Hearing what Lin Xuan said, it seemed quite reasonable.

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The premise was that they were really the former nobles of Yongle Lane, and they must be the kind who want to run away wholeheartedly.

It had to be said that Lin Xuan has a wide range of knowledge and unique insights, and his ability to get kill was also first-rate.

If Lin Xuan knew that the Zhao Yuehan in front of her was actually the empress, Ji Handan, whom he called by first name, and that Li Mu, who looked like an old servant, was actually the great general Li Lin, it would be interesting to see his reaction.

“What Brother Lin said seems to have some truth.” Zhao Yuehan thought. “Since that’s the case, what is Brother Lin’s plan to escape?”

It’s done!

Lin Xuan’s eyes lit up, and the fresh fish feast he had prepared was worthwhile. After talking so much, it was finally time to get into the topic.

“Brother Zhao, I need your help in this matter.”

Lin Xuan said calmly, “Brother Zhao, you are an official of the Ministry of Commerce, responsible for water transportation and sea transportation. This is the convenience that needs to be used.”

“I need a recommendation from Brother Zhao, so that I can get an errand in the water transport first, and then I can leave Tiandu. Then, start from Tiandu Water Transport Port, go down the canal, enter the river, transfer to a large ship by sea, go to Nanyang, and I will be fine when you arrive in Nanyang.”


This plan sounded like a good one.

It was just that Zhao Yuehan still didn’t understand Lin Xuan’s brain circuit. “Here, why did Brother Lin run away to Nanyang? Isn’t there still Wei, Yu, and Chu around Great Qian?”

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“Wei Kingdom, like Great Qiian, is the land of the Four Wars. It doesn’t matter what the name of the new emperor of Wei Kingdom is. He is very happy. Relying on the little foundation left by his father, he will fight against Great Qian today and Yu Kingdom tomorrow, and the grassland the day after tomorrow.”

“It’s not something to be tense about though. After all, the Wei Kingdom has accumulated for several generations. It is very powerful and has many generals who can fight. However, the new emperor of the Wei Kingdom does not know how to command, but he still wants to command thousands of troops. He ruined the Wei Kingdom many times. There is a very interesting saying in the Wei Kingdom, don’t be afraid of the strong Empress of Great Qian, don’t be afraid of 300,000 horses on the grassland, don’t be afraid of Yu’s strong crossbows, but be afraid of the imperial edict of Wei.”

“Wei Kingdom, sooner or later it will end.”

“You said that if I go to such a kingdom, I will be arrested sooner or later. Even if I am not arrested, it is not impossible to be robbed until I have nothing to eat. How can I go to such kingdom?”

Ah this.

Zhao Yuehan was surprised for a moment: “I heard that the emperor of Wei Kingdom is gathering an army of 120,000 and is preparing to invade Great Qian again. I wonder what Brother Lin thinks?”

Lin Xuan smiled. In his impression, Emperor Wei died in the 28th year of Great Qian, but he had no memory of another war between Wei and Qian.

Combined with reality and a little reasoning, one would understand the key.

“Then, Emperor Wei is not far from death.”

“Brother Lin, what do you say?”

Zhao Yuehan was a little surprised.

When she defeated the coalition forces of Wei Kingdom and King Jin, she had seen the strength of Wei Kingdom’s army.

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At the beginning, Wei Kingdom’s army fought very well. The first time they fought, they almost suffered a big loss for the big army led by her.

It was just that, less than a month after the battle, the cooperation between Wei Jun and Jin Wang’s army became very strange. Not to mention, it could even be said that Wei Jun’s

coquettish operations appeared frequently.

Considering that the other party might be actively using a loophole to lure the Great Qian army, Zhao Yuehan simply set up an encirclement circle to see if the Wei army and the King Jin army were real. Who knew that the other party would rush over, throw themselves into the encirclement circle, and be annihilated by her in one fell swoop.

The commander-in-chief of the Wei army did not want to be captured, so he committed suicide on the battlefield.

It wasn’t until later that Zhao Yuehan found out that the reason why the commander of Wei’s army would make such frequent operations was because the emperor of Wei had issued six decrees one after another, asking him to take the initiative to attack and wipe out the large army as soon as possible.

Originally, Zhao Yuehan still didn’t believe it, but when she saw the emperor’s decree from the spoils of war, she had to believe that the Emperor of Wei was stupid.

However, just because of this, it was too arbitrary for Lin Xuan to conclude that the Emperor of Wei would die in the near future.

“Because of his unrestrained commands several times, the Wei Kingdom suffered heavy losses. Because of this, I can conclude that if the Emperor of the Wei Kingdom raises his sword again, it will be time for the generals of the Wei Kingdom to rebel and kill the Emperor. After all, no one wants to die. ”

“If the Emperor of the Wei Kingdom does not die, the Kingdom of Wei will perish.”

“If it were you, how would you choose?”

The old servant Li Mu shuddered, this kind of question was purely fatal.

He dared to answer here, “Kill the Emperor”, and his Majesty would dare to kill him when he returned.

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Why did this kid Lin Xuan want to drag others to death?

“Of course it is to kill the emperor.”

Zhao Yuehan answered affirmatively. This answer startled the old servant Li Mu next to him again.

One dared to ask, the other dared to answer, and Her Majesty answered it herself.

He heard nothing, heard nothing.

The old servant Li Mu was still entangled in what Lin Xuan said just now about the Empress Dowager’s impending death.

Zhao Yuehan asked again, “If the Wei Kingdom really launches a big military campaign in the near future, how should the big campaign be responded to?”

Lin Xuan smiled. “You don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to wait for Wei’s army to reach the border. The emperor of Wei will die, and the Wei army will naturally retreat.”

“Oh, back to the topic. As for the Yu Kingdom, it is too remote, has a lot of turmoil, and often fights with various tribes in the grassland. It is too dangerous, so I don’t think about it.”

“The Emperor of Chu Kingdom is very happy. He likes to expand the territory, but he has been defeated repeatedly. He doesn’t know when he will be arrested when he goes to Chu Kingdom. Naturally, it is out.”

“As for the grassland, there is a high probability that I will become a slave if I go there. Even if I show my wisdom and strength and get certain rights, there is a high probability that I will be killed by our legendary female emperor who will sweep the grassland in the future.”

Sweep across the grassland?!

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Zhao Yuehan’s eyes lit up. What he said was beautiful.

The tribes in the grassland had always been a threat to Great Qian, and they would invade the south every once in a while, which was very annoying.

In the future, they must sweep once to solve this threat at once.

She had never lost a war!

“So, running away to Nanyang became your choice?” Zhao Yuehan glanced at the courtyard where Lin Xuan lived. “Could it be that Nanyang is better than Great Qian, so you want to go to Nanyang?”

“Brother Zhao, you are wrong again! Now Nanyang is actually a barren land full of savages, but I am confident that with the knowledge in my head, I can live well in Nanyang. At least I don’t have to worry about being cut off by the empress in the future like now.”

Lin Xuan pointed to his head, very confident.

At the same time, considering that he wanted to trick Zhao Yuehan into running together, he had to throw out the necessary bargaining chips.

“As far as I know, there are more than 10,000 islands in Nanyang, some of which are no smaller than several states. There are gold mines, silver mines, and iron mines. With me, Brother Zhao will lead the savages in Nanyang.”

Let Your Majesty abandon Great Qian, and go to Nanyang to be the emperor of a group of savages?

Or, is this Lin boy thinking of becoming an emperor?

The old servant Li Mu felt that he could hardly control the hand that held the sword all year round.

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