“Can all of us cross over there?”

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No one answered my question.

Kayden, who had come to the front of the suspension bridge, examined it carefully.

Then he asked Diego and Yuanna, “Don’t you think the condition is worse than when we saw it a few days ago?”

Yuanna nodded and answered, “Right, there was clearly no sign of any damage before. It’s as if someone had crossed the bridge after we were all gone……”

Diego also nodded his head with a serious face.

Arthdal approached Kayden who was still checking the condition of the bridge.

He said, “Maybe there really is a kidnapper. As the Young Lady Floné said, they locked us up for experiments, and if they were to observe us on this island, this could all be explained.”

“But that’s still just speculation. I think we should go to this star-marked place to answer that question.”

After I answered Arthdal’s words, Kayden opened his mouth with a reluctant look.

“Hold up……”

“What’s the matter?”

Kayden, who was lost in thought, looked at me with a complex expression.

“When I went out for an excursion a few days ago, I saw a monster watching me.”

“What do you mean?”

Enoch turned around, arms folded and a serious face. Yuanna and Diego also looked at Kayden, clueless.

“I did not see it though?”

“You know, the first night I found the hut, I went out alone to find something to eat.”

When Kayden answered Yuanna’s curious question, she gave a small exclamation and nodded.

“I could feel a gaze from somewhere. So I looked around and saw a pair of eyes staring at me in the dark!”

Kayden made a twinkling gesture in front of his eyes as he folded and unfolded his hands.

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“It looked like a wolf-type monster. Usually, this type of monster immediately attacks us when it sees us. But after looking at me for a while, it just walked away, as if just watching what I was doing.”

“Was it a spy? Could it be that the monsters had already grasped the dynamics of reconnaissance before attacking us?”

I laughed out loud and said it like a joke. But, unexpectedly, everyone was listening to me seriously.

“I don’t think they have that level of intelligence, but if someone is controlling them, that sounds like a good possibility,” said Enoch calmly.

“Experiments or whatever, it seems almost certain that there is someone on this island watching us.” Arthdal, who was silent, spoke with a sigh.

I replied, “A place marked with a star on the map is suspicious.”

“Well, maybe there really is a kidnapper there,” said Yuanna, nodding in agreement.

We were silent for a moment. Each of us was lost in thought.

After a heavy silence, Yuanna evoked the mood. “Okay, we have to cross the bridge anyway. Who will cross first?”

At Yuanna’s question, Enoch drew his sword from its scabbard.

“Arthdal and I will cross first.”

“What? I don’t want to. Why should I?”

Arthdal ​​looked at Enoch with a puzzled face. Of course, Enoch did not respond. Then Arthdal sighed and took out the arrow he was carrying on his shoulder.

“Alright. Banhwang, you are in charge of short-range attacks, and I am long-range. It’s fair.”

Arthdal ​​grumbled but quietly did what Enoch told him to do. On closer inspection, Arthdal ​​seems to really like Enoch.

Then, Kayden took a stance and set foot on the suspension bridge.

“I’m leaving first then. Margaret, you’re next, and I’ll take Eunji with me first. Come here Eunji.”

He turned to me and held out his hand. I handed Eunji to him. Eunji glanced at me briefly and calmly wrapped around Kayden’s arm.

Kayden immediately crossed the bridge safely.

Although it looks a bit unstable, it seems to be in a state where one person can cross safely at a time.

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And just as I was about to cross the bridge after Kayden, Enoch called me. I turned around in wonder.

Enoch approached me and looked down at me gently.

“……be careful. I’ll follow you soon.”

At his request, I smiled bashfully.

“Are you worried? You’re talking like we’re going to break up. I’ll go first and wait for you, so hurry up and follow me.”

He nodded slowly and gently stroked my hair. Somehow, it seems like it’s been a while since I’ve had a conversation with him like this.

But why do we have to share this conversation at a point where everyone is watching?

“Young Lady Floné, if you are not going, I will go first.”

As if he couldn’t stand us, Ruzef grumbled past me and started to cross the bridge. I was so embarrassed that I stepped back.

Enoch grabbed my hand carefully. He soon kissed me on the back of my hand and gently pressed his lips on my wrist.

“Do you remember when I said I will protect you? My heart doesn’t change. I’ll cross over soon, so go ahead and wait for me.”

He spoke with a calm face and slowly stroked my cheek. It’s not a big deal, but why am I nervous?

“I know. Cross over safely, Your Highness. Don’t get hurt.”

Somehow my cheeks felt hot, but I didn’t want to make it obvious, so I told him with as calm a face as I could.

He nodded, still looking at my face.

“Why don’t you stop and go now?”

Arthdal came closer and separated us. Enoch slowly moved away from me.

I turned to Kayden, Ruzef, and Diego who had crossed first, and then set foot on the suspension bridge. It seems that it is more unstable than before. It feels very precarious as if it will collapse at any moment.

Even though I was moving very slowly, I could hear the ropes of the bridge breaking little by little.

“This is really disturbing……”

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I paused for a moment, leaving about a third of the distance to the other side. The bridge is shaking too badly from side to side.

“Young Lady Floné!”

Hearing Yuanna’s shout, I slowly turned my back.

And I could see the sight of Arthdal and Enoch, who remained on the South Island, facing a huge number of orangutan monsters. Some of them trying to cross the bridge.

“Run, Young Lady!” Yuanna shouted at me in shock.

Two orangutan monsters tried to cross the bridge, and one of them fell into the river.

‘Wha- what the fxck?’

It was only when the bridge was half tilted that I belatedly grasped the situation and dashed forward. Because of that damn orangutan, the bridge was completely broken.

The North Island where Kayden, Ruzef, and Diego are standing is right in front of me.

‘Just a little bit more……!’

As always, my ominous premonition is never wrong, and misfortune always follows me. Eventually, I fell into the river without even reaching the North Island.

I don’t remember exactly what happened after that.

I was drifting in the fast-flowing river for a long time and drank a lot of water. After that, I only vaguely remembered that someone pulled me out of the water.

And my vision was completely blurred.


19. Another Survivor

Gradually I came back to my senses.

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the midday blue sky. I blinked and looked up at the sky for a long time.

‘Is it a dream?’

As I slowly sat up, the familiar moist air hit my face. I can now distinguish even the remote island air.

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“It’s still on the island.”

As I sat up and looked around, I realized that the only thing miserable is me. My dress is soaking wet. My hair is wet too. My lower legs are still submerged in the river water.

‘Eunji is with Kayden, so there’s no need to worry.’

As I tried to move my body, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.


Surprised, I grabbed my stomach and found my hands covered in blood.

“Damn it, it hurts so much.”

I have to take care of my back first…… I managed to untie the crossbody bag hanging from my shoulder after trying hard enough, took off my dress, and lifted the hem of my chemise to check the wounds on my abdomen.

My stomach is full of wounds. It hurt so much when I lifted my chemise which was stuck to the wound.

“Whoo, whoo, ah, damn it.”

It hurt so much that I burst into tears. I took a deep breath and sat down. I can hardly even move.

Still, just in case, I picked up my dress again and put it on, with great difficulty.

‘But I can’t only stay here until the sun goes down.’

I unpacked my wet crossbody bag and checked its contents.

“Oh my God, no……”

I flipped my crossbody bag upside down, and it’s all wet, including my notebook and my regular medicine. Not seeing my flare gun—my most important weapon—even wet, despair came over me.

“I am left alone, injured, and without a weapon.”

Because of this situation, from sunset, I should never move and hide somewhere.

Moving around while looking for a place to hide will obviously take up a lot of time. I might have to spend quite a bit of time healing before meeting up with the others since I don’t know where they are.


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