I thought it was a hallway connected to the outside because the light was coming down from above. Unfortunately, it wasn’t sunlight.

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The ceiling was barricaded with wooden bars like a cage in a sewer. What could be seen through the wooden bars was the flickering of torches hanging on the walls.

It seems to be upstairs, not outside.

“I think we should go upstairs.”

There’s no way to walk forward. I guess the path I came to wasn’t a hallway, but a byway.

I had to jump up lightly because I couldn’t reach the ceiling even on my tiptoes. However, even if I push with force, the wooden bars do not budge. I tried to jump and climb the walls, but it was not easy to lift the wooden bars.


I gave up and sat down slumped.

There must be another way to enter, but then I have to go back the way I came and find a new entrance.


I was very distraught because that was the only thing I could think of right now. This is a complete waste of time.

Then, suddenly, a question crossed my mind.

‘By the way, who lit the torches upstairs?’

There should be no one here.

Thinking about that, I leaned my back against the wall, but the wall behind me suddenly disappeared. Thanks to that, I was so shocked.

I don’t even know how it happened. Did one side of the wall not exist from the beginning, or did it disappear the moment I leaned my back against it?

I jumped up from my seat and ran out into the hallway to relative safety. There’s a hole in the wall where I was just leaning, and a new path was opened.

I looked around the new path and looked straight ahead. Even when I lifted the torch, I had no idea what lay at the end of this path.

“I’m getting more and more anxious because I feel like I’ve stepped into a maze.”

Resolutely determined, I passed through the newly opened path, holding the torch tightly in my hand.

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While I was walking through the endless hallway again, I suddenly felt my feet wet and sinking, and I fell forward. Since I was walking with the torch in hand, I couldn’t see the floor properly.

My feet kept sinking deeper and deeper into the floor, which I could only guess was a swamp or something, there was no way to tell. Damn it.

Just in case, I threw the crossbody bag I was carrying toward a part of the floor that looked relatively dry. Then I struggled to get out of the mud. But the more I did, the deeper in I fell.

At that moment, several white bones protruded from the mud. They looked like skeleton arms. They soon groped around reaching out of the mud as if looking for something.

‘Goddammit. I can’t get caught.’

I hurriedly tried to pull myself out of the mud, but my lower body was already submerged.

When I didn’t know what to do, Eunji, who was wrapped around my arm, then climbed on my head. He spewed fire at the bones rising from the mud, but they didn’t catch fire. They sure seem to have magical powers.

Why the hell are they here, and what do they want? I don’t know what you are, but let me go!

Then two skeletal hands near me found me and grabbed me by the shoulders. Eunji on top of my head spewed fire at them but to no avail.

I struggled and reached out onto the flat ground, but it was too late. Something pulled my ankle hard from below. I quickly threw Eunji, who was on my head, onto the flat ground.

“Sorry for throwing you, Eunji! You must live!”

After that, my whole body was completely submerged in the mud.

Just as I was mentally ready to die, I suddenly fell to the floor.

Startled, I raised my head and looked up at the ceiling. The mud-covered ceiling spat me out, then writhed and soon spread flat like it was before.

“What the hell is this?”

I looked around, but it was dark and I couldn’t see very well.

Then something fell from above with a thud. It was Eunji. He moved slowly and approached me. He even had my bag strap in his mouth. It was obvious that he followed me as soon as I was sucked into the mud.

“You’re the only one.”

My eyes grew hot and tears welled up. I hugged Eunji as he rubbed his head against my cheek. He then looked around and spewed fire. Thanks to that, the room brightened for a while.

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I fell backward in shock at the sight of the pile of skeletons all around us. In addition, the two skeletons that had dragged me down here were each holding my ankles.

“Ah, it startled me!”

I calmed my startled heart and removed the skeletons holding my ankles. They fell to the floor like broken toys.

This space is very narrow. This place was like the tomb of those skeletons. There seemed to be no way out except through the mud-covered ceiling.

I took a lighter out of my bag and lit the torch which luckily had some oil left. I looked around slowly, keeping my eyes open even with a small light.

Here and there, things that looked like skeletons lay scattered on the floor.

I picked up a pendant and ring that stood out between them. This is a pendant from the Rohade family and a divine ring given by the Holy See. It seems that the people of the Rohade family and the people of the Holy See also met their deaths here.

This confirms the hypothesis that there were other people besides us and Jenas on this island. The problem is that they are all dead.

Why is there a tomb in this place? And why do these skeletons have magical powers? As if they were waiting for someone to come.

I could also see the battle armor of wizards and priests strewn all over the place.

The moment I saw the sight of the wizard and priest armor mixed together, the Shinma War came to mind. The design of the armor was clearly a new one during the Shinma War.

Were these people kidnapped to this island during the Shinma War?

The wizards of the Rohade family, the priests of the Holy See, and the knights who participated in the Battle of Romalizan. They must be related to each other.

[T/N: Re-read the end of chapter 40 and the beginning of chapter 41 if you forgot about the Shinma War and Battle of Romalizan]


“I think this island was made for some kind of experiment. The Holy See bastards who tested me said that there was a list of test subjects. Jenas was also mentioned. I think all of this has something to do with them, as well as with my family.”


I recalled what Kayden once said.

The Holy See and the Rohode family, the head of the Tower, have been at odds for a thousand years.

However, according to Kayden’s story, the Holy See and the Rohode family who were at odds with each other actually teamed up to carry out a secret experiment and make a list of subjects.

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Then around that time, the Shinma War took place. Why did the two powers suddenly go to war? Did they not come to an agreement?

However, the fact that there are the armors of wizards and priests worn during the Shinma War, and the armors of the knights participating in the Battle of Romalizan scattered about here means that they were also subject to the test.

That means that the experiment was continuing and the Rohade family and the Holy See were still hand in hand.

Then why did the two powers go to war when they still maintained a cooperative relationship with each other?

“……no way, did they go to war to bring in more offerings?”

Until now, according to our conjecture, the sacrifices offered to this island were people with mana or divine power. And war is a way to gather those talented people in one place.

With the number of people with mana and divine power decreasing day by day, the Holy See and the Tower wasted precious manpower by causing the Shinma War.

Among the many battles that took place at that time, the Battle of Romalizan was the most useless and one that took a heavy toll. This was because the wizards were caught up in the priests’ ridiculous scheme.

In addition, it is said that the number of remains recovered after the Battle of Romalizan was significantly lower than the actual number of dead and missing.

Was the reason why the wizards of the Rohade family fell for the priests of the Holy See’s ridiculous trick easily because it was premeditated? To bring in the test subjects on a large scale?

“Oh, my God.”

What kind of experiments were they doing to have to go that far?

While I was lost in thought, Eunji slithered around this small tomb. Maybe he’s looking for a way out.

But, of course, it was blocked everywhere except for the mud-covered ceiling that spat us out. It’s not a place for anyone with claustrophobia certainly. Moreover, there are moving skeletons as well.

It’s my fault for coming all the way here even though I knew it was dangerous.

‘……I want to see Enoch. And Kayden too.’

I had to quickly share with them what I learned.

As I sat down, Eunji approached and slithered up on my thighs.

I stroked his scales as I carried my bag that had fallen to the floor on my shoulder. Then I leaned against the wall and sighed.

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‘There seems to be no way out. What should I do? I need to find a way……’




They are all at a loss.

In particular, the condition of Enoch and Kayden was exceptionally serious. It was different from when they jumped into the river urgently. It was like people who had lost all their will and direction in life.

Ruzef took care of Diego who had regained consciousness while Kayden and Enoch went around to look for Margaret. Even though his wound had not yet healed, Diego immediately held his sword.

“You have to rest more, Sir.”

“I don’t think I can.”

Diego replied to Ruzef as he was looking at Enoch and Kayden covered in the monster’s blood.

Enoch and Kayden wandered around all day looking for Margaret, avoiding any monsters they encountered by exterminating them.

Despite his body being covered in wounds, Diego said he would help. He said so with a calm face like someone who didn’t feel any pain. Enoch was not much different either.

Ruzef sighed as he recalled that, wondering if all knights are insensitive to pain.

“Please just rest.”

After dissuading Diego, Ruzef turned toward Enoch and Kayden.

The two of them were sitting on the floor looking haggard as if the world had collapsed.

Ruzef knew they were whipping and blaming themselves.

When Margaret disappeared, neither of them rested, ate, or slept until now.

All that was heard was the muttering “It’s my fault.”

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