Chapter 17: Contribute

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[ Mian’an City, Yamu Villa District, Xinghu Lake POV ]

Zheng Nianhao joined in the experiment, took out the water bottle in his backpack, opened the bottle cap, and poured it towards the wide open wooden door. Under the witness of everyone, the splashed water seemed to hit a wall, and it couldn’t move forward. Instead, it slid down the wall.

    The expressions of the people at the scene were uncertain, and the picture of water sliding down the air was beyond their cognition.

    Song Xingcheng did know that the system house had a setting of “no entry except with the owner’s permission”, but it was the first time he saw the implementation of this setting with his own eyes, and the surprise on his face was unmistakable.

    In comparison, He Qianshan was the most acceptable. As long as He Qianshan thinks of his special talent of being able to pick up weapons, he can calmly accept that other people’s talents are beyond the existing scientific explanation.

    He Qianshan signaled everyone to wait a moment, and he went to check the situation first.

    Song Xingcheng stood at the back all the time and summoned the system panel. When he woke up in the morning, he still had 3 points of energy left in the system. After cleaning the villa area in the morning, he harvested 18 energy beads, and the number in the upper right corner of the panel became 21.

    As He Qianshan threw energy beads into the small metal hole, the number representing the energy point in the upper right corner of the panel also changed to 22.

    After thinking about it, Song Xingcheng also took out an energy bead, passed a few people and stuffed it into the small metal hole in the wooden door, and then walked into the wooden house.

    He has long wanted to take a good look at the interior of the system house and now is a good opportunity.

    The others were amazed at Song Xingcheng’s decisiveness, but he didn’t know whether the energy bead had returned to Song Xingcheng’s pocket after a full circle, and the number on the upper right corner of his panel hadn’t changed at all.

    He Qianshan had already walked to the two opposite wooden doors in the middle of the corridor when he saw Song Xingcheng walking in.

    There was disapproval in He Qianshan’s eyes, but the disobedient child had already entered, and it was too late to say anything, so he could only wave his hand to signal Song Xingcheng to follow behind him, and then cautiously pushed open the wooden door in the corridor.

    The wooden door opened, revealing the empty room inside. Sunlight leaked in through the wooden window, illuminating the rectangular room of more than forty square meters. There was nothing in the room except two faucets placed in different positions.

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    He Qianshan walked over and turned on the faucet casually. To his surprise, clear water flowed out, but there was no sewage facility in the room, and the water could only spread on the wooden floor.

    He Qianshan pondered, among other things, the water supply in Mian’an City has been stopped. So where is the water here coming from?

    Song Xingcheng not only didn’t listen to He Qianshan and followed him behind, but he also specifically avoided He Qianshan. He opened the wooden door on the other side of the corridor, carefully looking at the room carefully with bright eyes.

    Although the interior of the wooden house looked empty and simple at this time, Song Xingcheng, who was standing in the center of the room, was in a very happy mood.

    Ah, it was all his house! There will be more in the future!

    While He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng were exploring the interior of the wooden house, Han Qinmin and Zheng Nianhao who are outside the wooden house were not idle. They tried using various methods to test the invisible and intangible barriers of the wooden house, whether it was kicking, smashing with an axe, shooting or even igniting the fire, it didn’t seem to have any effect on the wooden house. It seemed impossible to enter the wooden house, after all. This simple-looking house seemed to have a golden bell cover.

    In fact, their actions still have an impact. Song Xingcheng’s system panel keeps popping up prompts:

    Someone is trying to attack the simple wooden house, do you want it to be blacklisted?】


    Song Xingcheng could only keep choosing “No”, and the small eyes that glanced outside the gate were full of helplessness.

    It was He Qianshan who stopped Han Qinmin and Zheng Nianhao from frantically testing the bottom line of the wooden house. He walked around the room twice, walked to the door of the wooden house, and signaled Han Qinmin and Zheng Nianhao to stop violent testing and try using energy beads.

    Although Han Qinmin and Zheng Nianhao were not as active in collecting energy beads as He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng, they still had a lot of energy beads in their hands. Immediately, Zheng Nianhao took out one and tried to stuff it into the metal hole in the wooden door.

    As a result, the small hole seemed to be sealed, unable to inject energy beads. On the contrary, a new message was added under the information showing the rent:

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    The two rooms in this wooden house have been rented out. Do you want to apply to the owner to become a roommate?】


    Zheng Nianhao chose “Yes” under He Qianshan’s signal, and then the corresponding message was displayed on the back of the door:

    【Do you allow the applicant to be your roommate?】


    This information can only be seen by He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng who are in the wooden house. As soon as He Qianshan chose “Yes”, Zheng Nianhao found that the transparent barrier that blocked him earlier disappeared, and he lifted his footsteps and entered into the cabin.

    However, for the two rooms on the left and right of the corridor, Zheng Nianhao could only open the one that He Qianshan entered, but he couldn’t open the one that Song Xingcheng entered.

    After repeated trials, everyone finally figured out how the wooden house works.

    A simple wooden house has two rooms. The two people who pay for the energy beads first become the owners of the two rooms by default. Afterward, each room can accommodate two more people, and the occupancy condition is the owner’s permission.

    In other words, with 2 energy beads, a total of 6 people can live in a simple wooden house. Judging from the strength of the “golden bell cover”, hiding in a wooden house is equivalent to having safety.

    Of course, the homeowner who pays the energy beads first takes the initiative and can expel disliked roommates on the panel at the door of his room.

    After studying the wooden house, everyone went to check the water tower-like building next to the wooden house. They could not enter the water tower. They only saw a notice on the gate of the water tower, which read:

    [Level 1 water supply plant: can supply pure and sweet water]

    Probably it was the emergence of the end of the world that had broken people’s three views, so after the initial shock, several people accepted the existence of this group of special buildings, and then discussed the countermeasures.

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    “In my opinion, the greatest value of these wooden houses lies in their strong protection. We have tried various methods but can’t force our way in, and others will definitely be stopped. Although it looks like a wooden building, its protection is far beyond conventional concepts. Wooden buildings may be of great use in times of danger.”

    Han Qinmin said with certainty, he really tried all kinds of methods, but he couldn’t break through the invisible and transparent protective cover of the wooden house at all. He was confident in his own force, so he was very sure of the wooden house’s protective ability.

    He Qianshan nodded, glanced at a row of wooden houses, and arranged:

    “We occupy a wooden house and continue to observe the situation. If we have time, let’s set it up for a month first. After Nian Hao, remember to take the water in the wooden house back for testing. If there is no problem, we can use it for domestic water.”

    While speaking, He Qianshan poured out a large handful of energy beads from his own ceramic cup and stuffed them into the small metal holes on the wooden door one after another. He doesn’t know where those energy beads have gone, anyway, for there is no trace of the small hole being filled.

    He Qianshan stuffed 19, and a new prompt appeared on the wooden door, asking if he was sure to rent a room for a month.

    He Qianshan raised his eyebrows. This wooden door is quite smart, it also included the energy bead he invested in before.

    After He Qianshan finished stuffing, Song Xingcheng stepped forward to follow the stuffing, He Qianshan stopped him, and took out 19 energy beads to Song Xingcheng, explaining:

    “This room is not rented by you, but It is for me to do the test, of course, I will pay the rent, so keep yours well.”

    After speaking, Song Xingcheng put the energy beads in his hand into the small metal hole without hesitation.

    Song Xingcheng used one hand as a tool and glanced at the energy points in the upper right corner of the panel that had grown all the way to 60, the guilt in his heart as he bite his finger. OMG!!, Brother He just contributed 39% to his city construction in the blink of an eye. With some energy, the favor owed is getting bigger and bigger, how can he pay it back in the future?

    Forget it, just like the saying “if there are too many lice, it doesn’t itch“, if there are too many debts, it ceases to worry, so let’s do it. Song Xiaocheng lay flat and spread out, giving up struggling.

    After learning about the newly-appeared weird buildings, the six people divided into two teams again, they continued to clear out the last dozen or so villas, and then returned to the He Family Mansion one after another.

[ Mian’an City, Yamu Villa District, He Family’s Mansion POV ]

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    At this time, many people had gathered in the lobby of the main building of the He Family Mansion. Most of them were trapped at home for a whole day. They were rescued by the He family with guns in their hands in the morning. , and it is not good to delay the progress of the rescue, so they had to bring a gift to the He Family Mansion and wait.

    Getting off the sightseeing car parked at the gate, Song Xingcheng just walked to the door of the mansion when he saw two people inside the hall whom he didn’t want to see. Looking at the sight, Song Xingcheng smiled embarrassedly, and said in a low voice:

    “I’m a little tired, I want to go back to my room to have a rest, please call me when you have lunch ready.”

    Then he turned to the small door at the back of the main building, avoiding the people in the hall while simply going upstairs.

    Naturally, He Qianshan also saw the guests waiting in the lobby, and thought that Song Xingcheng avoided them on purpose because he thought they were bothersome. Instead of forcing him, he nodded to express his understanding and let the little guy slip away.

    At this time, Wu Jingran and Su Xiner, who were shrinking in the corner of the He family mansion hall, naturally did not know what was happening outside the door.

    Wu Jingran and Su Xiner found Song Xingcheng’s house yesterday, but there was no answer when they knocked on the door, and they couldn’t climb over the wall to enter the villa. They were afraid that they would be overtaken by zombies if they stayed too long, so they ran to the depths of the villa district. It was because Wu Jingran vaguely remembered that when he was a guest at Song Xingcheng’s house, Song Xingcheng accidentally mentioned that there were vacant villas in the Yamu Villa District

    Wu Jingran and Su Xiner were very lucky. They found a villa whose owner hadn’t returned. The villa was only surrounded by flower walls. The two climbed over the half-person-high flower wall, smashed the glass with the pebbles in the backyard, and entered the room through the window to hide.

    There was food and bottled drinking water in the house. Apart from the fear in their hearts, the two of them didn’t feel wronged by hiding in the house for a day and a night.

    Even luckier, they ran into rescuers the next morning in the last days.

    Han Qinmin, who was in charge of rescuing the villa where Wu Jingran and Su Xiner lived, didn’t know that the two were not the original owners of the villa. He just inquired outside the door and left directly after learning that there were no zombies inside.

    On the contrary, Wu Jingran and Su Xin’er struggled for a while and wanted to try to get in touch with Han Qinmin. After all, people with guns in the post-apocalyptic world are really not ordinary people.

    It just so happened that a family member next door was also rescued by Han Qinmin and the three of them, and they were about to go to the He Family Mansion to thank them in person. Wu Jingran and Su Xiner hurriedly excused that they also wanted to thank them in person, and followed them to the He Family Mansion.

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