Chapter 61 - guavaread

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He came a little closer to me.

“Why does this dangerous egg, which seems to be a monster egg, only accepts you? It’s so weird. Besides, how do you know how to break through the flow of mana? Why did you hide the reason and help me?”

Kayden narrowed his eyes and looked at my expression. It’s like he’s trying to figure out what’s inside of me.

“That….., after all, everyone is already looking at me with suspicious eyes, so I don’t have anything to say. But wait. Kayden, we don’t have time for this. The sun is setting.”

I pointed to the sky. As I said, the sun is starting to set. It’s about time the monsters appeared.

“I’m fine. How about you? Shall we spend the night together here? I’m not really afraid to die.”

Kayden brought his face closer to mine. The madness in his eyes seemed to be there until I told him the truth.

“It’s so weird. It wasn’t just one or two things. Margaret, tell me what the hell you’re hiding.”

Kayden said again. I struggled to free my hand that was caught by Kayden, but I couldn’t even move.

‘Should I take out the flare gun? I think I can turn around for a second and run away.’

With that thought in mind, I put my hand on the crossbody bag. At that moment, I met Kayden’s sharp eyes.

“Are you going to run away alone? You were only thinking about running away, right? You were going to abandon us from the beginning.”


I was so startled that I tried to push him away. But he held my hand tighter.

At that moment, the shadow of a monster came out of the forest.

“That’s not important now. Behind you……!!”

Kayden followed my gaze and turned to look towards the forest.

Just then, a long, hairy leg stretched out through the bushes.

Through the bushes, a giant tarantula appeared. It was at least three times the size of my body.

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My gaze met with eight eyes attached to the body covered with black hair. I was so scared that I couldn’t even move.

“What the……”

Kayden was also looking at the tarantula monster with a puzzled face.

At that moment, the tarantula quickly moved in the direction of Kayden.


I pushed Kayden away forcefully, then pulled the grenade out of my crossbody bag and pulled out the pin.

I then took a stance, aimed at the tarantula’s body, and threw the grenade.


The giant tarantula’s body shattered into pieces and scattered on the ground.

The problem was next.

duk duk duk duk duk.

The medium-sized spiders of the giant tarantula began to flock out.

“I’m screwed.”

I took one more step back in despair. It was definitely the spider that Yuanna and her party had encountered.

Kayden pulled out a dagger, grabbed my arm, and pulled me closer to him. I could no longer move backward. Because the place I was standing on was a cliff.

I opened my crossbody bag and took out the grenade. And I looked at the number of grenades left. Only two left.

The crossbody bag was small, so I couldn’t bring a lot of grenades. The fortunate thing is that I brought all the flare bullets with me.

“It’s dangerous. Stay close to me.”

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Kayden stood in my way holding a dagger. There were a total of five spiders that passed through the corpse of the giant tarantula and surrounded us.

The long legs of the spider wriggled and looked like they were about to come forward at any moment. And sticky slime dripped from its open mouth.

‘Damn it. I want to faint. I hate spiders. Fxxk.’

I held two grenades in my hands and pulled out the pin with my teeth.

Kayden, who looked at me with an expression that guessed what I was going to do, lowered his stance and held the dagger tightly. It was to deal with the spiders that bounced off after the grenade exploded.

Oh, but what if the cliff collapses after all this explodes? However, if we stay like this, we will become food for monsters.

‘What should I do?

After thinking for a short time, I finally made a decision.

“I don’t know. Dying like this or dying like that is the same!”

I just threw grenades at the spiders one by one.



Some of them were properly hit by the grenade, and I could see shattered bodies and green liquid presumably blood spurting into the air.

One spider got up and approached, staggering beside the giant tarantula, and the other looked fine as if it wasn’t hurt at all.

Two of them are still alive.

In the aftermath of the grenade, my legs started to shake and the ground I stepped on started to crack. Maybe it won’t last long. Sweat dripped down my palms.

Nervously, I pulled the flare gun out of my crossbody bag, loaded it with bullets, and pulled the reload lever. My hands are shaking.

“I’ve survived this far. It doesn’t make sense to die here.”

I said so, but my trembling voice couldn’t calm down easily.

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The spiders approached little by little, and they suddenly raised their front legs and immediately shot out webs.


The web that the spiders continuously shot wrapped around me and my wrists, then wrapped around my waist.

“Argh! Why do you always attack me?”

I immediately fell to the ground and was dragged towards the spider.


Kayden grabbed my wrist and used the dagger to cut the web. However, the spider that kept shooting the web was aiming at me again. I immediately got up and pulled out my flare gun.

Then, I aimed at the body of the spider that was pulling the web, and pulled the trigger.


The recoil caused my body to bounce back slightly, but fortunately, there was no disaster falling down the cliff because Kayden grabbed me and hugged me.

My ears are tingling, maybe because I fired the flare from too close.

The problem was that another spider was crawling towards us.

Its long legs were lifted high in the air. Kayden rolled on the ground to avoid the legs that fell straight down.


The strength was so great that the ground dug deep. Then another leg attacked.

“Damn it.”

Kayden cursed, pulled me back, and swung his dagger.

slash. One leg of the spider was cut off. I’m sick of seeing thick green liquid flowing from the severed leg……

The spider wriggled and screamed in pain.

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The problem was that the wind swayed its long leg here and there, and I, who was hit by it, bounced off.

It really felt like time was flowing slowly, like in slow motion.

I got hit by the spider’s leg and bounced off the cliff, floating in the air and looking down.

A river was flowing down there.

What the…… fxxk?

“Margaret! No!!”

Kayden shouted and jumped from the edge of the cliff and stretched his arm to me. He hugged me in his arms.

We fell straight down the cliff.


Even when I was thrown deep into the river, Kayden held me tightly in his arms and did not let me go as if to protect me.

Come to think of it. Kayden was no ordinary crazy either.

He might die, but he didn’t hesitate at all to reach out his hand towards me.

He had a sad expression as if the world had collapsed the moment he saw me fall off the cliff.

I can’t believe that he was a person who was suspicious and wary of me a while ago.

Didn’t he distrust me?

Why did you neglect your own safety to save me without hesitation?

I really don’t know what Kayden was thinking.

Of course, I wasn’t in the mood to think any more deeply. It was because I was out of breath and lost my mind due to the shock of falling into the river.

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