Chapter 7: Disagreement

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[ Mian’an City, Inside of Duo De Supermarket POV ]

The survivors in the pharmacy were two youngsters, a man, and a woman. After they entered the pharmacy, they moved two shelves to block the entrance of the pharmacy. Unfortunately, it was a barrier to prevent zombies from attacking, but now it became an obstacle to trap them.

    The two poor youngsters obviously saw the scene of the three shooting the zombies with their own eyes, knowing that the thing in their hands was real, their faces turned pale with fright.     

“I…we only need the medicine to control blood pressure. We don’t want anything else. We’ll give everything else to you!”

He also put the large storage bag full of medicines on the ground and spread his empty hands to show his sincerity.

    A guy with a gun in his hand is definitely not a good guy to deal with. Maybe he is involved in the dark and he must not be provoked, the young boy thought to himself.

    The young girl who was protected by her brother looked at the medicines on the ground that had been sorted and bagged with reluctance. They had collected them so desperately. They boldly walked out of the house, went to this pharmacy in great pain, and collected medicines in three storage bags for a long time. Who knew that everything would be empty in a blink of an eye? Thinking about it, they were really unwilling.

    But the girl knew the seriousness of the matter, and the person on the other side was obviously not easy to mess with. The elder brother took the initiative to back down for their own safety, so she didn’t say anything, and kept silent throughout the process to reduce her presence.

    He Qianshan had a serious and stern aura all over his body, as if the word “powerful” was directly written in his aura, anyone could tell at a glance that this was a high-ranking person who used to give orders. He gives off the vibe of a person in charge.

    He Qianshan did not rush to respond but just looked at the two youngsters with serious eyes.

    He was not in a hurry, but the young boy on the opposite side felt the pressure of the mountain, and soon couldn’t bear it anymore. He subconsciously took half a step back, his eyes dodged, and it seemed that he wanted to run away in the next second. The only exit was blocked by the shelves they moved before so they couldn’t run even if they wanted to.

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    After suffering for a while, the young boy sincerely asked He Qianshan again:

    “Please! The elders in my family must use drugs to control blood pressure. My sister and I don’t take a lot, we just take two months’ dosage, which is very little, please!” The young boy also knew that at this time he had completely given up fighting It was a life-saving choice, but he and his sister ran out of the house because their mother’s usual medicine was almost finished, and they took advantage of the initial chaos to replenish enough medicine. They were very worried about the scarcity of the supply when the order returns to normal.

    Looking at the begging young man, Song Xingcheng couldn’t help pursing his lips. He turned his gaze from observing the young siblings to He Qianshan, wondering what He Qianshan was thinking.

    He Qianshan caught Song Xingcheng’s attention immediately, it left the two brothers and sisters who were anxiously waiting for a response, and looked sideways at Song Xingcheng who seemed to bear doubts in his eyes, as if asking him what’s the matter?

    Song Xingcheng rubbed the back of his head shyly and smiled, and tentatively said,

    “Why don’t we hurry up and collect medicines? The more medicines for anti-inflammation, disinfection, hemostasis, and pain relief, the better. It shouldn’t have much impact, right?”

    He Qianshan glanced at Song Xingcheng who did not express any objection, turned to the siblings, and said, “Stay here first.”

    After speaking, he motioned for Han Qinmin to remove the shelves blocking the door, and Song Xingcheng hurried forward to help. After the three entered the pharmacy, they quickly searched for various commonly used drugs.

    The two brothers and sisters did not dare run far, so they huddled in the corner of the shelf by the door and waited, hoping that there would be some leftover soup for them to drink.

    After the medicines on the counter shelves were piled up with two shopping carts, He Qianshan broke the door lock of the pharmacy warehouse with one shot as usual, and the tattered warehouse door floated open, revealing two people who hugged each other in horror and daze. They are the pharmacy clerk in charge of this store.

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    There was a flash of surprise in He Qianshan’s eyes. Two groups of drug raiders came outside one after another, making a big commotion. Unexpectedly, the clerk hiding in the warehouse resisted making a sound, making them think that there was no one in the warehouse. Fortunately, the bullet got stuck in the door lock, else it would’ve been bad if it accidentally injured the people inside.

    Facing the indifferent and serious He Qianshan, the two shop assistants who had been terrified by the successive incidents couldn’t even utter a word of begging for mercy and didn’t dare to make any screaming noises. They could only tremble and tightened their grip on each other as if they can draw more courage and strength from each other.

    Song Xingcheng, who had finished sweeping a shelf at the side, noticed He Qianshan’s abnormal state. Looking over his head, he saw two female shop assistants whose bangs were drenched under the heat and tension because they had been hiding in the small and cramped warehouse. Heartbroken and embarrassed.

    Pulling the hair on the back of his head, Song Xingcheng forced a smile and said, “I’m sorry… I didn’t know there were shop assistants, uh, we can pay for it.”

    Song Xingcheng was really embarrassed. Searching other people’s stores in front of them really broke his lower limit. He didn’t feel anything when he didn’t meet the owner or shop assistants in the two stores before, but now, he directly met the owner or shop assistant in their store. After embarrassment, he realized that he had adapted to the end of the world too quickly. Yes, he has become accustomed to sweeping goods without giving money to anyone. But then… he thought about paying: the mobile phone has no signal, so online payment must not work. He just doesn’t know if the POS machine can still swipe their card.

    In short, if you don’t have cash, and you still don’t have it at home, then you can’t count on the business hall. He doesn’t know if the self-service teller machine can still be used.

    Or go to the gold shop that just passed by without a clerk? Most of it was probably robbed, so just grab some gold jewelry to pay off the debt.?

    Looking at the two big men blocking the door of the warehouse, Bai Duoduo tightly hugged Sister Ling’s hand, half of her brain screamed for fear, and the other half screamed for calmness.

    When the accident happened in the morning, Bai Duoduo and Sister Ling were lucky to escape the first wave of chaos. The unique counter of the pharmacy protected them, it blocked the zombies trying to catch them and gave them a chance to escape.

    After that, Bai Duoduo and Sister Ling hid in the warehouse behind the counter and locked the door. Except for trying to call for help, the two never left the warehouse.

    They listened to the chaos and noise outside and gradually quieted down, and heard four or five waves of people coming to collect medicines, but they endured it all the time, they did not make any movement and concentrated on waiting for rescue.

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    They also heard about the conflict between the teams of Song Xingcheng and the brother and sister who came to look for medicines first, but they didn’t care about it at all. Anyway, those people outside will leave naturally if they have taken enough. Without the key, they can’t open the warehouse door. Those who hide in the warehouse are safe.

    They never expected that the three newcomers could force the brothers and sisters to give indirectly not because of their numbers, but because of having guns in their hands?!

    As a matter of course, they were not satisfied after searching the store for the medicines, so they aimed at the warehouse and directly destroyed the lock of the warehouse door, exposing Bai Duoduo and Sister Ling who were hiding, and the situation suddenly became more complicated.

    Bai Duoduo is very clear that although she and sister Ling are the owners and shop assistants of the pharmacy, they are currently the weakest of the three forces in the pharmacy. Both of them are weak women. Not only do they have no force to deter, but their existence will remind people of the identity and behavior of their robbers.

    If the other party is the kind of person who will become angry after embarrassment, and keep hurting them in order to feel at ease, they will be at a big loss!

    Realizing the crisis, Bai Duoduo forced herself to calm down, and immediately said to Song Xingcheng: “No need to give money! You can take whatever you want! The boss hasn’t paid us wages for three months, and we are going to take some away.”

    When speaking, the hand hidden behind her, pinched Sister Ling, hoping that she would cooperate tacitly and not reveal her secrets.

    Because the real situation is that this pharmacy belongs to Bai Duoduo’s family, and anyone who takes things is regarded as robbing her private property.

    Bai Duoduo couldn’t help but burst into tears, but what could she do? Compared with the loss of property, of course, her own life is more important.

    Song Xingcheng heard from Bai Duoduo’s words that she was full of desire to survive, and she was embarrassed to look at Bai Duoduo again, so she had to look at He Qianshan.

    He Qianshan’s inquiring eyes fell on Bai Duoduo and Sister Ling. Bai Duoduo obviously felt that Sister Ling was holding her arm harder, and she wanted to squeeze into her body as if she wanted to hide in her body.

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    “Since you want it too, why don’t you help us carry it together, and I’ll give you some of the medicine as a reward.”

    His voice was colder than his’s eyes, he said while observing the reactions of the two shop assistants.

    Bai Duoduo felt that her lips were about to be bitten to bleed, but she still had to forcefully answer with a stiff expression: “Okay, okay, we can help, we know the types of medicines better, and we will help sort them out.” After finishing speaking, Bai Duoduo gritted her teeth, forced herself to stand up, then picked up a box of painkillers beside her and walked out.

    Sister Ling, who kept quiet all the time with her teeth chattering in fear, stared at Bai Duoduo’s movements with wide eyes. A strong struggle flashed in her eyes. Finally, she forcibly got up, picked up another small box of medicines, and went out silently.

    Song Xingcheng looked at the bleak figures of the two clerks, and then at He Qianshan with a stern expression. Finally, he realized clearly why it was always rumored in the circle that the young master of the He family was a cold-blooded lone wolf who would never keep a ruthless mind and always put his best interests first.

    Earlier, he went to the He family with trepidation and unexpectedly received very gentle and friendly treatment. He Qianshan’s behavior was simply that of the kindest and most generous person. Song Xingcheng was still thinking at the time, and the rumors are really unbelievable. He clearly took great care of him, so who’s this person who kept spreading rumors?

    Now Song Xingcheng felt that he had been slapped in the face. It turned out that he was wrong. The second young master of the He family was really a cruel person.

    They all clearly saw that the little girl’s situation was not what she said, but the second young master of the He family was able to justifiably ask the master to join the team of thieves and help carry their own goods. It’s really… amazing.

    However, Song Xingcheng was just sighing in his heart and was not prepared to do anything. Anyway, He Qianshan treated him so well that he could not be blamed. Song Xingcheng did not know how much favor he owed. He is the least qualified to accuse He Qianshan.

    Song Xingcheng believed that this difference in behavior could still be tolerated. Of course, his mood was inevitably a little depressed.

    This kind of depression is probably like the Idols I really want to chase before they suddenly burst into black material. But no matter what the sunspots say, I will still decide to continue to support my Idol wholeheartedly. And when I am calm, I will inevitably worry about their reputation.

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