I put off worrying about the ‘door’ for now and talked about future plans with the others.

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“Find Sir Diego, meet Saintess, then destroy the mother of monsters. After that we go to that wizard’s cabin, correct?”

Kayden asked as he summed up our conversation so far. Enoch and I nodded together.

“If we want to deal with Jenas, we must get rid of the mother of monsters.”

Jenas was able to grasp our movements through the monster’s eyes. He said it was hard to control monsters, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t be handled.

It’s difficult to deal with a single Jenas, but it’s too daunting to deal with even a monster.

Therefore, monster eradication was absolutely necessary.

“Okay, first let’s see what the mother of monsters is and make a decision. Then find out what the Saintess knows.”

For the first time in months since I’ve been on this island, I feel like I see hope that getting off here is possible. If we advance according to the planned route and defeat Jenas, we might really be able to escape.

We all nodded at Kayden’s words. And for a moment there was a brief silence.


At that time, the sound of heavy rain came from outside the cave.

I muttered, “Is Sir Diego all right?”

“It’s my fault,” said Ruzef with a guilty face.

Perhaps because it was Ruzef who had been spending the most time with Diego lately, and he was with him last, he seemed to feel even more guilty.

“It’s nobody’s fault. If anyone is to blame, it’s Jenas.”

Despite what I said, Ruzef’s mood didn’t seem to be improving. Perhaps he will remain so until Sir Diego is found.





We decided to find Diego early in the morning, but it was still raining.

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I crouched down at the entrance of the cave and stared blankly at the pouring rain. Thanks to the heavy rains, the heat is completely dissipated.

Our situation is too poor to deal with monsters in the forest when it rains. So we’ll have to wait until the rain subsides a bit, and it’s clear Diego’s rescue will be late.

We’ll wait a little longer, and if the pouring rain continues, we’ve decided to just move through the downpour. If Diego is in danger, we may miss the golden time for rescue.

“Lady Floné.”

Ruzef sat down next to me. He handed me a leaf with palm fruit on it.

“We should save as much food as possible from the bunker, so have breakfast with the palm fruit I got yesterday. Thank you for understanding.”

Ruzef was in charge of collecting fruits. Looking at the scars on his hands, it seemed he had a lot of trouble doing it in this pouring rain.

“Thank you.”

Ruzef said nothing, stroking his head with a bashful face. Behind us, Kayden and Enoch were arguing loudly.

The main subject of the fight is who will carry me in the pouring rain.

I have legs, why are you carrying me?

There was no point dealing with their childish bickering, so I ignored them and munched on the palm fruit.

Ruzef, who was still looking at my side face, asked a strange question that was somewhat unintelligible.

“If we manage to get off this island, where will you go back to?”

“What do you mean?”

“Didn’t you say that you lived a different life in a different world?”

“Yes… I did.”

“Then, if this island were to be destroyed and you had to choose between the two worlds, which would you choose?”

Ruzef asked as if I have two choices, but the truth is I don’t. Lee Jin-ju died in Korea, so how could I go back there? I have already decided to live Margaret’s life.

But, will I really be able to adapt?

Margaret’s memories and all of her feelings remain. But it still feels unfamiliar, like it’s not mine.

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I still have to adapt though.

I kept my mouth shut with a sullen face.

I don’t know how he interpreted my expression, but Ruzef looked at me with a guilty face.

“I’m sorry I asked a rude question. Please forget it, Young Lady.”

No, you don’t need to apologize.

I raised my head in wonder and felt that the surroundings had become excessively quiet. Come to think of it, I couldn’t hear the sound of Enoch and Kayden’s quarrel from a certain moment.

I turned my head in puzzlement. Then, Enoch and Kayden looked at me with very solemn faces. It seems they have heard all our conversations.

‘But why do you guys look like that?’

“What’s wrong?”

Enoch and Kayden did not answer me. Only Ruzef nodded as if he understood what the two men were thinking.


“Then, if this island were to be destroyed and you had to choose between the two worlds, which would you choose?”


Is it because of Ruzef’s question earlier? But I didn’t answer anything.

The three men seemed unwilling to answer my question. So I put my curiosity aside, ate some more palm fruit, and stared out at the rain.

And I rethought my plans for the future.

If something goes wrong with Diego’s health, what should we do then?


Eunji came closer and slithered onto my thigh. Then he raised his head and flicked his tongue as he looked at me.

“Are you worried about Sir Diego too?”

I remember how much Diego liked Eunji. I think Eunji liked Diego in his own way as he didn’t hide the fact that he was really fond of him. So it seems Eunji is worried……

When I stroked Eunji’s scales, the ground started to shake.

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“What sound is this?”

Surprised, I hugged Eunji and got up from my seat.


I could see the ground shaking violently in the pouring rain. The aftermath of the earthquake caused a landslide along the side of the cave.


I watched in a daze as the cliff collapsed. Then Ruzef next to me hurriedly pulled me into the cave.

“Young Lady, it’s dangerous!”

He stood some distance from the cave entrance and blocked my way as if protecting me with one arm.

Piles of earth from the collapsed cliffs poured into the cave entrance.


Enoch and Kayden ran toward me.


The entrance to the cave is tightly blocked with huge rocks. In an instant, the surroundings darkened.

We got stuck inside the cave, unable to move.

“What’s happening?” Kayden murmured as he looked at the blocked cave entrance.

Fortunately, there is a bonfire in the cave so we can see each other.

“What should we do? Can we go out?” I asked as I watched Kayden clear away the rocks blocking the cave entrance and scrape away piles of dirt.

Kayden threw the rock he was holding and said, “Damn, I think we’re trapped.”

At his words, I calmly took out the map and spread it on the floor. We estimated our current location and the route to the direction of the supplies we were going to.

If there is a way out in the cave, wouldn’t it be possible to get out? I stared deep into the cave.

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“How about breaking through the entrance with that magic tool you have?” asked Kayden.

It was clear that he was referring to a flare gun. As he said, I took out a flare gun from my crossbody bag.

“Wouldn’t that be dangerous?”

“I’d rather do something than be locked up.”

I looked at Ruzef and Kayden, and this time I looked at Enoch.

Sensing the meaning of my gaze, Enoch glanced at the cave entrance.

“It’s true that it’s dangerous. But shouldn’t we try?”

I nodded, loaded the flare, and lowered the hammer.

“Everyone step back.”

Hearing my words, Kayden and Ruzef went deep into the cave holding Eunji, and Enoch stayed by my side so he could run with me at any time.

Then I pulled the trigger.


The tail-like red smoke crashed into the mound of earth blocking the entrance of the cave.


In no time, the pile of dirt exploded, and rocks rained down on the ground, causing the ground to tremble. Enoch quickly picked me up, put me on his shoulder, and ran deep into the cave. Because the entrance to the cave has collapsed.

As expected, we are getting more isolated. I collapsed on the floor in despair.

“Why did the earthquake suddenly occur?”

As I muttered in exasperation, Ruzef took the backpack and sat down next to me.

He asked, “Didn’t you say that this island is in ruins due to repeated experiments? Could that be one of the aftermaths?”

That makes sense. I sat still and stared blankly at the deep inside of the cave.

Where is this cave connected? In movies, caves are usually connected to the sea or river.

“It seems this is the only way. Shall we go deeper?”

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