22. The Mother of Monsters

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The cave is deeper than thought.

Enoch stopped walking as there was no end in sight even after entering for a long time. Looking at the others, they all looked exhausted.

Margaret, who had been following Enoch in silence, suddenly glanced at Kayden.

She asked, “Kayden, when Sir Diego and Enoch disappeared during a night watch, you used magic to locate them, right? Can’t you do that now?”

“At that time, it was possible, but now it is difficult. Performing tracking magic over a wide area lacks accuracy and wastes mana for nothing, so it’s better not to use it.”

At Kayden’s answer, Margaret closed her mouth with a sullen face.

“Let’s take a break.”

Enoch, who had been listening to the conversation between the two, said so. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. They immediately sat down in the middle of the cave to rest for a while.

Enoch who was drinking water from a bamboo saw Kayden sitting across from him reading the novel 《Something More Important Than Survival》 from Margaret.

Enoch, who had read the novel in the morning, was waiting for Kayden’s reaction. Maybe the swear words will come first.

“What kind of bullshxt is this?”

As expected. Kayden narrowed his brows with a displeased face.

“The Saintess and us…? Does this make sense…?”

“Can you read in the dark?”

In response to Margaret’s question, Kayden replied, “I have good eyesight. By the way, Margaret, you don’t really believe the contents of this novel, do you?”

Enoch, who was sitting leaning against the cave wall with his arms folded, looked at Margaret, who was sitting across from Kayden. He was also curious about her reaction.

Margaret’s face was so red that he could see it clearly even in the dark.

Enoch asked, “Margaret, didn’t you say that this novel was adapted by the wizard Anata to interest you? Then, Margaret, your taste……”

“No! No! It’s not like that!”

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Margaret jumped from her seat. Thanks to this, Eunji who coiled up beside her also jumped up in surprise.

Margaret’s reaction was cute, but it’s true that the content of the novel was a little off-putting. Now he knew that she had tried her best in choosing the right sentences as she told them the content of the novel. Of course, except for a few sexual episodes, the content itself was very interesting. He could understand why Margaret avoided him from the beginning and tried to go alone.

“I will protest if I meet Anata the wizard. How could she imagine this profanity with a priest who worships God?” said Ruzef.

Margaret, who had calmed down a bit, sat down again shyly while scratching her cheek.

“Oh, maybe that’s Anata’s taste? Originally, the more immoral the better……”

Seeing Margaret unable to finish her words, Kayden who was holding the novel burst out laughing.

“Hahahaha! Hahaha! That’s your taste! Don’t say no! Hahahahaha! Margaret, you are so cute!”

“L-let’s go. We’ve had enough rest.” Margaret hurriedly rose from her seat with the firefly flashlight.

As if she just remembered something, she hurriedly added, “I heard that it’s a record based on facts. What’s written there must be true to some extent.”

“Wait, then, is it true that I killed you here? Don’t lie,” asked Kayden as he got up.

Kayden couldn’t believe her words and just smiled as if to deny what she said. But his hopes crumbled when he saw Margaret shut her mouth tightly.

Kayden’s face gradually hardened. “No way. It’s impossible. Margaret, I wouldn’t do that. I can’t do that.”

“…that’s all in the past anyway. It is impossible to ascertain whether this is true. Now is what matters. You believe me now.”

Kayden was so shocked to see that Margaret didn’t deny it one bit. Margaret’s words that he now believes her did little to comfort him.

This time Ruzef opened his mouth as if completely disinterested in the shocked Kayden.

“In fact, I still can’t believe that there is another world outside this one. I understand that the strange things we found here belong to that world… but understanding it with your head and accepting it is different, isn’t it?”

At Ruzef’s words, Margaret nodded her head in understanding.

“You guys must be really surprised.”

Enoch’s chest ached at Margaret’s bitter expression.

Every time she showed an unusual expression, he was uneasy. It felt like she would leave anytime without any regrets.

“I think we’ve had enough rest, so let’s go now.”

There’s a long way to go. As she said, they had to hurry off. Putting aside the unnecessarily strange feeling, everyone agreed and got up.

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So they went deeper into the cave.

The fork in the path came up quite a few times, and each time, the fireflies volunteered to guide the way.

“Is it okay to go this deep? It will be difficult to go back the way we came,” muttered Kayden.

Enoch looked at Margaret. She was lost in her thoughts with a tense face, so focused that she couldn’t even hear Kayden’s words.

What are you thinking now?

At times like these, he felt like Margaret was in a different space from him.

When he heard that she had lived a different life in a different world, he felt she was getting further away from him beyond reach.


“Then, if this island were to be destroyed and you had to choose between the two worlds, which would you choose?”


To Ruzef’s question, Margaret just kept her mouth shut with a troubled face.

After getting off the island, what if she wants to return to another world……

Enoch narrowed his brows. It’s an assumption he doesn’t even want to consider. He had no intention of letting her go just like that.

“There is no way.”

Then came Margaret’s troubled voice. Enoch stopped walking.

As she said, the path cut off in front of a cliff. The cliff is so steep that you can’t see the bottom.

Maybe there used to be a bridge connected to the path on the other side, but now there are only wooden posts and ropes tied to them.

“Can’t we cross with magic?” Margaret asked again, turning to Kayden.

“Since he said magic isn’t omnipotent, wouldn’t it be difficult?” Ruzef replied instead of Kayden.

Then, Kayden glanced at him with an uneasy face.

He answered, “The only thing to do is refrain from using magic in the cave. What if I misuse it and the cave collapses?”

“So the bottom line is that you can’t use magic, huh? You call yourself an Archwizard, but you have more limits than I thought.”

Ruzef’s reply made Kayden angry. “Ddaggari, is that what you, the most useless person, would say?”

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Ruzef kept his mouth shut as if he had nothing to say at Kayden’s question.

“Yes, well… you’re right. I shouldn’t have said that.”

Then, pitifully, he admitted his uselessness.

“And speaking of magic, do you think I can use magic with my mana now? No, that’s Margaret’s mana. Do you think that just anyone can use magic by borrowing someone else’s mana? What if I use magic too much and Margaret gets sick? That’s why I do it in moderation! In moderation!”

Ruzef took a step back in surprise at Kayden’s anger. Eventually, Margaret stepped in and calmed him down.

“I’m fine. If I’m having trouble, I can ask Enoch to carry me.”

Margaret turned to Enoch with a look in her eyes saying, ‘You’re going to carry me, right?’ and smiled beautifully. Enoch reflexively frowned, for her smile made his heart tingle greatly.

Kayden, who had exploded in anger a moment ago, looked at Enoch and Margaret alternately.

Then he said with a disappointed face, “What are you talking about, I can also carry you on my back.”

“I think you’ll do weird things if you carry me.”

But Margaret was adamant.

Somehow Enoch felt relieved at those words. He had no intention of sharing Margaret with another man in the first place.

If you get off this island, then……

“I agree with that, His Highness the Crown Prince is better than Lord Kayden.”

“What? Is my reputation that bad?”

“I don’t think you’re asking because you don’t know. If you have a conscience.”

“Ddaggari, you shut up.”

As Kayden and Ruzef’s bickering continued, Margaret turned to Eunji on the floor and asked, “Is there any other way back?”

Eunji tilted his head with an innocent face as if to say she didn’t know. Margaret sighed and pointed at the bag Kayden was carrying.

“Let me get the rope out.”

She pulled out the rope Kayden had made and began tying the knot.

Not only Enoch, but even Kayden and Ruzef were paying close attention to what she was doing.

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“We have to cross there.”

“You’re going to cross with that?”

Margaret pointed to a thick wooden post anchored firmly into the ground.

“Fortunately, one of the bridge ropes connected to the other side remains unbroken, so I think it would be better to hang on to it. Is there a better way?”

When asked if there was a better way, the three men fell silent.

“If you can’t use magic to get everyone to cross, is it possible to cast a spell to keep the bridge’s rope knots from untied?” Margaret asked Kayden with an expectant look on her face.

Kayden nodded his head. “That’s easy.”

As she listened to Kayden’s reply, Margaret finished the knot she was tying.

Her skillful handling of problems is nothing new for Enoch.

From the start, he thought it was very strange for a noble lady. Considering how much the Duke of Floné cared for his daughter, the excuse that she had mastered those skills through the education of the Flone family was nonsense.

Margaret tied the knot she had made to the bridge rope connected to the other side, and she explained as she turned to them.

“I’m going to tie this knot I made around my waist to prevent me from tripping and falling. Usually when training for guerrilla warfare in the army– oh, you must not know what guerrilla training is. Um… so, you know barbecue skewers? You can just hang on like that and move.”

“Young Lady Floné, I have a question.” Ruzef raised his hand.


“What did you do in another world?”

Margaret’s face turned bright red again at Ruzef’s innocent question.

Even her appearance was so lovely and cute that Enoch realized once again that he was really crazy about her.

What can I do? It’s an undeniable fact that Margaret is cute, so it’s not something I can do anything about.

“Uh…… I was just a normal person.”

Margaret averted her eyes with a flustered face. Seeing this, Enoch Enoch was convinced.

‘She wasn’t an ordinary person in another world either.’

I knew it. Margaret is special. She must have been a great person in another world there.

“All done,” said Margaret, getting to her feet.

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