The Empire is on the move.

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By the time Aluna received this piece of news, the imperial army numbering a million had already begun invading the front lines.

“A million? They still have troops in reserve?”

Aluna, who was having a meeting with her staff officers on the bridge of her flagship, questioned the size of the Empire’s fleet.

If they had so many troops, why didn’t they mobilize them from the beginning?

One of the staff came up with a plausible explanation from the information that they had on hand.

“We believe they’re mostly members of the Imperial Army, not the Banfield Family.”

“—So they’re sending in their real army.”

Liam was the odd one here for attacking with his own fleet. In situations like this, it was normal to fight alongside the Imperial Army.

“He’s lost a considerable number of troops during the previous battle. He might be a duke, but losing hundreds of thousands of ships is nothing to scoff at.”

Aluna felt exasperated knowing that Liam was relying on the Imperial Army to invade.

“Still, it’s just a million ships. We have three times that number.”

Although the Kingdom of Dominion had also suffered heavy losses, they had a home-field advantage when it came to defending their territory.

Aluna’s expression turned grim.

“I won’t forget the resentment of being ignored on the battlefield.”

An unbelievable report arrived while she was fuming.

“Your Highness!”

“What is it?”

“The Imperial Army is destroying our fleets one after another and heading for the capital with unstoppable momentum!”


Her brain froze for a moment when she heard that the Imperial Army numbering one million was heading straight for the capital.

The idea of taking down the capital was nothing new, but doing so without adequate preparation was a foolish undertaking.

Issues with supply and maintenance would undoubtedly arise, and the army would run the risk of being isolated in enemy territory.

This was why wars usually progressed very slowly, with each side capturing important bases before moving forward.

“He must be looking down on us.”

Aluna couldn’t comprehend Liam’s actions. However, she felt uneasy after hearing that the Imperial Army was advancing with incredible momentum.

“—Assemble all units. We mustn’t allow any more defeats!”

Within the Kingdom of Dominion.

After boarding Avid, I lightly grasp the control sticks and tap on them with my index fingers.

The scenery reflected on the monitor is that of the Kingdom of Dominion’s fleet, now reduced to space debris.

“They’re quite tough, but they’re nothing special.”

Avid is standing there holding a katana, with Eins and Zwei of the Amaryllis flanking it.

Zwei’s left arm has undergone on-site emergency repair, and while I brought my junior disciples along to serve as escorts, my true intention is to teach them how to behave on the battlefield.

In other words, it’s part of their training.

Creating some distance with the two aircraft, I make Avid turn around.

Our allied fleet which has undergone reorganization comes into view, appearing much more united than before.

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It’s still far from ideal, but it’s at least better than what we started with.

“The Kingdom of Dominion turned out to be a real godsend, don’t you agree?”

I ask this of my junior disciples in an intimidating manner.

Their faces, which are projected on the monitor, seem considerably firmer than before, with no trace of joking around.

Their eyes are gleaming like the time we first met.

—They’re the eyes of swordsmen.

‘Yes, and I’ll be the one to slay Aluna,’ Fuuka says, determined.

However, Rinho interjects, ‘She’s mine. Get in my way, and I’ll kill you before finishing her off.’

Conversations like these are commonplace, but this time around, their words are dripping with killing intent.

After being separated from Master, they’ve finally gone back to how they were before.

Ideally, Master’s presence or lack thereof shouldn’t affect their performance, but I’ll leave that aside for now.

“She’s too much for you guys to handle. Besides, I promised to face her this time, so hold yourselves back.”

‘But Senior Brother!’ ‘Why!!’

Through the monitor, I glare at them for questioning my orders. In response, Avid lets go of its sword and grabs the Amaryllis by their necks.

The sword floats about in space before disappearing into a magic circle.

The two Amaryllis desperately resist Avid, but to no avail. It seems Avids dissatisfied with them as well.

“I don’t have time for this. We need to wrap this up quickly so that I can return to our home planet.”

Fuuka and Rinho lower their heads in frustration.

That’s when we receive a call from Tia.

‘Lord Liam, we’ve received a report from the scouts. The kingdom is assembling its fleet near its capital. They have approximately three million troops under their command.’

Since we’re heading for the capital, it seems Aluna is preparing the stage for us.

“How considerate of her. We should get going as well then.”

A massive magic circle unfolds behind Avid, and the bow of an enormous battleship appears from within.

The battleship slowly comes out and transforms.

“Izel was able to entertain me. Let’s see how well Aluna fares.”

The Kingdom of Dominion had been waiting for the Imperial Army’s arrival.

Aluna, who was onboard Arachne, observed the battlefield from various angles through the hundreds of offshoots that all served as her eyes.

Arachne was an atypical knight that allowed Aluna to grasp everything that was happening on the battlefield.

However, Aluna was witnessing an unbelievable sight.

“What a monster.”

The Imperial Army had brought along a humanoid weapon that was larger than most battleships.

The humanoid weapon was equipped with optic lasers on each of its fingers, and small-sized ships were being swallowed up by its attacks.

One of the kingdom’s battleships was pierced by a beam, subsequently leading to its destruction. An offshoot was dragged into the mess and crushed as well.

The experience from the offshoot was propagated back to Aluna, but there was nothing she could learn from it.

‘Your Highness! That’s the giant humanoid weapon that the former Crown Prince Izel took down!’

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Her subordinate’s report only served to infuriate Aluna.

She was supposed to be the strongest of them all. Since Izel was able to defeat it, she’d have no trouble dealing with it either, right?

That felt like the hidden message she was receiving.

In actuality, Aluna was struggling to come up with a countermeasure against the giant humanoid weapon.

(Its performance must have gone up after Izel defeated it.)

More offshoots tried to approach the giant humanoid weapon, but they were met with an even fiercer barrage of attacks.

The two aircraft flying around the giant humanoid weapon were proving to be a headache as well.

All in all, more than 60 offshoots had already been destroyed.


An offshoot was destroyed by a dual-wielding mobile knight.

‘It’s all because of you that Senior Brother scolded us! —Pay for your sins by disappearing from my sight.’

Another offshoot was cut down, this time by a different knight which was also painted white.

“They’re stronger than before. How troublesome.”

If it had been one or the other, she would’ve been able to handle the situation somehow.

However, she was struggling to deal with the combined onslaught of the giant humanoid weapon and the swordswomen of the School of One Flash.

Nevertheless, she wasn’t about to raise the white flag anytime soon.

“—Then how about this?”

The offshoots were paired up and combined back-to-back so that they had an unhindered view of their entire surrounding.

Then, Aluna had them attack enemies other than the giant humanoid weapon and the two swordswomen.

“You guys are strong, I’ll give you that. However, wars aren’t fought alone. How will you cope with this, Liam?”

Aluan switched her strategy to eliminating Liam’s allies.


That’s my honest opinion.

“So she’s given up on defeating me and has switched to a battle of attrition, where we compete over who kills the small fries first.”

Both sides have been fighting without being able to land a decisive blow on the other, so Aluna’s begun aiming for our allies instead.

By the way, the giant humanoid weapon, which is a mouthful to say, is called [Griffin], and I’m using it to take down enemy ships left and right.

Basically, we’re both wearing each other down by taking care of the small fries.

How pointless. How utterly pointless.

Aluna’s made the right call, but it’s taken all the fun out of the fight.

She’s definitely a gifted commander though, unlike Izel who was more of a warrior.

“She excels in military combat. As an individual, Izel seems to be the stronger of the two—”

As I’m analyzing the fight, I chance upon something interesting from the information that Griffin has gathered from the surrounding.

I display it on my monitor, and it shows one of our mobile knights fighting against one of Arachne’s offshoots.

In this battle between mobile knights, Arachne’s offshoot seems to have the upper hand.

Both in terms of the aircraft’s performance and the pilot’s skill, Aluna is several steps above that of general knights.

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Some of our units are ganging up on the offshoots, while others are aiming their battleships’ main guns at them.

Amid all this, some mobile knights are destroying the offshoots by themselves.

“—Umu, they’re working hard.”

Most of our strongest knights come from elsewhere.

However, among the knights that are producing results on the battlefield, there are those who were born in the Banfield Family’s territory.

It’s almost been a century since I formed the Knights Order, but it’s only now that talents are starting to emerge.

This battle signifies the birth of the Banfield Family’s ace pilots.

“It was definitely worth losing half our troops.”

By sacrificing half our fleet, we’ve gained powerful allies.

“The Knights Order is finally beginning to take shape.”

I say this not only in terms of quantity, but also in terms of quality.

“We have Aluna to thank for this! As a reward, I’ll take care of her myself.”

Griffin’s hatch opens, and Avid comes out from within.

Griffin stops in its tracks, and I have Avid head towards Aluna.

I cut down the enemies that appear before me as I move forward, be it the offshoots or battleships, eventually closing in on the ancient weapon that Aluna is on.

A battleship comes in between us to protect her, but it gets swiftly chopped in half by Avid which appears unarmed.

Avid weaves through the bisected battleship and appears before Aluna, who seems shocked and immediately tries to create some distance.

She begins retreating by activating the reverse jet engine, and Avid gives chase, destroying any and all mobile knights that approach us.

‘W-what have you done!?’

Aluna doesn’t seem to understand what’s happening.

It can’t be helped, since the allies around her are being destroyed one after another, seemingly for no reason.

Avid’s not equipped with any weapon, which is why from Aluna’s point of view, it would look like her allies are self-destructing.

“You were able to see past my junior disciples’ One Flash. You’re talented, alright.”

‘What nonsense are you spouting! You didn’t do anything!’

Not only is she talented, but she also has a lot of combat experience, making her a formidable foe.

It makes sense that Rinho and Fuuka couldn’t beat her.

They might’ve won if they were fighting with their real bodies, but it would’ve probably resulted in them getting injured as well.

Unfortunately, she has no chance of seeing through my One Flash.

After all, neither I nor Avid are using a weapon.

“What you’re seeing is the real One Flash. It’s nothing like the half-assed technique that my junior disciples use. Still, I’m grateful for what you’ve done, so I’ll show you the real thing.”

It goes without saying that I’m lying.

Secret techniques aren’t meant to be shown.

Anyone who sees it must be killed! That’s what secret techniques are meant to be.

But Master once told me in the past that as long as One Flash is trained to completion, none of that will matter.

Because it simply can’t be seen.

The lower portion of Arachne’s body gets detached, and the mobile knight that Aluna is on grows eight arms.

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‘You spent too much time dilly-dallying!’

Looking around, Avid’s been surrounded by hundreds of offshoots, and each of their eight arms is about to launch an attack.

The idea of overwhelming me with numbers isn’t bad.

After all, battles are all about numbers.

However, against me who has overwhelming strength, these aren’t nearly enough.

The attack that rains down on us gets easily repelled by Avid’s force field.

“You should’ve prepared tens of thousands of these if you wished to challenge me. With only this many, they’re not a threat at all. Even Izel was stronger than this.”

Avid is an ideal aircraft that’s disregarded cost performance. An ancient weapon’s got nothing on Avid.


I slowly approach Aluna, who has no means of destroying Avid.

“Tell you what, after I fought Izel, Avid underwent some modifications. What do you think was used at that time?”

‘Could it be—!?’

The eight-armed ancient weapon that Izel used to pilot. Unlike Arachne, its emphasis was on individual strength.

When it was finally destroyed, it turned into a liquid, but I had them retrieved and analyzed.

“Izel’s aircraft was of use to me. I wonder what I can get from yours?”

After analyzing Izel’s ancient weapon, Avid and Griffin were modified.

Aluna charges at me when I tell her how much their performance was able to improve

However, she isn’t attacking out of anger, but rather out of delight.

‘That’s what I’m talking about! You’re the best, Liam! The weak are food for the strong. If you can become stronger by consuming me, I’m all for it! Eat to your heart’s content!’

Aluna holds back nothing in her attack, activating beam swords in all eight of her aircraft’s arms.

Her aircraft excels in group combat, which makes it inferior to Izel’s when it comes to direct specs, but this one also has its advantages.

Also, I have a favorable impression of Aluna.

She always goes straight to the point, like that time when she asked for my genes. In fact, I’d like Cleo to take a page out of her book.

“I’ll keep you alive for now.”

Right after saying that, I slash off all eight of the ancient weapon’s arms.

Aluna’s bitter voice could be heard from the ancient weapon which is now floating about in space.

‘What are you planning to do?’

She seems to be dissatisfied with me for not finishing her off, but I have a use for her.

I’ll make her work until the day she dies.

“From now on, everything within the Kingdom of Dominion, which naturally includes you, will be under my rule.”


Wakagi-chan ( ・∀・)ノ: “‘The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs’ Volume 9 will be out by the 30th. Please consider checking it out!”

Brian (´;ω;`): “It’s painful. Lord Liam’s looking down on enemies on the battlefield. It’s painful.”

Brian (`・ω・´): “Other than that, please show Volume 4 of ‘I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire’ lots of love!”

Wakagi-chan (#゜Д゜): “Stinky old man! I told you behind the scenes to focus on promoting Mob Seka!”

Brian (´;ω;`): “Hyiiii!”

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