Short dark brown hair and green eyes. Enoch knew clearly who the man was.

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Diego Bastian Wilterheim.

He was the commander of the Imperial Guards nicknamed Sword of the Langridge Empire.

When Kayden appeared, he was distracted by something else and didn’t think much about it, but things were going strangely.

The crown prince of the empire, the daughter of the prestigious duke family, the archmage, and the commander of the imperial guards. All of them were influential figures in the Langridge Empire.

“Please wait a moment, Your Highness. What happened? ”

Diego looked at Enoch with a puzzled expression.

“I think that’s what I should say, Sir Diego.”

Sir Diego. When the title was mentioned, Diego’s body reacted first. He kneeled down on one, placing his fist on his chest and bowing his head.

Enoch looked carefully at Diego’s outfit. He was wearing the guard uniform of the Langridge Empire.

Enoch was also at work, so he woke up on the island wearing the prince’s uniform.

“How did you get on this island?”

“I don’t know either. During training, I suddenly lost consciousness and when I opened my eyes I was lying on the river bank.”

Diego answered with a sincere face that didn’t lie at all.

“How did Your Highness come to be here?”

“While working in my office, suddenly I was here when I opened my eyes.”

Enoch angrily swept his hair up and looked at Diego.

“Did you find out anything? Have you made a rescue call?”

Diego shook his head at Enoch’s question. He sighed as if frustrated.

“I have no idea how I got here. There were two people with me, and they were in the same situation as me.”

Diego was in the same situation as Enoch, too. However, Enoch does not know how far he can trust his words.

Enoch trusted Diego in the Langridge Empire, but he could not believe him on this island.

Because the identity of the culprit who brought them to this island is still unknown.

“Wait, is there anyone else?”

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“Oh, they are people you know too. Crown Prince Arthdal and Archbishop Ruzef have also woken up on this island.”

Enoch was surprised by Diego’s answer and asked again,

“Archbishop Ruzef?”

“Yes, Archbishop Ruzef of the Holy See.”

At Diego’s calm reply, Enoch burst into laughter.

It seems that even the priest could not escape this disaster. As expected, there’s no god. He laughed spontaneously without realizing it.

Enoch looked down at Diego who was still on one knee in front of him.

Now that he can’t trust anyone, he couldn’t do Diego a favor hastily.

Moreover, Crown Prince Arthdal ​​and Archbishop Ruzef……

Among them, Enoch hated Prince Arthdal ​​especially. It was because his temper was very arrogant and overconfident. Moreover, he had a bad relationship with him since childhood.

“The Crown Princes, Archbishop, and Commander of the Guards……. They are the only key figures of the Langridge Empire and the Kingdom of Hestia.”

Among Enoch’s party were the Archmage Kayden and Margaret of Floné.

At first, he thought that it might be the opposing faction’s scheme targeting him, but looking at the other people who were also stuck on this island, it didn’t seem to be. Who the hell is doing this?

“Is there someone suspicious in your party?”

“No, Your Highness.”

Diego’s resolute answer raised Enoch’s doubts. How can you be so sure?

Enoch quietly observed Diego. Then he looked at Margaret’s dress in his hand.

At Enoch’s scornful gaze, Diego hesitated to make excuses.

“If I had known that the person over there was with Your Highness, I wouldn’t have stolen it. To be honest, I was surprised when I first found out that there were other people on this island, but the situation was urgent.”

Diego isn’t really a talkative man. Enoch narrowed the gap between his nose and his forehead at his excuses that were getting longer. In addition, the answer was vague.

“It was intentional, but not intentional?”

“Someone in my party needs clothes like this.”

“Didn’t the woman in the water need it more?”

At Enoch’s question, Diego bit his lower lip and bowed his head.

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Enoch couldn’t understand the behavior that was not like Diego.



“People tend to change when they are driven into extreme environments.”


Enoch remembered Margaret’s words again.

The extreme environment seems to have changed even someone like Diego, who was strong in his chivalrous spirit.

“May I ask who the woman with Your Highness was?”

Enoch tilted his head slightly, still holding the harpoon in his hand, and looked down at Diego.

“You don’t have to know that.”

Not as much as Enoch in the past, but Diego also hated Margaret terribly. He knew firsthand how he had suffered because of Margaret, so he hated her very much.

He was also well aware that Margaret was afraid of Diego.

Enoch in the past did not care about that. Because it was considered Margaret’s own business.

But the Margaret of today is not what she used to be. So Enoch couldn’t stand to see her being treated like that.

It would be better to keep Diego and Margaret from running into each other until the situation is understood. That way, he can protect Margaret in an unexpected situation.

No matter how hard he tried, he didn’t seem to have a better option than that. Because Diego isn’t the only one in his party who hates Margaret.

As promised to Margaret, he would protect her until they escaped the island.

Because she relied on him a lot.

“I wonder if there is anyone in your party who needs women’s clothes. It doesn’t seem like it’s for Crown Prince Arthdal ​​or Archbishop Ruzef.”

At Enoch’s words, Diego blinked slowly and looked at him.

“Answer me.”

As Enoch raised the tip of the harpoon a little more, Diego started to panic.

“Your Highness, I am a knight of the Langridge Empire, not an enemy.”

Diego begged with a face that said he was harmless, but it didn’t work for Enoch.

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“You are not an enemy? Why didn’t you make that excuse before you stole that dress?”

As if he had no more reason to hide it, he then opened his mouth,

“……There is also Yuanna Lucy the Saintess in my party.”

Yuanna Lucy.

She was also a celebrity on the continent. Because she was a saintess with divine power who appeared in the last hundred years.

Diego looked at Enoch’s eyes with an anxious expression.

Why didn’t Diego mention the saintess when talking about his party?

This made Enoch wonder.

And now, Diego was wary of Enoch as if afraid he would meet the saintess. As if she is a person who should be protected very dearly.

“She has no clothes.”


Diego freaked out by Enoch’s words. Enoch clicked his tongue in annoyance.

“That dress is one and only of my party’s clothes. Is the saintess naked? Wouldn’t that be a reasonable excuse for you to steal that dress?”

“That, that’s……”

Diego stuttered. Enoch burst into laughter.

How dare the saintess steal Margaret’s dress. Enoch felt his animosity toward the saintess soaring, but he held back his anger.

“Seeing that you can’t answer, it looks like the saintess is wearing clothes. My party is trembling in the water without clothes on.”

Come to think of it, the time has passed. I had to get Margaret’s dress and go back.

“What are you waiting for? Bring it right now.”

Diego shuddered at Enoch’s bloody words. In the end, he quietly handed the dress he was holding to Enoch.

“If you find a way to escape the island, tell me. I want you to exchange information with me from time to time. Of course, without letting your party know.”

Diego asked back with a surprised face, “Won’t Your Highness come with me?”

“I told you to speak only to answer questions, Sir Diego.”

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At Enoch’s oppressive tone, Diego bowed his head.

“I take your orders, Your Highness.”

“Let’s meet here once every ten days. If you’re going to a faraway place, let me know in advance.”

Enoch continued to give orders with a calm face.

“Don’t appear in front of my party, and I won’t let you go if you get in my way.”

Diego trembled at the incomprehensible command, but eventually nodded his head.

“Yes, Your Highness.”




As I waited for Enoch, I watched the sunset in the sky.

It was getting dark and now I felt like I was going to die of cold. My body trembled.

Where the hell did Enoch go? And who else is the pervert who stole my dress? I think he’s one of the male leads of 《Things More Important Than Survival》.

Kayden was lying in the cave, so it couldn’t be him. It must be the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th male lead who stole my dress.

I tilted my head and then stopped thinking about it. It’s so cold.

I wore the chemise while my body was still wet, so it was getting colder.

The temperature had dropped little by little since the sun had set. I felt like I was going to catch a cold when I got out of the water.

I was suddenly exhausted. I couldn’t stand it because of my cold hands and feet, and my body became very heavy. I quietly leaned my body against the rock.

It’s too tough.

“Margaret! Are you okay? Sorry for being late.”

And then Enoch returned. I leaned on the rock and looked up to see the dress in his hand.

I tried to get up in a happy mood, but I was dizzy.

What’s wrong with me? I think I’m feeling dizzy……

When I saw Enoch rushing towards me, I lost consciousness.

I didn’t know my stamina would be so weak.

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