Running away?

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Are you sick!

Why are you running away for no good reason?

And you want to drag Her Majesty along?

The old servant Li Mu almost spit out all the tea he just drank.

He just thought that if Lin Xuan wanted to die?

Zhao Yuehan looked at Lin Xuan with a serious face, and wondered if Lin Xuan had taken the wrong medicine.

One must know that the remnants of the previous dynasty who were imprisoned in the Yongle Lane were not allowed to leave Tiandu without the empress amnesty.

If one left Tiandu without an amnesty, he would be killed if found, and even his relatives would also be implicated together.

There had been incidents in which the remnants of the nobles of the previous dynasty and the nobles of the sixteen countries fled from their sins, and the result was undoubtedly a massacre.

Especially in this Yongle Lane, from Great Qian Emperor Gaozu,  Great Qian Emperor Taizong to Emperor Qian Guang, the nobles of the sixteen kingdoms in Yongle Lane were basically killed.

As for the remnants of the nobles of the former Tang Dynasty, not everyone was killed, but there were definitely a lot of people who died.

Lin Xuan said it so bluntly, did he want to court death?

Moreover, since she came to the throne, she would not kill the nobles of the sixteen kingdoms indiscriminately like her father Emperor Taizong, and she would not flow a river of blood just three months after she took the throne like her elder brother Emperor Qian Guang.

On the one hand, this was partly because of the sacrifice of the 80 female soldiers, and on the other hand, all the former nobles in Yongle Lane who could cause trouble had been killed.

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From the 26th year of Great Qian to the 28th year, she had made many decrees to improve the living standards of these remnants of the former nobles.

They had no worries about food and clothing like this, so why would they still want to risk their lives to escape?

Could it be that her father, her brother, really didn’t kill all those who wanted to make trouble in the remnants of the previous dynasty?

Although it had been 28 years since Great Qian replaced the Tang Dynasty and swept the Sixteen Kingdoms, and those noble remnants had been killed one after another. It was hard to guarantee that there would be a small number of remnants who escaped, and were still secretly planning to restore the Tang Dynasty.

In a sense, it was really possible for Lin Xuan, who had a little relationship with the imperial family from the previous dynasty.

Or, someone in Lin Xuan’s family participated in some kind of conspiracy, for fear of something happening?

This was a matter of great importance to the country, Zhao Yuehan felt that it was necessary to ask clearly.

“Brother Lin, why are you running away?”

“Could it be that you are still thinking about the imperial relationship of the previous dynasty, and want to restore the Tang Dynasty?”

Zhao Yuehan asked tentatively.

The old servant Li Mu was trembling, Her Majesty could really speak.

Could it be that Her Majesty felt that Lin Xuan’s death was not enough, so she wanted to push him cruelly?

It was said that the empress’s heart was unpredictable, and her action probably had a reason.

“What imperial relatives of the former dynasty? The restoration of the Tang Dynasty?” Lin Xuan sneered. “Dynasty changes, this is the general trend of reincarnation.?”

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Li Mu: [Thank god kid, you still know you’re playing with death.]

Zhao Yuehan unfolded the folding fan, took a sip of black tea, and heard Lin Xuan’s disdainful attitude towards the former royal family. She knew it was not what she thought.

However, she was still very curious. Lin Xuan had no worries about food and clothing, but she wondered why he was running away.

“Brother Zhao, let me tell you that it is the general trend of heaven to replace Tang Dynasty with Great Qian. At the end of Tang Dynasty, there were feudal lords who separatist and conquered everywhere, and the people were in dire straits. They all dared to invade the Tang Dynasty, burned, killed and looted, and lost all conscience.”

“Although Great Qian Emperor Gaozu, Ji Dangtian, was one of the princes of the Tang Dynasty, he was able to judge the situation and conquer the Central Plains. The world returns to peace, so his merits are immeasurable.”

“In this way, the people who used to be the people of Tang Dynasty have become the people of Great Qian, and the core has not changed at all.”

“But think about it, what a disaster it would be if it wasn’t Emperor Gaozu Ji Dangtian who won the world, but Wei, Yu, or even other warriors that only knew how to burn, kill and loot entered the Central Plains and seized this kingdom?”

Li Mu asked, “This?”

Lin Xuan waved his hand and said, “In this way, the people of the Tang Dynasty would have all become slaves to them! That’s why I say that the Great Qian inherited the Tang Dynasty, the Tang people are still Tang people, and the Tang people are also Great Qian people. There is nothing more orthodox than this.”

‘The Tang people are still Tang people, and the Tang people are also Great Qian people . There is nothing more orthodox than this!’

It was the first time Zhao Yuehan heard such an evaluation, so she smiled lightly.

“Since Brother Lin agrees that Great Qian is orthodox, and he also said that Tang people are also Great Qian people, why do you want to run away from this comfortable life? Could it be that Brother Lin, like some common people, does not see a woman as emperor?”

Ever since the legendary empress Ji Handan ascended the throne, not only her elder brother was dissatisfied, but her uncle was also dissatisfied.

He even explained to the public many times how a mere woman could hold the magic weapon of the Great Qian, and sooner or later she would bury Great Qian people. This once attracted countless attacks and discussions, which had not subsided so far.

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The most absurd aspect was that whenever the empress went on tour, desperate individuals would always rush out yelling pertinent remarks in an attempt to assassinate her.

Of course, these assassins were killed without exception.

Assassins were easy to deal with, but the most disgusting thing was some rotten Confucians, not only did they not want to become an official, but also persuaded their students and disciples not to become an official.

“Do you want a bratty little girl to ride on your head?”

“Are you going to kneel down and shout long live?!”


This was the information Zhao Yuehan collected through some spies. At the beginning, she was very angry when she saw it, and wanted to kill all these old men.

However, these rotten scholars wished that she would order to kill them, so that they would have the name of a great Confucian who was not afraid of the empress.

This really disgusted her, and it had not been resolved so far.

“Brother Zhao, you’re wrong again!” Lin Xuan waved his hand. “I say that this Great Qian Emperor Gaozu, Ji Dangtian is strong, but it is a foundation earned by generations of struggles. Compared to the founding emperor, it is nothing, but the current legendary Empress Ji Handan can do it!”

Li Mu: [Damn it, how dare this kid call Her Majesty by her name directly in front of her face!]

Li Mu: [I can hardly hold the sword in my hand anymore!]

He wanted to see what Her Majesty meant, but Zhao Yuehan showed an interesting expression. The old servant Li Mu took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart forcibly, and continued to listen.

He admired Lin Xuan’s ability to jump left and right in front of Her Majesty, and he defied death every time.

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Lin Xuan didn’t care, and entered the state of planning while talking.

“The legendary Empress Ji Handan led 80 female soldiers to revolt at the age of 15. She killed the King of Wu in the imperial city, seized the military power of the Forbidden Army in Tiandu and Beiluo, and proclaimed herself Empress with the imperial edict of Emperor Qian Guang. In the first battle of Shang Yu, she defeated the coalition forces of King Jin and King Zhao, and King Zhao committed suicide.”

“In the 27th year of Great Qian, the 16-year-old female emperor Ji Handan went on a personal expedition,, defeated the coalition forces of the King Jin and the Wei Kingdom, beheaded 120,000 people, and recovered the land of the three counties. Wei Kingdom was so frightened that they offered the head of the King Jin to seek peace, and were willing to resist the grassland for Great Qian. When Yu Kingdom heard the news, they immediately withdrew his troops.”

“In just a few months, Empress Ji Handan attacked Chu Kingdom from the south, defeated the Chu army, and took the land of the state. It forced Chu Kingdom to sign an alliance under the city.”

“Afterwards, it will sweep across all states and counties in the Great Qian, and restore peace to the world in a very short period of time.”

“This level of civil and martial arts has far surpassed many emperors in history, only the Empress Wu Zhao of the Tang Dynasty can compare to her!”

“Besides, the real Empress is heroic and valiant, and she reigns supreme in the world, and her appearance is not inferior to the Nine Heavenly Maiden in the sky!”


Li Mu’s heart relaxed. He only thought that this kid had gone insane, and was speaking whatever came to his mind.

Looking at the smile in Her Majesty’s eyes, one could tell that she was very satisfied with such an evaluation, and when talking about her appearance, Her Majesty almost lost her composure.

Zhao Yuehan put away the folding fan, put down the black tea, and coughed lightly. “Ahem, brother Lin, since you think the Empress… Your Majesty is good, why did you run away?”

That was right, since you are not dissatisfied with Her Majesty, why did you run away?

The old servant Li Mu was very puzzled by Lin Xuan’s behaviour. He was very curious, and looked over with straight eyes.

“Don’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you.” Lin Xuan took a sip of tea, looked around, sat back in his seat, and lowered his voice. He said, “The empress’s biological mother, the present Empress Dowager, is dying soon!”

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