!


“Since the owner of the inner world has left, the dungeon will soon collapse. If it collapses, won’t all the humans above die?”


That’s really big news. It meant all the humans above, including most rankers, would die. The powerhouse Hunters country would immediately turn into a weak Hunters country.


“But I’m willing to help if we make a contract now.”


“Just forget about it.”


“How boring,” Favor grumbled and warned that the dungeon would collapse instantly, so if we wanted to save human lives, we should hurry up and go up. He suggested we use IRL and Loveless, who were up there.




I heeded his advice and slapped PK’s cheeks to wake him up. When waking someone up from sleep, one should not be too merciful.


“But wasn’t the King of Pride the owner of this dungeon?”


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“That’s right.”


“The King of Pride gave away the soul stone earlier. Wasn’t the soul stone supposed to only appear after defeating the boss? Is it possible to just hand it over like that?” PK groaned and groped around while I kicked the guy who still couldn’t get up and asked.


I know that this soul stone has the power to open and close the gate. So I’ve always been curious about how it works. If done well, it could be possible to invade the external dimension from this side. We are currently at a disadvantage because the initiative lies solely on their side, wouldn’t there be positive changes for humanity if we can slightly turn the tables? If done well, we could even have negotiations. Looking at Favor, some on their side can speak human languages in human form.


But the world didn’t always turn the way you think.


“I know what you’re thinking, but humans can’t do it.”




“Because humans don’t create circles in their hearts. Oh, I could teach you if you want, but you most likely won’t be able to do it.”


“You’re intentionally speaking so I can’t understand.”


“If you want to understand, then make a contract or something,” the contract warrior smiled and said. I had told him several times that I wouldn’t make a contract, but he still hadn’t given up. He could go eat dirt.


I pretended to gag and kicked PK once more. PK, who had just woken up from the violence, groaned and struggled to get up, “Ugh, I’m pretty sure I was on the dining table…”


“Forget about the table and focus. We need to open the door before the dungeon collapses.”


“Ah! I’m focused now! Stop hitting me!!” PK rubbed his sore back and moved his mana while groaning.


I entrusted myself to PK’s abilities while holding the blood-red soul stone tightly.


Mana or skills, we call it whatever we want, but a circle? Hearing that kind of talk makes this place seem like a slaughterhouse.


All we gained from this wretched dungeon was information about the aliens. There were no mobs; even if we killed them, they didn’t drop anything useful, only strange rings and such.


In particular, the last part seemed extremely messed up. I don’t remember exactly what it was, but there was something that looked exactly like me. It wasn’t easy to pass it off as a doppelganger, yet it was different enough that I couldn’t call it me. I shuddered at the thought of those demon-like eyes and their cold gaze.


“It’s the worst.”




“It’s nothing.”


I couldn’t say anything because no one knew about it. And on top of that, I made an appointment with the King of Pride. The latter could be a big problem.


No, it should be fine since only I know about it. I shamelessly dreamed of committing a complete crime. 


Ugh, I can’t say such a thing with such a lack of conscience. If we have to fight in the end, I will fight.


“Go up quickly. If Ban Seojun dies and the cult leader becomes our country’s representative, you will be responsible.”

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“That’s originally your position. Just boldly show your face. Shall I help you?”


“Then that day will be your memorial day,” I replied sluggishly, raising my head for comfort. Didn’t Favor say that IRL and Loveless were above us earlier? They are probably right above us.


We climbed up backward for a while. PK squeezed all his strength, and I had the time to cheer him on from the side. It felt like I heard some curses, but not everyone is good at everything, right?


A faint light descended from below. I urged PK while looking at the clear ceiling, “We don’t have much time left. Hurry up!”


“This is already my maximum speed. What else can I do here?!”


“And you call yourself S-class? At least do something worthy of your pay!”


“Have you ever paid me?!”


Oh, so we’re going to talk about it like this. Since we didn’t pay each other, let’s split the business between 50 and 50, huh? Is that what you’re saying?


I ignored my business partner’s complaints and reached out my hand. The ground was close. I stepped on PK’s back and leaped.


“IRL! Are you there!!?” I put strength into my stomach and shouted. I could see the dungeon collapsing. But the first thing I saw was the two people standing right before me. “Get ready to move quickly. We need to evacuate everyone before it collapses!”


“How can you address someone so rudely?” PK, whose back had been stepped, grumbled.


“Oh, right. I kept using informal language and forgot to use formal language.” Following PK’s advice, I adjusted my language output. Even though we weren’t that close, using informal language could harm my image.


But that person over there didn’t seem to care, though. He simply asked, “Where should we go?” What a shame.


I lifted my head and looked at the chaos caused by the dungeon’s collapse.


There was no way out of the dungeon where the boss monster had not been caught. It was typical for the gate that opened this dungeon to spread and become a wave. Before that, I had to open the door with this soul stone.


“To where the people are gathered!” I shouted toward IRL, stretching out my hand. 


IRL grabbed Loveless in a hurry, folded the space, and moved.


As I stepped on the ground, I heard PK’s voice screaming from a place that had now become a distant location to me.


“Why are you leaving me behind!?”


Ah, sorry. If only you were as handsome as Polar Night.


“Should we take him with us?” IRL, who quickly caught on to my fallen comrade, asked. It was the posture of a true servant.


“Just leave him.”


But there were inevitable sacrifices in the world, so with tears in my eyes for my business partner’s fall, I sent him off. Goodbye.

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